Pro Choice SA


The views express on this platform do not necessarily represent the views of Pro Choice SA.

We believe in freedom of speech and the right to express one’s views without censorship

We stand to uphold our human rights, sovereignty and individual liberty.

Pro Choice SA

29 Nov, 16:04

Pro Choice SA

28 Nov, 11:08

Universities Alliance South Africa vs University of the Free State

Post-hearing update

28 November 2023

Pro Choice SA

26 Nov, 06:44

Universities Alliance South Africa vs University of the Free State
Link for Livestream - 27 November 2023

Universities Alliance South Africa's legal challenge against the University of the Free State's mandatory vaccination policy will be streamed live from 09h30 on Monday 27 November 2023.

This represents the first challenge against a mandatory vaccination policy to be heard on its merits in a High Court.

Pro Choice SA

21 Nov, 16:59

Universities Alliance South Africa vs University of the Free State
Livestream of Court Proceedings - 27 November 2023

Universities Alliance South Africa has obtained permission from the Court to stream the proceedings of its matter against the University of the Free State's mandatory vaccination policy, set down for 27 November 2023, live.

A link will follow in due course.

Pro Choice SA

17 Nov, 05:30

UA digital badge - Show support for our challenge against the UFS' mandatory vaccination policy

With just over a week until the hearing of our matter against the University of the Free State's mandatory vaccination policy on 27 November 2023, now is the time to come out in force on behalf of the cause.

Please consider using this badge as your profile picture on social media platforms (Facebook, Telegram, Instagram, Twitter, etc.) and share with as many as possible.

Pro Choice SA

15 Nov, 09:56

Pro Choice SA

12 Nov, 18:01

Universities Alliance South Africa vs UFS - 27 November 2023
Facebook event page

have created an event page on Facebook for the hearing of our legal challenge against the University of the Free State's mandatory vaccination policy, which takes place on 27 November 2023.

Please be sure to like and share.

Pro Choice SA

06 Nov, 11:10

UA vs UFS set down for hearing on 27 November 2023

Universities Alliance South Africa's challenge against the University of the Free State's mandatory vaccination policy will finally be heard on 27 November 2023 in the Bloemfontein High Court.

Pro Choice SA

15 Oct, 15:11

7 October 2023

UA has filed its Replying Affidavit against the UFS; matter proceeds

Pro Choice SA

06 Aug, 13:25

6 August 2023
UA's matter proceeds after Judicial Case Management compels UFS to file Answering Affidavit

Following a Judicial Case Management conference on 12 June 2023, the UFS was compelled to file an Answering Affidavit in defense of its mandatory vaccination policy by 7 July 2023, bringing Universities Alliance South Africa one step closer to having the merits of its case ventilated in court.

Pro Choice SA

18 May, 16:53

Universities Alliance South Africa vs UFS - Legal Update 18 May 2023

With the UFS having now missed two deadlines for the submission of its Answering Affidavit, Universities Alliance South Africa takes additional measures to prevent further stalling and ensure that the matter is heard in Court.

Pro Choice SA

07 Mar, 10:04


Universities Alliance declines 2nd UFS offer

Universities Alliance South Africa declines a 2nd offer of settlement from the University of the Free State, which subsequently signals its intention to oppose the NPC's application.

See attached update letter for more information, and be sure to follow the channel for the latest developments.

Official Updates Channel:

Pro Choice SA

16 Feb, 15:23


(See attached update letter for full information)

Universities Alliance declines the UFS' offer to settle out of court, and now awaits confirmation as to whether the university will oppose their application.

Additional developments will be shared on our channel as they emerge.

Official Updates Channel:

Pro Choice SA

07 Jan, 21:23


Firstly, we hope that you have all enjoyed a good rest over Christmas and New Year, and are recharged for battles to come.

Recently, a post has been circulated on social media warning that the Omicron-XBB variant is "different, deadly and not easy to detect correctly".

It claims, among other things, that

- XBB is deadlier than previous variants, including the first wave of Covid-19

- Tests are often negative for XBB, and

- There are few symptoms associated with XBB, making it particularly hard to detect.

Please note that, as of 7 January 2023, there is no basis for these claims whatsoever.

The post, which is anonymous and without references, is directly contradicted by the following article's statement that "so far there haven’t been significant differences in severity identified between cases caused by XBB.1.5 and those from other variants".

We urge our supporters not to panic, and instead to proceed as normal. The social media post in question currently lacks any scientific basis and is clearly being disseminated for fearmongering purposes. Do not fall victim to the propaganda.