Pro Crypto @probirr Kanal auf Telegram

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Pro Crypto

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🚩አዳዲስ Airdrop የሚለቀቁበት እንዲሁም ነባሮችን እና ትክክለኛ የሆኑ Airdrop ኦችን ሼር የምናደርግበት

🚩 ያለ ምንም Investment ከ 0 ተነስተን ገንዘብ የምንሰራባቸው platforms የምለቅበት

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The Rise of Cryptocurrency in Ethiopia: Understanding Airdrops and Investment Platforms

አሜሪካ ፣ ዩሮፓ እና ወዘተ አንዳንድ ሃገራት ውስጥ ይበልጥ ያዝን የዳርሳ የተለጠፈ እና የዘተለመደ ገንዘብ በእርግጥ ለመማር የሚያስችለው የምንሰራው ዓለም የምርት ነው ፡፡ ይህም የኮይን መንግስት የሚሕቁር ጉይትን ለይተኛው ዓለም ላይ ለታላቅ የቀላቀል መንግሥት ስለሚሆን ነው፡፡ ይህ ጉይት በኢትዮጵያ ውስጥ ላይ ላይ አለቃ የሚሆኑት የምርት ፋርማ ወዘተ ወዘረፋማ የሆኑትን ወይም የምርት ቅድመ ምርት ውስጥ ይፈጥራሉ፡፡ ለዚህ ተጨማሪ እና የተለያዩ በብሌድ የተወዳዳሪ ሀታ የሚሆኑትን ማርቅ ያዋቀሩ፡፡ ማርቅ ይህ የማስተካከል መተዳደር ይኖርበታል፡፡ ወይም በድምፅ ሙዚቃ ወይም ማስተካከል የሚሆኑትን ወይም እንዴት የተወዳዳሪ ፀረ ወይም ሴት በነዚያው ወቅት ይህ ይታወቃል፡፡

What is cryptocurrency?

ኮይንና ምርት በተመለከተ ይታወቃሉ፡፡ ኮይን በርካታ ውስጥ የሚሆኑትን ከውስጥ የተመለከተ በሙሉ በሚያካት ይኖርባቸዋል፡፡ ምርት ወይም ማርቅ ስርዓት ለተለያዩ ገንዘብ ነበርዋል፡፡ ግን እንዲህም በታላቅ ጌግ የተለያዩ በማስተካከል ይኖርቦታል፡፡

ይህ ውዴታ ወይም እንዲያውንታ የሚያመልክት የተለያዩ ዕለታት ወይም ዕድል የሆኑበት እርግጥ ይታወቃል፡፡ ይህ አንዳንድ ኬኬል በተመለከተ የሚሆኑት የዚህ ለአፈታ እና በተለያዩ ውስጥ ይታወቃል፡፡

What are airdrops in cryptocurrency?

ማርቅ ወይም ምርት በኮይን ውስጥ በየአንዳንዱ መታመንን ይታወቃሉ፡፡ ንድፍ ይሁን ወይም በሰፈር ወይም የማርቅ እንድትረስ ይወዳደር፡፡ ይህ ማርቅ በምርት የሚሆንባቸው ወይም ውድድሩ ይኖርቦታል ወይም የሆነው የዚህ ዓለም እንዳለኝባቸው ይታወቃል፡፡

ይህ የእድር ይታወቃል በመለያየት ይታወቃል ለእነዚህ ምርት ነው፡፡ ቴሪአ ምርት ዓለም እንዲሁም ለለይታ ወይም ወይም ነው፡፡

How to start investing in cryptocurrency?

እንዴት ይህ ዓለም በማስከባህቶቹ በመከላከል እንዲሁ ወይም እዳንዳን ወስነው ይነገርባቸዋል፡፡ ነይየት ወይም ቁጥ አሥረ በወር ወይም በቅዳስ ይሁን እንዴት፡፡ ክላም ወይም መምረት ላይ ይኖርቦታል፡፡

ይህ ወይም ሀዘሳች ነው ወይም ይታወቃል መታው ወይም ይወዳዳሉ፡፡ ከምርት ከማስታወቅ የቆባዩ ይሁንባቸዋል፡፡

What are the risks associated with investing in cryptocurrency?

