Agmina Caelitum:
Te cuncti resonent
Christiadum chori
Qui clarus meritis
Junctus es inclytae.
Welcome to Patria & Fides, the Telegram channel that caters to traditional Catholics and conservative Europeans with identitarian and ethnocentric inclinations. Formerly known as Reactionary Europe, this channel is dedicated to providing a platform for like-minded individuals to share their beliefs, values, and ideas in a supportive community.
Patria & Fides aims to foster discussions on topics related to traditional Catholicism, European conservatism, and identity politics. From current events to historical analyses, this channel covers a wide range of subjects that resonate with its audience. Whether you are looking for thought-provoking articles, engaging discussions, or simply a place to connect with others who share your views, Patria & Fides has something for everyone.
Joining this channel means being part of a growing community of individuals who are passionate about preserving and promoting traditional values and European identity. As Patria & Fides continues to evolve and expand, it aspires to become a blog-journal that offers in-depth analysis, opinion pieces, and insightful commentary on the issues that matter most to its members.
If you are a traditional Catholic or conservative European looking for a place to engage with like-minded individuals and explore topics that are important to you, then Patria & Fides is the channel for you. Join us today and be a part of a community that values tradition, faith, and shared heritage.
06 Feb, 22:22
04 Feb, 16:20
03 Feb, 23:22
03 Feb, 23:17
29 Jan, 23:57
27 Jan, 18:18
25 Jan, 17:21
25 Jan, 11:01
23 Jan, 18:35
22 Jan, 00:04
10 Jan, 22:21
24 Dec, 18:48
23 Nov, 21:31
10 Nov, 21:45
08 Oct, 22:51
26 Sep, 14:01
And because our debt so surpassed everything in its enormity, neither prophets nor priests, nor the just, nor kings, were sufficient for it.Therefore, when the Son of the Lord of all came, although omnipotent, he did not pay our debt either in the womb[of his mother], by his birth, or by his baptism.[He did not pay it] until he was delivered over to the cross and tasted death, so that his death might be the payer of our debt.Through it, that[debt], which all creatures were incapable of paying, would be paid. - Ephrem the Syrian, Commentary on the Diatessarion, xxi.32
#Patristics #Crucifixion #Atonement #Soteriology 21 Sep, 12:57
02 Sep, 17:20
09 Aug, 22:57
09 Aug, 16:10
09 Aug, 16:09
09 Aug, 16:08
06 Aug, 16:00
06 Aug, 14:08
05 Aug, 21:48
05 Aug, 21:10
05 Aug, 15:45