Otaniemi Events @otaniemievents Channel on Telegram

Otaniemi Events


Aalto-yliopiston ainejärjestöjen & yhdistysten tapahtumatiedotukseen tarkoitettu kanava / Channel for Aalto University’s subject & other associations’ events

Send the event info to @TuottajaTeroAYY if you need post to the channel.

Otaniemi Events (Finnish)

Otaniemi-tapahtumat on Aalto-yliopiston ainejärjestöjen ja muiden yhdistysten tapahtumien tiedotuskanava. Täällä jaamme tietoa erilaisista tapahtumista, joita järjestetään Aalto-yliopiston kampuksella ja sen ympäristössä. Olitpa sitten opiskelija, henkilökuntaa tai yksityishenkilö, löydät varmasti kiinnostavia tapahtumia, jotka sopivat juuri sinulle. Kanava tarjoaa mahdollisuuden pysyä ajan tasalla siitä, mitä on tarjolla kampuksella ja miten voit osallistua erilaisiin tapahtumiin. Tällä hetkellä emme valitettavasti pysty myöntämään lisää julkaisuoikeuksia, mutta lisätietoja on pian tulossa. Seuraa kanavaamme saadaksesi tuoreimmat tiedot tapahtumista ja mahdollisuudesta osallistua niihin!

Otaniemi Events

21 Dec, 15:07

Harmittaako tammikuun alun tapahtumaköyhyys? Joululomalla ehtii levätä ja menojalka vipattaisi, mutta killat vasta totuttelevat uusiin toimihenkilöihinsä, eikä tapahtumia ole tarjolla. Ei hätää, juuri tähän tarpeeseen Kiltojen Ystävyysseuralla on ratkaisu! Saavu kanssamme sitsaamaan Vuoden ekoille ™️ sitseille silkasta sitsaamisen ilosta, ilman sen kummempaa teemaa tai tekosyytä! Luvassa on jälleen taattua KYS-laatua olevat sitsit täynnä menoa, melskettä ja hyvää seuraa! Sitsit järjestetään OK20 yläkerrassa torstaina 9.1. Kokkarit alkavat kello 17.00 ja sitsit pärähtävät käyntiin kello 17.30. Sitsien hinta on tuttuun tapaan KYSsin jäsenille 10€, muille 15€.
Nähdään sitseillä!

Mitä: Vuoden ekat ™️ sitsit 🤩
Missä: Otakaari 20 yläkerta
Milloin: Torstaina 9.1. klo 17.00
Miksi: Sitsaaminen on kivaa 🥳
Hinta: Jäsenille 10€, muille 15€
DC: Haalarit 🫡

Kysymyksiin vastaa @erkkakoskenniemi

Ilmoittautuminen on nyt auki

Otaniemi Events

20 Dec, 14:42

Sitsikomppanian esikunta toivottaa kaikille taistelijoille oikein hyvää joulua ja ilmoittaa, että seuraava harjoitus järjestetään inttisitsien muodossa Otaniemen varuskunnassa, Servin mökin muonituskeskuksessa perjantaina 31.1.2025 klo 18!

Ilmoittautuminen aukeaa huomenna 21.12. klo 12 osoitteessa puolustus.ministerio.fi. Valitettavasti harjoituksesta ei myönnetä kertausharjoituspäiviä.

MITÄ? Inttisitsit!
MISSÄ? Servin mökki
MILLOIN? pe 31.1.2024 - sulkeiset klo 18.00, ruokailuun siirtyminen klo 18.30
MIKSI? Koska käsketään!
MITÄ MAKSAA? 15 € (sis. hienon merkin)
DC? Sitsivarustus, sotilaallinen taikka härö-

Otaniemi Events

20 Dec, 10:02


Kevät kolkuttelee jo kulman takana, mikä tarkoittaa myös, että jäynäkevät on aika polkaista käyntiin huippujännittävällä Kimble-turnauksella! 16 tiimiä pääsevät ottamaan toisistaan mittaa kisassa, joka vaatii loppuun mietittyä pelistrategiaa ja pitkään treenattua turnajaiskestävyyttä. Tänä vuonna Kimble-turnaus pelataan Pelimannissa ja Takkakabinetissa keskiviikkona 29.1. klo 17 eteenpäin. Kerää kasaan 2-4 hengen joukkue, ilmoittaudu mukaan ennen kuin paikat loppuvat ja lähde mukaan kisaamaan kevään toiseksi himotuimmasta pokaalista!

