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Psychologs Magazine
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O conteúdo mais recente compartilhado por Psychologs Magazine no Telegram

Psychologs Magazine

11 Feb, 12:07


Psychology is a captivating area of study that many of us are curious to explore. But have you ever wondered if it is a scientific discipline and why it is sometimes referred to as social science?


#socialscience #psychology #psychologyisascience #ispsychologyascience #cogntivepsychology #poppsychology #psychologysays #humanbehaviour #depression #anxiety #addiction
Psychologs Magazine

07 Feb, 13:01


Seeking external validation means looking for confirmation from others that we are okay or belong. It’s a basic human need for safety, recognition, and acceptance. While everyone seeks validation, some rely on it more, as it triggers dopamine, the brain’s "feel-good" chemical, providing a temporary happiness boost.


#externalvalidation #happiness #dopamine #feelgoodchemical #acceptance #confidence #love #personalgrowth #selfperception #selfesteem #selfworth
Psychologs Magazine

07 Feb, 13:01


An entitlement complex is referred to as a deeply ingrained belief that an individual deserves exceptional recognition, privileges, and success without any considerable effort.


#entitlement #entitled #entitlementcomplex #kabirsingh #success #love #money #wealth #happiness #narcissism #sociallearning #discipline
Psychologs Magazine

07 Feb, 11:27


While failure is addressed, the impact of "almost success" is often overlooked. Falling just short can feel worse than outright failure, leaving behind lingering self-doubt, frustration, and "what if?" questions.


#frustration #almostsuccess #selfdoubt #failure #success #missingout #conterfactualthinking #performanceanxiety #silvermedal #perfectionism #perseverance
Psychologs Magazine

06 Feb, 12:29


Imagine walking into a room full of strangers, feeling the urge to prove your worth in your job, income, or status. This silent competition fuels status anxiety, a hidden stress shaped by social stratification and growing economic inequality in modern society.


#statusanxiety #economicinequality #stress #selfworth #perception #selfesteem #socialidentity #groupdynamics #lifesatisfaction #socialcomparison
Psychologs Magazine

06 Feb, 10:59


Hedonic Treadmill is a reflection of an individual's uncertain changes in moods. The level of happiness often changes after experiencing a positive or negative life event, but eventually, we tend to return to our baseline emotional state.


#happiness #mood #surgeofhappiness #sadness #emaotions #baselineemotions #moneyandhappiness #achievements #gratitude #psychologs
Psychologs Magazine

06 Feb, 07:20


The connotation of "Obsession beats Talent" represents a strenuous blend of natural ability, the nature of human potential, and striving to succeed. The protagonists of the movie "Whiplash" and the series "The Bear" navigate their journey of compulsive drive and relentless dedication toward their passion.


#whiplash #thebear #cinema #obsession #talent #dedication #passion #success #potential #drive #perfectionism #negativereinforcement #success #growthmindset #resilience #manipulation #discipline
Psychologs Magazine

06 Feb, 07:18


Frustration can occur for many reasons, including work stress, family problems, relationship issues, and daily life struggles. If someone feels frustrated too often, it can lead to anxiety and stress. That’s why it’s important to manage and overcome it.


#frustration #stress #anxiety #frustrated #workstress #irritation #pressure #workpressure #multitasking #depression #overthinking #negativity
Psychologs Magazine

05 Feb, 13:43


As a daughter, have you ever identified which set of behaviours you might have emulated from your mother and how your actions can be starkly different from your mother’s own? It can reveal a lot about you as a person to understand the way your mother’s presence or absence in your life can influence your mindset, core beliefs, behavioural patterns and the way you relate with other people.


#motherdaughter #motherlove #mother #motherhood #daughter #daughterlove #motherdaughterrelationship #attachmentstyle #attachmentstyles #parenting #motherdaughterlove #motherdaughterbond #motherdaughtergoals
Psychologs Magazine

05 Feb, 11:44


Cross-national research assessed individuals from different countries, such as the United States, the United Kingdom, China, Korea, and Mexico, and analyzed a significant amount of information. Its findings conclusively revealed that unmarried people are prone to depressive symptoms. This large, cross-cultural study provided an understanding of how depression relates to marriage.


#unmarried #unmarriedcouple #unmarriedwomen #Unhappy #Unhappymarriage #news #reasearch #depression #stress #marriage #marriagegoals