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We've Seen It All
The Untold Stories

Palflix (English)

Welcome to Palflix, a Telegram channel that brings you an exclusive look into the untold stories that will leave you in awe. With the tagline 'We've Seen It All,' Palflix promises to deliver captivating content that will keep you coming back for more. Who is Palflix? Palflix is a channel dedicated to showcasing unique and fascinating stories that you won't find anywhere else. From heartwarming tales of resilience to mind-boggling mysteries, Palflix covers a wide range of topics that are sure to spark your curiosity. What is Palflix? Palflix is your go-to destination for captivating storytelling that will make you laugh, cry, and everything in between. Whether you're a fan of real-life dramas, intriguing documentaries, or inspiring biographies, Palflix has something for everyone. Join Palflix today to unlock a world of untold stories that will leave you speechless. Don't miss out on this opportunity to be a part of a community that celebrates the power of storytelling. Subscribe to Palflix now and be prepared to be amazed by what you discover!


14 Feb, 13:22

“The Art of the Steal" – When war becomes business, and destruction turns into opportunity. Inspired by The Art of the Deal, this blockbuster of greed follows Donald J. Trump as he steps into the ruins of Ga*za, not with aid, but with blueprints for a billionaire’s playground.

#TheArtOfTheSteal #WarProfiteering #DisasterCapitalism #Trump #Greed #MiddleEast #News #Palflix


13 Feb, 12:24

في عالم مليء بالصمت والخوف، أولئك الذين يقفون ضد الظلم هم من يكسرون الظلام ويجلبون النور.

In a world full of silence and fear, those who stand against injustice are the ones who break the darkness and bring the light.

#Justice #Freedom #UnheardVoices #TheSilenced #Truth #HumanRights #StandWithTheOppressed #Palflix


12 Feb, 11:55

Weekly Highlights: Trump’s remarks about owning Gaza and turning it into the "Riviera of the Middle East" drew global condemnation. Yet history reminds us that no map can erase a people who refuse to disappear.

#RivieraOfTheMiddleEast #ColonialMindset #HistoryMatters #Palflix #DisasterCapitalism #MiddleEast


11 Feb, 14:44

I'm coming home, tell the world I'm coming home... 🎶
After the storm, after the pain—freedom at last. Welcome home.

#ComingHome #Freedom #AfterTheStorm #HomeAtLast #Resilience #NewBeginnings #WelcomeHome #Palflix


10 Feb, 09:32

Freedom begins where fear ends. Those who stand unshaken carve the path to liberation.

الخطوة الأولى نحو الحرية هي التحرر من الخوف. من يقفون بثبات يمهدون طريق التحرر.

#Freedom #NoFear #Liberation #Resilience #StandFirm #Justice #Courage #EndOppression #Palflix #Gameofthrones #Daenerysquote #gameofthronesquote


08 Feb, 12:57

The power lies with the people. In defiance, in resilience, in unity—they rise.

#PowerToThePeople #RiseUp #Defiance #Resilience #Unity #Justice #Freedom #Palflix #PattiSmith #Peoplehavethepower


07 Feb, 11:32

History repeats itself: They offer what’s not theirs to give. From Native lands to Palestine—same colonial playbook, different century.

#HistoryRepeatsItself #Colonialism #IndigenousRights #FreePalestine #LandBack #Decolonize #HumanRights #palflix #movieclip #hellonwheels #moviescene


06 Feb, 15:09

لا ظلم يدوم، والأرض تبقى لأهلها مهما اشتد الطغيان.
No tyranny lasts forever, and the land always returns to its people.

#Palflix #unity #palestinewillbefree #freedom #أحداث_فلسطين #متضامنون #نضال_وطن


06 Feb, 14:53

A love that defied walls, time, and separation. As Khalida Jarrar endured years of imprisonment, her husband's unwavering presence remained a silent force—waiting, supporting, standing by her side across time zones and hardships.
#Palflix #unity #palestinewillbefree #freedom #أحداث_فلسطين #متضامنون #نضال_وطن


05 Feb, 14:21

Set in the aftermath of a so-called ceasefire, Fast and Fearless captures the spirit of those who refuse to be displaced, who refuse to yield. Against the roar of military engines, the hum of a motorcycle echoes louder—because courage, not power, decides who truly owns the road.