Liput tulevat myyntiin kide.appiin keskiviikkona 8.1. klo 12.00.

Mikä? Kimble-turnaus
Missä? Takkakabinetti ja Pelimanni (Jämeräntaival 3A)
Milloin? Ke 29.1. klo 17.00 eteenpäin

Otaniemi Events

20 Dec, 10:02


Våren står redan runt hörnet, vilket betyder att det är dags att sparka igång jäynävåren med en spännande Kimble-turnering! 16 lag får chansen att mäta sina krafter i en tävling som kräver en välgenomtänkt spelstrategi och långtränad turneringsuthållighet. I år spelas Kimble-turneringen i Pelimanni och Takkakabinetti onsdagen den 29 januari från kl. 17 och framåt. Samla ett lag på 2–4 personer, anmäl er innan platserna tar slut och kom och tävla om vårens näst mest eftertraktade pokal!

Biljetterna släpps på kide.app onsdagen 8.1. kl. 12.00.

Vad? Kimble-turnering
Var? Takkakabinetti och Pelimanni (Jämeräntaival 3A)
När? Ons 29.1., kl. 17.00

Otaniemi Events

20 Dec, 10:02


Spring is just around the corner, which also means that it's time to kick off Jäynä Spring with the thrilling Kimble tournament! The tournament pits 16 teams against each other in a contest that requires a well thought-out game strategy and long-practiced tournament endurance. This year's Kimble tournament will be played at Pelimanni and Takkakabinetti on Wednesday 29.1. from 5 PM onwards. Get a team of 2-4 people together, sign up before tickets run out and join the race for the second most coveted trophy of the spring!

Tickets will go on sale on kide.app on Wednesday 8.1. at 12.00.

What? Kimble tournament
Where? Takkakabinetti and Pelimanni (Jämeräntaival 3A)
When? Wed 29.1. from 17.00 onwards

Otaniemi Events

16 Dec, 09:35

UniEvents is back with the most luxurious New Year's Eve celebration in town! 💫

We are hosting an exclusive New Year's Eve party on the 31st of December at Seaside Lounge, which offers a luxurious and elegant vibe An amazing live DJ will be playing for the entire night 💥 There will also be a special New Year countdown and other nice surprises! 🎆 (More info on IG @unievents.fi)

On this special occasion, we are happy to include FREE welcome drinks with the tickets, which start at only 5.99€ 🥳 The ticket link can be found below 👇 (Prices will go up soon so be fast!)



Join our brand new Telegram channel for more info‼️👇



Quick recap:


WHERE: Seaside Lounge (Eläintarhantie 12, 00530 Helsinki) 🎊

WHEN: 31.12.2024, 22:00-04:00 🥂

See you there! 😁

Otaniemi Events

14 Dec, 15:15

Aalto Gamers CS2 Shanghai Major Finals Watch Party Tomorrow‼️

Who's gonna to take the $500k home?

Join us to cheer on your favorite finalist team, eat some FREE SNACKS and hang out with fellow CS2 enjoyers LIVE at Design Factory👐

⏰️WHEN: TOMORROW, 15.12. from 10:00
📍WHERE: Design Factory, Puumiehenkuja 5
❓️WHY: Free snacks, CS2, Great company

No sign-up required. See you there! 😎

Otaniemi Events

12 Dec, 12:00

Last chance to secure your ticket at KUJ's Porridge Party tomorrow! Buckle up for a wild night of porridge overload and glörgi that warms your soul. Oh, and Santa’s crashing the party—don’t keep him waiting!

Otaniemi Events

11 Dec, 12:39

‼️Happening this Friday!

Get ready for super cool inspirations from the sustainability community, delicious Glögi with festive treats, and delightful surprises (🎁). We’ve got everything set, now we’re just waiting for YOU!

Event details:

📅 Friday, December 13th

🕒 15:00 - 17:00

📍 Q019 Exhibition Space, near Kipsari (0 Floor, Väre, School of Arts, Otaniementie 14, 02150 Espoo)

🌿 The event is free and open to everyone, but registration is required for sustainability purposes.