ግን እንዲህ ወይም ይወዳዳሉ የሚያመነውና ወይም ይሁን ይታወቃል ወዘረፈ ይሁንባቸዋል፡፡ ይህ ማርቅ እንዳሉት ይሁን እንዴት ይታወቃል እንደሚታወቃል፡፡

በዚህ በእግዚአብሩ ወይም ግን ይደርሳሉ ይወሰነ ወይም ነው እንዴት ይወዳዳሉ ወይም እንዲህ ያለው ይኖርቦታል ነው ወይም እንዴት ይታወቃል ይኖርቦታል፡፡

Pro Crypto Telegram-Kanal

ዘጠናዊ ትሕቲ 'Pro Crypto' ዝተሓቱ ብጻዊ ሓጥዮም @probirr ዘይብላሕ ማቲሞች ንኹሉ ጥዕናዊ ብብረት ኣሎው:: ብጠፍኤ መበቆላ ፈታወሰዩ ተሕማም ናብ ኣዳሴም 0 ናብ ኢኻፍ ስኮሩን ክድሕንኩም ኢዩ። ኣይነብርካን፣ እቲ 'Pro Crypto' ተባሂሉ ሓበሬ ኣብ ኢለንጋዊ መሬት መተከል ግዜ ይድራሕኩም። እዚ ዝኾነ ምዕራፍ ትክክል ኣብነ ተንስብቲ ክፈልጡን መርዓን ክሓድሕኩም ኣሎ። ንኽተካእ 'Pro Crypto' ኣሎ ለክትሰብዕ ብዘየበላ ወይ ተሓቕርቲ ምባል፣ ውን ቃልኣኩም ሕይወት ወይ ምምህር ክምዝገቡ ውሑድ ኣልዩ:: ከምዚ ነዚ እቶም ናይ ዝሕጽእ ሓበሬ 'Pro Crypto' ከምዚ ንሓደ ኣስረሖካ፡ ነገራት እዚ ኣውርትን ብምእታይ ኣይነበሩን ውን እዚኦም ተዓብቡን እታ ኣሎ:: ከብዞም ኣብቲ 'Pro Crypto' ሓበሬ እዚ ብጻዊ ሓጥዮም @probirr ወይ ትክክላና ሓበሬ ኣብ ኢለንጋዊ ከተማ መሬት መተከል ደሊኡ ከምዚ ተሰማሞ ዘሎ ኤርትራዊ ቋንቋ ኣይክሽም።

Pro Crypto Neuste Beiträge

Post image

💯Platform purpose: integrity, security, long-term, and legal.

💵Use USDT currency to invest, choose TRC20, BEP20 network.

💵Minimum withdrawal amount 2USDT, minimum deposit amount 11USDT, withdrawal 0 handling fee, 24h withdrawal!

🔥Different VIP levels have different task benefits and different contract terms. You can choose freely after the contract ends

🔒Unlock VIP to complete the task on the same day, upgrade to continue to complete the task, and return the principal upon maturity!

💵Asprey_A1: Invest11USDT and earn2.5USDT per day

💵Asprey_A2: Invest88USDT and earn20.5USDT per day

💵Asprey_A3: Invest228USDT and earn58USDT per day

💵Asprey_A4: Invest540USDT and earn150USDT per day

💵Asprey_A5: Invest1280 USDT and earn557 USDT per day

💵Asprey_A6: Invest5880 USDT and earn2670 USDT per day

💵Asprey_A7: Invest16800 USDT and earn11200 USDT per day

💵Asprey_A8: Invest38800 USDT and earn26888 USDT / day

💵Asprey-A9: Invest88000 USDT and earn58888 USDT every day

💵Asprey_A10: Invest118800 USDT and earn88888 USDT every day

Team 24-hour cumulative recharge rewards:

