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Drops of ‘Ilm - قطرات العلم




Drops of ‘Ilm - قطرات العلم (Arabic)

تهدف قناة Drops of ‘Ilm - قطرات العلم إلى نشر المعرفة والفائدة بطريقة مبتكرة وشيقة. إذا كنت تبحث عن مصدر للمعلومات المفيدة والمثرية، فإن هذه القناة هي الوجهة المثالية لك. من خلال محتواها الجذاب والمتنوع، تقدم قطرات العلم معلومات قيمة في مجالات مختلفة مثل التاريخ، الثقافة، العلوم والتكنولوجيا. يمكنك متابعة القناة على قنواتها الأخرى مثل اليوتيوب والإنستغرام للحصول على المزيد من المحتوى المثير والمفيد. إذا كنت ترغب في توسيع معرفتك والاستمتاع بتجربة تعليمية فريدة، فإن Drops of ‘Ilm - قطرات العلم هي الخيار الأمثل. انضم إلينا اليوم واستعد لاكتشاف عالم من المعرفة والتعلم الشيق.

Drops of ‘Ilm - قطرات العلم

07 Jan, 18:05

Because people are unjust - Sheikh Tal’at Zahran

Drops of ‘Ilm - قطرات العلم

07 Jan, 15:57

قال الشيخ العلامة المحدث أحمد النجمي رحمه الله:

وقد ثبتَ لدينا أن هناكَ أناسٌ يَدخلونَ في السلفية، لا مِن أجل تَكثِير سواد السلفيين، ونُصرَة الحَقِّ، والتعاون على البِر والتقوى، ولكن من أجلِ إشَاعَة الفَوضَى بينَ السلفيين، ونَشر بذور الخِلافات، التي لا تَنتَهِي، بل تُزهِّدُ في اتِّبَاع المنهج السلفي، وهذه مكائِد يَبُثّها الأعداءُ من حدادية، وإخوانية، وسرورية، وقطبية وغيرهم!.

من مراسلة الشيخ أحمد النجمي رحمه الله لشيخنا الفاضل أبي الفضل محمد بن عمر الصويعي حفظه الله.

بتاريخ : ٢٦ / جماد الأول/ ١٤٢٧


The great scholar and muhaddith, sheikh Ahmad an Najmi, may Allah have mercy on him, said:

It is an established fact that there are people who enter into Salafiyyah not to increase the numbers of Salafis, support the truth and mutually help each other in righteousness and piety, but rather to spread chaos among the Salafis and sow the seeds of endless disputes. These disputes even discourage people from following the Salafi manhaj. These are the schemes spread by enemies such as the Haddadis, the Ikhwanis, the Sururis, the Qutbis and others.

From the correspondence of sheikh Ahmad an Najmi, may Allah have mercy on him, to our esteemed sheikh Abu al Fadl Muhammad bin Umar as Suway’i, may Allah preserve him.

Dated: 26th Jumada al Awwal, 1427 AH.

Drops of ‘Ilm - قطرات العلم

07 Jan, 14:48

Who divided the Ummah? - Sheikh Muzzamil Faqiri

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06 Jan, 17:15

Uttering the intention - Sheikh Muhaddith Uthman As Salimi

Drops of ‘Ilm - قطرات العلم

05 Jan, 17:48

How can you choose innovation over the Sunnah? - Sheikh Sulaiman Al Ruhayli

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05 Jan, 16:34

Whenever you see an innovator, mumayyi’, or a wicked individual twisting or taking the principles of Salafiyyah and the speech of the scholars out of context, strive your best to hasten in sharing refutations from the scholars or their actual views.

Do not allow the corruption of such individuals to obscure the truth, and do not grow tired of spreading the truth as much as you can, for the deceivers are multiplying, and many people are struggling to find the truth.

May Allah deal with the deceivers and remove them from all platforms.

Drops of ‘Ilm - قطرات العلم

05 Jan, 15:19

Only Salafis are Ahlus Sunnah - Sheikh Ibn Uthaymeen

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05 Jan, 13:48

You’re at war…They’re at home! - Sheikh Muzzamil Faqiri

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04 Jan, 21:03

The deception and tamyee’ of Uthman Al Khamees

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04 Jan, 19:59

The fake descendants - Sheikh Muzzamil Faqiri

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04 Jan, 18:26

The Importance of Honoring Elders!

🎙️Sheikh Muzzamil Faqeeri حفظه الله


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04 Jan, 18:23

‏قال الشيخ الفوزان حفظه الله:

إذا أعجبك كلام في الدين فلا تعجل حتى تنظر فيه، هل هو مؤسس على حق وأدلة أم هو من الرأس والفكر، فهذا غثاء كغثاء السيل اتركه أما إن كان مؤسسا ومؤصلا على الكتاب والسنة، فهذا حق.

إتحاف القاري بالتعليقات على شرح السنة للبربهاري، ص. ٨٨

Sheikh Al Fawzan, may Allah preserve him, said:

If a statement about Religion pleases you, do not be hasty until you verify it. Is it founded upon truth and evidence, or is it from imagination and thoughts?

In the latter case, leave it, it has no value, like the froth of a torrent. But if it is founded and based on the Book and the Sunnah, then it is the truth.

Ithaaf al Qaari bit Taliqaat ‘ala Sharh as Sunnah lil Barbahaari, p. 88

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04 Jan, 15:47

Reciting the Quran at funerals - Sheikh Salih As Suhaymi

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04 Jan, 10:43

This is the dawah, don’t be deceived! - Sheikh Muzzamil Faqiri

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04 Jan, 07:08

Leave this type of friend - Sheikh Muhammad bin Ramzan Al Hajiri

Drops of ‘Ilm - قطرات العلم

03 Jan, 22:55


Drops of ‘Ilm - قطرات العلم

03 Jan, 16:14

Why did you not turn to Allah? - Sheikh Shihab Awad

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03 Jan, 11:56

Sadly, how many people see this is basically:

Says that Allah is above the Throne = His Aqidah is good

Raises his hands in Salah = His Fiqh is good

Lets the beard grow = He’s upon the Sunnah

Therefore, he is considered a trustworthy person and knowledge can be taken from him….

May Allah guide us.

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03 Jan, 11:50

He lets his beard grow, says that Allah is above the Throne and raises his hands in Salah...

And just like that, they have made him either an ustadh or a sheikh!

Are these the basic requirements for being a sheikh nowadays? Let us know where to get such a license and how much the fees are…

الله المستعان

Drops of ‘Ilm - قطرات العلم

02 Jan, 15:20

قال الشيخ تقي الدين الهلالي رحمه الله:

والمسلمون في هذا الزمان هم أكبر مانع لغيرهم من الدخول في الإسلام، لعدم تمسكهم بالإسلام، وانحرافهم عن جادته، وبعدهم عن أخلاقه.

سبيل الرشاد (٢٣٦/١)

Sheikh Taqi ad Din al Hilali, may Allah have mercy on him, said:

The Muslims in this era are the greatest obstacle preventing others from entering Islam, due to their lack of adherence to Islam, their deviation from its straight path and their distance from its morals.

