🔊تطوير مهارة التحدثEn🎧 @listen_closely Channel on Telegram

🔊تطوير مهارة التحدثEn🎧


تهدف هذه القناة إلى تحسين طلاقتك في تحدث اللغة الإنجليزية. تابعنا واستمتع برحلة التعلم!‌‌
This channel aims to enhance your English speaking fluency. Follow us and enjoy the learning journey!‌‌

بوت التواصل والاستفسار
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🔊تطوير مهارة التحدثEn🎧 (Arabic)

هل ترغب في تحسين مهارات التحدث باللغة الإنجليزية؟ إذا كانت الإجابة نعم، فقناة "🔊تطوير مهارة التحدثEn🎧" هي المكان المناسب لك! تهدف هذه القناة إلى تحسين طلاقتك في التحدث باللغة الإنجليزية من خلال محتوى تعليمي ممتع ومفيد. ستستمتع برحلة التعلم والتحسن المستمر لمهاراتك اللغوية. كل ما عليك فعله هو متابعتنا والاستفادة من المحتوى القيم الذي نقدمه! لا تتردد في طرح أسئلتك واستفساراتك عبر بوت الدردشة والاستفسار الخاص بنا: @Listen_Closelybot. انضم إلينا اليوم وابدأ رحلتك نحو تحسين مهارتك في التحدث باللغة الإنجليزية!

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08 Jan, 13:27

..... @One_Big_Family

من اروع القروبات 👆🏽لممارسة اللغة الإنجليزية

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06 Jan, 23:31

15. Surah Al-Hijr

Listen attentively to Surah Al-Hijr recited by Mishary Rashid, along with its English translation.  Broaden your understanding of the language.

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06 Jan, 23:31

14. Surah Ibrahim

Listen attentively to Surah Ibrahim recited by Mishary Rashid, along with its English translation.  Broaden your understanding of the language.

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06 Jan, 09:15

13. Surah Ar-Ra'd

Listen attentively to Surah Ar-Ra'd recited by Mishary Rashid, along with its English translation.  Broaden your understanding of the language.

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05 Jan, 08:02

𖧊 keep on لا تتوقف؛ استمر

𖥁 Keep on pushing!
𖥁 His alarm went off, but he kept on sleeping.
𖥁 It's late, but I have to keep on working.

A: Why did you sell your parrot?
B: He kept on singing Elvis songs.

📝 #Vocabulary

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05 Jan, 08:02

𖧊 keep in touch
ابق على اتصال

𖥁 He gave me his phone number so we could keep in touch.
𖥁 They kept in touch for twenty years.
𖥁 Please keep in touch while you are traveling.

A: I'm going to live in America next year.
B: After you go, please keep in touch with me.

📝 #Vocabulary

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05 Jan, 08:02

𖧊 keep in mind
ضع في اعتبارك؛ تذكر

𖥁 Keep in mind that he usually eats with chopsticks.
𖥁 I'll keep that in mind.
𖥁 Keep in mind that you've got a meeting at 3:00.

A: I'm going to play soccer with my friends this afternoon!
B: Okay, but keep in mind that dinner is at 6:00.

📝 #Vocabulary

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04 Jan, 14:22

مجموعة 1҉ 𝐁𝐢𝐠 𝐟𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 🏠
لممارسة اللغة الإنجليزية

مجموعة 1҉ 𝐁𝐢𝐠 𝐟𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 🏠
تُعتبر هذه المجموعة وجهة قوية ومميزة في عالم تليغرام، حيث تجمع أفضل الأصدقاء والموهوبين لتبادل الأفكار الخبرات. هنا، نحتضن التنوع ونؤمن بقوة الروابط الاخويه التي تربطنا، ونهدف إلى خلق مجتمع مليء بالدعم والإلهام.

معنا انت في طريقك الصحيح لاتقان اللغة الانجليزية



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04 Jan, 00:44

12. Surah Yusuf

Listen attentively to Surah Yusuf recited by Mishary Rashid, along with its English translation.  Broaden your understanding of the language.

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04 Jan, 00:40

⋄ He said he'd finish the work soon – maybe tomorrow.
قال إنه سينهي العمل قريبًا - ربما غدًا.

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04 Jan, 00:40

He looked like he was thirty, maybe thirty-five years old.
بدا كما لو كان في الثلاثين من عمره، وربما كان في الخامسة والثلاثين.
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04 Jan, 00:38

⋄ The problems really started maybe two or three years ago.
   بدأت المشكلات بشكل حقيقي قبل عامين أو ثلاثة على الأرجح.

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04 Jan, 00:37

⋄ I try to meditate for half an hour every evening.
أحاول أن أخصص نصف ساعة للتأمل كل مساء.