👉 Register here!

Otaniemi Events

10 Dec, 11:55

Are youuu readyyy....
MEIOOSI 2025 COMING SOON ‼️ 30.1. ‼️🔥🔥🔥🔥

Vuoden haippisimmat bileet tulee taas 😍 Tätä et haluu missata!


Inkubion järkkäämä legendaarinen vuosittain loppuunmyynyt Meioosi tulee taas ja luvassa ennennäkemätöntä meininkiä 😵‍💫💯 Tuttuun tapaan bileet järkätään Smökissä ja luvassa huikeeta ohjelmaa, esiintyjiä ja kisoja! 🔥🔥

Lipunmyynti Kideapissa 13.1. klo 12 ‼️

Meioosin teema julkistetaan 7.1. joten ota IG seurantaan (@meioosi), liity TG-kanavalle ja tiedä ekojen joukossa mitä tapahtuu ja milloin, ja mitä mahtavaa ohjelmaa ollaan keksitty 😎🔥

🔥MITÄ: Meioosi 2025
🔥MISSÄ: Smökki, Jämeräntaival 4
🔥MILLOIN: 30.1.
🔥LIPUNMYYNTI ALKAA: Kideapp 13.1. klo 12
🔥DC: Teema selviää 7.1.
🔥MIKSI: Vuoden parhaita bileitä sä et haluu missaa!

😎WHAT: Meioosi 2025
😎WHERE: Smökki, Jämeräntaival 4
😎WHEN: 30.1.
😎TICKETS: Kideapp 13.1. @ 12.00
😎DC: Theme will be announced on 7.1.
😎WHY: You don't want to miss the best party of 2025!

Otaniemi Events

10 Dec, 11:51

There is still a chance to see if american football could be for you! 🏈🔥

Otaniemi Events

10 Dec, 10:06

The 2025 Hauki Cup is finally here! This late January’s wintery kyykkä extravaganza brings together participants of all levels, from beginners to seasoned kyykkä veterans, to compete for the Otaniemi kyykkä championship. This year, the afterparty is like nothing we have seen at Hauki Cup before - come and have a taste!

The tournament will take place on Saturday, January 18, 2024, in Otaniemi. The tournament follows the rules of Academic kyykkä.

Team ticket sales will begin on 11.12.2024 at 12.00 via a link this link. The ticket includes after-party access for four. Additional after-party tickets can be purchased separately.

For more information join the Telegram information channel: @HaukiCup

Otaniemi Events

09 Dec, 12:00

Porridge Party

Some tickets still remaining!

Ready to kick off the holiday season in the best way possible? KUJ invites you to a magical night of unhinged fun, cheer and festive vibes at our Porridge Party this friday!

Meet Santa Claus, sip on warm Glörgi, and enjoy delicious porridge while soaking in the festive buzz at Saha! Perfect for unwinding after exam stress and embracing the festive season.

WHAT: Porridge Party
WHERE: Saha (Konemiehentie 3)
WHEN: 13.12 21.00-06.00

Otaniemi Events

09 Dec, 07:06

💡 Founders, think you’re nailing investor relations?

Come and get your tips and advices.

🚀 Topic: How To Nail Your Investor Relations
🎤 Expert Speaker: Margarita Khartanovich (Platform6)
📅 11.12.2024 | 13:00 – 14:00

Learn how to approach investors, build lasting relationships, and secure your startup's success.

Register here: https://eventsmarketing.aalto.fi/ASUC_How_To_Nail_Your_Investor_Relations1007159944

Otaniemi Events

08 Dec, 15:33

Missed your early flight to Shanghai❓️ Don't worry, we got you covered 💨🥷

Aalto Gamers is hosting a CS2 Shanghai Major Finals Watch Party‼️

Who's gonna to take the $500k W home?

Join us to cheer on your favorite finalist team, eat some FREE SNACKS and hang out with fellow CS2/Snack enjoyers LIVE at Design Factory🍿

⏰️WHEN: Sunday, 15.12. from 10:00
📍WHERE: Design Factory, Puumiehenkuja 5
❓️WHY: Free snacks, CS2, Great company

No sign-up required. Hope to see you there! 🔥

Otaniemi Events

06 Dec, 12:03

TAEKWONDO with A!DVENTURES and Mia Haakana

Want to stay safe on your A!dventures? 🙂‍↕️ Join Aalto A!dventures and Mia Haakana to learn Taekwondo on Tuesday Dec 10th at 15:30 in Tatamisali, Jämeräntaival 5A.