Sabeel ar Rashaad (1/236)

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02 Jan, 10:48

قال الله تعالى :

{يَا أَيُّهَا النَّبِيُّ إِنَّا أَرْسَلْنَاكَ شَاهِدًا وَمُبَشِّرًا وَنَذِيرًا وَدَاعِيًا إِلَى اللَّهِ بِإِذْنِهِ وَسِرَاجًا مُنِيرًا}
سورة الأحزاب : ٤٥ - ٤٦

قال الإمام ابن تيمية رحمه الله :

« سمَّى الله نبيه محمدا ﷺ ‌{سراجًا ‌منيرًا}، وسمَّى الشمس {سراجًا ‌وهَّاجًا}، والسراج المنير أكمل من السراج ‌الوهَّاج، فإن ‌الوهاج له حرارة تؤذي، والمنير يُهْتَدَى بنوره من غير أذى بوهجه. »

الجواب الصحيح (٣/٣٧٢)

Allah, the Most High, says:

{O Prophet! Verily, We have sent you as witness, and a bearer of glad tidings, and a warner. And as one who invites to Allah by His Leave, and an illuminating lamp.} [Al Ahzab 45:46]

Imam Ibn Taymiyyah, may Allah have mercy on him, commented:

Allah named His Prophet Muhammadﷺ a ‘“Siraaj Muneer” (illuminating lamp) and named the sun a “Siraaj Wahhaaj” (blazing/burning lamp). The illuminating lamp is more perfect than the blazing lamp, because the blazing lamp has heat that can harm, while the illuminating lamp guides with its light without causing harm through its intensity.

Al Jawaab As Saheeh (3/372)

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01 Jan, 18:17

Remember these four things - Sheikh Salih As Sindi

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01 Jan, 16:37

قال الشيخ تقي الدين الهلالي رحمه الله:

والشيعة يسمون عبد علي، وكلب علي وعبد الزهراء، وعبد الأمير، وأمثال ذلك من الأسماء الشركية ومن أغرب ما وقع لي في ذلك، أنني سافرت من جدة إلى بومباي ورأيت الحجاج يقتتلون على الماء، فاستأجرت شابًا فارسيًّا يأتيني بالماء من مستقى الباخرة من جدة إلى بومباي بروبيتين أي: درهمين هنديين، اسم ذلك الشاب عبد علي، فكنت أتجاهل اسمه وأناديه يا عبد العلي، فيغضب ويقول: (عبد العلي نا) ونا بالفارسية هي حرف النفي ترادف لا بالعربية.
ثم يكرر عبد علي عبد علي، فإذا نسبته إلى اللّٰه العلي يغضب ويريد أن ينسب إلى العبد وهو علي.

مناظرتان بين رجل سني وهو الدكتور محمد تقي الدين الهلالي الحسيني وإمامين مجتهدين شيعيين، ص. ٦

Sheikh Taqi ad Din al Hilali, may Allah have mercy on him said:

The Shiah have names such as ’Abdu ’Ali (servant of ’Ali [Ibn Abi Talib]), Kalbu ’Ali (dog of ’Ali), ’Abduz Zahraa’ (servant of [Fatima] Az Zahraa’), ’Abdul Amir, or other polytheistic names of this type.

The strangest thing that ever happened to me regarding this fact occurred during my journey from Jeddah to Bombay. I saw pilgrims quarreling over water, so I hired a young Persian man to fetch water for me from the ship’s water point, from Jeddah to Bombay, in exchange for two rupees, that is, two Indian dirhams.

And this young man was named ’Abdu ’Ali, but I pretended to ignore his name and called him: ’Abdul ’Aliyy (servant of the Most High).

He would get angry and say: “‘Abdul ‘Aliyy Na!” In Persian, “Na” is a negation particle, synonymous with “La” in Arabic. Then he would repeat: “‘Abdu ’Ali! Abdu ‘Ali!’”

When I connected “‘Abdu” to “Al ‘Aliyy”, who is Allah, he would become angry and wanted it be connected to “‘Ali”, who is merely a servant.

“Two debates between a Sunni man, Dr. Muhammad Taqi ad Din al Hilali al Husseini, and two Shiah mujtahid imams”, p. 6

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31 Dec, 23:15

يَـٰٓأَيُّهَا ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُوا۟ لَا تَتَّخِذُوا۟ ٱلْيَهُودَ وَٱلنَّصَـٰرَىٰٓ أَوْلِيَآءَ ۘ بَعْضُهُمْ
أَوْلِيَآءُ بَعْضٍ

O you who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians as Auliya’ (friends, protectors, helpers), they are but Auliya’ of each other.

Al Ma’idah :51

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31 Dec, 22:58

Isn’t it contradicting to drink beverages that do not support the Jews in order to celebrate the festivities of those who do support the Jews?

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31 Dec, 15:53

قال الْشَّيْخ أَبي الفَضْل الصُّوَيْعيِ حفظه الله:

ليس هناك أضر على الدعوة السلفية من الدخلاء فيها من المتعالمين الذي يريدون أن يتدخلوا في كل أمر

ولهم في كل مسألة قول

وقد ساعدتهم التقنية الحديثة فأصبحوا طلبة علم بدون عناء ولا تعب إنما هو الإعتكاف على الفيس وغيره وقد إغتر بهم الكثير ممن هم خارج بلدانهم مع حسن ظن من بعض إخواننا طلبة العلم بهم يرونهم يردون على بعض خصومهم .

نصيحة مشفق اتركوا شيوخ الفيسبوك فإن قلت من هم؟

أقول :سوف تعرفونهم بعد هذا المنشور

(وَلَوْ نَشَاءُ لَأَرَيْنَاكَهُمْ فَلَعَرَفْتَهُم بِسِيمَاهُمْ ۚ وَلَتَعْرِفَنَّهُمْ فِي لَحْنِ الْقَوْلِ ۚ وَاللَّهُ يَعْلَمُ أَعْمَالَكُمْ )


Sheikh Abu Al Fadl As Suway’i, may Allah preserve him, said:

There is nothing more harmful to the Salafi dawah than intruders among it, the muta’allimeen (those who feign knowledge) who want to interfere in every matter.

They have an opinion on every issue.

Modern technology has helped them. They have become students of knowledge without effort or struggle, merely by secluding themselves on Facebook and other platforms.

Many people, especially those living abroad, have been deceived by them. Even some of our brothers among (actual) students of knowledge have a good opinion about them, seeing them refute some of their opponents.

A sympathetic’s advice: leave these Facebook “sheikhs”. If you ask, “Who are they?”

I say: you will recognize them after this post.

{Had We willed, We could have shown them to you, and you should have known them by their marks; but surely, you will know them by the tone of their speech! And Allah knows (all) your deeds.} [Muhammad : 30]

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31 Dec, 14:19

فال شيخ الإسلام ابن تيمية رحمه الله :

‌فَالْكَذِبُ ‌عَلَى ‌الشَّخْصِ ‌حَرَامٌ ‌كُلُّهُ ‌سَوَاءٌ ‌كَانَ ‌الرَّجُلُ ‌مُسْلِمًا ‌أَوْ ‌كَافِرًا ‌بَرًّا ‌أَوْ ‌فَاجِرًا ‌لَكِنَّ ‌الِافْتِرَاءَ ‌عَلَى ‌الْمُؤْمِنِ ‌أَشَدُّ؛ بَلْ الْكَذِبُ كُلُّهُ حَرَامٌ.

