Are you ready to take the red pill and uncover the truth hidden from the masses? If so, look no further than the Telegram channel 'Redpill Beena' (@redpillbeena). This channel is dedicated to diving deep into conspiracy theories and exposing what lies beneath the surface of reality. With a tagline that quotes the famous line from The Matrix, 'You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes,' Redpill Beena invites its followers to question everything they think they know. From shocking revelations about public figures to uncovering hidden agendas behind world events, this channel is not for the faint of heart. One of the channel's most controversial theories revolves around former President Barack Obama, claiming he is the Son of Perdition, a clone of Akhenaten, and the Biblical Antichrist. If you're intrigued by unconventional perspectives and willing to explore ideas that challenge the mainstream narrative, Redpill Beena is the perfect place for you. Join the conversation, share your thoughts, and prepare to have your worldview shaken to its core. Remember, once you take the red pill, there's no going back. Are you ready to see how deep the rabbit hole goes? Visit 'Redpill Beena' on Telegram today and embark on a journey of discovery unlike any other.
24 Jan, 15:49
19 Jan, 15:16
18 Jan, 01:06
27 Dec, 16:57
24 Dec, 23:55
21 Dec, 15:13
13 Dec, 14:19
06 Dec, 17:39
03 Dec, 16:52
26 Nov, 16:01
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08 Nov, 13:28
31 Oct, 13:15
29 Oct, 23:06
28 Oct, 15:48
22 Oct, 17:11
21 Oct, 17:37
21 Oct, 16:53
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20 Oct, 02:19
20 Oct, 00:50
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19 Oct, 17:49
19 Oct, 15:23
17 Oct, 21:59