网络匿名教程讲解分析 @online_anon Channel on Telegram




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频道推荐: 学习墙国 @XueXi_China

网络匿名教程讲解分析 (Chinese)

欢迎来到网络匿名教程讲解分析频道!这里是online_anon,我们的特色包括网络匿名教程的讲解和分析,是您了解网络匿名技术的最佳去处。除此之外,我们还分享与IT和信息安全相关的最新新闻,定期提醒大家关于漏洞被曝光和修复的重要信息。我们也会转载一些有价值的内容,让您更全面地了解网络安全领域。虽然政治不是我们的主要内容,但我们也会涉及一些相关话题。此外,我们乐于分享一些日常生活中的有趣信息。nn我们的头像来源于Pixabay的公有领域图像。除非另有声明,我们的所有内容均按照CC BY-SA 4.0授权使用,您可以自由分享和传播。nn如果您对学习网络匿名技术感兴趣,我们推荐您关注我们的频道合作伙伴学习墙国@XueXi_China。这是一个优秀的学习频道,提供丰富的学习资源和信息,助您更好地掌握知识。nn加入网络匿名教程讲解分析频道,一起探讨网络安全世界的奥秘,保护自己的隐私和信息安全!


26 Jan, 20:17



26 Jan, 20:13



06 Jan, 18:47



27 Dec, 19:57



04 Dec, 17:17



11 Nov, 19:10



25 Oct, 18:02

All donations to the Tor Project matched 1:1, now through Dec 31

Each year during this season, the Tor Project holds a fundraiser during which we ask for your support. We do this because the Tor Project is a nonprofit organization, powered by donations from our community.

Donations make it possible for the Tor Project to build tools powered by people-not profit.
Over the next few months, well be sharing stories from some of the millions of people you’re helping when you support Tor, details about what’s coming next to our suite of privacy and censorship circumvention tools, and ways you can help make privacy online easy and accessible.

Now is a great time to give and spread the word about the Tor Project because through the end of the year, all donations will be matched. That means when you donate $25, you’re making a $50 impact. Plus, we’ve introduced a brand-new item to our list of gifts you can receive in return for making a donation.


24 Oct, 18:28


24 Oct, 17:40

New Release: Tor Browser 14.0

Tor Browser 14.0 is now available from the Tor Browser download page and our distribution directory. This is our first stable release based on Firefox ESR 128, incorporating a year's worth of changes shipped upstream in Firefox. As part of this process we've also completed our annual ESR transition audit, where we reviewed and addressed over 200 Bugzilla issues for changes in Firefox that may negatively affect the privacy and security of Tor Browser users. Our final reports from this audit are now available in the tor-browser-spec repository on our Gitlab instance.

Extended support for legacy platforms

With the release of Tor Browser 13.5, we began warning users of Windows 7, 8 and 8.1 and macOS 10.12, 10.13 and 10.14 that this would be the last major release to support their platforms. In short, that situation has now changed, and users of these legacy platforms will continue to receive critical security updates updates on a temporary basis until at least March 2025.

Microsoft ended support for Windows 7, 8 and 8.1 in January of 2023, and Apple typically provides support for the previous three versions of macOS. In turn, Mozilla moved support for these versions to the Extended Support Release (ESR) of Firefox last year, and ESR 115 will be the final version of Firefox to support these platforms. However, Mozilla have since announced that ESR 115 will continue to receive critical security updates until at least March 2025, with the intention to re-evaluate the situation at the beginning of the year.

So how does this affect Tor Browser users? That's where it gets a little complicated: Tor Browser 13 is currently based on Firefox ESR 115, whereas Tor Browser 14 is based on ESR 128 – which doesn't support these legacy platforms. This means that the Tor Browser user base will be split across two update paths:

- Users of Windows 10 or later and macOS 10.15 or later will be updated to Tor Browser 14.0.
- User of Windows 7, 8 and 8.1 and macOS 10.12, 10.13 and 10.14 will remain on Tor Browser 13.5.

In turn, the Tor Project will continue to release new versions of Tor Browser 13.5 whenever critical security updates are made available for Firefox ESR 115. Ultimately, this support is only temporary, and is dependent on Mozilla's timetable. Therefore we strongly recommend users of legacy Windows and macOS platforms upgrade their operating systems in order to update to Tor Browser 14.0 before the extended support window ends. Keeping Tor Browser up to date is critical to protect your privacy, security and anonymity online.
Read more:


24 Oct, 17:07




17 Oct, 12:47




09 Oct, 18:50

Uniting for Internet Freedom: Tor Project & Tails Join Forces

Today the Tor Project, a global non-profit developing tools for online privacy and anonymity, and Tails, a portable operating system that uses Tor to protect users from digital surveillance, have joined forces and merged operations. Incorporating Tails into the Tor Project's structure allows for easier collaboration, better sustainability, reduced overhead, and expanded training and outreach programs to counter a larger number of digital threats. In short, coming together will strengthen both organizations' ability to protect people worldwide from surveillance and censorship.


07 Oct, 18:32

"Tor bridges," a way to keep using Tor in countries that block it

In highly-censored regimes, circumvention tools like Tor - a browsing system which provides anonymity and unrestricted internet access - are often targeted by censors.
In this article, Reporters Without Borders (RSF) introduces Tor bridges and explains how this technology can be used by journalists to access Tor.


24 Sep, 18:43



23 Sep, 15:37

“Kill Switch”这个概念源于很多VPN软件。软件对其的解释是“当VPN断开时,它可以阻止所有网络连接”。然而,要想使用它,就意味着必须使用VPN软件。这些由商业公司运营的VPN并不能很好的保证隐私和匿名。其实要想达到相同目的,只需要使用Whonix等。当连接断开时,工作机等同于断网。Whonix开源自由,比由商业公司运营的闭源专有VPN更加值得信任。


03 Sep, 13:52



03 Sep, 13:51

频道主/群主令:本群群规已由群主以及管理员、群成员民主投票于2024年9月3日修正通过,自通过之日起实施,现予公布。频道主/群主 开发随想 2024年9月3日


28 Aug, 18:09

俺对法国警方非法拘留 Durov 一事表示坚决反对与强烈谴责。“it is absurd to claim that a platform or its owner are responsible for abuse of that platform.” Mr. Durov, the company added, “has nothing to hide.” 俺呼吁法国警方尽快无罪释放 Durov 。


15 Aug, 18:09



14 Aug, 17:42



07 Aug, 18:39

In early July, Apple removed 25 VPN apps from the Russian App Store following a request from Roskomnadzor, Russia's telecommunications

Tor-powered apps are still available on the App Store. For iOS, we recommend installing Onion Browser and Orbot, developed by the Guardian Project.

Users in Russia can still access banned apps by changing their iCloud account location.

Please note that we do not recommend installing other apps using non-official Tor branding on iOS. Any browser forcing you to pay and is claiming to be Tor Browser is fake.


06 Aug, 18:38 reports: "Since the first days of July, Turkmenistan has seen unprecedented easing of Internet blocking. Users from different regions of the country report that the providers Turkmentelecom and Ashgabat City Telephone Network have made all hosting, content delivery networks (CDNs), and subnets of IP addresses /8 available. This has returned access to 3 billion IP addresses. However, in the cellular operator Altyn Asyr blocking is still in effect. It is still unclear what exactly has caused this relaxation, but there are several theories."

Please note that although many resources have been unblocked, the censorship in Turkmenistan remains very severe.

Turkmenistan is one of the most censored countries in the world. Thanks to relay operators and volunteers, Tor remains accessible even during the strictest censorship periods.