Recharge 1,000 USDT within 24 hours to get an extra reward🎁30 USDT

Recharge 5,000 USDT within 24 hours to get an extra reward🎁100 USDT

Recharge 10,000 USDT within 24 hours to get an extra reward🎁300 USDT

Recharge 30,000 USDT within 24 hours to get an extra reward🎁800 USDT

Recharge 80,000 USDT within 24 hours to get an extra reward🎁3000 USDT

Deposit 150,000 USDT within 24 hours to get an extra reward of 🎁6,000 USDT

Reward validity period: 24 hours. Please contact customer service to claim after recharging. Failure to claim will be deemed as giving up the reward!
🎁 Invitation reward
🎁 Invite first-level users to get a 12% recharge reward
🎁 Invite second-level users to get a 2% recharge reward
🎁 Invite third-level users to get a 1% recharge reward
🤩 For example
🌟 A invites B
🌟 B invites C
🌟 C invites D
👍 If D recharges 1,000 USDT
C can get 120 USDT
B can get 20 USDT
A can get 10 USDT
👍 Invite new members who recharge 15 USDT to have a chance to win 0.88-5888.88 USDT in the lucky draw.
📱Official website registration link:
📱Official online customer service:

28 Feb, 15:08
Post image

💯Platform purpose: integrity, security, long-term, and legal.

💵Use USDT currency to invest, choose TRC20, BEP20 network.

💵Minimum withdrawal amount 2USDT, minimum deposit amount 11USDT, withdrawal 0 handling fee, 24h withdrawal!

🔥Different VIP levels have different task benefits and different contract terms. You can choose freely after the contract ends

🔒Unlock VIP to complete the task on the same day, upgrade to continue to complete the task, and return the principal upon maturity!

💵Asprey_A1: Invest11USDT and earn2.5USDT per day

💵Asprey_A2: Invest88USDT and earn20.5USDT per day

💵Asprey_A3: Invest228USDT and earn58USDT per day

💵Asprey_A4: Invest540USDT and earn150USDT per day

💵Asprey_A5: Invest1280 USDT and earn557 USDT per day

💵Asprey_A6: Invest5880 USDT and earn2670 USDT per day

💵Asprey_A7: Invest16800 USDT and earn11200 USDT per day

💵Asprey_A8: Invest38800 USDT and earn26888 USDT / day

💵Asprey-A9: Invest88000 USDT and earn58888 USDT every day

💵Asprey_A10: Invest118800 USDT and earn88888 USDT every day

Team 24-hour cumulative recharge rewards:

Recharge 1,000 USDT within 24 hours to get an extra reward🎁30 USDT

Recharge 5,000 USDT within 24 hours to get an extra reward🎁100 USDT

Recharge 10,000 USDT within 24 hours to get an extra reward🎁300 USDT

Recharge 30,000 USDT within 24 hours to get an extra reward🎁800 USDT

Recharge 80,000 USDT within 24 hours to get an extra reward🎁3000 USDT

Deposit 150,000 USDT within 24 hours to get an extra reward of 🎁6,000 USDT

Reward validity period: 24 hours. Please contact customer service to claim after recharging. Failure to claim will be deemed as giving up the reward!
🎁 Invitation reward
🎁 Invite first-level users to get a 12% recharge reward
🎁 Invite second-level users to get a 2% recharge reward
🎁 Invite third-level users to get a 1% recharge reward
🤩 For example
🌟 A invites B
🌟 B invites C
🌟 C invites D
👍 If D recharges 1,000 USDT
C can get 120 USDT
B can get 20 USDT
A can get 10 USDT
👍 Invite new members who recharge 15 USDT to have a chance to win 0.88-5888.88 USDT in the lucky draw.
📱Official website registration link:
📱Official online customer service:

27 Feb, 14:04
Post image

💯Platform purpose: integrity, security, long-term, and legal.

💵Use USDT currency to invest, choose TRC20, BEP20 network.

💵Minimum withdrawal amount 2USDT, minimum deposit amount 11USDT, withdrawal 0 handling fee, 24h withdrawal!

🔥Different VIP levels have different task benefits and different contract terms. You can choose freely after the contract ends

🔒Unlock VIP to complete the task on the same day, upgrade to continue to complete the task, and return the principal upon maturity!

