Christian Bible Verses @biblefaith Channel on Telegram

Christian Bible Verses


For whatever was written in former days was written for our instruction, that through endurance and through the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope. Romans 15:4

Christian Bible Verses (English)

Welcome to the 'Christian Bible Verses' Telegram channel, where you can find daily inspiration and guidance from the holy scriptures. Our channel username '@biblefaith' reflects our commitment to sharing the powerful messages found in the Bible with believers and seekers alike. Who are we? We are a community of Christians dedicated to spreading the word of God and sharing the wisdom of the Bible with others. Our goal is to provide a space where individuals can find solace, encouragement, and peace through the timeless teachings of the Christian faith. What do we offer? On our channel, you will discover a treasure trove of verses from the Bible that offer guidance, comfort, and hope. Whether you are seeking words of encouragement during difficult times or simply looking for daily inspiration, our channel has something for everyone. From uplifting Psalms to powerful verses from the New Testament, you will find a variety of passages to uplift your spirit and strengthen your faith. At 'Christian Bible Verses', we believe that the Bible is a source of light in a world full of darkness. By meditating on the scriptures and incorporating their teachings into our lives, we can find peace and purpose in our journey of faith. Join us on this spiritual adventure as we explore the wisdom of the Christian Bible together. So, if you are looking to deepen your connection with God, strengthen your faith, or simply find comfort in the words of the Bible, look no further than the 'Christian Bible Verses' Telegram channel. Let the scriptures guide you, inspire you, and fill your heart with hope. Join us today and experience the transformative power of God's word in your life.

Christian Bible Verses

02 Feb, 19:57

Bible says God doesn’t want us to bear any of our burdens alone. Our heavenly Father desires that we cast all our anxieties on Him. God is willing & able to help us in our time of need. We have no cause for worry, fear, or dismay. He’s committed Himself to strengthen & uphold us. He’s always near, infinitely strong, wants to help us, will carry us & our burdens, pains & sorrows; all we have to do is ask Him #jesuslovesyou #JesusIsGod #GodIsAble #Jesuscaresforyou

Christian Bible Verses

02 Feb, 19:49

Let’s seek help from God, so that we may be stronger in our faith in Christ, more constant in prayer before God’s throne, in order that we may become more holy in our conversation, while living for & drawing closer to Christ in our daily Christian walk with Him #TrustJesus #jesuslovesyou #JesusIsGod #JesusIsTheWayTheTruthAndTheLife

Christian Bible Verses

27 Jan, 17:18

God loves us even when our faith feels weak or uncertain. May God help us bring our worries, hopes, & dreams to Him, & give us the courage to trust Him even when we can’t see His work in our lives right away. Let’s rest our heart in the truth that God is with us; every step of faith we take matters to Him #jesuslovesyou #jesusislove #GodWillFightForUs

Christian Bible Verses

25 Jan, 17:59

Jesus is the Author of eternity who is still writing our story whose best chapters begin when we trust Him to write it. God transforms our humility into shelter for others, our trials into testimony & our quiet yes into a legacy only He could write. Let’s be wise & surrender it all to Christ. True greatness begins when we kneel in prayer #behumble #TrustOnlyJesus #JesusIsGod #jesuslovesyou

Christian Bible Verses

20 Jan, 16:48

Distractions & excuses rob us of time with God. It takes discipline to carve time daily with God in our busy lives but His blessings will outweigh our effort. Our heart will be encouraged, our soul refreshed, our mind reinvigorated & our eyes opened to see beyond the temporal. God will prepare us to take our faith out into the world & stand strong in our faith #FaithInGod #JesusIsGod #jesuslovesyou #maketimeforGod

Christian Bible Verses

19 Jan, 16:18

Bible says it’s God who accomplishes our salvation for us & rather than leaving us to our own devices, He continues to be constantly at work within us so that we have the will & the power to do what pleases Him. We contribute nothing to salvation other than the sin from which we need to be saved. Our walk with Christ must be the single most significant aspect of our lives. Let’s strive for holiness, pray for growth & follow Christ; when we stumble & sin, let’s confess, repent & keep going #salvation #FollowJesus #jesuslovesyou #JesusIsGod

Christian Bible Verses

17 Jan, 16:04

Bible says that the Old Testament points us to our need for our Savior Jesus & prepares us for Christ & applies to all generations, including ours, to instruct us & give us hope. Old Testament in Bible are books written by God, through His Spirit, about His Son Jesus. Bible is the only word of God & we should read what God has chosen to tell us so we can grow in hope,understanding,& into the likeness of our Savior #JesusIsGod #jesuslovesyou #ReadBible #WordOfGod