🎧 #Listen_Closely

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04 Jan, 00:32

القناة الاروع في عالم التيليجرام

ليست مجرد قناة
انها عالم من👌🏽 الرقي والاخلاق

قناة فن التعامل مع الناس قناة كل الناس

للاشتراك اضـغــط هنـا

🔊تطوير مهارة التحدثEn🎧

03 Jan, 23:43

𖧊 keep away (from) 
يتجنب؛ ابتعد

𖥁 There are some areas that swimmers should keep away from.
𖥁 Keep away from that old house!
𖥁 The shy boy kept away from the other children.

A: Why did mom tell us to keep away from that dog?
B: Because that dog is dangerous! It bit three kids last summer.

📝 #Vocabulary

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03 Jan, 23:42

𖧊 keep out (of) البقاء خارج (من)

𖥁 Keep your hands out of my honey!
𖥁 The children were kept out of the graveyard.
𖥁 The high fence kept wolves out of the farm.

A: Why did you keep out of the game?
B: I don't know how to play very well.
📝 #Vocabulary

🔊تطوير مهارة التحدثEn🎧

03 Jan, 23:42

𖧊 keep an eye on 
يشاهد؛ مراقبة

𖥁 They wanted to keep an eye on the strange newcomer.
𖥁 I'm going to the bathroom. Please keep an eye on my bag.
𖥁 My parents are gone, so I have to keep an eye on my little brother.

A: Keep an eye on the time. I have to leave at midnight.
B: OK. It's only 11:15 now.
📝 #Vocabulary

🔊تطوير مهارة التحدثEn🎧

03 Jan, 23:02

11. Surah Hud

Listen attentively to Surah Hud recited by Mishary Rashid, along with its English translation.  Broaden your understanding of the language.

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03 Jan, 22:58

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37.85 MB


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03 Jan, 22:50

74. The Wealth of Nations - Adam Smith
11.35 MB

🔊تطوير مهارة التحدثEn🎧

01 Jan, 16:30

10. Surah Yunus

Listen attentively to Surah Yunus recited by Mishary Rashid, along with its English translation.  Broaden your understanding of the language.

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01 Jan, 08:12

القروب الاروع على الاطلاق في عالم التيليجرام.. طور لغتك معنا👇🏽

مارس اللغة الإنجليزية بشكل أفضل👏🏽

🔊تطوير مهارة التحدثEn🎧

01 Jan, 08:12

I wish you an enjoyable learning journey.
أتمنى لكم رحلة تعليمية ممتعة.

🔊تطوير مهارة التحدثEn🎧

01 Jan, 08:05

🤖 Based on the dialogue between Dave and Jack, select the best answer to the following question;

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01 Jan, 08:05

Telephone Call

Dave: Hello,Jack. This is Dave.I want to return the book I borrowed from you last night.Will you be at home at about six o'clock?
Jack: Yes, I will. I will be cooking dinner.
Dave: Oh! Well. Then I won't come over at six.
Jack: Why not?
Dave: I don't want to disturb you.
Jack: Don't worry! You won't disturb me.
Dave: OK. I will see you at six.

📗 #Longman

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01 Jan, 08:04

𓅂 Listen closely to the dialogue between Dave & Jack. Afterward, you will have some questions to answer that can enhance your listening comprehension;

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01 Jan, 07:51

🎙 Books الكتب

Don't you think books are the best thing in the world? I can't remember a time in my life when I wasn't reading a book. I still have memories of being in my school library when I was about five years old. I have been a bit of a bookworm since then. You will usually see me with my head buried in a book. I love all kinds of books. Novels are great, for getting to know other worlds and cultures. A good book is one where you never want the story to end. I also like autobiographies because I think it's interesting to read about people's lives. Encyclopedias are cool too. You can learn everything about everything in these. I still prefer books to the internet. Books need to be in your hand and made of paper.

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01 Jan, 07:50

🎙 Birthdays أعياد الميلاد

Birthdays are brilliant. I'm 62 years old and I still love them. I don't think I've ever had a bad birthday. In fact, I think birthdays get better and better the older you become. Sure, kids love birthdays because they get presents and get to eat cake, but when you get older, birthdays make you feel special. It's your special day. Even if no one wishes you a happy birthday, it's still your special day. A lot of my friends think I'm mad. They hate their birthdays because it means they are another year older. I hope I get to celebrate my hundredth birthday. I'm not sure if I can blow out 100 candles, though. When I look back at all my birthdays, it's difficult to choose the best. I'll just say my last birthday is always the best one.