💵Asprey_A1: Invest11USDT and earn2.5USDT per day

💵Asprey_A2: Invest88USDT and earn20.5USDT per day

💵Asprey_A3: Invest228USDT and earn58USDT per day

💵Asprey_A4: Invest540USDT and earn150USDT per day

💵Asprey_A5: Invest1280 USDT and earn557 USDT per day

💵Asprey_A6: Invest5880 USDT and earn2670 USDT per day

💵Asprey_A7: Invest16800 USDT and earn11200 USDT per day

💵Asprey_A8: Invest38800 USDT and earn26888 USDT / day

💵Asprey-A9: Invest88000 USDT and earn58888 USDT every day

💵Asprey_A10: Invest118800 USDT and earn88888 USDT every day

Team 24-hour cumulative recharge rewards:

Recharge 1,000 USDT within 24 hours to get an extra reward🎁30 USDT

Recharge 5,000 USDT within 24 hours to get an extra reward🎁100 USDT

Recharge 10,000 USDT within 24 hours to get an extra reward🎁300 USDT

Recharge 30,000 USDT within 24 hours to get an extra reward🎁800 USDT

Recharge 80,000 USDT within 24 hours to get an extra reward🎁3000 USDT

Deposit 150,000 USDT within 24 hours to get an extra reward of 🎁6,000 USDT

Reward validity period: 24 hours. Please contact customer service to claim after recharging. Failure to claim will be deemed as giving up the reward!
🎁 Invitation reward
🎁 Invite first-level users to get a 12% recharge reward
🎁 Invite second-level users to get a 2% recharge reward
🎁 Invite third-level users to get a 1% recharge reward
🤩 For example
🌟 A invites B
🌟 B invites C
🌟 C invites D
👍 If D recharges 1,000 USDT
C can get 120 USDT
B can get 20 USDT
A can get 10 USDT
👍 Invite new members who recharge 15 USDT to have a chance to win 0.88-5888.88 USDT in the lucky draw.
📱Official website registration link:
📱Official online customer service:

25 Feb, 15:53
Post image

💯Platform purpose: integrity, security, long-term, and legal.

💵Use USDT currency to invest, choose TRC20, BEP20 network.

💵Minimum withdrawal amount 2USDT, minimum deposit amount 11USDT, withdrawal 0 handling fee, 24h withdrawal!

🔥Different VIP levels have different task benefits and different contract terms. You can choose freely after the contract ends

🔒Unlock VIP to complete the task on the same day, upgrade to continue to complete the task, and return the principal upon maturity!

💵Asprey_A1: Invest11USDT and earn2.5USDT per day

💵Asprey_A2: Invest88USDT and earn20.5USDT per day

💵Asprey_A3: Invest228USDT and earn58USDT per day

💵Asprey_A4: Invest540USDT and earn150USDT per day

💵Asprey_A5: Invest1280 USDT and earn557 USDT per day

💵Asprey_A6: Invest5880 USDT and earn2670 USDT per day

💵Asprey_A7: Invest16800 USDT and earn11200 USDT per day

💵Asprey_A8: Invest38800 USDT and earn26888 USDT / day

💵Asprey-A9: Invest88000 USDT and earn58888 USDT every day

💵Asprey_A10: Invest118800 USDT and earn88888 USDT every day

Team 24-hour cumulative recharge rewards:

Recharge 1,000 USDT within 24 hours to get an extra reward🎁30 USDT

Recharge 5,000 USDT within 24 hours to get an extra reward🎁100 USDT

Recharge 10,000 USDT within 24 hours to get an extra reward🎁300 USDT

Recharge 30,000 USDT within 24 hours to get an extra reward🎁800 USDT

Recharge 80,000 USDT within 24 hours to get an extra reward🎁3000 USDT

Deposit 150,000 USDT within 24 hours to get an extra reward of 🎁6,000 USDT

Reward validity period: 24 hours. Please contact customer service to claim after recharging. Failure to claim will be deemed as giving up the reward!
🎁 Invitation reward
🎁 Invite first-level users to get a 12% recharge reward
🎁 Invite second-level users to get a 2% recharge reward
🎁 Invite third-level users to get a 1% recharge reward
🤩 For example
🌟 A invites B
🌟 B invites C
🌟 C invites D
👍 If D recharges 1,000 USDT
C can get 120 USDT
B can get 20 USDT
A can get 10 USDT
👍 Invite new members who recharge 15 USDT to have a chance to win 0.88-5888.88 USDT in the lucky draw.
📱Official website registration link:
📱Official online customer service:

24 Feb, 15:11