Christian Bible Verses

15 Jan, 16:14

In life’s endless chaotic uncertainty, we long for surety. Let’s humbly, expectantly, and consistently live by the light of God’s word, the Bible. It will light our way in this life if we walk in trust and obedience of it. We won’t understand life entirely, but we may understand it sufficiently to know that God will use all of our circumstances to complete all of His purposes for all of eternity #ReadBible #JesusIsGod #jesuslovesyou

Christian Bible Verses

14 Jan, 16:35

Many of our problems arise when we forget to remember our Lord Jesus, who God is & what He’s done for us. In Christ, we’re no longer the person we once were. When we face temptation, remember God’s goodness & holiness & abundant mercy toward us all the days of our life. Unmerited favor for those who put their trust & faith in only Christ, for no one else offers us what Jesus has in store for those who love Him #GodsGrace #jesuslovesyou #JesusIsGod #Jesusfightsforyou

Christian Bible Verses

13 Jan, 15:59

Bible says Jesus is God in the flesh. When we make Jesus Lord of our life, we’re affirming that He’s fully and completely God, accepting that He knows better than we do & should hold nothing back from Him. We should confess, with our life as well as our lips, that Jesus is Lord #JesusIsGod #jesuslovesyou #TrustOnlyJesus #JESUSisTHEonlyWAYtoHEAVEN

Christian Bible Verses

10 Jan, 15:56

Let’s be careful not to fall into spiritual paralysis caused by hearing the voice of God in His word, the Bible, but then disobeying Him, choosing to ignore Him. There can be no blessing, life, or vitality where His word, the Bible, is neglected or disobeyed. It’s time to let go of any sinful habits in our life that we’ve decided we’ll hold on to and not break. Let’s put our trust in Jesus & find grace in the arms of our Savior #badhabits #obeybible #jesuslovesyou #JesusIsGod

Christian Bible Verses

08 Jan, 14:43

Impossible does not exist in God’s vocabulary. Bible says when God speaks, His words carry the power to fulfill them. The same God who hung the stars in space & breathe life from dust, looks at our impossible and sees the perfect setting for a miracle, even when it seems out of reach to us. Let’s bring our requests to God who delights in doing the impossible #JesusIsGod #jesuslovesyou #WithGodAllThingsArePossible

Christian Bible Verses

05 Jan, 18:36

No matter how low we are, how guilty we feel, or how hurt by the actions of others we may have been, God can turn our mourning into dancing & clothe us with gladness. Hope is never far away for those who trust in the Lord Jesus. One day, all our troubles will end. God’s timing may be mysterious to us, but the finished work of Christ at the cross declares God’s graciousness toward us who believe in His only begotten Son #hope #blessings #JesusIsGod #jesuslovesyou #joy

Christian Bible Verses

02 Jan, 15:27

Bible says that left to ourselves, we reject God, are in spiritual darkness, by nature ignorant of God & our hearts are inclined to do evil. Jesus is the only one that frees us from our bondage to ourself. When God came to us in the person of Jesus, He came as the Word of God, to speak into our ignorance, to unstop our deaf ears, and to open our blind eyes #truth #jesuslovesyou #JesusIsGod #lightoverdarkness #WordOfGod

Christian Bible Verses

31 Dec, 16:04

Life passes us by quicker than we imagine. Like grass, we have a limited number of days, but there is opportunity in every one of them. Let’s choose to live all out for Jesus Christ. If we wait until tomorrow, tomorrow may be too late #life #LiveForJesus #JesusIsGod #jesuslovesyou #lifeisshort

Christian Bible Verses

30 Dec, 19:27

Jesus our good Shepherd knows our name, our heart and every fear and hope within us. His love is fierce, protective and sacrificial, and guides us through life’s storms and leads us to green pastures where our soul can find rest. Let’s choose to trust God‘s leading, even when the way is unclear #Godwillprovide #fierceloveofGod #JesusIsGod #jesuslovesyou #jesusforgives #FollowJesus #TrustGod

Christian Bible Verses

29 Dec, 16:38

Many saw & heard Jesus, witnessed His miracles, & refused to believe. Many held on to their power over others, with no room for a King, or self-righteous assumptions of deserving blessing from God & had no place for a Savior. Pride & unbelief blinds us from truth, leading to judging Bible rather than learning from it. Let’s humbly accept Jesus to save us of our sins & rule over our whole life. God’s Holy Spirit helps us understand Christ’s work in our lives #jesuslovesyou #JesusIsGod #believe #truth