━━▣━━◤❶ 𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑢𝑡𝑒 ◢━━▣━━━

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01 Jan, 07:49

🎙 Babysitting مجالسة الأطفال

I loved babysitting when I was younger. It was a really easy way to make money. All I had to do was sit in my neighbour's house and look after the kids. That was the easy bit, because the kids were usually asleep in bed. The parents would give me a lot of money for watching DVDs and eating snacks. When I was even younger, I liked it when my babysitter came round. She would always play games with us and let us stay up late. She would send us to bed just before my parents came home. I know in some countries babysitting isn't so common. It isn't part of the culture. I suppose that's not such a bad thing. I read a lot in the papers nowadays about babysitters hitting the children because they don't sleep. That's really bad.

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🔊تطوير مهارة التحدثEn🎧

31 Dec, 01:57

القناة الاروع في عالم التيليجرام

ليست مجرد قناة
انها عالم من👌🏽 الرقي والاخلاق

قناة فن التعامل مع الناس قناة كل الناس

للاشتراك اضـغــط هنـا

🔊تطوير مهارة التحدثEn🎧

31 Dec, 01:53

لتبقو في علوٌ وسمو
علقو امانيكم بمن في السماء

📸 #صـورة_ومعـنى

🔊تطوير مهارة التحدثEn🎧

29 Dec, 21:17

9. Surah At-Tawbah

Listen attentively to Surah At-Tawbah recited by Mishary Rashid, along with its English translation.  Broaden your understanding of the language.

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29 Dec, 11:36

🎙 Art الفن

I'm a great art lover. I look at beautiful paintings and sculptures and wish I could be artistic. I can't draw or paint to save my life. I wonder why some people are so talented and can create amazing pictures when other people, like me, can't even draw good matchstick figures. I would like to fill my house with art from all over the world. It's interesting to see how different cultures have different kinds of art. There's nothing better than visiting art galleries when you go to another country. I prefer more traditional art. I don't really understand a lot of modern art. I look at an exhibit of a pile of bricks in a museum but can't see how it's art. I always laugh when my children say Daddy, I can do better than that I often think they can

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29 Dec, 11:32

💭 A Ham Sandwich
° ° ° ° ° ساندوتش لحم

A: What is there to eat?
B: I don't know. Look in the fridge.

A: I think I'll make a sandwich.
B: What kind?

A: A ham sandwich.
B: The bread is in the cabinet.

A: Where's the mustard?
B: It's in the fridge, I think.

A: Oh, yes, here it is. Do you want a sandwich?
B: Yes, that sounds nice.

A: How about some potato chips?
B: Yes. And a pickle, if we have any.


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29 Dec, 01:26

انصحكم في القروب 👍🏽لممارسة اللغة بشكل آمن وفعال👏🏽

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29 Dec, 01:25


محموعتنا مرحبا بكم جميعا👍🏽

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29 Dec, 01:20

8. Surah Al-Anfal

Listen attentively to Surah Al-Anfal recited by Mishary Rashid, along with its English translation.  Broaden your understanding of the language.

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29 Dec, 01:14

⁵⁷🗣You seem + (adjective)

When stating 'you seem' you're referring to the person you are talking to and expressing that they are giving the impression of or appear to be.

Here are some examples:

✦ You seem bored.
يبدو أنك تشعر بالملل.

✦ You seem unhappy with the results.
يبدو أنك غير سعيد بالنتائج.

✦ You seem eager to begin.
يبدو أنك متشوقة للبدء.

✦ You seem easy to get along with.
يبدو أنك سهل الصحبة.

✦ You seem elated to hear the good news.
يبدو أنك مبتهج لسماع الأخبار الجيدة.

✦ You seem deeply in love.
يبدو أنك في حالة حب عميقة.

✦ You seem afraid of roller coasters.
يبدو أنك خائف من الألعاب المائية.

✦ You seem confused about the rules of the game.
يبدو أنك مرتبك بشأن قواعد اللعبة.

✦ You seem embarrassed about what happened.
يبدو أنك محرَج بشأن ما حدث.

✦ You seem decisive about your choice.
يبدو أنك حازم بشأن اختيارك.

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29 Dec, 01:09

⋄ Emmett's new exhibition has met with a favourable response from critics.
لقد لقي معرض إيميت الجديد استحساناً من النقاد.
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29 Dec, 01:08

Ronni merely groaned in response.
اكتفى روني بالتنهيد في رد فعل غير مبال.
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27 Dec, 23:24

School officials say they welcome parental involvement.
يقول مسؤولو المدرسة إنهم يرحبون بمشاركة أولياء الأمور.

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27 Dec, 22:02

⋄ His immediate response was one of disbelief.

