Nazarethschool 200 @nazethio2020 Channel on Telegram

Nazarethschool 200


Nazarethschool 200 (English)

Welcome to Nazarethschool 200, a Telegram channel dedicated to providing valuable resources and updates for all students and parents associated with Nazareth School. Whether you are a current student, alumni, or parent, this channel is your one-stop destination for all things related to the school. From academic announcements to extracurricular activities, we have got you covered. Nazareth School has a long history of providing quality education and fostering a nurturing environment for students to grow and excel. With Nazarethschool 200, you can stay connected with the school community, receive important notifications, and participate in engaging discussions. Join us today and be a part of the Nazareth School family! Who is it? Nazarethschool 200 is a Telegram channel for students, parents, and alumni of Nazareth School. What is it? It is a platform for sharing updates, resources, and fostering a sense of community among the school's members.

Nazarethschool 200

23 Oct, 12:06

Nazarethschool 200

24 Aug, 13:53

Nazarethschool 200

20 Jul, 13:54

Grade 12 orentation(6/11/015)
1. በሶ ጩኮ አይገባም
2. መታወቅያ መያዝ
3. ጠርሙስ ኤሌክትርኒክ አይቻልም
4. አላስፍላጊ እቃ አይገባም
5. ሶሻል ከ16_17/11/015ይገባሉ በ18 ኦረንቴሽን ከ19_21ፈተና በ21/11/015 ይወጣሉ።
6. ናቱራል=ከ22_23/11/015ይገባሉ በ24ኦርንቴሽን 25_26/11/015ፈተና በ26/11/015 ይወጣሉ
7. Admistion መጨረሻው ነገ ነው ሁሉም እንዲወስድ
8. ልዩ ፍላጎት ያላቸው ተማሪዎች መረጃ መላክ መጨረሻው ነገ ነው
9. ፍተሻ ሁለት ቦታ ነው አ/አ ፖሊስ መጀመርያ ቀጥሎ ፌደራል ፖሊስ ይፈትሻል
10. በየዩንቨርስቲው ጊዚያዊ ፖሊስ ጣብያ ተቋቁማል መረበሽ መበጥበጥ አይቻልም ይጠየቃሉ ።
11. ፈተና ክፍል ሲገቡ ተፈትሸው ይገባሉ
12. ለሁሉም  ተማሪ የተፃፈ ነገር ይሰጣቸው (የሚፈቀድ የማይፈቀድ)
13. መዳኒት እና መነፅር በር ላይ ሀኪም ተመድቧል እያጣራ ያስገባል
14. የትራንስፖርት ጉዳይ:- ለማጓጓዣ አንበሳ ተመድቧል የመንግስትም የግልም ት/ቤቶች ራሳቸው ክፍያ ይፈፅማሉ። የግሎች ቀድመው ደብዳቤ መፃፍና መክፈል አለባቸው(0911675982 ግዛው አንበሳ ባስ ም/ስ/አስኪያጅ