Christian Bible Verses

26 Dec, 15:52

Bible says that for believers in Christ as Lord & Savior, the Lord will guide us always and never forsake us. God’s infallible wisdom will direct us, His unchangeable love will comfort us, & His eternal power will defend us #TrustGod #JesusIsGod #jesuslovesyou #christianliving #bible

Christian Bible Verses

26 Dec, 06:35

Pride will keep us from coming to Christ on bended knee & blind us to the truth that to know God truly requires of us a contrite spirit and a humble heart. As we celebrate the birth of our Lord & Savior Jesus, our redeemer, let’s bow before God’s glory & adore the one who first humbled Himself by coming to us as an infant King #jesuslovesyou #JesusIsGod #birthofoursavior #christmas2024 #Jesusisthereason

Christian Bible Verses

21 Dec, 16:16

World constantly pressures us to push ourselves to the front. As believers in Jesus as our Lord & Savior, we understand that real humility is freedom from ourselves. It’s the freedom to be ourselves & to forget ourselves, knowing that we’re not the center of the universe. Pray that God help us be a humble servant #humility #serveothers #jesuslovesyou #JesusIsGod

Christian Bible Verses

16 Dec, 15:06

By nature, we’re as lost sheep, rebels against God, & empty vessels needing to be filled. Jesus, our perfect Savior, died in our place & paid all that we owe so that we might receive God’s forgiveness. Bible says turn to Christ in faith & repentance. Let’s reflect on our own sin & pray that God show us the truth both about ourselves & Jesus. We’ll be in awe of God’s love & all that Jesus has done for us #grace #mercy #forgiven #JesusIsGod #jesuslovesyou

Christian Bible Verses

15 Dec, 21:26

God is good & all-powerful and has an eternal plan to create a people who are His very own & make us into the image of His Son. He loves us & will do whatever it takes to achieve this even if it means permitting temporary sorrows to accomplish it. God disciplines his children at times with suffering in order for us to know & do the right thing, to get us back on the right path when we’re going astray. We can love & trust God for who He is & not merely for what we can get out of Him #sorrow #pain #befreeinchrist #jesuslovesyou #JesusIsGod

Christian Bible Verses

13 Dec, 16:00

We are enslaved by sin & have offended God. Jesus purchased our life, set us free, & made us whole. At the cross, Jesus took our sins & sorrows, & made them his very own. Christ is our ransom when we place our trust in Him #sin #befreeinchrist #jesuslovesyou #JesusIsGod #Ransomed

Christian Bible Verses

09 Dec, 15:28

We’re made in God’s image, but because we live in this world, even God-given desires can be distorted & used for wickedness. We can’t blame the devil, our peers, heredity, or environment. Bible says we make the decision to disobey God & are tempted by our own desires. Overcoming sin is a daily battle of fleeing from anything that draws us away from Christ. Flee from sinful desires & feed godly desires. In Christ alone, we find power to stand firm & forgiveness when we fall #OvercomeSin #ObeyGod #JesusIsGod #jesuslovesyou

Christian Bible Verses

06 Dec, 14:58

Darkness creates isolation. An isolated Christian is vulnerable, without accountability, & easy prey. We walk properly most easily in godly company & purity demands that we walk in the light and with the children of light. Whatever our past has been or recent mistakes & disappointments, it’s not too late to ask God to help us commit to a life of purity #purity #JesusLovesYou #JesusIsGod #accountability

Christian Bible Verses

03 Dec, 16:16

#gospel #repentance #sin #sinner

Christian Bible Verses

03 Dec, 16:16

Like today, many question God’s authority & reject His identity when the King of the Universe, Jesus came down to earth in fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies. Without Jesus, we’re inclined to live in darkness. By God’s grace,He opens blind eyes to see the identity of His Son Jesus so that we trust & worship Him. As believers in Christ, we’re to continually repent & restore our walk with the Lord rather than choose to play God in our own lives. Our hearts will grow more sensitive to our sin, to live out the life He gifted us with- to enjoy, know & serve Him #JesusIsGod #jesuslovesyou #Repent #LiveForChrist

Christian Bible Verses

02 Dec, 14:14

Bible says Jesus, the living Word, was not created; He is the Creator who was with God and was God from the beginning. The child in the manger was the very same person who put the stars in the sky, including the star which led the wise men from the east to come & worship Him. Let’s worship, obey, love, & serve our Lord Jesus, the only one true living God. He is the only way to heaven #JesusIsGod #jesuslovesyou #creator #OnlyJesus #God