#FastAndFearless #SouthLebanon #UnyieldingSpirit #CourageOnWheels #DefyingOccupation #RoadToFreedom #Unstoppable #RideForJustice #Palflix


05 Feb, 14:08

Weekly Highlights: Freedom echoes across Palestine as more prisoners are released after decades behind bars. Families reunite, streets erupt in celebration, and the joy of homecoming stands as a testament to resilience. Every embrace, every tear, every cheer reminds the world—Palestine never forgets its own.

#Palestinewillbefree #Freedom #Homecoming #Resilience #Justice #Victory #NeverForgotten #Unity #Celebration #StrongerTogether #Palflix


04 Feb, 14:32

After devastation, after exile, they make an unthinkable choice—to return to a land left in ruins. No walls remain, no life essentials, yet something greater calls them back. In a world that measures worth by comfort, they defy logic, drawn by something no destruction can erase.
They are not just survivors. They are Rooted.

#Resilience #Rooted #Survivors #UnbreakableSpirit #BeyondDestruction #DefyingOdds #RebuildingHope #Legacy #palflix #homeland #gazaceasefire


03 Feb, 13:53

كل قيودهم تزيدنا حرية... وكل محاولاتهم لإسكاتنا تجعل صوتنا أعلى.

Every chain they put on us makes us freer… Every attempt to silence us makes our voice louder.

#Freedom #Resistance #Unbreakable #VoiceOfThePeople #Justice #SpeakUp #Defiance #StrongerTogether #NoSilence #RiseUp #Palflix


31 Jan, 18:23

كان اسمه يطاردهم دون أن يروه، وحين ظنوا أن غيابه سيبدد الظل، وجدوه ممتدًا في كل زاوية. بعض الرجال لا تحكيهم الصور، ولا توثقهم الأضواء… بل يحفرون في ذاكرة من يرفض النسيانَ.

His name haunted them before they ever saw him, and when they thought his absence would erase the shadow, they found it lingering in every corner. Some men are not captured in images, nor illuminated by lights… but are etched into time by those who refuse to forget.

#Legend #Unforgettable #EternalLegacy #HistoryRemembers #ShadowAndLight #TimelessPresence #MemoryLivesOn #palflix


31 Jan, 10:16

Take our lives, but never our freedom. The fight for freedom is eternal.

#darkesthour #movieclip #moviescene #Freedom #FightForFreedom #NeverGiveUp #Courage #Honor #Justice #EternalStruggle #StandStrong #Liberty #palflix


30 Jan, 13:17

في أرض مزقتها الحرب، حيث كل يوم هو معركة من أجل البقاء، يظهر أبطال استثنائيون. رغم أننا لم نستطع ذكر أسمائهم جميعًا، إلا أن قصصهم تبقى خالدة في كل عمل شجاع، في كل حياة تم إنقاذها، وفي كل قلب ألهموه.

In a land scarred by war, where every day is a battle for survival, extraordinary heroes emerge. Though we couldn’t name them all, their stories live on in every act of courage, every life saved, and every heart inspired.

#WarHeroes #Courage #Survival #Inspiration #HeroicActs #Bravery #Resilience #PalestinianHeroes #Hope #HumanSpirit #Palflix


29 Jan, 15:42

جذورنا تمتد في الأرض، تحكي حكاية بقاء.
باقون هنا، كالصخر في وجه العواصف.
باقون هنا نبني مجدًا رغم الألم.

#ثبت_جذورك_في_التراب #هذه_البلاد_بلادنا #حكاية_أرض #صامدون_هنا #لبنان #جنوب_لبنان #Palflix #homeland #resilience #roots


28 Jan, 15:15

With her hair turned white from the years, but her spirit unshaken, she reunites with the love that never wavered. Unchained Hearts is a testament to the enduring power of love and hope against all odds.