لقد كان ردة فعل الفوري هو عدم التصديق
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27 Dec, 21:57

قناة ماشاءالله👆 تبارك تنشر بشكل يومي وأشياء مفيدة جدا 👏🏽

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27 Dec, 21:57


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24 Dec, 07:58

7. Surah Al-A'raf

Listen attentively to Surah Al-A'raf recited by Mishary Rashid, along with its English translation.  Broaden your understanding of the language.

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23 Dec, 21:48

القروب الاروع على الاطلاق في عالم التيليجرام.. طور لغتك معنا👇🏽

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23 Dec, 21:21

💪🏽 The Power of Choice

It's always hard when the journey begins
Hard to find your way,
hard to make amends But there's nothing you can't do Cause you've got the power inside of you It's never easy to make a choice
To keep things inside Or raise your voice
For everyone there comes a time

When life inside begins to shine It's not always right or wrong As long as your spirit is strong It's not always win or lose It's the road you choose The answer's within It's not always black and white But your heart only knows what's right Let the journey begin....

So many choices How did we know
So many places Where do we go
What should I say
What should I do Still we're together Me and you

It's not always right or wrong.......

There's nothing you can't do Cause you've got the power inside of you

It's not always right or wrong.......

To listen to more Islamic songs, press here
.......... ....... 👆

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23 Dec, 21:03

⋄ Immediately you begin to speak, he gives you his full attention.

فور أن تبدأ بالكلام، يعطيك اهتمامه الكامل.

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23 Dec, 21:02

⋄ Her mellifluous voice captured the audience's attention and admiration. 
أسرت صوتها العذب انتباه وإعجاب الجمهور.

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23 Dec, 21:02

⋄ The night sky was filled with luminous stars, creating a breathtaking sight. 
 كانت السماء الليلية مليئة بالنجوم المضيئة، مما خلق منظرًا أخاذًا.

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23 Dec, 21:01

⋄ Despite facing many challenges, the community showed incredible resilience and strength. 
على الرغم من مواجهة العديد من التحديات، أظهرت المجتمع مرونة وقوة مذهلة.

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23 Dec, 21:01

Winning the championship game filled the team with euphoria and pride.
ملأ الفوز في مباراة البطولة الفريق بالنشوة والفخر.

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23 Dec, 21:01

⋄ The couple met by serendipity at a coffee shop and instantly hit it off.
التقيا الزوجان بالصدفة السعيدة في مقهى وتوافقا على الفور.

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23 Dec, 13:40

6. Surah Al-An'am

Listen attentively to Surah Al-An'am recited by Mishary Rashid, along with its English translation.  Broaden your understanding of the language.

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22 Dec, 19:10

القروب الاروع على الاطلاق في عالم التيليجرام.. طور لغتك معنا👇🏽

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22 Dec, 09:45

⋄ The children were ebullient at the prospect of a day at the amusement park. 
كان الأطفال متحمسين عند احتمال قضاء يوم في حديقة الملاهي.

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22 Dec, 09:45

⋄ The beauty of the sunset was ineffable, leaving the onlookers speechless. 
كانت جمال غروب الشمس لا يوصف، مما ترك المشاهدين بلا كلمات.

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22 Dec, 09:44

⋄ The ballet dancer moved across the stage with an ethereal grace that mesmerized the audience
تحركت راقصة الباليه عبر المسرح برشاقة أثيرية أذهلت الجمهور.

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22 Dec, 09:44

⋄ Her effervescent personality always brightened up the room and lifted everyone's spirits. 
كانت شخصيتها الفوّارة دائمًا تضيء الغرفة وترفع معنويات الجميع.

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14 Nov, 22:34

انضم إلى المجموعه الخاصة بنا لممارسة اللغة الإنجليزية! لدينا أنشطة ممتعة لمساعدتك على التعلم والتحسين. إذا كانت لديك أي أسئلة، فما عليك سوى طرحها في المجموعة - حيث يسعد الكثير من الأشخاص بمساعدتك.



ليست مجرد مجموعة؛ إنها عائلة. انضم إلينا واستمتع برحلة التعلم.

🔊تطوير مهارة التحدثEn🎧

14 Nov, 22:15

乇メ ⤵️⤵️
𖧋 Mr.Omar was cool as a dill pickle.
لقد كان السيد عمر بارد كما مخلل الشبت.

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🔊تطوير مهارة التحدثEn🎧

14 Nov, 22:15

21‧ 🔊 Dill

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14 Nov, 22:07

乇メ ⤵️⤵️
𖧋 But along comes a cabbage root fly, whose larvae feed on the roots.
ولكن على طول يأتي ذبابة جذر الملفوف ، التي تتغذى يرقاتها على الجذور.

