NuriAmin Arabic Basic @nuri_amin Channel on Telegram

NuriAmin Arabic Basic


Learn the basics of Arabic language following the course program of Madinah Islamic university as in DURUSUL LUGATIL ARABIYYAH.

NuriAmin Arabic Basic (Arabic)

تعتبر اللغة العربية من أجمل وأعذب اللغات في العالم، وتحمل في طياتها تاريخاً عريقاً وثقافة متميزة. إذا كنت ترغب في تعلم أساسيات اللغة العربية، فقناة NuriAmin Arabic Basic هي المكان المناسب لك! تابع برنامج الدورس الذي يقدمه جامعة المدينة الإسلامية كما في كتاب دروس اللغة العربية. مجتمعنا مكون من مدرسين محترفين وطلاب متحمسين لتبادل المعرفة والتعلم. ستتعلم النطق الصحيح، قواعد اللغة، ومفردات مهمة تساعدك على التواصل بطلاقة مع الناطقين بالعربية. سجل الآن في قناتنا لتستمتع برحلة تعلم ممتعة وشيقة في عالم اللغة العربية!

NuriAmin Arabic Basic

20 Dec, 19:30


NuriAmin Arabic Basic

04 Nov, 17:06


NuriAmin Arabic Basic

03 Nov, 05:24

Good to memorise

NuriAmin Arabic Basic

25 Oct, 12:21


Sexual weakness affects marriages and make the woman to loss respect for her husband if her husband doesn't satisfy her.

🎤Work on yourself to be able to satisfy your wife.

Women with slagged (fallen) breast and big stomach makes the husband's love for her to reduce and this usually happen after birth.

🎤Work on yourself to have a smooth adorable shape.

Many at times, only the woman is blamed when she can't get pregnant. It's Allah who decides but at times, it's because of infections. At times, the woman is healthy but it's the man who's sick such as having low sperm count, etc

🎤A brother who always assist us from Cameroon, has quality herbal teas for the above mentioned cases and if you're in Cameroon and need any of that, contact him via whatsApp via 659015820 or through the link

NuriAmin Arabic Basic

24 Oct, 11:20


NuriAmin Arabic Basic

09 Oct, 08:09

When ZINA penetrates the body of a fellow human being, Wallahi it is extremely difficult to get rid of it. ZINA is addictive. When you start, you hardly stop. And it is dangerous. Every thing you touch, Allah removes Barakah from it. Even Friends who follow you, Allah remove their barakah. When you earn money, it finishes as if fire eats it. Every day you are in this problem or the other. Your heart will never settle. And if you pursue ZINA for the rest of your life, for sure ZINA will kill you. And if you die as an adulterer, hardly you see light. Allahu Aalam. If Allah wishes, he can favor you. But it is hardly. Lastly, people who commit ZINA even after they got married, they continue to do it. Why do you think people cheat in marriages? Bcos They engaged in the act right from beginning. May Allah SWT protect our private parts from commit Haram. Ameen

NuriAmin Arabic Basic

07 Oct, 06:58

Master it

NuriAmin Arabic Basic

07 Oct, 06:57