Christian Bible Verses

01 Dec, 17:36

Life often presents difficult challenges that make us feel uneasy, uncertain, afraid and discouraged. Bible says God doesn't tell us to muster up our own strength and courage, but to find them in Him; were not alone. He is the source of our strength & the foundation of our courage. God’s presence is our comfort & His power is our confidence #strength #courage #Godwillfightforyou #JesusIsGod #jesuslovesyou

Christian Bible Verses

29 Nov, 16:01

God isn’t tied to man-made customs nor under any obligation to fit in with our expectations. God doesn’t choose us because of anything we do for Him. None of us deserve to belong to Him. God’s mercy, freely given, never deserved, is how He makes us His heirs & His children. We can’t do a single thing to earn the King’s favor. Jesus paid it all; salvation is never about our merit but always and only about His mercy #mercy #JesusIsGod #jesuslovesyou #JesusPaidItAll

Christian Bible Verses

28 Nov, 15:55

Bible says God designed us to embrace gratitude all year round, not just during Thanksgiving. When we actively give thanks & praise, we deepen our joy by continually remembering God's goodness. Let’s profoundly express our gratitude in prayer. When our prayers resonate with our hearts & minds, we experience the true peace and joy of a grateful spirit #Thanksgiving #blessings #grateful #jesuslovesyou #JesusIsGod

Christian Bible Verses

28 Nov, 02:14


Christian Bible Verses

26 Nov, 16:10

The joy of God’s blessing isn’t found in laying up a firm financial foundation so that we can retire somewhere fantastic, pass on a greater monetary inheritance, or find comfort in a savings account. God gives us all that we need & more so that we can in turn give to others. God supplies us not only with resources but also with the grace we need to be truly generous, to go without ourselves so that others may be blessed. A generous heart protects us from selfishness and the desire to amass significant wealth for ourselves. We can’t outgive God #generosity #give #blessings #jesuslovesyou #JesusIsGod

Christian Bible Verses

25 Nov, 15:38

The way we live day in and day out before those who know us well is the best display of our true faith and what we believe in. How we live and what we believe ought to reflect our attachment to Christ. Our views should reflect that of our Messiah and Teacher, Jesus. Let’s not just know the truth. Let’s live the truth. Our conduct is to reflect that of our sacrificial Savior, Jesus. Believing must lead to doing #liveoutyourfaith #faith #trueChristianity #JesusIsGod #jesuslovesyou

Christian Bible Verses

24 Nov, 17:59

Suffering is a part of our human existence so that through our trials, we might cling to the Suffering Servant, Jesus, as our Savior. God allowed sin to come into the world in all its horribleness so that we could feel the consequences of our choices and learn to love Him all the more as He displays the beauty of His own love in a world of evil. God is not the author of evil, but He is sovereign over evil. There will be a day when God will bring all evil to an end #suffering #sorrow #pain #evil #jesuslovesyou #JesusIsGod

Christian Bible Verses

23 Nov, 16:35

When times are hard, we throw ourselves into working for a solution or we think the problem can’t be overcome & waste time on activities to escape it. Bible says we’re to be still before God & listen to and think about His words in the Bible. Remember that the Lord is in His holy temple, directing history from His throne for the good of His people #bestillandknowthatIamGod #Godwillfightforyou #JesusIsGod #jesuslovesyou #hardtimes

Christian Bible Verses

22 Nov, 15:44

When we face insurmountable mountains, we look around frantically for help instead of looking up to God for the answer. When we lift our eyes to God, we’re acknowledging his immense power & love & know that He’s the creator of everything we see & beyond, who will move mountains & heaven and earth for each of us who puts our trust in Him #Godistheanswer #TrustGod #JesusIsGod #jesuslovesyou

Christian Bible Verses

21 Nov, 05:34


Christian Bible Verses

21 Nov, 05:28


Christian Bible Verses

21 Nov, 04:47

#baptism #salvation #jesuslovesyou #JesusisGod

Christian Bible Verses

20 Nov, 16:50

Death is the only certainty of life. Bible says God’s judgment & eternal punishment will fall on those whose names are not written in the Book of Life. Bible says that only when we believe in the Lord Jesus, surrender our lives to His loving authority & rely entirely on what Christ accomplished on the cross, are we in good standing with God. Jesus is the only way to heaven; there’s no other name that saves us. He is the only one able to freely pardon all our sins & justify those who come to Him in repentance & faith #InChristAlone #byfaithalone #JesusIsGod #jesuslovesyou