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🔊تطوير مهارة التحدثEn🎧

14 Nov, 22:06

20‧ 🔊 Cabbage

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14 Nov, 15:39

乇メ ⤵️⤵️
𖧋 Add a crushed clove of garlic.
إضافة قسم من الثوم المسحوق.

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🔊تطوير مهارة التحدثEn🎧

14 Nov, 15:39

19‧ 🔊 Garlic

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14 Nov, 15:37

乇メ ⤵️⤵️
𖧋 Place ginger on a wire rack to dry for at least an hour.
ضع الزنجبيل على رف سلكي ليجف لمدة ساعة على الأقل.

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🔊تطوير مهارة التحدثEn🎧

14 Nov, 15:35

18‧ 🔊 Ginger

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14 Nov, 15:33

乇メ ⤵️⤵️
𖧋 I have made several attempts to grow gourds.
لقد بذلت عدة محاولات لزراعة القرع.

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🔊تطوير مهارة التحدثEn🎧

14 Nov, 15:33

17‧ 🔊 Gourd

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14 Nov, 15:24

乇メ ⤵️⤵️
𖧋 Spread the bean mixture evenly over the fish and scatter the remaining ginger and green onion on top.
يوزع خليط الفاصوليا بالتساوي على السمك وينثر الزنجبيل المتبقي والبصل الأخضر في الأعلى.

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🔊تطوير مهارة التحدثEn🎧

14 Nov, 15:23

16‧ 🔊 Green onion

🔊تطوير مهارة التحدثEn🎧

14 Nov, 15:20

乇メ ⤵️⤵️
𖧋 Serve with a green pepper and cucumber salad.
يقدم مع الفلفل الأخضر وسلطة الخيار.

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🔊تطوير مهارة التحدثEn🎧

14 Nov, 07:05

乇メ ⤵️⤵️
𖧋 New potatoes sprinkled with chopped mint.
البطاطا الجديدة رشها بالنعناع المفروم.

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🔊تطوير مهارة التحدثEn🎧

14 Nov, 07:04

10‧ 🔊 Mint

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14 Nov, 07:02

乇メ ⤵️⤵️
𖧋 Drain the aubergines, rinse in cold water and dry on kitchen paper.
يصفى الباذنجان ويشطف بالماء البارد ويجفف على ورق المطبخ.

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🔊تطوير مهارة التحدثEn🎧

14 Nov, 07:01

9‧ 🔊 aubergine

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14 Nov, 06:58

乇メ ⤵️⤵️
𖧋 Plant okra outside in May once the soil is warm.
ازرع البامية في الخارج في مايو بمجرد أن تكون التربة دافئة.

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🔊تطوير مهارة التحدثEn🎧

14 Nov, 06:57

8‧ 🔊 Okra

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14 Nov, 06:55

乇メ ⤵️⤵️
𖧋 Chop the onions finely.
يقطع البصل على نحو ممتاز.

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🔊تطوير مهارة التحدثEn🎧

14 Nov, 06:55

7‧ 🔊 Onion

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14 Nov, 06:53

乇メ ⤵️⤵️
𖧋 Mix together the lemon rind, parsley and chopped garlic and sprinkle over the rice before serving.
اخلطي قشرة الليمون والبقدونس والثوم المفروم مع رش الأرز قبل التقديم.

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🔊تطوير مهارة التحدثEn🎧

14 Nov, 06:52

6‧ 🔊 Parsley

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13 Nov, 09:53

乇メ ⤵️⤵️
𖧋 Continue to sow salads like lettuce, radish and spring onion for cropping in late summer.
استمروا بزراعة السلطات مثل الخس والفجل والبصل الأخضر لجني المحاصيل في أواخر الصيف.

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🔊تطوير مهارة التحدثEn🎧

13 Nov, 09:52

5‧ 🔊 Radish

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13 Nov, 09:50

乇メ ⤵️⤵️
𖧋 Add the thyme, bay leaves, potatoes and juniper with the sausages.
يُضاف الزعتر وأوراق الغار والبطاطا والعرعر مع النقانق.

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🔊تطوير مهارة التحدثEn🎧

09 Nov, 22:07

💭 Washed and Folded
° ° ° ° ° مغسولة ومطوية

A: Did you do the laundry?
B: Yes, I did.

A: What did you wash?
B: I washed the sheets and towels.

A: What about the pillowcases?
B: Yes, I took them off the pillows and washed them.

A: Did you dry everything in the dryer?
B: Yes, I dried everything in the dryer.

A: Then what did you do?
B: I folded all the towels.

A: Did you put the sheets on the beds?
B: Yes, and I put the pillowcases on the pillows.