مجموع الفتاوى، ج. ٢٨ ص. ٢٢٣

Sheikh Al Islam Ibn Taymiyyah, may Allah have mercy on him, said:

Verily, lying against a person is completely forbidden in every aspect. Whether the individual is a Muslim or a kaafir, pious or immoral. But lying against a believer is certainly more severe! Rather all lying is forbidden!

Majmoo’ al Fataawa, jild 28, page 223

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31 Dec, 11:02

Keep invoking Allah - Sheikh Ibn Uthaymeen

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30 Dec, 14:33

Talk about Tawhid to the people! - Sheikh Muzzamil Faqiri

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29 Dec, 23:23

Sheikh Abdus Salaam As Suhaymi, may Allah preserve him, said:

What matters is not the quantity or the situation people are in, but what aligns with the truth, even if few people adhere to it.

Imam Al Shatibi, may Allah have mercy on him, said:

“When innovations and violations increased and people agreed upon (accepted) them, the ignorant began to say: ‘If this were wrong, people would not do it.’”

Al I’tisam (2/271)

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29 Dec, 18:42

“Converted to Islam” or Reverted to Islam”? - Sheikh Muhaddith Uthman As Salimi

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29 Dec, 01:47

Abdul Qadir Al Jilani - Sheikh Muzzamil Faqiri

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28 Dec, 13:27

The misguidance of the Sufis - Sheikh Muzzamil Faqiri

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28 Dec, 07:02

The kuffar or the innovators mock and slander the Salafis, because the lives of the latter revolve around “Allah said…” and “The Messenger ﷺ said…”.

Yet, you will find that the lives of those who mock or slander are filled with: “This footballer said…”, “This singer said…”, “This philosopher said…”, “This doctor said…”, “My grandfather used to say…” and so on.

And all these people they quote from maybe are (or were) very lost, without direction or guidance, and their words are perhaps full of falsehood.

So how can the hearts of such people truly be at peace while swimming in contradiction?

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28 Dec, 06:02

قال الْشَّيْخِ أَبي الفَضْلِ الصُّوَيْعيِ حفظه الله:

رحم الله عبداً تكلم أو كتب في ما يحسن وخاصة في هذه الأيام الطيبة .

وترك السياسة لأهلها فإنها تجر ولنا في الإنفصاليين عظة وعبرة وطالب العلم ينشر الخير والعلم .

نسأل الله أن يوفقنا جميعاً لكل خير.


Sheikh Abu Al Fadl as Suway’i, may Allah preserve him, said:

May Allah have mercy on a servant who speaks or writes about what he excels in, especially in these good days, and leave politics to its people, for it drags along. And for us, there is a moral and a lesson in the separatists. A student of knowledge must spread goodness and knowledge.

We ask Allah to guide us all to everything that is good.

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27 Dec, 10:04

قال العلامة ابن باز رحمه الله

من يستهزئ بالمسلمة أو بالمسلم لأجل تمسكهم بالشريعة الإسلامية فهو كافر

اللجنة الدائمة 3/14

The ‘Allaamah Ibn Baz, may Allah have mercy on him, said:

Whoever mocks a Muslim man or woman because of their adherence to the Islamic Shariah is a kaafir.

اللجنة الدائمة 3/14

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26 Dec, 09:30

قال الْشَّيْخِ أَبي الفَضْلِ الصُّوَيْعيِ حفظه الله:

رحم الله عبداً تكلم أو كتب في ما يحسن وخاصة في هذه الأيام الطيبة .

وترك السياسة لأهلها فإنها تجر ولنا في الإنفصاليين عظة وعبرة وطالب العلم ينشر الخير والعلم .

نسأل الله أن يوفقنا جميعاً لكل خير.


Sheikh Abu Al Fadl as Suway’i, may Allah preserve him, said:

May Allah have mercy on a servant who speaks or writes about what he excels in, especially in these good days, and leave politics to its people, for it drags along. And for us, there is a moral and a lesson in the separatists. A student of knowledge must spread goodness and knowledge.

We ask Allah to guide us all to everything that is good.

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25 Dec, 14:54

Thinking like a Khariji - Sheikh Fawzan

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23 Dec, 16:51

Praying on mats with patterns and designs - Sheikh Usamah Al Utaybi

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22 Dec, 19:07

Sometimes a beautiful separation is better than harmful companionship

قال ابن عبد البر رحمه الله :

والذِي عِنْدِي أَنَّ مَنْ خُشِيَ مِنْ مُجَالَسَتِهِ
وَمُكَالَمَتِهِ الضَّرَرُ فِي الدِّينِ أَوْ فِي الدُّنْيَا
وَالزِّيَادَةُ فِي الْعَدَاوَةِ وَالْبَغْضَاءِ

فَهِجْرَانُهُ وَالْبُعْدُ عَنْهُ خَيْرٌ مِنْ قُرْبِهِ؛

لِأَنَّهُ يَحْفَظُ عَلَيْكَ زَلَّاتِكَ
وَيُمَارِيكَ فِي صَوَابِكَ
وَلَا تَسْلَمُ مِنْ سُوءِ عَاقِبَةِ خُلْطَتِهِ،

وَرُبَّ صَرْمٍ جَمِيلٍ خَيْرٌ من مخالطة مؤذية.

ﺍﻻﺳﺘﺬﻛﺎﺭ (٢٩٠/٨)

Ibn Abd al Barr, may Allah have mercy on him, said:

In my view, if sitting with or speaking to someone is feared to cause harm to one’s Religion or worldly affairs, or increases enmity and hatred, then leaving and distancing oneself from such a person is better than being close to him.

For such a person will hold onto your missteps, dispute with you over your correctness, and you will not be safe from the bad consequences of associating with him. Indeed, sometimes a beautiful separation is better than harmful companionship.

Al Istidhkar (8/290)

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22 Dec, 18:18

Sheikh Maher Al Qahtani:
“What Uthman Al Khamees has told and spread in a video clip that is circulating and spreading, namely, that he perfumes certain individuals with a fragrance while claiming that some hairs of the Prophet ﷺ were immersed in it, is false and a dissemination of tales and innovations. This is because it has not been established that there remain any hairs of the Prophet ﷺ, as it has been authentically reported from Umm Salamah, who kept some in a small bell for healing purposes.”


Sheikh Maher adds:
“Uthman Al Khamees was asked about Bin Laden and responded: ‘I do not speak about him. His case is not clear.’ However, he knows his manhaj, which involves making takfir of rulers and claiming that America is occupying Saudi Arabia. Moreover, he (Al Khamees) supports the Khawarij and the Ikhwan (Al Muslimeen) in their innovated jihad, such as in Gaza, claiming that it is a fight between kufr and Imaan.”


A brother mentions in a comment:
“Once, a poet stood before him (Al Khamees) and recited a poem that belittles and disparages Sheikh Muhammad Aman Al Jami using the term ‘al Jamiyyah’, but Uthman Al Khamees did not rebuke these words.”

Sheikh Maher’s response:
“I seek refuge in Allah from approving falsehood and its followers.”


