OLTIN STATUSLAR, a Telegram channel with the username @oltin_statuslar_manoli_izhorim, offers a unique collection of pechatsiz rasmlar (textless pictures) combined with inspiring and thought-provoking quotes. This channel is dedicated to providing its followers with a visual and literary experience that stimulates the mind and soul.
The name 'OLTIN STATUSLAR' translates to 'Golden Statuses' in English, indicating that the content shared on this channel is of high value and significance. The combination of textless images and profound quotations creates a powerful impact, allowing viewers to interpret and appreciate the beauty and meaning of each post in their own way.
If you are looking for a source of inspiration, motivation, and aesthetic pleasure, OLTIN STATUSLAR is the perfect Telegram channel for you. Join us on this journey of exploring the beauty of art and language through pechatsiz rasmlar and perfluence (perfect influence). Follow @oltin_statuslar_manoli_izhorim today and enrich your daily life with golden statuses.
09 Feb, 15:44
06 Feb, 14:50
02 Feb, 16:08
30 Jan, 15:04
29 Jan, 14:49
28 Jan, 14:50
26 Jan, 14:16
18 Jan, 16:59
11 Jan, 15:52
10 Jan, 16:06
04 Jan, 18:28
26 Dec, 15:26
24 Dec, 22:20
16 Dec, 15:22
15 Dec, 14:56
07 Dec, 14:58
22 Nov, 14:49
19 Nov, 14:52
14 Nov, 14:49
06 Nov, 14:54
31 Oct, 14:50
25 Oct, 14:49
20 Oct, 14:49
19 Oct, 15:09
17 Oct, 15:21
16 Oct, 15:03