NOTE: Instructions will be given mostly in Finnish.


❔️WHAT: Taekwondo with A!dventures
🕔WHEN: Tuesday 10.12 at 15:30
📍WHERE: Tatamisali, JMT 5A
❓️WHY: Try Taekwondo with a Finnish champion player 🙂‍↕️
⁉️ SIGN-UP: https://forms.gle/tNBWFA2HEZvZa1TYA

Picture by Jessika Laakkonen

Otaniemi Events

06 Dec, 10:07

Tickets are now on sale! https://holvi.com/shop/viskikerhowhisky/product/9dff930ad330918e1b81610fec018d13/

Otaniemi Events

05 Dec, 10:08

Join us for a great tasting and the election of next year's board. Make sure to apply here if you haven't already!
Become a member here.

Join our telegram channel for more info, here.

What: The Board's Choice tasting
Where: 100 Monkeys Clubroom, Jämeräntaival 11 G
When: Wednesday 11.12. at 18:30
How much: 16€, [14€ for members]
Tickets: Sales open on Friday 6.12. at 12.00

Otaniemi Events

05 Dec, 10:00

You can now register for the AIC X OP Excursion! Register here! <3

Otaniemi Events

04 Dec, 12:06

Heyyy everyone! We’re all smiles here waiting to see you at 🌟Mingle & Jingle with the Sustainability Action Booster🌟

- Ever wondered what amazing sustainability actions Aalto students have been up to in 2023-2024 with our grant support?
- Come to Mingle & Jingle with the Sustainability Action Booster grant, where delicious Glögi, tasty treats, and a special surprise for the first 30 guests await!

Event details:
📅 Date: Friday, December 13th
🕒 Time: 15:00 - 17:00
📍 Location: Q019: Exhibition space near Kipsari (0 Floor, Väre, School of Arts, Otaniementie 14, 02150 Espoo)

What to expect?
Festive treats & delicious Glögi
An exhibition showcasing Aalto’s sustainability community and two years of impactful work by the Sustainability Action Booster
Great company

The event is free and open to everyone, but registration is required for sustainability purposes.

👉 Register here!

Otaniemi Events

04 Dec, 08:49


CSSADANCE performance group is calling for talented dancers (M/F) for spring/summer season 2025!


DANCE STYLE: K-pop and/or Chinese dance
WHEN: 14 December, Saturday, 11:00 (OR send a video, instructions below)
WHERE: Jämeräntaival 3, multi-facility hall

a) Prepare a 0.5 - 3 min dance
b) Sign up (link below)
c) Come to the audition on Dec 14 or send the video link to [email protected] by Dec 13
d) After evaluation the results will be announced through email together with the performance training schedule.

PRICE: 3€ / 0€ (members price)


More information:

Sign up:

[email protected]

Follow us on instagram!

Otaniemi Events

03 Dec, 13:19

Dominanten Joulun tähden -konsertit 18.12. ja 20.12. ❄️

Tule tunnelmoimaan ja rauhoittumaan kiireiden keskellä Dominanten perinteisiin Joulun tähden -konsertteihin!🎄

Ohjelmassa on joulun rakkaimpia sävelmiä, perinteistä Dominanten jouluohjelmistoa sekä tämän vuoden erikoisuutena Benjamin Brittenin A Ceremony of Carols, jossa on mukana harpisti Katri Tikka. Kuoroa johtaa Seppo Murto.

Ke 18.12.2024 klo 19 Tapiolan kirkko
Pe 20.12.2024 klo 19 Helsingin tuomiokirkko

Liput opiskelijoille 15€ ovelta, kuorolaisilta tai Dominanten verkkokaupasta!
Liput 15€ / 25€ / 40€

Lisäksi konsertteihin on saatavilla 10% ryhmäalennus vähintään 10 henkilön ryhmille. Lisätietoa ryhmäalennuksesta löytyy verkkokaupasta!

Otaniemi Events

03 Dec, 11:05

Polyteknikkojen Raittiusseura iskee jälleen!