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10 Dec, 05:58

قال الإمام ابن مفلح رحمه الله:

من عجيب ما نقدت من أحوال الناس كثرة ما ناحوا على خراب الديار، وموت الأقارب والأسلاف، والتحسر على الأرزاق، بذم الزمان وأهله وذكر نكد العيش فيه، وقد رأوا من انهدام الإسلام، وشعث الأديان، وموت السنن، وظهور البدع، وارتكاب المعاصي، وتقص في الفارغ الذي لا يجدي، والقبيح الذي يوبق ويؤذي، فلا أجد منهم من ناح على دينه، ولا بكى على فارط عمره, ولا تأسى على فائت دهره، وما أرى لذلك سببا إلا قلة مبالاتهم بالأديان، وعظم الدنيا في عيونهم، ضد ما كان عليه السلف الصالح يرضون بالبلاغ وينوحون على الدين.

الآداب الشرعية (٣/٢٢٩)

Imam Ibn Muflih, may Allah have mercy on him, said:

Among the strange things I have observed about people’s behaviour is the abundance of their lamentations over the ruin of homes, the death of relatives and ancestors and the sorrow over sustenance.

They also blame the era and its people, while mentioning the distress of living in it. Yet, they witnessed a certain collapse of Islam, the fragmentation of religions, the death of the sunan, the emergence of innovations, the commission of sins, the indulgence in useless futilities and infamies that destroy and harm.

Despite all this, I do not find any among them weeping over their Religion, nor regretting their wasted life, nor lamenting their wasted time.

I see no reason for this other than their lack of concern for matters of Religion and the importance of this world in their eyes, contrary to the state of the Salaf as Salih, who were satisfied with what sufficed them and used to cry for the Religion.

Al Adaab ash Shar’iyyah (3/229)

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09 Dec, 23:56

Sheikh Abu Al Fadl As Suway’i, may Allah preserve him, said:

I advise my Salafi brothers:

To refrain from hastily speaking or writing about emerging tragedies, as this is the domain of senior scholars, and not to follow enthusiastic junior students of knowledge.

Ibn Taymiyyah, may Allah have mercy on him, said: “The hasty man does not remain firm, rather, he falters. Whereas the one with certainty is firm.”

I also caution against applying the hadiths that refer to Ash Sham and its army to the current reality.

May Allah grant everyone success in all that is good.

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09 Dec, 14:44

قال النبي ﷺ:

سَتَكُونُ فِتَنٌ الْقَاعِدُ فِيهَا خَيْرٌ مِنَ الْقَائِمِ، وَالْقَائِمُ خَيْرٌ مِنَ الْمَاشِي، وَالْمَاشِي فِيهَا خَيْرٌ مِنَ السَّاعِي، مَنْ تَشَرَّفَ لَهَا تَسْتَشْرِفْهُ، فَمَنْ وَجَدَ مَلْجَأً أَوْ مَعَاذًا فَلْيَعُذْ بِهِ.

صحيح البخاري ٧٠٨٢

The Prophet ﷺ said:

There will be fitan (tribulations) during which the one sitting will be better than the one standing. And the one standing will be better than the one walking. And the one walking will be better than the one running. Whoever exposes himself to these fitan will be destroyed by them. So whoever finds a refuge or a shelter (from them), let him take refuge in it.

Sahih al Bukhari 7082

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09 Dec, 14:40

And do not treat any of these fitnah as a televised show, as entertainment or as an excuse for trivial talk.

It’s because of this kind of behaviour and taking the Deen lightly that we find ourselves in a very bad situation.

If people around you keep on sharing unfounded rumors and news, advise them. And if they don’t listen, then do not pay attention to them anymore.

Strive to save yourself from situations you may later regret.

We ask Allah to guide us.

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09 Dec, 14:22

In times of fitnah like these, be patient and wait for the trustworthy scholars to speak first and do not hasten to publish or say anything regarding the fitnah, especially about matters you do not fully understand and you know nothing of.

Many things might look very good on the outside, but the reality could be entirely different. Some things may indeed be “too good to be true”. Therefore, wait until the smoke clears.

Do not speculate or spread chaos. Instead, focus on what concerns you, on spreading the correct understanding of Islam and on making dua for the Ummah.

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08 Dec, 23:52

Among the most important things to do after Allah removes a calamity from us, whether it concerns countries or an individual, is to be extremely grateful to Him, avoid heedlessness and return to the correct understanding of Islam.

For a blessing may come in a second and it may be taken away in a second.

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08 Dec, 12:01

There is no doubt that Al Assad’s fall should be a cause of joy for all Muslims.

May Allah grant victory and success to Muslims all over the world and guide them to what pleases Him. May Allah destroy all tyrant oppressors and enemies of Islam.

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08 Dec, 06:22

And may Allah guide all of us to repentance and away from arrogance and from making such statements that could lead to watering down our manhaj.

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08 Dec, 06:22

We ask Allah to guide the brother Abdul Aziz al-Haqqan to repent and retract from this errant statement and this grave false made up accusation which was attributed to the Scholars of Islam and to remove any arrogance that may be in all of our hearts

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07 Dec, 02:20

Refuting, criticizing, praising - Sheikh Muzzamil Faqiri

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07 Dec, 01:17

Talking about rulers instead of Shirk (Refuting an Ikhwani) - Sheikh Muzzamil Faqiri

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06 Dec, 11:45

إن نصفَ الناسِ أعداءٌ لمنْ * * * ولـيَ الأحكامَ هذا إن عَدَلْ

لامية ابن الوردي

Half of the people are enemies to the one
who has the authority to rule, even if he is just.

Laamiyyah of Ibn al Wardi

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06 Dec, 00:48

Raised to love people, not to love the truth - Sheikh Abu Al Fadl As Suway’i

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05 Dec, 18:22

قال الإمام الذهبي رحمه الله :

علامة المخلص الذي قد يحب شهرة، ولا يشعر بها، أنه إذا عوتب في ذلك، لا يحرد ولا يبرئ نفسه؛ بل يعترف، ويقول: رحِم الله من أهدى إليّ عيوبي.

سير أعلام النبلاء (٧/٣٩٣)

Imam adh Dhahabi, may Allah have mercy on him, said:

A sign of a sincere person (towards Allah), who might love fame without realizing it, is that when he is criticized for it, he does not become offended or absolve himself. Rather, he admits it and says:

“May Allah have mercy on the one who gifts me (the opportunity to see) my flaws.”

Siyar A‘lam al Nubala (7/393)

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05 Dec, 17:21

The basic principle for things is permissibility and making the permissible haram is not something to be taken lightly.

Diamonds are gemstones widely used in jewelry and to adorn various pieces of clothing. However, their use is not limited to women’s jewelry. Diamonds can also be used to embellish men’s garments, as we mentioned, or be set into rings, which are halal for men to wear, as we all should know by now. Therefore, diamonds are not “automatically” designated for women.

When we looked at Al Haqqan’s fatwa, we were a bit astonished as nothing came to mind that could prohibit diamonds. And also the principle mentioned in the title of this post is a very well-known and simple fiqh principle. Even innovators would teach you this principle.

