أحدث المنشورات من آکادمی زبان نصر (@nasrenglishacademy) على Telegram

منشورات آکادمی زبان نصر على Telegram

آکادمی زبان نصر
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أحدث المحتوى الذي تم مشاركته بواسطة آکادمی زبان نصر على Telegram

آکادمی زبان نصر

23 Nov, 17:55


سلام قسمت یک رو دیدین ؟ چطور بود ؟ 😍
فردا قسمت دوم گذاشته میشه
حتما نوت برداری کنید تو یک دفتر منظم
آکادمی زبان نصر

23 Nov, 09:27


🎥قسمت اول
🟢زمان حال کامل چیست؟
🟢سه بخش هر فعل
🟢جمله سازی جملات مثبت
👩🏻‍💻پشتیبانی :
آکادمی زبان نصر

23 Nov, 09:02


👨🏻‍🏫کلاس رایگان با من
📚آموزش زمان حال کامل
شروع کلاس : امروز
🎥مدت زمان کلاس : ۴ جلسه
👩🏻‍💻ارائه : در همین کانال
⛔️این کلاس فقط یک هفته رایگان است
و محتوا پس از یک هفته پاک می شود !
آکادمی زبان نصر

20 Nov, 12:26


سلام چطورین ؟ رضا نصر هستم
میگم پادکست ها چطوره ؟ خوبه ؟ بازم ادامه بدیم ؟
آکادمی زبان نصر

20 Nov, 12:20


متن پادکست :

Do you think you should be able to get married before you’re 18 ?
Hello hello , hope you’re all doing well.
This is teacher Nasr and welcome to another short podcast.
Today I’m going to be talking about the age of majority. Well as you know, in many countries the law permits you to engage in new activities at the age of 18 , which is the age of majority by the way.
So , there is this question :
Do you think you should be able to get married before the age of 18 ?
Well, I think you shouldn’t be allowed to get married until you’re at least 21 or even older. Because then there might be fewer divorces . You know the thing is a law should be passed that says “if you want to get married , you have to take marriage classes first” so , this is what I think. What do you think about the age of majority ?
آکادمی زبان نصر

19 Nov, 08:43


🎧پادکست کوتاه انگلیسی
مدت : ۱ دقیقه
📚موضوع : سن قانونی
👨🏻‍🏫گوینده : رضا نصر
پشتیبانی :
آکادمی زبان نصر

17 Nov, 10:36


متن پادکست :
Hello hello
Hope you’re all doing well.
This is teacher Nasr speaking and welcome to another short podcast.
Today I’m going to be talking about
“life’s little dilemmas”.
You know what I mean by dilemma ?
A situation in which a difficult choice has to be made between two.
It’s very hard.
The other day a friend just asked me a question :
“What would you do if a friend borrowed $10 and forgot to pay you back ? “
1. Would you remind your friend about it several times ?
2. Would you forget about it ?

Well this is my answer:
You know that depends.
It falls on a spectrum. So , if it were about a lot of money, I would definitely remind my friend several times. Yeah , why not!
But you know … $10 … we’re not talking about a lot of money right ? So, that wouldn’t be worth mentioning , talking about it , reminding it …
Yeah that’s my answer.
Now you tell me : what would you do if a friend borrowed $10 and forgot to pay you back ?
1. Would you remind your friend about it ?
2. Or would you forget about it ?
آکادمی زبان نصر

17 Nov, 10:15


🎧پادکست کوتاه انگلیسی
مدت : ۲ دقیقه
📚موضوع : دو راهی
👨🏻‍🏫گوینده : رضا نصر
پشتیبانی :

لینک دوره شرطی ها:

آکادمی زبان نصر

16 Nov, 10:22


متن پادکست:
Hey everybody , hope you’re all doing well. This is teacher Nasr speaking and welcome to another short podcast.
Today I’m going to be talking about “introverts and extroverts”

Well as you know , introverts prefer solitude and find energy in alone time, on the other hand extroverted people are the ones who are energetic and they enjoy being with other people.
Now which one are you ?
Are you an extroverted person ?
Or an introverted person ?

Well , unfortunately there is this bias, discrimination against introverted people. Why ? Because our society , our schools , workplaces , they are all designed mostly for extroverts.

Introverts are sensitive to overstimulation, they tend to enjoy quiet, contemplative environments.
In contrast, extroverts tend to be socially confident and quick on their feet.

Now I have a question for you.
Who makes a better leader in our society ?
An introverted person ?
Or an extroverted person ?
آکادمی زبان نصر

16 Nov, 09:36


🎧پادکست کوتاه انگلیسی
مدت : ۱ دقیقه
📚موضوع : درونگرا ، برونگرا
👨🏻‍🏫گوینده : رضا نصر
پشتیبانی :