Christian Bible Verses

19 Nov, 15:23

We were made in the image of God & created for good works. Regardless of our stage in life, we have work to do in God’s creation. Whatever work we do should be done to the best of our ability, & care for God’s opinion more than anyone else’s. However mundane, repetitive, or challenging it may be, as Christians, we’re serving Christ & bringing glory to His name #jesuslovesyou #JesusIsGod #serveChrist

Christian Bible Verses

15 Nov, 12:19

Bible says all things were created through Christ & for Christ & He remains intimately involved in His creation. If we’re in Christ, all our days, desires, hopes, heartaches, fears & failures, are being worked out according to the wise, gracious, loving will of God. No matter what happens or how difficult life becomes, God Himself will look after us, because He cares for us #GodCaresForYou #InChristAlone #JesusIsGod #jesuslovesyou

Christian Bible Verses

14 Nov, 17:38

The proof of Christianity lies in its power. Only the power of Christ can take men & women, lost to shame, & make them sons & daughters of God. There’s no depth of guilt to which someone can plummet or degree of humiliation someone can feel that puts them beyond God’s forgiving grace. God changes lives. Jesus saves & transforms us, by faith in Christ alone #Godchangeslives #JesusIsGod #jesuslovesyou #InChristAlone

Christian Bible Verses

14 Nov, 17:15

Bible says no one ever prayed as much as Jesus did. He regularly interceded for his people because of His love for them. He loved to be in communion with His Father because of His love for the Father. Jesus refreshed Himself with prayer & placed a high importance in praying often over everything, leaving us an example to follow. May our Lord Jesus teach us to pray #pray #prayerchangesthings #jesuslovesyou #JesusIsGod

Christian Bible Verses

12 Nov, 17:49

Our assurance of God’s forgiveness rests on the atoning blood of Jesus. Bible says when we come to God in repentance, He promises to remember our sins no more. Forgiving others isn’t about a feeling; it’s about a promise & obedience to God’s command to forgive. As a recipient of God’s forgiveness in Christ, we’re called to forgive as He has forgiven us #forgive #forgiven #obeybible #JesusIsGod #jesuslovesyou

Christian Bible Verses

11 Nov, 16:12

It's easy for us to worry, fear, & doubt in our world filled with negativity & distractions. Bible says we’re to intentionally focus our minds on what is good, true, & beautiful to create a mental space where joy & peace can flourish. When we make a conscious effort to replace negative thoughts with those that uplift and inspire, our hearts will be filled with gratitude & our lives will reflect the light of Christ #peace #joy #gratitude #jesuslovesyou #JesusIsGod #bibleverse

Christian Bible Verses

10 Nov, 13:48

Bible says we should not have faith in faith or faith in ourselves, but faith in God alone. When God is the object of our faith, we can have a faith that believes the impossible to be possible with Him. God is able to do far more than we can even imagine & wants to do extraordinary things for His children. Let’s pray to & believe in the Biblical God, Jesus, who is too wise to make mistakes, too kind to be cruel, & too powerful to be subdued by normal forces of the universe #faithinGod #trustGod #believeinJesus #pray #Jesuslovesyou #JesusisGod

Christian Bible Verses

10 Nov, 06:42


Christian Bible Verses

09 Nov, 16:16

Bible says that when we are born again spiritually, sin no longer masters us, but sin & temptations continue to wage war against our soul. God’s Holy Spirit empowers us to overcome temptation in the name of Jesus, who is in us, & who is greater than he who is in the world, the devil, a defeated foe. Jesus died for us so we can be forgiven when we sin. Sin may be great but God’s grace is greater #sin #grace #forgiven #jesuslovesyou #JesusIsGod #truechristianity

Christian Bible Verses

07 Nov, 14:32

Bible says for believers in Christ as our Lord & Savior, this world is not our home. In Jesus, God has come from heaven, reached down to us & at the end of all things, the holy city, the new Jerusalem, will come down out of heaven from God. Believers from all centuries all over the world will be united by the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ to dwell with Him & worship him for all eternity #heaven #eternity #NewJerusalem #JesusIsGod #jesuslovesyou #holiness

