- يحفظ الشنقيطي
💤مـــحــمـد is a Telegram channel dedicated to the poetry and reflections of the talented poet Mohamed. The channel username, @qzad2, reflects the unique style and creativity of the content shared in this channel. Mohamed's poetry delves into deep emotions, thoughts, and experiences, often touching on themes of love, spirituality, and introspection. The channel description, 'باقي من الليل مايكفي لشِّعر و صلاة ثنتين ما تجتمع فيني .. وجمّعتها.' hints at the profound and thought-provoking nature of the poems and reflections shared by Mohamed. If you're looking for poetry that stirs the soul and sparks introspection, make sure to join 💤مـــحــمـد on Telegram today!
28 Jan, 09:58
27 Jan, 20:05
27 Jan, 10:24
26 Jan, 10:02
25 Jan, 14:59
25 Jan, 09:33
24 Jan, 14:37
24 Jan, 10:43
21 Jan, 03:24
21 Jan, 02:47
20 Jan, 17:00
20 Jan, 11:34
19 Jan, 15:41
19 Jan, 11:54
20 Oct, 17:02