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Psychologs Magazine
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Der neueste Inhalt, der von Psychologs Magazine auf Telegram geteilt wurde.

Psychologs Magazine

05 Mar, 11:58


Have you ever heard of a condition where people hear colors or see letters in specific hues? If Rohan sounds blue and Lisa feels yellow, you might be experiencing synaesthesia—a rare phenomenon affecting 1 in 2000 people, where sensory cross-wiring in the brain enhances perception (Carpenter, 2001).

#synaesthesia #perception #hues #Sensoryperception #overstimulation #cognitiveoverload #learningdisabilities #autism #dyslexia #anxiety
Psychologs Magazine

05 Mar, 06:21


Con Artists and Hoaxes are good at manipulating people and they use a variety of techniques. By Understanding the Psychology behind this, one can take the necessary precautions and stay safe from these scams.

#conartists #hoaxes #manipulation #scams #financialscams #trust #credibility #greed #fear #cybercrime #onlinescam #onlinehoax #manipulator
Psychologs Magazine

04 Mar, 13:59


How sensitive are you to your own clients and of these who are totally different? Does one view different cultures as equally valuable to yours? Is your cultural group superior to another?
#cultureandcounselling #culturalsensitivity #ethnicity #ethnicidentity #familydynamics #socialization #crossculturalpsychology
Psychologs Magazine

04 Mar, 12:14


If you’ve ever had a close connection with a person and when you least expected it, they disappeared leaving you no clues of understanding why they left or their whereabouts – you have experienced ghosting before.

#ghosting #onlinedating #dating #romanticdate #datingapps #socialmedia #anger #bodyimageissues #decisionmakingskills #healthyboundaries #selfawareness #selfworth
Psychologs Magazine

04 Mar, 10:43


What drives criminal behaviour—genes or environment? We inherit a genetic foundation, but environmental stressors influence gene expression. Both factors must be considered.

#criminalbehaviour #criminalmind #naturevsnurture #empathy #depression #violence #antisocialpersonalitydisorder #ASPD #crime
Psychologs Magazine

04 Mar, 10:43


Deep conversations are essential to all healthy relationships, emotional grounding, and attachment. While small chats carry their meaning they don't need to offset big conversation.

#deepconversations #emotionalintimacy #friendships #relationships #happiness #trust #smalltalk #family #romanticrelationships #conversations
Psychologs Magazine

03 Mar, 14:32


Playing games can be an irresistibly fun activity where we embark on a journey into a virtual space, full of wonder, adventure, connections and fun. People play games for many reasons such as the consequent dopamine rush, to unwind, to enjoy a narrative story, to explore, etc.

#playinggames #gaming #dopaminerush #narrative #videogames #gamingpsychology #gamingaddiction #dopaminerush #emotionalintelligence #gamingmotivation
Psychologs Magazine

03 Mar, 10:17


Our decisions are driven by feelings rather than logic or goals. Research shows we often choose what feels easy over what is truly best for us.

#procrastination #productivity #comfortzone #5secondrule #hardwork #selfdoubt #confidence #overthinking #selfperception #Melrobbins #charlesduhigg #antoniadamasio
Psychologs Magazine

03 Mar, 07:45


Certain films and series explore psychological experiments, questioning ethics, the mind's power, and human behaviour. Here are a few that delve into themes of human nature, control, and manipulation.

#film #psychologicalthriller #humanbehaviour #manipulation #control #humanmind #isolation #crime #prejudice #depression #shutterisland
Psychologs Magazine

01 Mar, 13:33


In high-stakes business, where competition, power, and profit set the rules, some executives rise not just through intelligence and strategy but by balancing charm and deception. They often exhibit traits of the Dark Triad—psychopathy, Machiavellianism, and narcissism.

#psychopathy #narcissism #Machiavellianism #darktriad #psychopath #leadership #leadershipdevelopment #leadershipskills #corporateleader #businessleaders #narcissist #manipulationtactics #sociopaths #personality