#UnchainedHearts #EnduringLove #PowerOfHope #Palflix #HopeAgainstAllOdds #ReunitedAtLast #NeverWavered #SpiritUnshaken #HopeEndures


28 Jan, 12:45

Weekly News: Once again, South Lebanon is freed by its faithful people. This is not a new story, but a continuation of the region's long history of resis*tance and resilience. Time and again, the people of South Lebanon have reclaimed their land, proving that the fight for freedom is unyielding.

#SouthLebanon #breakingnewalebanon #Palflix #Resilience #Unity #Liberation #HistoricVictory #PeoplePower #UnyieldingSpirit #LandReclaimed


27 Jan, 14:33

حين تكون الحرية هي الحلم الأكبر، يصبح الدفاع عنها واجبًا مقدسًا. هي ليست امتيازًا يمنح، بل حق يُنتزع بالكرامة والتضحية.

When freedom becomes the greatest dream, defending it becomes a sacred duty. It is not a privilege granted, but a right seized with dignity and sacrifice.
#Palflix #unity #palestinewillbefree #freedom #أحداث_فلسطين #متضامنون #نضال_وطن


23 Jan, 09:44

Weekly News Recap: A week of triumph. Families return to rebuild despite the ruins, and the release of prisoners fills the streets with joy and hope. Resilience shines brighter than ever.

#weeklynews #breakingnews #rebuildinggaza #ceasefireingaza #resilience #patience #palflix


22 Jan, 13:55

In a land where every hill and valley hold the echoes of its ancestors, Avatar tells the story of a people whose connection to the earth is unbreakable. It is a powerful tale of resis*tance, where the fight is not just for territory, but for existence itself. This is their avatar, and they will not be erased.

#Avatar #ConnectionToEarth #Palflix #AncestralEchoes #UnbreakableSpirit #TerritoryAndExistence #TheAvatar #لن_نُمحى #ارتباط_بالأرض #صدى_الأجداد


21 Jan, 09:30

In the face of death, true strength is not in fear, but in how we confront it with dignity, humanity, and resilience. As Patch Adams reminds us, indifference is the greatest disease, and the most powerful cure is the courage to face all challenges with a heart full of compassion.

#Dignity #Humanity #Resilience #PatchAdams #Compassion #Courage #StrengthInAdversity #EndIndifference #palflix


20 Jan, 15:34

من هون من عنا انكتب تاريخ الأبطال

#تاريخ_الأبطال #الصمود #الفخر #العزة #الكرامة #من_هون #الأمل #النصر #جوليا_بطرس #palflix


20 Jan, 14:45

القوي إن لم ينتصر فهو مهزوم، والضعيف إن لم ينهزم فهو منتصر
لأن أولاده سيكملون وأحفاده سيكملون
لأنه بقي ولأنه نجا.

#القوة #الصمود #الانتصار #البقاء #النجاة #الأمل #الإرث #التحدي #palflix #palnews


20 Jan, 14:22

There are voices that break through the noise—teaching us resilience, love, courage, and humanity. From the rooftop news of Aboud to the unshaken bravery of Gaza, these faces remind us what it means to endure, to hope, and to stay human.

#Resilience #Palflix #Courage #Humanity #ceasefireinGaza #Endurance #Hope #StayHuman #news #newsfromgaza


20 Jan, 08:19

Honoring those who stood as shields, guarding the lives and futures of so many. Their sacrifice will forever guide our path.

#moviescene #gameofthrones #rememberthem #honoringsacrifice #movieclip #palflix #gaza #palestinewillbefree #gazaceasefire


18 Jan, 08:04

وخلفي عدوُّ الأرضِ.. قد لاذ بالفرار
And behind me, the enemy of the land… has fled in retreat

#victoryscenes #happinessforvictory #freepalestine #gazaceasefire #resilience #fightforfreedom #musicreel #palflix


16 Jan, 13:59

467 days of relentless struggle and heartache. Yet, from the depths of grief and separation, a profound resilience emerged, forging a path to victory. This triumph wasn’t handed down; it was built upon sacrifice, courage, and an unshakable belief in the light of hope that continues to lead the way forward.

