Welcome to 'Our Empire' Telegram channel, your ultimate source for all the latest news and updates about the game. This channel is managed by the one and only developer, known as SK. Stay tuned to get firsthand information about new features, events, and much more. For any channel-related queries or to discuss unbans in the chat, you can reach out to the channel manager @kusok_bs. Discover more about the game by visiting our detailed guide at telegra.ph/TGK-Our-Empire-07-19. Join us in building and expanding Our Empire together!
07 Jan, 18:10
03 Jan, 14:51
03 Jan, 07:39
02 Jan, 11:38
19 Nov, 06:32
10 Nov, 07:07
04 Nov, 13:27
02 Nov, 23:48
27 Oct, 11:02
27 Oct, 07:31
27 Oct, 07:18
26 Oct, 01:33
22 Oct, 08:50
22 Oct, 08:42
19 Oct, 08:57
09 Oct, 11:29
08 Oct, 08:47
06 Oct, 10:32
04 Oct, 17:31
04 Oct, 04:10
02 Oct, 19:06
30 Sep, 12:16