🔊تطوير مهارة التحدثEn🎧

09 Nov, 22:05

💭 Did You Say Something?
° ° ° ° ° هل قلت شيئا؟

A: I have to go to the bathroom.
B: You drink too much coffee.

A: But I love coffee.
B: Well, it's your life.

A: You eat too much chocolate.
B: I don't think so.

A: Have you looked in the mirror?
B: Do you think I'm getting fat?

A: I didn't say that.
B: What did you say?

A: I said I have to go to the bathroom.
B: That's what I thought you said.


🔊تطوير مهارة التحدثEn🎧

09 Nov, 22:01

💭 A Lost Button
° ° ° ° ° الزر المفقود

A: A button came off my shirt.
B: What are you going to do?

A: First, I have to find the button.
B: Where did you lose it?

A: I have no idea.
B: A button is hard to find. Did you look in your pant cuffs?

A: That's a good idea.
B: I found a button in my pant cuffs one time.

A: Let me look. No, it's not there.
B: Many shirts come with an extra button.

A: You're right. This one does have an extra button.
B: Now all you have to do is sew it on.


🔊تطوير مهارة التحدثEn🎧

07 Nov, 14:54

💬 Amazing Fact

A: Hey, I’m reading this really interesting article about the human body.
B: Yeah? Well, we know all about that from biology lessons.

A: No, we didn’t learn much at all at school! They’re discovering loads more things all the time. Really amazing things! Did you know that only about one tenth of the cells in your body are really you? The rest are bacteria.
B: What? I’m not really me?

A: No, of course you are you, but you also have millions, or trillions, of bacteria in you.
B: Eeeeuuugh!

A: No, they’re mostly really helpful. Someone did an experiment to see if animals can live without bacteria, and he found that a lot of them died or had to have a special diet. Animals need bacteria to digest food, you see. So we’re better off with bacteria.
B: Unless the bacteria are bad.

A: Unless they are bad, but they’re nearly all good. Oh yeah, and going back to cells, do you know how many cells you have in your body?
B: Quite a lot, I’d say. A good few.

A: Yeah, but how many?
B: I don’t know. I’m not mathematical.

A: 7 octillion! That’s 7 plus 27 noughts.
B: I knew it was a lot.

A: OK, that’s an amazingly huge number, almost impossible to imagine. But the really weird thing is that most of the atoms are empty space, just air or nothingness. And if you took out the empty space, you could fit your body inside a tiny cube which measures one 500th of a centimetre on either side. That’s a box measuring 0.002 of a centimetre on each side. You’d be much too small to see.
B: Mmm, I can imagine that. It sounds like something that would happen in a really bad Hollywood movie. You know, a mad scientist goes: (funny voice) ‘I’m going to extract all the air from your body’. OK, enough facts for one day.

A: Don’t go! One last thing, did you know …
B: No.

A: Did you know that you probably have mites in your eyelashes?
B: Mites in my eyelashes? What are mites exactly anyway?

A: Yeah, they’re very small creatures, like insects, only not insects. They’re about a third of a millimetre long, so you can’t really see them. These particular mites live in eyelashes and eyebrows.
B: But in mine?

A: Well, maybe not. Only about 50% of people have them, and more older people. So you might not have any. Anyway, they’re completely harmless, they just eat dead skin.
B: Yeah, right, harmless. I really would have preferred not to know that.

A: Sorry.
B: I mean, really!

🔊تطوير مهارة التحدثEn🎧

06 Nov, 06:59

هل تبحث عن مجموعة متميزة تضم العديد من خبراء اللغة الإنجليزية لتتدرب معهم؟ انضم إلى مجموعة تطوير اللغة الإنجليزية لدينا وقم بتحسين مهاراتك اللغوية بشكل ملحوظ.
1҉ 𝐁𝐢𝐠 𝐟𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲👇🏽

🔊تطوير مهارة التحدثEn🎧

05 Nov, 09:34

📝 #Vocabulary

🔊تطوير مهارة التحدثEn🎧

05 Nov, 09:27

𖧊 just in time
 تقريبا ليس في الوقت المناسب.

𖥁 The policeman caught the thief just in time.
𖥁 You are just in time for dinner.
𖥁 She got to the airport just in time to catch her plane.

🔺A: Wow! It's raining hard. We came in the house just in time.
🔻B: I know! If we would have stayed outside one more minute, we would be very wet right now.
📝 #Vocabulary

🔊تطوير مهارة التحدثEn🎧

05 Nov, 09:23

𖧊 instead of بدلا من

𖥁 He chose the hamburger instead of the pizza.
𖥁 She went to New York instead of Paris.
𖥁 They met on Sunday instead of Saturday.

