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Naseehah & Fawaaid

06 Mar, 13:37


*💫 New PDF 📕 - A Short Nasihah - By Shaykh Abu Khadeejah حفظه الله*

*"Each one of you is a shepherd and each person is responsible over his flock."*

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Naseehah & Fawaaid

28 Feb, 18:47


*The Month Of Ramadan Has Arrived*

From Abu Hurairah [رضي الله عنه] who said: The Messenger of Allaah [ﷺ] used to give good news to his Companions with the arrival of Ramadan, he would say:

«قد جاءكم شهر رمضان شهرٌ مبارك ، كتب الله عليكم صيامه ، فيه تفتح أبواب الجنة وتغلق فيه أبواب الجحيم ، وتغل فيه الشياطين ، فيه ليلةٌ خيرٌ من ألف شهر ، من حُرِمَ خيرها فقد حُرِم.»

❝Indeed the month of Ramadan has arrived, a blessed month. Allaah has prescribed fasting for you. In this month the doors of Paradise are opened and the doors of hell are closed. The devils are shackled. In Ramadan there is a night better than a thousand months, whoever is prohibited from the good in that night then indeed he has been prohibited from good.❞

[Collected By Al-Mundhari In Targheeb Wa Tarheeb | Authenticated By Albaani, (1/490) | Translated By Abbas Abu Yahya Miraath Al-Anbiyya]


Ibn Rajab Al-Hanbali said:

❝Some of the scholars said: This Hadeeth is a foundation for some people congratulating others with the month of Ramadan.

How can one not give good news to the believer with the doors of Paradise opening.

How can one not give good news to the sinful that the doors of the Hell fire have been closed.

How can one not give good news to the intelligent one with that the devils are shackled.

Where can this time period be compared to any other time.❞

[Lata’if Al-Ma’arif, (1/158) | Translated By Abbas Abu Yahya Miraath Al-Anbiyya]
Naseehah & Fawaaid

27 Feb, 03:20


*🔹تسجيلات الدورة الشرعية بمدينة حفر الباطن*

*📚المحاضرة الافتتاحية*
*فضل الحياء وعواقب ضياعه على الفرد والجماعة*
*🎙️ لفضيلة الشيخ أ.د. عبدالله بن عبدالرحيم البخاري*
*🔗 للاستماع والتحميل*

*📚شرح كتاب صريح السنة للإمام ابي جعفر الطبري رحمه الله*
*🎙️لفضيلة الشيخ د. وليد بن عثمان فلاتي*
*🔗للاستماع والتحميل*

*📚شرح كتاب العلم من صحيح البخاري*
*🎙️لفضيلة الشيخ أ.د. عبدالله بن عبدالرحيم البخاري*
*🔗للاستماع و التحميل*

*📚شرح كتاب الصيام من عمدة الاحكام*
*🎙️لفضيلة الشيخ عواد بن صالح الظفيري*
*🔗للاستماع و التحميل*
Naseehah & Fawaaid

21 Feb, 18:15


Shaikh Abdullah Al Bukhari on Hayaa
Naseehah & Fawaaid

23 Jan, 15:27


Some links related to *Mental Health*
How to Cure Depression by Hasan Somali
Patience and Gratitude by Abu Iyaad Amjad Rafiq
Patience in the Face of Trials and Tribulations by Abu Hakeem Bilal Davis
Patience with the Decrees of Allaah that bring about Affliction and Trials by Abu Khadeejah
How to Deal with Anxiety, Stress and Depression by Abu Idrees
Indeed with Hardship will come Ease by Hasan Somali
How to Replace Anxiety and Sadness with Happiness and Contentment by Abu Idrees
The Means to Attaining Patience upon the Harms of Others upon You by Abu Idrees
The Cure to Worry, Sadness and Grief according to the Qur’aan and Sunnah by Abu Khadeejah Abdul Wahid
Patience in the Face of Affliction by Abu Idrees
10 Virtues of Trusting in Allaah by Uways at-Taweel
Coping with the Trials of Our Times by Abu Khadeejah

CONFERENCE: Remaining Steadfast in Times of Tribulation
Naseehah & Fawaaid

06 Jun, 18:25


ie, after maghrib tonight
Naseehah & Fawaaid

06 Jun, 18:17


Tomorrow is first of Dhu-l-Hujjah
Saturday 15 June is Arafah
Sunday 16 June is Eid al Adha
Naseehah & Fawaaid

22 May, 18:10


"I don't take from SPubs" - Sheikh Saalim Bamihriz حفظه الله praises and defends SPubs
Naseehah & Fawaaid

16 Apr, 20:23


The warning of Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jamā’ah from associating and mixing with the People of Desires and Ahlul-Bid’ah ―Shaikh Rabee’ bin Hādi Al-Madkhali – Abu Khadeejah : أبو خديجة
Naseehah & Fawaaid

08 Apr, 16:43


Eid Al Fitr 1445 is Wednesday inshaAllah. Tuesday is 30th of Ramadan.