#lightindarkness #resilience #unshakablecourage #freegaza #gazaceasefire #lightofliberty #palflix #breakingnews


16 Jan, 12:33

This week’s highlight: Gaza’s unwavering spirit shines as a forced ceasefire marks a global moment of celebration.

#breakingnews #news #weeklynews #determination #Gaza #victory #ceasefireingaza #palflix #palnews


16 Jan, 11:52

The unyielding spirit of freedom drives every act of resis*tance. It is this relentless pursuit of dignity and justice, showing that rights are not granted—they are seized by those who refuse to give up. This is what victory truly means—not the end of the road, but the affirmation that the fight for what’s right will never waver.

#victory #gazaisfree #ceasefire #freepalestine #resilience #freedomisnotgranted #libertyandjustice #palflix #hungergames


16 Jan, 09:29

In a land once full of life, laughter, and dreams, a nation’s cry has echoed through the years, unheard by the world. 'A Nation’s Cry' tells the story of a people whose pain is often forgotten but whose spirit remains unbroken.

#ANationsCry #UnheardVoices #Resilience #ForgottenStories #UntoldHistory #HumanSpirit #palflix #HopeThroughPain


15 Jan, 13:37

The ceasefire marks a triumph of unity and resilience, showing that together, we can overcome hardship and build a path toward hope and peace.
It’s a victory born from unyielding solidarity and the resilience of those who stood together in the face of unimaginable hardship.

#UnityForPeace #StrengthInSolidarity #HopeForHumanity #Resilience #GlobalUnity #PeaceWins #StandTogether #EndConflict #palflix #palnews #middleeastnews


14 Jan, 08:54

Gaza’s suffering has unleashed a ripple effect, and the flames return to those who believed they were untouchable.

#LosAngeles #wildfires #LAfires #karma #gaza #palflix #palnews #breakingnews


13 Jan, 14:18

No fire burns in isolation. They send ripples of turmoil across the globe. From the smoldering ashes of injustice to the raging flames of consequence, the price of violence abroad is now felt at home. Gaza’s agony is a stark reminder: when you ignite destruction, the fire eventually circles back.

#LosAngeles #wildfires #LAfires #karma #gaza #palflix #palnews #breakingnews


13 Jan, 12:36

When injustice ignites in one corner of the world, its flames spread far and wide. Gaza left echoes that scar the world.

#LosAngeles #wildfires #LAfires #karma #gaza #palflix #palnews #breakingnews #justiceforpalestine


11 Jan, 11:34

The only battle worth fighting is the one that defines our future. It’s here, and the stakes have never been higher.

المعركة الوحيدة التي تستحق النضال هي تلك التي تحدد مستقبلنا. إنها هنا الآن، والرهانات لم تكن أعلى من ذلك من قبل.

#Palflix #betterfuture #palestinewillbefree #freedom #ceasefirenow #أحداث_فلسطين #متضامنون #نضال_وطن #فلسطيني_وأفتخر


10 Jan, 20:56

I stand here without fear because I remember..."
The keys we hold are more than metal; they are memories, legacies, and promises. They remind us of the path behind us and the justice we will fight for ahead.

#matrixreloaded #moviereviews #thematrix #palestiniankeys #keytomemories #homeland #nofear #seekjustice #palflix #مفتاح_البيت_بقلبي


09 Jan, 13:43

Embracing the land as it embraces us – a bond that runs deeper than time.

#movieposter #danceswithwolves #landwecallhome #homeland #backhome #palestine #palestinewillbefree #palflix #movies


08 Jan, 14:21

Weekly News Highlight:
This week, Kedumim in the West Bank made headlines after an incident drew attention to the region’s ongoing tensions. Such events continue to reflect the complexities of a conflict spanning decades.

#MiddleEastNews #TensionsRising #NewsHighlight #WeeklyUpdate #BreakingNews #Palestine #GlobalNews #Palflix #Palnews