Kuusi vuotta edellisestä iskusta Otaniemen Alkoon. Tällöin erikoisoperaatio epäonnistui, eikä wiinakauppa tyhjentynyt. Raittiusseura alkaa olla elpynyt ja uskomme löytäneemme vihollisen heikon kohdan. Iskemällä voimme lopettaa Alkon tarinan ikuisesti.

PoRa kutsuu koko Otaniemen apuun viimeiseen koitokseen, jonka tavoitteena on tyhjentää koko Alkon liike alkoholista. Isku tapahtuu vihollisen vahvimmassa tukikohdassa uudenvuodenaattona. Aikaa operaatiolle on yhdeksän tuntia huipentuen kello kuuden viimeiseen taistoon. Oli kekoon kannettu korsi minkä kokoinen tahansa, jokaisesta taistelijasta on hyötyä. Vilskettä riittänee myös taisteluun osallistumattomille.

Iskun ajankohta: 31.12.2024 klo 9 - 18
Iskun sijainti: Otaniemen Alko, Abloc
Iskun tavoite: Kuolettava isku
Iskun kommunikaatio: t.me/iskualkoon

Otaniemi Events

02 Dec, 15:26

Build It: Future edition😇

Apple Vision Pro, Cybertrucks and IBM’s quantum chip Heron were launched last year. Just imagine what tech we will have in 2025!

⚡️What stuff excites you the most right now? What technology or market do you want to work with next?

Take that THING and come build something regarding it on Tue 10.12. at 17:00. Reserve a seat and a snack here https://lu.ma/zzwyx6kg

Otaniemi Events

28 Nov, 10:00

There’s more to investing than shares and funds—are you ready to explore?

If topics such as real estate, fixed income or private equity spark your interest, this event is a must! On Thursday 12.12. at 14 AIC and OP Uusimaa welcomes you to OP's office to learn more about alternative investments.🌟

Professionals lead you through workshops on these topics explaining how institutions and individuals approach these investments and how you can get started as a young investor!

Please note that this event is held in Finnish.

Registration opens on Thursday 5.12. at 12 o’clock!

More info here!

Hope to see you there! ❤️

Otaniemi Events

27 Nov, 15:43

Metal Club Mökä: Anti-Christmas sitsit 🧑🏼‍🎄🤘🏼🔥

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to sing heavier songs at sitsit? Are typical pre-Christmas parties a bit too cheerful for you?

Welcome to Mökä's Anti-Christmas sitsit on 14.12! After Mökä's first ever metal sitsit last year was a success, we decided to organize another one, this time with a pre-Christmas twist! During the night, we'll sing various metal songs in addition to some classic sitsi songs. Rumours have it that there may even be a guest appearance of the Evil Santa...

We welcome everyone interested (no membership needed) to get into the (anti)Christmas mood with us!🎄🔥
Tickets and more info can be found via kide app (link below).

What: Mökä Anti-Christmas sitsit / metal sitsit
When: 14.12. cocktails 17:00, main event 18:00
Where: OK20 upstairs + small side (Otakaari 20)
Cost: 20 €
Tickets + more info: https://kide.app/events/ebe2438e-eb8f-4b71-86c1-89e5c42a0cc8
Why: Getting into the Christmas spirit with heavy music 🤘🏼

Otaniemi Events

26 Nov, 20:23

There’s alotta talk about branding, but not too much on HOW TO build one 🤔

Join us on 4.12. for an insightful fireside chat with Alexander Pihlainen, former CMO at SLUSH and current founding partner and CEO at Bou to learn tangible tips on how to build a brand 🖌

No matter where you are on your journey, this chat will surely equip you with insights to support your own entrepreneurial journey 🌟

P.S. grab your paper and pen, because we’re ending the chat with a Q&A session! ✍🏻

Sign up now! 💫

Otaniemi Events

26 Nov, 18:13

🍷V&V 2024🎧

Feeling exhausted from Otacruise? Want to chill before the last exam week of the year? Wish to enjoy music together with fine food & wine?

Don't worry, Audiopoli's V&V is the answer to your dreams! Starting tomorrow, you can participate in the most Hi-Fi event of Otaniemi by coming to OUBS Studio at JMT1 at 17.00!