🔺A: Let's go on a picnic instead of watching a movie.
🔻B: Okay. It's a nice day to be outdoors.
📝 #Vocabulary

🔊تطوير مهارة التحدثEn🎧

05 Nov, 09:20

𖧊 in vain  من أجل لا شيء؛ غير مثمر

𖥁 He tried in vain to get more food from the table.
𖥁 The trip was cancelled. He had packed in vain.
𖥁 She washed her car in vain. It rained that afternoon.

🔺A: This is an important game. We have to win it.
🔻B: I know. If we don't win, our three months of practicing will have been in vain.
📝 #Vocabulary

🔊تطوير مهارة التحدثEn🎧

02 Nov, 21:33

يسعدنا تواجدكم معنا في القروب التعليمي 👍

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02 Nov, 21:26

🔊 Audio file. MP3
26.47 MB


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02 Nov, 21:26

069-The Grapes Of Wrath - John Steinbeck

2.30 MB

🔊تطوير مهارة التحدثEn🎧

01 Nov, 13:24

ياشباب هناك قروب رائع وجميل وكثير الاعظاء فيه متفاعلين وهناك أكثر مايقارب ١٠ ادمنز اغلبهم مدرسين لغة إنجليزية .. مجموعة تطوير اللغة الإنجليزية هي الافضل على الاطلاق


للانضمام............................ 👇🏽

🔊تطوير مهارة التحدثEn🎧

28 Oct, 17:03

ياشباب هناك قروب رائع وجميل وكثير الاعظاء فيه متفاعلين وهناك أكثر مايقارب ١٠ ادمنز اغلبهم مدرسين لغة إنجليزية .. مجموعة تطوير اللغة الإنجليزية هي الافضل على الاطلاق


للانضمام............................ 👇🏽

🔊تطوير مهارة التحدثEn🎧

24 Oct, 17:53

ياشباب هناك قروب رائع وجميل وكثير الاعظاء فيه متفاعلين وهناك أكثر مايقارب ١٠ ادمنز اغلبهم مدرسين لغة إنجليزية .. مجموعة تطوير اللغة الإنجليزية هي الافضل على الاطلاق



يسعدنا تواجدكم معنا!👏👏👏

🔊تطوير مهارة التحدثEn🎧

23 Oct, 20:52

ياشباب هناك قروب رائع وجميل وكثير الاعظاء فيه متفاعلين وهناك أكثر مايقارب ١٠ ادمنز اغلبهم مدرسين لغة إنجليزية .. مجموعة تطوير اللغة الإنجليزية هي الافضل على الاطلاق



يسعدنا تواجدكم معنا!👏👏👏

🔊تطوير مهارة التحدثEn🎧

20 Oct, 21:47

ياشباب هناك قروب رائع وجميل وكثير الاعظاء فيه متفاعلين وهناك أكثر مايقارب ١٠ ادمنز اغلبهم مدرسين لغة إنجليزية .. مجموعة تطوير اللغة الإنجليزية هي الافضل على الاطلاق



يسعدنا تواجدكم معنا!👏👏👏

🔊تطوير مهارة التحدثEn🎧

13 Oct, 22:46

قروبنا لتعليم اللغة الانجليزية👍

🔊تطوير مهارة التحدثEn🎧

12 Jul, 18:30

If what I said offended you, I apologize.😔
لو كان ما قلته ازعجك، فأنا أعتذر

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🔊تطوير مهارة التحدثEn🎧

12 Jul, 18:30

⋄ His speech held his audience spellbound .

كان لحدیثھ وقع السحر على مستمعیھ .

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🔊تطوير مهارة التحدثEn🎧

12 Jul, 03:03

Don't get me wrong 🙄.
لا تفهمني خطأ

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🔊تطوير مهارة التحدثEn🎧

12 Jul, 03:02

⋄ You must believe in yourself when no one else does.

يجب أن تؤمن بنفسك عندما لا يؤمن بك أي شخص آخر.

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🔊تطوير مهارة التحدثEn🎧

12 Jul, 03:01

What are you doing here?

ما الذي تفعله هنا؟

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12 Jul, 03:01

Come on. I'm over here.

تـعال. أنـا هنـا .

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🔊تطوير مهارة التحدثEn🎧

10 Jul, 21:07

⁵⁶🗣 Are you trying to + (verb)

You are asking someone if they are attempting to do something. This can be something mentally or physically.