Christian Bible Verses

06 Nov, 16:10

Peace, security, forgiveness & right standing before God come when we cast ourselves on His mercy & accept Jesus’ offer of salvation as a free gift that can’t be earned or bought; let’s bow down in humility and gratitude before the provision that Jesus made by His atoning death on the cross. Let’s give up our pride & self-sufficiency. True peace & assurance of eternal life comes when we place Jesus first & not trust in our own goodness or cling to our wealth for security #peace #joy #assurance #mercy #gratitude #jesuslovesyou #JesusIsGod

Christian Bible Verses

06 Nov, 15:31

#Godfirst #repent #Americanpolitics #Jesuslovesyou

Christian Bible Verses

05 Nov, 17:06

Bible says God sees our tired heart,aching spirit,& relentless pursuit of what's right & assures us that our efforts are not in vain. The God who counts every star in the sky counts every tear we've cried & every sacrifice we've made. He's deeply invested in our journey & is right beside us in the storms of life. When we’re tired & our heart aches, we should not give up & choose to trust God who helps us keep going. We’re not alone #TrustGod #JesusCan #jesuslovesyou #JesusIsGod

Christian Bible Verses

05 Nov, 03:30

God’s extraordinary eternal plans unfold in the middle of ordinary people doing ordinary things in ordinary places. Our faithfulness in the midst of the ordinary may, by God’s grace, become the means of extraordinary impact for the sake of the gospel. The faithfulness, kindness, integrity, love, & gentleness that God works in & through us, will be seen to have had an impact on the lives of men & women than we could ever imagine #kindness #love #faithfulness #JesusIsGod #jesuslovesyou

Christian Bible Verses

03 Nov, 17:20

Tragically, there’s many who profess Christ but don’t possess Christ. Bible warns us not to be religious & to instead, have a relationship with Christ. Having a zeal for God that’s not based on Biblical knowledge, or having our name on church rolls, but not in the Lamb's Book of Life, will not lead us to the one true living God nor to heaven. Are we truly making Jesus Lord of our lives, being conformed to the image of Christ and being obedient to His word, the Bible? #JesusIsLord #relationshipwithJesus #heaven #bible

Christian Bible Verses

03 Nov, 17:11


Christian Bible Verses

03 Nov, 10:56

Christian Bible Verses

03 Nov, 10:56


Christian Bible Verses

03 Nov, 03:50


Christian Bible Verses

02 Nov, 15:05

World teaches that appearance & achievements are everything. Bible says God looks at our heart, character, motivations, & our love for others. The Creator of the universe values us for who we truly are, not for how we appear or what we've achieved. Let’s cultivate hearts that seek God & value in others what He values in us #character #motive #jesuslovesyou #JesusIsGod

Christian Bible Verses

01 Nov, 15:09

As followers of Jesus, our kindness & compassion towards others overflows from the gracious, generous & continual kindness we receive from God’s merciful provision. When we take refuge in God, we’ll discover that the Lord is able to do far more abundantly than all that we could ask for or thought to ask for #jesuslovesyou #JesusIsGod #kindness #compassion #AskGod

Christian Bible Verses

27 Oct, 18:23

Bible is very clear about the reality of evil & of the one who is behind the evil in the world-satan the evil one, who’s behind all sin. Before anyone is born again of the Spirit of God, they actually belong to his domain, and their evil actions give proof of his ownership. We’re not good people who make mistakes; we are sinful people in need of mercy & requires humility to accept what our hearts are truly like. As believers in Jesus, we have been changed from the inside out #evil #good #sin #jesuslovesyou #JesusIsGod #jesussaves

Christian Bible Verses

26 Oct, 23:08

Bible says the God of Abraham, Jacob and Isaac, who knit us together, has ordered all of our steps in all of our days. He weaves our lives into the great story of His sovereign fulfillment of His promises to His people. God is faithful no matter what the distress or brokenness we’ve been through. Let’s rest on our refuge and mighty rock, Jesus, for our salvation and our glory #death #heaven #jesuslovesyou #JesusIsGod #TrustJesus #biblewordofGod

Christian Bible Verses

25 Oct, 14:09

We need to know our own weakness in order to continue to rely on God’s grace for our eternal salvation & God’s power for our daily lives. God allows difficulties such as illness, financial lack, relational challenges, effort of raising children, & ongoing struggle with sin, to keep us humble & not allow us to fall into pride #humility #grace #jesuslovesyou #JesusIsGod #sin #overcomer