The idea of the event is to listen to high-quality (and stupid expensive) speakers, while enjoying tasty food and wine at the same time. Everyone gets to choose two songs to listen to in the best seating position, and of course, you'll get to enjoy each other's musical tastes as well. No knowledge on audio equipment or music is presumed, all that's needed is love for music!

As a bonus, on Wednesday you'll get a short presentation on the secrets of the loudspeakers we have chosen this year. This is something you won't hear by visiting a Hi-Fi store!

Also, by joining in you're basically robbing us, since the cost of the servings available at the event easily exceed the ticket price😉


What? "Wine and Whining", enjoy flagship audio equipment together with drinks and snacks!
Where? OUBS Studio, Jämeräntaival 1
When? 27.11-30.11 from 17-22
DC? Smart casual
Price? Only 15€!
Tickets? https://kide.app/events/cc45129a-b383-4657-b9d3-d4b8c71ae14e

Otaniemi Events

26 Nov, 09:39

Polyteknikkojen Kuoron Joulu 2024 tulee jälleen!

Tämän vuoden joulukonserttimme ovat kuoron uuden taiteellisen johtajan Tatu Erkkilän ensimmäiset PK:n kanssa. Perinteisten klassikoiden lisäksi luvassa on tuoretta joulu- ja talviaiheista musiikkia mm. Britteinsaarilta. Tatun sanoin:

"Joulukuu on perinteisesti hektistä aikaa itse kullekin. Joulun pyhät ja vuodenvaihteen kevyt hengähdystauko arjen huminasta häämöttää näköpiirissä. Istahtaminen noin tunnin ajaksi jouluisen kuoromusiikin äärelle tekee usein ihmeitä, ja tämän levähdyksen haluammme jokaiselle kuulijalle tarjota."

Tuo itsesi ja läheisesi virittäytymään joulun tunnelmaan Johanneksenkirkkoon lauantaina 14.12.2024!

Liput 25/10€ (norm/opiskelija) + palvelumaksut (osoitteessa lippu.fi). Lippuja myynnissä myös ovella.

Konsertit esitetään klo 17 & 19.

Otaniemi Events

25 Nov, 19:52


Come enjoy football with quality refreshments - the 8€ ticket includes beverages, snacks & the streamed games! 🍿📽️🍺

🕖Time Schedule
Doors: 19:30
Pregaming & KY-Beppo's beer pong tournament: 20:00
Streamed games: 22:00

🎟️ Tickets available HERE !!

💡More info @oluelle

Otaniemi Events

25 Nov, 16:40

🚀 Space Hackathon Alert! 🌌

Are you ready to take on a weekend challenge that’s literally out of this world? 🌠

Come to the Space Software Hackathon, where you’ll team up to create new software solutions to real-world space challenges. It’s time to test your coding skills; solve exciting space-related problems, and compete for a 💶€250 prize! (Secret competition mid event for the extra 50€)

🗓 When? 29 November 17:00 - 1st December 14:00
📍 Where? Puumiehenkuja 5 Espoo, Startup Sauna Event Space

Bring your awesome skills, your creativity, and your laptop. Whether you’re dreaming of working in space tech or just love coding, this is your chance to shine. 🔥

Spots are limited, so sign up now!

Otaniemi Events

22 Nov, 16:00

Porridge Party

Struggling to find the Christmas spirit in the winter gloom? Relax after the exam week and dive into the holiday spirit at the KUJ's Porridge Party at a student-friendly price!

Ticket includes mouth-watering warm porridge, festive mulled wine (Glörgi), and a cheerful visit from Santa Claus to brighten your evening!

The Ticket Sale begins 25.11. at 12.00!

WHAT: Porridge Party
WHERE: Saha (Konemiehentie 3)
WHEN: Friday 13th of December from 21:00 to 06:00
DRESS CODE: Christmas look

Please note that this event will be held in Finnish.

TICKET SALE: https://kide.app/events/a62af9a3-bacf-4cb6-a170-39a185c1739d
MORE DETAILS: https://facebook.com/events/s/puurojuhla/546084581367990/

Otaniemi Events

22 Nov, 10:45

Blind Bourbon Workshop

We invite you to join us for an exclusive blind bourbon workshop that promises to delight your senses and challenge your palate. You can read about the event in detail on our Holvi page.