Al Haqqan once stated in his Twitter account description that he basically followed and translated the fatwas of sheikh Bin Baz, sheikh Al Uthaymeen and sheikh Al Albani. Yet, when asked about the ruling on diamonds for men, sheikh Bin Baz clearly mentioned that he was not aware of anything prohibited regarding them. He discussed the potential issue on extravagance, yes, however he didn’t see anything wrong with diamonds for men (diamond rings etc.). Therefore, it is clear that Al Haqqan did not translate sheikh Bin Baz’s fatwa.

Al Haqqan once said on his Twitter account: “When Sheikh Al Fawzan speaks, I shut up.” However, when we look up sheikh Fawzan’s fatwa on diamonds for men, he also states that he sees nothing wrong with them. Therefore, it is clear that Al Haqqan did not translate sheikh Fawzan’s fatwa.

Although, even if any of the scholars said something which has no basis and opposed the truth, we still would not accept that opinion from them. We do not glorify or exaggerate in our praise of scholars. Rather, we love and respect them.

On his Instagram description Al Haqqan states “I'm not a mufti, I study and look up Ilm and the fatawa of the scholars and translate them.” So, we ask: where did this fatwa even come from?

Sheikh Uthman As Salimi was contacted regarding this issue and said the same thing about the ruling on diamonds for men: the basic principle is permissibility and there is no proof that forbids diamonds for men. Sheikh also added that we shouldn’t pay attention to Al Haqqan’s words in this case.

Yes, IF one imitates women or indulges in extravagance, that would be a different issue. However, wearing a ring with a diamond (or perhaps another gemstone?) or wearing diamonds as a man does not automatically make it haram in this case.

If Al Haqqan claims that this ruling is to “close the door to evil”, that would still be incorrect. We cannot make life difficult for people under the pretext of “defending the Sunnah”, especially when there is little to no apparent evil in this case. And Allah knows best. Moreover, it seems unlikely that he would make such a claim, as he has previously stated that anime is permissible if all haram elements are removed.

But many people in the comment section realized that this is an incorrect fatwa, and praise be to Allah. A comment section which is basically and constantly filled with insults towards mother Aishah and the Prophetﷺ, yet no action is being taken by our brother Al Haqqan to close this comment section.

We advise Al Haqqan to remove this video and others like it. Just as we advise ourselves first (and we remain open to criticism) to be careful and refrain from sharing, or even worse, issuing fatwas that make the permissible haram.

Some answers may sound nice or even funny to the audience, in the way they are presented, but it’s important to double-check before or refrain from giving a fatwa.

We have also noticed that giving fatwas like this has led many young and ignorant brothers to post videos, share fatwas and recommend deviants.

Maybe he knows some of these young men, so he should also start advising his friends to remove their “fatwas” as well.

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05 Dec, 17:21

Additionally, we advise him to address such matters directly with his friends, rather than waiting for someone else to criticize them first, especially if they consider themselves students of his.

We could also mention that brother Faris Al Hammadi, who is promoted by Al Haqqan, who, by the way, avoids naming individuals, but when it comes to promoting his friends, he doesn’t…so he doesn’t avoid names? This can be confusing for the laymen? Anyway, while brother Faris might have said some questionable things in his fatwas, discussing them in detail would take too long. Therefore, we also advise Al Haqqan to advise those close to him regarding the way they issue fatwas.

We don’t really want to see people posting videos with shaky answers, that lack honesty to some degree, in response to criticism, while seeming bothered by the lack of knowledge from those who criticize, only to go on and do things like these. Contradictions are never good.

Closing note: Always refer back to the scholars of the Sunnah for correct fatwas, and do not become attached to individuals, but rather to the truth.

Keep making dua for your brothers and sisters, because it has become far too easy to slip nowadays.

We ask Allah to guide all of us.

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04 Dec, 19:20

Never belittle any good deed!

قال الشيخ عبد الرزاق البدر حفظه الله:

مما يبهج الصغير استملاح ثوبه، بأن يقول: ثوبك جميل، أو لونه حسن.

أحاديث الأخلاق, ص. ٢٩٨

Sheikh AbdurRazzaq al Badr, may Allah preserve him, said:

One of the things that brings joy to a child is having their garment appreciated, by saying: “Your garment is beautiful!” or “The colour of your garment is nice!”

Ahadith al Akhlaq, p. 298

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04 Dec, 18:53

قال ابن القيم رحمه الله:

المعاصي والفساد توجب الهم والغم، والخوف والحزن، وضيق الصدر، وأمراض القلب […] فلا دواء لها إلا التوبة والاستغفار.

زاد المعاد (٤/١٩١)

Ibn al Qayyim, may Allah have mercy on him, said:

Sins and corruption bring about anxiety, grief, fear, sadness, tightness of the chest and diseases of the heart. […]

And there is no cure for them except repentance (tawbah) and seeking forgiveness (istighfar).

Zaad al Ma’ad (4/191)

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04 Dec, 15:55

If you feel afraid, shy or simply unable to advise someone or a group of people face to face about a certain issue, consider sharing the speech of the scholars online regarding that issue.

It might reach them directly, or it could change someone else who may convey that piece of knowledge to them. At the very least, you are hopefully benefitting yourself by sharing knowledge, because you’re seeking the reward from Allah.

Saving knowledge somewhere for ourselves is not forbidden. However, why not share it with others, of course with wisdom, even if it’s just one person? These individuals are corrupting the world around us, so why do we hesitate to spread even a small piece of beneficial knowledge?

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04 Dec, 15:21

All of us need to be more active in spreading the truth.

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04 Dec, 15:17

The people of innovation and desires spread a lot of misguidance without a second thought.

The moment they see something, they share it with friends, family and everyone else out there, in order to support it.

What are we as Salafis doing, though?

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04 Dec, 10:56

Consensus on the kufr of the Qadianis - Sheikh Salih As Suhaymi

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04 Dec, 06:42

Advice to the Muslims: This is not Jihad! - Sheikh Sulaiman Al Ruhayli

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02 Dec, 16:03

He doesn’t pray Fajr, yet he does this! - Sheikh AbdurRazzaq Al Badr حفظه الله

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30 Nov, 16:43

Advising the ruler privately - Sheikh Ibn Uthaymeen

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30 Nov, 07:45

Sayyid Qutb, Khomeini…and Friday prayers - Sheikh Tal’at Zahran

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29 Nov, 23:45

قال النبي ﷺ:

سَتَكُونُ فِتَنٌ الْقَاعِدُ فِيهَا خَيْرٌ مِنَ الْقَائِمِ، وَالْقَائِمُ خَيْرٌ مِنَ الْمَاشِي، وَالْمَاشِي فِيهَا خَيْرٌ مِنَ السَّاعِي، مَنْ تَشَرَّفَ لَهَا تَسْتَشْرِفْهُ، فَمَنْ وَجَدَ مَلْجَأً أَوْ مَعَاذًا فَلْيَعُذْ بِهِ.

صحيح البخاري ٧٠٨٢

The Prophet ﷺ said:

There will be fitan (tribulations) during which the one sitting will be better than the one standing. And the one standing will be better than the one walking. And the one walking will be better than the one running. Whoever exposes himself to these fitan will be destroyed by them. So whoever finds a refuge or a shelter (from them), let him take refuge in it.