Christian Bible Verses

24 Oct, 13:10

We’re all born in sin & rebellion against God. The only answer to humanity’s predicament is Jesus, who died on the cross so that sinners may, by grace through faith, receive all that He deserves instead of bearing all that we, like Adam, deserved. We’re not saved by anything done by us. Because the sinless Savior died, our sinful soul is counted free; God the just is satisfied to look on Him & pardon me #grace #freegift #jesuslovesyou #JesusIsGod #faith #notworks

Christian Bible Verses

23 Oct, 14:43

Every time an idol is worshiped, the Lord Jesus is robbed of the glory that only He deserves. Worshipping & putting trust in any idol won’t satisfy the soul & robs God of the glory that belongs only to Jesus, & ignores the God who brings meaning & hope but who will not be mocked. Bible says Jesus is the answer to our deepest longings; we won’t find answers or peace or reassurance in religions or philosophies #religion #worship #idols #jesuslovesyou #JesusIsGod

Christian Bible Verses

20 Oct, 13:58

When others are suffering we can bless them with our quiet presence. May God give us wisdom in what we say and how we say it, to those we’re trying to comfort who are suffering and grieving. Let’s humbly pray to God for His peace upon those who are suffering and for wisdom for us as we comfort them #suffering #grieving #pray #jesuslovesyou #JesusIsGod

Christian Bible Verses

19 Oct, 16:03

Living a life of purity is a choice we make in advance on the basis of God’s word, the Bible, & is an act of absolute determination prompted by God’s Spirit, guided by His word, & enabled by His power. We’re to keep control of our minds so that we’re able to run after what is good & flee from what is evil. Let’s pursue holiness by committing to purity by not being at the wrong place at the wrong time, before the temptation confronts us #temptation #purity #life #JesusIsGod #jesuslovesyou

Christian Bible Verses

18 Oct, 15:04

Bible says Jesus is the great Shepherd of our souls. May God give us a heart to love Him first, more than anyone or anything else & extend His love to others by His grace. When we learn to love God first and foremost, the love for others around us will be rooted in the proper biblically based love of God that will flow and pour out of us onto others #love #JesusIsGod #jesuslovesyou

Christian Bible Verses

17 Oct, 16:31


Christian Bible Verses

17 Oct, 15:05

Anything becomes an idol when it keeps us away from God. When we’ve been living too much without Him, He’ll take away everything we’ve been in the habit of depending on, so that He may drive us to Himself. Let’s live wholly & directly on God's grace. We’re complete in Him & saved due to Jesus’ atonement on the cross; trust & rest in Jesus alone. When our soul is thirsty for more, turn to Jesus, the fountain of life #TrustJesus #JesusIsGod #jesuslovesyou #worshipJesusChrist

Christian Bible Verses

16 Oct, 14:37

Bible says words bring harm or gladness. God hears every word we speak; we can’t hide from ourselves & others. We’re marked by memories of words spoken to us. Bible says not to be reckless with our words & to guard our tongue & not answer before we listen, saying too much & destroying relationships with others. Let’s not bring damage to ourselves or to others & learn to seek, by God’s enabling, to guard our own mouth & banish ruinous words by displaying grace upon others. Let’s imitate the compassionate, tender, & kind words that came from Jesus’ lips. Our words are evidence that our profession of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is true #words #wordsofwisdom #bibleverse #JesusIsGod #jesuslovesyou

Christian Bible Verses

15 Oct, 15:04

Ungodliness starts in the mind & ends in sinful action. Anxiety disrupts our peace & destroys our joy & state of mind. Bible says to train our minds and life to be Christ-like, in prayer, to overcome sin & experience God’s peace & presence. We need to proclaim the gospel to ourselves & others, make our treasure in heaven, lift our souls upward towards God & make decisions based on what is just & pure instead of what’s convenient or gratifying #peace #joy #jesuslovesyou #JesusIsGod #mindset

Christian Bible Verses

14 Oct, 14:12

Bible says it should be no surprise that Christian living includes suffering because of our commitment to Jesus Christ. When we choose to follow Christ, we’re called to be willing to suffer as He did. When the Christian walk is painful, we’re giving ourselves to Jesus who gave Himself to us. Let’s look forward to the day when our trials are past, justice is done, & we live in our Savior’s glory forever. #SufferingForChrist #jesuslovesyou #JesusIsGod #christianliving

Christian Bible Verses

13 Oct, 16:42

As followers of Jesus, we must not live as though this world is all there is. Let’s challenge ourself to live a life of steady obedience to God through daily routine. We’re heaven bound- this world is not our home. Our time, talents, and money should reflect that knowledge. We should be spending our life considering not just what we want in life but what we ought to do with life, with a vision of our heavenly horizon #heaven #LiveForJesus #life #jesuslovesyou #JesusIsGod

