Karen Foo Official (@officialkarenfoo) के नवीनतम पोस्ट टेलीग्राम पर

Karen Foo Official टेलीग्राम पोस्ट

Karen Foo Official
यह टेलीग्राम चैनल निजी है।
This is the official telegram channel for Karen Foo. The rest are fake. I dont provide signals or account management. I will be posting my forex videos, stocks investing videos and updates. Verify my real accounts from my website here www.karen-foo.com
1,634 सदस्य
25 तस्वीरें
91 वीडियो
अंतिम अपडेट 06.03.2025 21:47

समान चैनल

IC Markets Signals (FREE)
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Christian Bible Verses
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Jonathan Jarvis
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1,399 सदस्य
Vantage Plus Channel
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Karen Foo Official द्वारा टेलीग्राम पर साझा की गई नवीनतम सामग्री

Karen Foo Official

30 Nov, 08:00


Read my warnings in my pinned instagram posts and pinned facebook posts.
Karen Foo Official

30 Nov, 07:57


Reminder that I dont provide signals and account managements on telegram at all. If you have been chatting with one on telegram or WhatsApp, those are all impersonators
Karen Foo Official

15 Apr, 08:44


Take note that all the other telegram channels are fakes. These fake channels and impersonators are often from nigeria based on my research and I don't have a public telegram to chat with people, i also don't provide signals and account management. I wont tell people to dm me nor will I chat with people anywhere including telegram or whatsapp. Read my official website here for scam alerts: https://www.karen-foo.com/scam-alert/
Karen Foo Official

31 Aug, 10:30


Take note that these are all fakes. I don't have a public telegram to chat with people, i also don't provide signals and account management. read my official website here: https://www.karen-foo.com/scam-alert/
Karen Foo Official

28 Aug, 14:20


Karen Foo Official

26 Aug, 08:48


I said a million times that I dont provide account management, signals or tell you to send me money. Which part of it do fkin not understand?
Karen Foo Official

26 Aug, 08:47


Sick and tired of some of you
Karen Foo Official

26 Aug, 08:47


Read everything carefully here: https://www.karen-foo.com/scam-alert/
Karen Foo Official

26 Aug, 08:47


I already said a million times that I dont have time to chat with people online especially on telegram and WhatsApp
Karen Foo Official

26 Aug, 08:46


There are a lot of people blaming me and calling me scam lately coz they chatted with a telegram impersonator who provided them account management programs. If you dont bother to read my warning posts or double check, dont become a trader. Because your ignorant attitude of coming here to blame me for something I've not done is disgusting