Sahih al Bukhari 7082

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29 Nov, 15:48

قال الشيخ عبد الرزاق البدر حفظه الله:

رغم وضوح هذا المنهج وظهوره وكثرة عوائده وفوائده إلا أنَّه قد ظهرت في زماننا هذا من بعض الأفراد والجماعات مواقف مخذولة وآراء مرذولة تدعو بلا حياء إلى السكوت عن أهل البدع والأهواء وعدم التحذير منهم، وزعموا أن هذا هو المنهج الأقوم والطريق الأحكم، وقالوا: في هذا رأبٌ للصدع ولمُّ للشمل وتوحيدٌ للصفّ وجمعٌ للكلمة. وما من ريبٍ أنَّ هذا منهج باطل، أضراره كثيرة وأخطاره جسيمة على الإسلام والسنة، وفيه أعظم تمكين لأهل البدع والأهواء في نشر ضلالهم وباطلهم، وهو منهج منحرف عن الكتاب والسنة.

القول السديد في الرد على من أنكر تقسيم التوحيد, ص. ١٠

Sheikh AbdurRazzaq Al Badr, may Allah preserve him, said:

Despite the clarity and prominence of this manhaj, as well as its many benefits and advantages, some individuals and groups in our time have adopted degrading positions and ignoble opinions.

Without shame, they call for remaining silent about the people of innovation and desires and refraining from warning against them.

They claim that this is the most upright manhaj and the wisest approach, claiming that it would bridge the cracks, reunite, unify the ranks and that there would be unity.

However, there is no doubt that this is a false manhaj with many harms and grave dangers to Islam and the Sunnah.

It significantly allows the people of innovations and desires to spread their misguidance and falsehood. And it is a manhaj that deviates from the Book and the Sunnah.

The Correct Statement in Refuting Those Who Deny the Categorization of Tawhid, p. 10

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29 Nov, 06:33

Remember all your brothers and sisters around the world who are suffering in your duas.

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28 Nov, 11:04

Do not go to them - Sheikh Muhammad Ibn Hadi

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28 Nov, 08:18

قال الشيخ العلامة أحمد بن يحيى النجمي رحمه الله:

ليس من تتلمذ على شيخ, ثم أحدث حدثا ، يكون شيخه مسؤولا عن ذلك الحدث, وقد خرج من حلقة الحسن البصري واصل بن عطاء و عمرو بن عبيد اللذان أسسا عقيدة الاعتزال, ولم يعتب أحد من السلف الأحياء في ذلك الزمن على الحسن البصري, يزعم أنه شريكهم، علما بأن أعراض المسلمين حمى إلا بحق واضح، و بالأخص العلماء الذين قدموا للإسلام و المسلمين خدمات جلى.

الرسائل و المقالات النجمية (١٣١)

The great scholar sheikh Ahmad bin Yahya an Najmi, may Allah have mercy on him, said:

Just because a student who learned under a scholar ends up introducing an innovation (in the Religion) does not mean that the scholar becomes responsible for it. From the circle of Hasan al Basri came Wasil ibn Ata and Amr ibn Ubayd, both of whom founded the Mu’tazilite belief, but none of the Salaf alive at that time criticized Hasan al Basri or claimed that he is their associate, knowing that the honour of the Muslims is sacred, except with a clear right (valid justification), and especially scholars who have rendered great services to Islam and the Muslims.

Ar Rasa’il wa al Maqalaat an Najmiyyah (131)

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28 Nov, 07:52

قال الإمام البربهاري رحمه الله:

كل بدعة أحدثت في هذه الأمة، كان أولها صغيرا يشبه الحق، فاغتر بذلك من دخل فيها، ثم لم يستطع الخروج منها، فعظمت وصارت دينا يُدان بها فخالف الصراط المستقيم فخرج من الإسلام.

شرح السنة البربهاري (٦٨)

Imam Al Barbahaari, may Allah have mercy on him, said:

Every innovation introduced (invented) into this Ummah was at first something small and resembling the truth. So whoever entered into it was deceived by it and could not get out of it. Then, it grew bigger and it turned into a practiced religion, so he opposed the Straight Path and then left Islam.

Sharh as Sunnah by Al Barbahaari (68)

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28 Nov, 06:24

An impossible marriage? - Sheikh Fawzan

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27 Nov, 15:29

Shaykh Abu Mu’adh Sa’id ibn Sa’di al-Khawlani حفظه الله

Definition of the Hajoori Sect

The Hajoori sect is a disruptive group that claims affiliation with Salafiyyah in words but opposes it in actions. They adopted the science of Jarh wa Ta’dil without knowledge or patience, leading to their own corruption and the corruption of others.

They are named after Yahya ibn Ali al-Hajoori, who was with the people of the Sunnah for some time, then transgressed against them, so they left him.

The Emergence of the Hajoori Sect

This sect began to emerge around the year 1427 AH. After the death of Sheikh Muqbil, al-Hajoori spoke with some of the noble scholars at Dar al-Hadith and said: “As for five years, I am ready to take charge of the dawah.”

This statement revealed that he was prepared for something and had premeditated evil intentions.

When this period ended, al-Hajoori began to subtly criticise and disparage the scholars, gradually revealing his deviations.

When Sheikh Abdul Rahman al-Adani intended to go to Aden to build a Dar al-Hadith for the people of the Sunnah. Al-Hajoori found an opening for fitnah (discord) by claiming that Sheikh Abdurrahman was a Hizbi (partisan). He then extended this accusation to the other scholars, claiming that anyone who did not label Abdurrahman as a Hizbi was themselves a Hizbi.

This led to strife, fragmentation, and blind partisanship.

Prominent Figures of the Hajoori Sect

They are a small, deviant group compared to Ahl al-Sunnah. The most prominent figures in this fitnah (discord) are:

1. Yahya ibn Ali al-Hajoori
2. Abdulhamid al-Hajoori al-Zakari
3. Abu Amr Abdul Karim al-Hajoori
4. Abu Bilal al-Hadrami

There are others among them, but they follow these four individuals, praising those whom they praise and declaring innovation (bid’ah) upon those whom they declare to be innovators.

[Al-Gharat al-Sari’ah fi Bayān Mukhalafat al-Firqah al-Hajūriyyah li manhaj al-Salaf wa Dhawāhir al-Nuṣūṣ, P.19-20]

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27 Nov, 10:44

A simple principle - Sheikh Muhammad Ibn Hadi

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27 Nov, 10:16

قال شيخ علي الرملي حفظه الله:

العلمانية والإسلام لا يجتمعان، إذا كنت علمانيا فلست مسلما، وإذا كنت مسلما فلست علمانياً.


Sheikh Ali Al Ramli, may Allah preserve him, said:

Secularism and Islam do not go together. If you are a secularist, you are not a Muslim, and if you are a Muslim, you are not a secularist.

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27 Nov, 07:12

An ugly trait - Sheikh Muhammad Ibn Hadi

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27 Nov, 02:01

وَاحْفِرْ لِسِرِّكَ في فُُؤَادِكَ مَلْحَدًا
وَادْفِنْهُ في الأَحْشَاءِ أَيَّ دِفَانِ

إِنَّ الصَّدِيقَ مَعَ الْعَدُوِّ كِلاَهُمَا
في السِّرِّ عِنْدَ أُولِي النُّهَى شَكْلاَنِ

نونية القحطاني (٣٨)

Dig a grave for your secret within your heart,
And bury it deep within your innermost being.