Christian Bible Verses

13 Oct, 00:25

Sometimes we are distracted by things that rob us from seeking God’s desires and will for us. We should constantly remind ourselves to keep our eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. May God teach us to number our days, put our life in the proper perspective, as we align our life with His. Let us seek God daily in prayer and meditate in His word, the Bible #jesuslovesyou #JesusIsGod #faith

Christian Bible Verses

13 Oct, 00:24

We’re not here by chance but by God’s choosing. We didn’t invent ourself, nor did we have any part in our own creation. We were intricately knit together in the womb. The hand of God formed us to be the person that we are; He created us at the exact moment that He desired, has placed us at this point in history so that we, in Christ, by grace, through faith, might do good deeds which He has planned for us to do #gooddeeds #faith #JesusIsGod #jesuslovesyou

Christian Bible Verses

10 Oct, 15:45

Our life is a story that God is writing. If we are in any period of uncertainty or pain, let’s place our fears and doubts in the hands of the one true living God, Jesus Christ, our Lord. God‘s plan may not always align with our own desires or timelines, but it is always woven with purpose, hope and anchored in his unchanging, love. Trusting Him doesn’t guarantee an easy road, but it assures us that each step and misstep is guided by His hand #life #GodsPlan #TrustGod #JesusIsGod #jesuslovesyou

Christian Bible Verses

09 Oct, 14:47

During our failures, backsliding, unbelief, or lack of faith, we can turn to Jesus to restore us. He is is most concerned about our heart, love, & devotion to Him. The test of love for Jesus is whether our life displays obedience & action with the enabling of God’s Holy Spirit. God is a God of grace & second chances #ObeyJesus #obeyGod #obeybible #JesusIsGod #jesuslovesyou

Christian Bible Verses

08 Oct, 14:07

Bible says whether the problems are global, national, or personal, the best strategy is to keep our eyes on what God’s word, the Bible, says about God’s plan. Let’s bring an eternal perspective to world affairs of time, with the help of Holy Spirit & find security in God’s perfect plan. We may not currently know all the details of the story of this world, but we can know that for those who trust in Christ, there is a happy, endless ending #bibleverse #TrustGod #JesusIsGod #jesuslovesyou

Christian Bible Verses

06 Oct, 17:54

Bible says there’s a link between a guilty conscience, lack of repentance, & our physical wellbeing. Sleeplessness, sense of rejection, anxiety, & despair accompanies those who hide their sin from God & deny it to themselves. Let’s confess & repent of our sins & ask God for forgiveness #bibleverse #Repent #forgive #jesuslovesyou #JesusisGod

Christian Bible Verses

30 Sep, 14:20

When we think of ourselves first, it’s impossible to put God’s word, the Bible, into action. When we learn to put others first, before our own comfort first, we’ll be better prepared to care for others concerns before our own. Let’s have the same mindset as Christ Jesus #othersfirst #activechristianity #Christlike #jesuslovesyou #loveothers #JesusIsGod

Christian Bible Verses

29 Sep, 16:41

Bible says Jesus warns us to have
good teachers that display Christlike actions of their teachings. The fruit of the Spirit, love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, and self-control, will be evident in a good teacher’s life. God’s Holy Spirit will teach us about everything and enable us to distinguish between truth and falsehood, so we can grow in holiness & recognize sound doctrine #bekind #bepatient #selfcontrol #HolySpiritPower #truth #jesuslovesyou #JesusIsGod

Christian Bible Verses

26 Sep, 13:54

Bible says we must be diligent in examining ourselves in light of Scripture, the Bible, and the standard that God has set. Let’s not point out the faults of others under the guise of caring about their spiritual condition, without first being honest to ourselves about our own sins. Let’s stand on the low ground of genuine love and humility rather than the high ground of presumption #dontjudgeothers #jesuslovesyou #JesusIsGod #humility

Christian Bible Verses

25 Sep, 15:14

The source of all true forgiveness is found in God alone. Harboring unforgiveness in our heart is a lack of reflecting the forgiveness given to us by God for all our sins. If we’re not willing to forgive, are we truly forgiven & grasped the gospel in our hearts? When we forgive from the heart, we show that we’re sons & daughters of the Most High God. As God’s children by faith in Christ, let’s imitate our Father & our Lord by practicing forgiveness #forgive #beforgiven #ReadBible #JesusIsGod #jesuslovesyou