Drops of ‘Ilm - قطرات العلم




Drops of ‘Ilm - قطرات العلم

23 Oct, 05:58

قال شيخ الإسلام ابن تيمية رحمه الله :

ليس لأحد أن يضع للناس عقيدة ولا عبادة من عنده؛ بل عليه أن يتبع ولا يبتدع، ويقتدي ولا يبتدي.

مجموع الفتاوى (٤٩٠/١١)

Sheikh al Islam Ibn Taymiyyah, may Allah have mercy on him, said:

No one has the right to institute for people a belief or act of worship that he made up.

Rather, he must follow and not innovate, take example and not originate (be a pioneer).

Majmoo Al Fataawaa (11/490)

Drops of ‘Ilm - قطرات العلم

23 Oct, 00:59

قال الشيخ الفوزان حفظه الله:

الإسلام الصحيح غريب اليوم، أما الإسلام المدَّعى، فالمسلمون اليوم يزيدون على المليار، ولكن الإسلام الصحيح غريب، إذ لو كان هذا المليار إسلامهم صحيح لم يقف أمامهم أحد من العالم! فاليهود الذين هم إخوان القردة والخنازير الذين ضُربت عليهم الذلّة والمسكنة، الآن هم مسيطرون على بلاد المسلمين، والمسلمون الذين كانوا مع النبي ﷺ في بدر كان عددهم ثلاثَ مئة وبضعةَ عشر، وماذا صنعوا؟ فالصحابة بالنسبة لأهل الأرض كم هم؟ ومع هذا فتحوا الأمصار، وأسقطوا كسرى وقيصر، وسادوا العالم كله؛ لأنهم مسلمون الإسلام الصحيح، ما هو إسلام ادِّعائي.

سلسلة شرح الرسائل للإمام محمد بن عبدالوهاب، ص. ١٥٨

Sheikh Al Fawzan, may Allah preserve him, said:

True Islam is strange today, whereas (based on the) Islam claimed (by the people), Muslims today exceed one billion. However, true Islam is strange.

Because if this billion followed authentic Islam, no one in the world would be able to stand against them! The Jews, who are the brothers of apes and pigs, upon whom humiliation and misery fell, now dominate the lands of the Muslims.

The Muslims who were with the Prophet ﷺ at the Battle of Badr numbered just over three hundred and what did they achieve? How many Sahabah were there compared to the people of the earth? Yet, despite this, they conquered lands, toppled Khosrow and Caesar (the Persian and Byzantine empires), and dominated the entire world, because they were Muslims with an authentic Islam, not with a “claimed” Islam.

Silsilah Sharh Rasail Al Imam Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhab, p. 158

Drops of ‘Ilm - قطرات العلم

22 Oct, 06:33

Sheikh Sulaiman Al Ruhayli حفظه الله said:

The manhaj of making takfir on Muslim rulers and those who oppose the Ikhwan, as well as the generalization of takfir against Muslims, except for those who agree with the Ikhwan, began when the group of the Ikhwan was founded.

Sayyid Qutb manifested this and the thinkers of the group declared it to be the group’s manhaj.

Today, this ideology is propagated by people who claim to be moderate, or they are described as thinkers, taking advantage of the emotional turmoil caused by the events happening in wounded Gaza.

Beware of them and beware of their manhaj, for it corrupts Religion and the dunya.

Drops of ‘Ilm - قطرات العلم

20 Oct, 16:40

Some places are better - Sheikh Tal’at Zahran

Drops of ‘Ilm - قطرات العلم

20 Oct, 10:27

قال شيخ الإسلام ابن تيمية رحمه الله:

وليس كلّ من وجدَ العلمَ قدرَ على التعبير عنه والاحتجاج له؛ فالعلم شيءٌ، وبيَانُه شيءٌ آخر، والمُناظَرةُ عنه وإقامة دليلهِ شيءٌ ثالث، والجوابُ عن حُجَّةِ مُخالفِه شيءٌ رابعٌ!.

جواب الإعتراضات المصرية، ص. ٤٤

Sheikh al Islam Ibn Taymiyyah, may Allah have mercy on him, said:

Not everyone who possesses knowledge is capable of expressing it and arguing for it.

So, knowledge is one thing, exposing (clarifying)
it is another.

Debating with it and establishing its evidence is a third.

And responding to the argument of one’s opposer is a fourth.

Jawaab al I‘tiraadaat al Misriyyah, p. 44

Drops of ‘Ilm - قطرات العلم

19 Oct, 18:15

Shirk is the problem - Sheikh Muzzamil Faqiri

Drops of ‘Ilm - قطرات العلم

19 Oct, 17:21

A fabricating state - Sheikh Raslan

Drops of ‘Ilm - قطرات العلم

19 Oct, 14:47

قال الإمام ابن القيم رحمه الله:

الحزن يضعف القلب ويوهن العزم، ويغيّر (يضر) الإرادة، ولا شيء أحب إلى الشيطان من حزن المؤمن.

