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POV Combat Footage
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Last Updated 09.03.2025 13:21

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POV Combat Footage

31 Jan, 20:23


Assault on a Myanmar Armed Forces stronghold in the city of Tavoy from the first person view of the fighters of the "People's Defense Forces"

Via WarLife

4:18 we see a person trying to run but he is gunned down immediately, later on we can see scattered dead bodies near the entrance of a building which the units are trying to breach in to.
POV Combat Footage

04 Dec, 08:22


🇸🇾 Syrian rebels ambushed as they’re all killed on camera.

Dude in the back took multiple bullets to the head throughout the video.
POV Combat Footage

02 Dec, 15:55


🇸🇾 Point blank rpg hit rebels kill a Syrian officer who’s tried to leave Aleppo
POV Combat Footage

14 Nov, 15:01


Израильский военный уничтожает прятавшегося в шкафу боевика «Хезболлы» во время зачистки здания на юге Ливана

WarLife 18+
POV Combat Footage

05 Nov, 12:01


#pov #kia Archive footage of AFU soldiers clearing trenches and killing a RAF soldiers
POV Combat Footage

17 Oct, 11:01


I found a moment from the channel's avatar
POV Combat Footage

17 Oct, 10:45


#pov #kia AFU soldiers kill RAF soldier in a sudden contact
POV Combat Footage

17 Oct, 10:43


Insane video, another masterpiece from Russian SSO
POV Combat Footage

13 Oct, 21:02


Sent in by a subscriber of the channel

The footage is from an undisclosed location on the front, where the Ukrainians ask the other side if they are Ukrainian but upon not receiving the desirable response we see a shoot out ensues, where supposedly the Russian makes a run for it just to be gunned downed.
POV Combat Footage

27 Sep, 19:23


Russian SSO shoot Ukrainian soldier that try to running away

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