Here are some examples:

Are you trying to ignore me?
هـل تحـاول أن تتجاهلني ؟

Are you trying to manage your money?
هـل تحـاول أن تـُدير أموالك؟

Are you trying to memorize that song?
هـل تحـاول حفظ تلك الأغنية؟

Are you trying to offer your help?
هـل تحـاول أن تقدم مساعدتك؟

Are you trying to program your new phone?
هـل تحـاول برمجة هاتفك الجديد؟

Are you trying to pretend like it never happened?
هـل تحـاول التظاهر وكأنه لم يحدث أبدا ؟

Are you trying to remain calm?
هـل تحـاول أن تبقى هادئ ؟

Are you trying to remember her name?
هـل تحـاول أن تذكر اسمها؟

✦ Are you trying to reflect on the past?
هـل تحـاول التفكير في الماضي ؟

✦ Are you trying to switch flights?
هـل تحـاول تبديل الرحلات ؟

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10 Jul, 20:43

068. Of Mice and Men - John Steinbeck
0.25 MB

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10 Jul, 20:43

🔊Audio file .MP3
29.45 MB

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🔊تطوير مهارة التحدثEn🎧

02 Feb, 05:17

⁵⁵🗣 How was + (noun)

By using the words 'how was' you are asking someone a question about something that happened or something they did in the past.

Here are some examples:

How was your meeting?
كيـف كانت مقابلتـك ؟

How was your doctor's appointment?
كيـف كان موعد طبيبك؟

How was the birthday party?
كيـف كانت حفلة عيد الميلاد؟

How was lunch?
كيـف كان الغداء ؟

How was the airplane ride?
كيـف كان ركوب الطائرة؟

How was vacation?
كيـف كانت العطلة ؟

How were your parents?
كيـف كان والديك؟

How were roads when you drove home?
كيـف كانت الطُـرق عندما قدت السيارة للمنزل ؟

How were people acting after what happened?
كيـف كان الناس يتصرفون بعد الواقعة؟

How were holidays with the family?
كيـف قضيت العـُطل مع العائلة؟

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26 Dec, 12:52

🗣➓ Ways to Talk About Price

1. It cost a fortune.
2. It cost an arm and a leg.
3. That’s a rip-off. (⭕️= overpriced; far more expensive than it should be)
4. I can’t afford it. (⭕️= I don’t have enough money to buy it)
5. That’s a bit pricey.
6. That’s quite reasonable. (⭕️= it’s a good price)
7. It’s 20% off. (⭕️= there’s a 20% discount)
8. That’s a good deal. (⭕️= a good value for the amount of money)
9. It was a real bargain.
10. It was dirt cheap. (⭕️= extremely inexpensive)

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17 Dec, 00:53

🗣15 Comparative Idioms

1. It’s as light as a feather.
2. It’s as dry as a bone.
3. It’s as flat as a pancake.
4. He’s as mad as a hornet.
5. It’s as old as the hills.
6. It’s as quick as lightning.
7. She’s as sick as a dog.
8. He’s as strong as an ox.
9. They’re as different as night and day.
10. She’s as stubborn as a mule.
11. He’s as proud as a peacock.
12. She’s as white as a sheet. (⭕️usually used when someone is very afraid or very sick)
13. It’s as solid as a rock.
14. It’s as good as new. (⭕️used after something broken has been repaired)
15. It’s as clear as mud. (⭕️= it’s not clear at all)

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🔊تطوير مهارة التحدثEn🎧

17 Dec, 00:23

⁵⁴🗣 How often do you

When asking this question you are inquiring how often or how frequent someone does a particular thing.

Here are some examples:

How often do you exercise?
كـم مـرة تمارس الرياضة ؟
How often do you change your password?
كـم مـرة تقوم بتغيير كلمة المرور الخاصة بك ؟

How often do you help out at school?
كـم مـرة تمـد يد العون في المدرسة؟

How often do you listen to your MP3 player?
كـم مـرة تستمع إلى مشغل الأم بي ثري الخاص بك ؟

How often do you need to go to the dentist?
كـم مـرة تحتاج للذهاب إلى طبيب الأسنان؟

How often do you receive your magazine in the mail?
كـم مـرة تستلم مجلتك في البريد؟

How often do you report to your supervisor?
كـم مـرة ترفع تقرير إلى المشرف الخاص بك ؟

How often do you stretch before working out?
كـم مـرة تمتـد قبل التدريب؟

How often do you talk to your parents?
كـم مـرة تتحدث إلى والديك؟

How often do you travel?
كـم مـرة تسافر؟

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🔊تطوير مهارة التحدثEn🎧

13 Dec, 15:08

قروبنا لتعليم اللغة الانجليزية👍

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13 Dec, 14:58

乇メ ⤵️⤵️
𖧋 The red high heels was very expensive.
الكعب العالي الأحمر كان مكلفاً للغاية.

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