طريق الهجرتين (٢ / ٦٠٧)

Imam Ibn al Qayyim, may Allah have mercy on him, said:

Sadness weakens the heart, undermines determination and alters (harms) willpower.

Nothing is more beloved to Shaytan than the sadness of a believer.

Tariq al Hijratayn (2/607)

Drops of ‘Ilm - قطرات العلم

17 Oct, 23:54

قال شيخ الإسلام ابن تيمية رحمه الله:

ولهذا قيل ان الله يقيم الدولة العادلة وان كانت كافرة
ولا يقيم الظالمة وان كانت مسلمة
ويقال الدنيا تدوم مع العدل والكفر
ولا تدوم مع الظلم والاسلام
وقد قال النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم ليس ذنب اسرع عقوبة من البغي وقطيعة الرحم
فالباغي يصرع في الدنيا وان كان مغفورا له مرحوما في الاخرة
وذلك ان العدل نظام كل شيء فإذا اقيم امر الدنيا بالعدل قامت وإن لم يكن لصاحبها في الأخرة من خلاق.

الاستقامة (٢-٢٤٧)

Sheikh Al Islam Ibn Taymiyyah, may Allah have mercy on him, said:

It is said that Allah supports a just country, even if it is kafir (disbelieving), but He does not support an unjust one, even if it is Muslim.

It is also said: “The world endures with justice and kufr, but it does not endure with injustice and Islam.”

The Prophet ﷺ said: “No sin brings quicker punishment than oppression and severing family ties.” So, an oppressor may be knocked down in this dunya, even if he is forgiven and shown mercy in the Hereafter.

This is because justice is the structure of all things. If the affairs of the dunya are established through justice, it will flourish (remain stable), even if the one administering it has no share in the Hereafter.

Al Istiqaamah (2/247)

Drops of ‘Ilm - قطرات العلم

17 Oct, 16:46

This Religion is not based only on heart-softeners.

Refuting and forbidding evil is also a duty that we have neglected for a very long time and it is crucial in times like ours, where evil has peaked.

If you are angry at people exposing blatant evil, then you know where the door is. We do not need to show it to you.

And this behaviour is very sad, especially when it comes from those who claim to follow Salafiyyah.

May Allah guide us and protect us from all evil. And may Allah purify our hearts.

Drops of ‘Ilm - قطرات العلم

17 Oct, 16:31

Uthman Qutbees - Sheikh Muzzamil Faqiri

Drops of ‘Ilm - قطرات العلم

17 Oct, 10:14

Sheikh Rabi’ and Sheikh Muqbil - Sheikh Muzzamil Faqiri

Drops of ‘Ilm - قطرات العلم

16 Oct, 15:19

Are they still our “brothers”? - Sheikh Ibrahim Al Muhaymid, Sheikh Muhammad bin Hadi

Drops of ‘Ilm - قطرات العلم

16 Oct, 13:40

Know your enemies and beware of them!

Sheikh Sulaiman Al Ruhayli حفظه الله said:

The Salaf used to say: “Beware of anything that corrupts your Religion.”

So, how about the one who will corrupt your Religion and your worldly life (dunya), distort your sense of honour and play with your emotions?

And all this can be found in the manhaj and speech of the Ikhwan Al Muslimeen and those aligned with them, those who branched off from them, those who became a mount for them, those who walk in their footsteps, those who defend them and those turn around the saying: “To them their good deeds and to them their mistakes.” And those who pretend to cry while demanding (from others) to be just in their judgment against them according to their claims.

So beware of them, do not listen to them, and do not enter into their accounts if you want to be upright in your Religion and your dunya. And beware, may Allah protect you, of all those who oppose the Salafi Aqidah, whether a little or a lot.

Your capital where your success lies is the Salafi Aqidah and the pure Salafi manhaj, so do not expose it to anything that could taint it.

Drops of ‘Ilm - قطرات العلم

15 Oct, 17:13

How the Shiah view Iblis - Sheikh Ibrahim Al Muhaymid

Drops of ‘Ilm - قطرات العلم

14 Oct, 18:37

Al Qardawi, the man with no honour - Sheikh Muzzamil Faqiri

Drops of ‘Ilm - قطرات العلم

14 Oct, 16:30

The Sufis adopted Shirk - Sheikh Shihab Awad

Drops of ‘Ilm - قطرات العلم

13 Oct, 18:43

Umar did not suspend hudud - Sheikh Tal’at Zahran

Drops of ‘Ilm - قطرات العلم

13 Oct, 13:50

“I have no problem with the Shiah” - Sheikh Tal’at Zahran