WHERE: 100 Monkeys Clubroom, Jämeräntaival 11 G
WHEN: 27.11.2024,Wednesday, 18.30, Doors open at 18.00
HOW MUCH: 15€, for members 13 €


Otaniemi Events

21 Nov, 18:00

Aalto Sustainability Club is thrilled to announce our upcoming event:

Sustainable Connections- Networking with Aalto Alumni, next Wednesday the 27.11.2024, 17:00-20:00, in Otaniemi, Arvo restaurant, Ekonominaukio 1 (Business School).

​Sustainable Connections unites the entire Aalto Community with its alumni who are at the forefront of shaping sustainability and current Aalto students eager to drive impactful innovation in the field.

​In light of the current geopolitical challenges and climate crises, this event holds a heightened significance. It provides a space for crucial dialogue and collaboration, bringing together experienced alumni and the emerging generation of leaders who are essential to addressing these pressing global issues.

​In addition to networking with accomplished environmental and sustainability professionals, this occasion offers a key opportunity to understand the aspirations, ambitions, and creative solutions of the Aalto community, which -without a doubt represents the next wave of leadership in sustainability and climate action.


Register here: https://lu.ma/akfn84d0

Limited places-please note that the number of seats are limited, and we encourage you to register only if you are certain you can attend. 🌻🍁

​When: Wednesday 27.11.2024, 17:00-20:00
​Location: Arvo restaurant, Aalto Business School, Ekonominaukio 1

Otaniemi Events

21 Nov, 17:59

Sustainable Connections 2024 has finally arrived! 🔥

Otaniemi Events

21 Nov, 13:03

KYllä Oluelle’s UCL-night is back! ⚽️🍺 Get ready for our second-ever UCL-night, where we bring the vibes and atmosphere from your favorite local sports bar to Saha! 🏆🏟️🌌 
The night kicks off with a beer pong tournament by KY-Beppo and continues with streaming of two UEFA Champions League matches on big screens! ⚽️📽️ More info on our Instagram. 

WHAT: UCL-night
WHEN: 27.11. from 7.30pm onwards
WHERE: Saha (Konemiehentie 3)
PRICE: 8 euros

Otaniemi Events

21 Nov, 09:05


CSSADANCE performance group is calling for talented dancers (M/F) for spring/summer season 2025!


DANCE STYLE: K-pop and/or Chinese dance
WHEN: 14 December, Saturday, 11:00 (OR send a video, instructions below)
WHERE: Jämeräntaival 3, multi-facility hall

a) Prepare a 0.5 - 3 min dance
b) Sign up (link below)
c) Come to the audition on Dec 14 or send the video link to [email protected] by Dec 13
d) After evaluation the results will be announced through email together with the performance training schedule.

PRICE: 3€ / 0€ (members price)


More information:

Sign up:

[email protected]

Follow us on instagram!

Otaniemi Events

20 Nov, 17:28

⭐️🎥 A student-ran cinema is coming to Otaniemi! 🎥⭐️

Those who remember Kino Sheryl from Arabia know what's up 💅

We have TWO films tomorrow for you guys!


👨‍🎤 Little Richard: I am Everything
This film tells the story of the Black queer origins of rock n’ roll, exploding the whitewashed canon of American pop music to reveal the innovator – the originator – Richard Penniman.

🐠 Fish River Anthology
A 9 minute musical animation directed by Veera Lamminpää (ELO film)


After years of absence, the cinema Sheryl has made a comeback. And she's better than ever before.

WHAT: Student ran cinema
WHEN: Thursday 21st 18:30
WHERE: Marsio Cinema
WHY: Free & student-ran!

Otaniemi Events

20 Nov, 15:02

🍷V&V 2024🔊

Audiopoli is proud to announce that best Hi-Fi listening event of Otaniemi starts in a week! Some tickets for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday whinings are still available, so hurry up and go grab yours now!

Just to tease you a bit, the speakers of this year are hand-made in Finland and won't fit in a wagon...


What? "Wine and Whining", enjoy flagship audio equipment together with some drinks and snacks!
Where? OUBS Studio, Jämeräntaival 1
When? 27.11-30.11 from 17-22
DC? Smart casual
Price? Only 15€!
Tickets? https://kide.app/events/cc45129a-b383-4657-b9d3-d4b8c71ae14e