Among people of reason, a friend is distinguished from an enemy,
By their ability to keep secrets.

Nuniyyah Al Qahtani (38)

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27 Nov, 01:35

قال الشيخ الفوزان حفظه الله :

كم من العوام الآن انخدعوا ببعض الجماعات يظنون أنها على حق؟ فلا بد أن نبين للناس خطر الأحزاب والفرق.

المناهج (١٢٤)

Sheikh Al Fawzan, may Allah preserve him, said:

How many among the common people today have been deceived by some groups, thinking they are upon the truth?

It is obligatory that we clarify to people the danger of hizbs and sects.

Al Manaahij (124)

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27 Nov, 01:14

قال أبو سليمان الداراني رحمه الله :

لو لم يبك العاقل فيما بقي من عمره إلا على لذة ما فاته من الطاعة فيما مضى كان ينبغي له أن يبكيه حتى يموت.

حلية الأولياء (٩/٢٧٥)

Abu Sulaiman ad Darani, may Allah have mercy on him, said:

If the reasonable person were to weep for the remainder of his life over nothing except the pleasure he missed from acts of obedience (to Allah) in the past, it would be fitting for him to weep until he dies.

Hilyat al Awliyaa’ (9/275)

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27 Nov, 01:04

قال الإمام الشوكاني رحمه الله :

لولا هذا (الجرح والتعديل) لتلاعب بالسنة المطهرة الكذابون، واختلط المعروف بالمنكر، ولم يتبين ما هو صحيح مما هو باطل.

رفع الريبة (٥٤)

Imam Al Shawkani, may Allah have mercy on him, said:

If not for this [al jarh wa ta’dil (criticism and praise)], the fabricators (liars) would have tampered with the pure Sunnah, good would have become mixed with evil, and it would not have been possible to distinguish what is true from what is false.

Raf’ Al Ribah (54)

Drops of ‘Ilm - قطرات العلم

28 Oct, 09:41

Ahlus Sunnah tests people with names - Sheikh Abdullah Al Qusayr

Drops of ‘Ilm - قطرات العلم

27 Oct, 18:40

Fight sincerely - Sheikh Muzzamil Faqiri

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27 Oct, 12:49

Is watching MMA events permissible or not?

Drops of ‘Ilm - قطرات العلم

27 Oct, 12:48

🟥وسئل الشيخ طلعت وهران حفظه الله:

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
فضيلة الشيخ, حفظكم الله

هناك بعض المسلمين الذين يقضون وقتهم في مشاهدة كرة القدم وكرة السلة والرياضات القتالية.

جميع الرياضيين تقريبًا هم كفار ، ويعرضون عوراتهم ، ويظهرون وشومهم ، ويرتدون شارات تدعم حركة المثليين ، ويضربون ويركلون وجه خصومهم والمزيد من الأشياء غير اللائقة.

ما حكم مشاهدة مثل هذه الأشياء؟ وكيف نتصرف مع الاخوة الذين يراقبون هذا النوع من الاشياء؟

جزاكم الله خيراً وبارك الله فيكم

Sheikh Tala’t Zahraan حفظه الله was asked:

Assalamwalaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

O Honorable Sheikh, may Allah protect you

There are some Muslims who spend their time watching football, basketball and combat sports.

Almost all athletes are non Muslim, exposing their awrah, showing their tattoos, wearing badges that support the LGBT movement, hitting and kicking their opponents in the face and more inappropriate things.

What is the ruling on watching such things? How do we deal with brothers who watch this kind of thing?

May Allah reward you and bless you


هذا كله لا يجوز وهو كذلك من تضييع الأوقات

His answer:

All of this is not permissible and it is also a waste of time.

Drops of ‘Ilm - قطرات العلم

26 Oct, 18:00

Can this be God? - Sheikh AbdurRazzaq Al Badr

Drops of ‘Ilm - قطرات العلم

25 Oct, 23:05

Sheikh Sulaiman Al Ruhayli حفظه الله said:

What fills me with anger is that some people live safely under air conditioners with their families and children, completely indifferent to the blood of our brothers in Palestine. The massacre of countless people, the wounding of so many others, as well as the displacement and starvation of hundreds of thousands, means nothing to them.

By Allah, if they had living hearts, none of them would sleep on their soft beds only to get up on the edge of their bed and write a tweet showing no care for all this blood and pain.

O Allah, support our brothers in Gaza and end this war for them with goodness and honour.

Drops of ‘Ilm - قطرات العلم

25 Oct, 17:14

We have one opinion only - Sheikh Muzzamil Faqiri

Drops of ‘Ilm - قطرات العلم

24 Oct, 09:47

قال شيخ الإسلام ابن تيمية رحمه الله:

ولم يظهر دين محمد ﷺ قط على غيره من الأديان، إلا بأهل السنة.

منهاج السنة ‎(٤/ ١١٧)

Sheikh al Islam Ibn Taymiyyah, may Allah have mercy on him, said:

The Religion of Muhammad ﷺ never prevailed over other religions except through the people of the Sunnah.

Minhaj as Sunnah (4/117)

Drops of ‘Ilm - قطرات العلم

24 Oct, 08:51

Humans are weak, Allah is not - Sheikh Muzzamil Faqiri

Drops of ‘Ilm - قطرات العلم

23 Oct, 05:58

قال شيخ الإسلام ابن تيمية رحمه الله :

ليس لأحد أن يضع للناس عقيدة ولا عبادة من عنده؛ بل عليه أن يتبع ولا يبتدع، ويقتدي ولا يبتدي.

مجموع الفتاوى (٤٩٠/١١)

Sheikh al Islam Ibn Taymiyyah, may Allah have mercy on him, said:

No one has the right to institute for people a belief or act of worship that he made up.

Rather, he must follow and not innovate, take example and not originate (be a pioneer).

Majmoo Al Fataawaa (11/490)

Drops of ‘Ilm - قطرات العلم

23 Oct, 00:59

قال الشيخ الفوزان حفظه الله:

الإسلام الصحيح غريب اليوم، أما الإسلام المدَّعى، فالمسلمون اليوم يزيدون على المليار، ولكن الإسلام الصحيح غريب، إذ لو كان هذا المليار إسلامهم صحيح لم يقف أمامهم أحد من العالم! فاليهود الذين هم إخوان القردة والخنازير الذين ضُربت عليهم الذلّة والمسكنة، الآن هم مسيطرون على بلاد المسلمين، والمسلمون الذين كانوا مع النبي ﷺ في بدر كان عددهم ثلاثَ مئة وبضعةَ عشر، وماذا صنعوا؟ فالصحابة بالنسبة لأهل الأرض كم هم؟ ومع هذا فتحوا الأمصار، وأسقطوا كسرى وقيصر، وسادوا العالم كله؛ لأنهم مسلمون الإسلام الصحيح، ما هو إسلام ادِّعائي.

سلسلة شرح الرسائل للإمام محمد بن عبدالوهاب، ص. ١٥٨

Sheikh Al Fawzan, may Allah preserve him, said:

True Islam is strange today, whereas (based on the) Islam claimed (by the people), Muslims today exceed one billion. However, true Islam is strange.

