๐ธ๐๐๐ is a Telegram channel that provides a platform for the people of Karaman to come together and share their stories, experiences, and interests. The title itself, which translates to 'EliFim,' hints at a sense of belonging and community among its members. The username @polat_va_eliff further emphasizes this focus on unity and connection. The description 'Sonuna duลununan Karaman olamas โ๏ธ Admin @abdulloxon_233 @nur1lloxon896' suggests that the channel is managed by administrators who are dedicated to fostering a positive and inclusive environment for the Karaman community. Whether you're a resident of Karaman or simply interested in learning more about the region, ๐ธ๐๐๐ is the perfect place to engage with like-minded individuals and discover new perspectives. Join us today and become a part of our growing community!
03 Feb, 08:09
01 Jan, 15:25
31 Dec, 19:22
29 Dec, 06:27
28 Dec, 18:21
25 Dec, 18:46
29 Nov, 03:22
15 Nov, 05:48
13 Nov, 18:00