Because if this billion followed authentic Islam, no one in the world would be able to stand against them! The Jews, who are the brothers of apes and pigs, upon whom humiliation and misery fell, now dominate the lands of the Muslims.

The Muslims who were with the Prophet ﷺ at the Battle of Badr numbered just over three hundred and what did they achieve? How many Sahabah were there compared to the people of the earth? Yet, despite this, they conquered lands, toppled Khosrow and Caesar (the Persian and Byzantine empires), and dominated the entire world, because they were Muslims with an authentic Islam, not with a “claimed” Islam.

Silsilah Sharh Rasail Al Imam Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhab, p. 158

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22 Oct, 06:33

Sheikh Sulaiman Al Ruhayli حفظه الله said:

The manhaj of making takfir on Muslim rulers and those who oppose the Ikhwan, as well as the generalization of takfir against Muslims, except for those who agree with the Ikhwan, began when the group of the Ikhwan was founded.

Sayyid Qutb manifested this and the thinkers of the group declared it to be the group’s manhaj.

Today, this ideology is propagated by people who claim to be moderate, or they are described as thinkers, taking advantage of the emotional turmoil caused by the events happening in wounded Gaza.

Beware of them and beware of their manhaj, for it corrupts Religion and the dunya.

Drops of ‘Ilm - قطرات العلم

20 Oct, 16:40

Some places are better - Sheikh Tal’at Zahran

Drops of ‘Ilm - قطرات العلم

20 Oct, 10:27

قال شيخ الإسلام ابن تيمية رحمه الله:

وليس كلّ من وجدَ العلمَ قدرَ على التعبير عنه والاحتجاج له؛ فالعلم شيءٌ، وبيَانُه شيءٌ آخر، والمُناظَرةُ عنه وإقامة دليلهِ شيءٌ ثالث، والجوابُ عن حُجَّةِ مُخالفِه شيءٌ رابعٌ!.

جواب الإعتراضات المصرية، ص. ٤٤

Sheikh al Islam Ibn Taymiyyah, may Allah have mercy on him, said:

Not everyone who possesses knowledge is capable of expressing it and arguing for it.

So, knowledge is one thing, exposing (clarifying)
it is another.

Debating with it and establishing its evidence is a third.

And responding to the argument of one’s opposer is a fourth.

Jawaab al I‘tiraadaat al Misriyyah, p. 44

Drops of ‘Ilm - قطرات العلم

19 Oct, 18:15

Shirk is the problem - Sheikh Muzzamil Faqiri

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19 Oct, 17:21

A fabricating state - Sheikh Raslan

Drops of ‘Ilm - قطرات العلم

19 Oct, 14:47

قال الإمام ابن القيم رحمه الله:

الحزن يضعف القلب ويوهن العزم، ويغيّر (يضر) الإرادة، ولا شيء أحب إلى الشيطان من حزن المؤمن.

طريق الهجرتين (٢ / ٦٠٧)

Imam Ibn al Qayyim, may Allah have mercy on him, said:

Sadness weakens the heart, undermines determination and alters (harms) willpower.

Nothing is more beloved to Shaytan than the sadness of a believer.

Tariq al Hijratayn (2/607)

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17 Oct, 23:54

قال شيخ الإسلام ابن تيمية رحمه الله:

ولهذا قيل ان الله يقيم الدولة العادلة وان كانت كافرة
ولا يقيم الظالمة وان كانت مسلمة
ويقال الدنيا تدوم مع العدل والكفر
ولا تدوم مع الظلم والاسلام
وقد قال النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم ليس ذنب اسرع عقوبة من البغي وقطيعة الرحم
فالباغي يصرع في الدنيا وان كان مغفورا له مرحوما في الاخرة
وذلك ان العدل نظام كل شيء فإذا اقيم امر الدنيا بالعدل قامت وإن لم يكن لصاحبها في الأخرة من خلاق.

الاستقامة (٢-٢٤٧)

Sheikh Al Islam Ibn Taymiyyah, may Allah have mercy on him, said:

It is said that Allah supports a just country, even if it is kafir (disbelieving), but He does not support an unjust one, even if it is Muslim.

It is also said: “The world endures with justice and kufr, but it does not endure with injustice and Islam.”

The Prophet ﷺ said: “No sin brings quicker punishment than oppression and severing family ties.” So, an oppressor may be knocked down in this dunya, even if he is forgiven and shown mercy in the Hereafter.

This is because justice is the structure of all things. If the affairs of the dunya are established through justice, it will flourish (remain stable), even if the one administering it has no share in the Hereafter.

Al Istiqaamah (2/247)

Drops of ‘Ilm - قطرات العلم

17 Oct, 16:46

This Religion is not based only on heart-softeners.

Refuting and forbidding evil is also a duty that we have neglected for a very long time and it is crucial in times like ours, where evil has peaked.

If you are angry at people exposing blatant evil, then you know where the door is. We do not need to show it to you.

And this behaviour is very sad, especially when it comes from those who claim to follow Salafiyyah.

May Allah guide us and protect us from all evil. And may Allah purify our hearts.

Drops of ‘Ilm - قطرات العلم

17 Oct, 16:31

Uthman Qutbees - Sheikh Muzzamil Faqiri

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17 Oct, 10:14

Sheikh Rabi’ and Sheikh Muqbil - Sheikh Muzzamil Faqiri

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16 Oct, 15:19

Are they still our “brothers”? - Sheikh Ibrahim Al Muhaymid, Sheikh Muhammad bin Hadi

Drops of ‘Ilm - قطرات العلم

16 Oct, 13:40

Know your enemies and beware of them!

Sheikh Sulaiman Al Ruhayli حفظه الله said:

The Salaf used to say: “Beware of anything that corrupts your Religion.”

So, how about the one who will corrupt your Religion and your worldly life (dunya), distort your sense of honour and play with your emotions?

And all this can be found in the manhaj and speech of the Ikhwan Al Muslimeen and those aligned with them, those who branched off from them, those who became a mount for them, those who walk in their footsteps, those who defend them and those turn around the saying: “To them their good deeds and to them their mistakes.” And those who pretend to cry while demanding (from others) to be just in their judgment against them according to their claims.

So beware of them, do not listen to them, and do not enter into their accounts if you want to be upright in your Religion and your dunya. And beware, may Allah protect you, of all those who oppose the Salafi Aqidah, whether a little or a lot.

Your capital where your success lies is the Salafi Aqidah and the pure Salafi manhaj, so do not expose it to anything that could taint it.

Drops of ‘Ilm - قطرات العلم

15 Oct, 17:13

How the Shiah view Iblis - Sheikh Ibrahim Al Muhaymid

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14 Oct, 18:37

Al Qardawi, the man with no honour - Sheikh Muzzamil Faqiri

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14 Oct, 16:30

The Sufis adopted Shirk - Sheikh Shihab Awad

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13 Oct, 18:43

Umar did not suspend hudud - Sheikh Tal’at Zahran

Drops of ‘Ilm - قطرات العلم

13 Oct, 13:50

“I have no problem with the Shiah” - Sheikh Tal’at Zahran