NArcHome Architecture @narchomearchitecture Channel on Telegram

NArcHome Architecture


Contemporary design practice with an open-source media, working on leveraging the possibilities in architecture and urbanism for the benefit of Humanity at all scales.

NArcHome Architecture (English)

NArcHome Architecture is a Telegram channel dedicated to the world of contemporary design practice. With a focus on leveraging the possibilities in architecture and urbanism for the benefit of humanity, this channel provides a platform for architects, designers, and enthusiasts to explore innovative ideas and cutting-edge concepts in the field. The channel also offers open-source media, allowing for the sharing of knowledge, resources, and inspiration within the community.

Whether you're a professional in the field or simply someone who appreciates the art of architecture, NArcHome Architecture has something for everyone. From showcasing the latest trends and developments in the industry to discussing sustainable design principles and cultural influences, this channel is a hub of creativity and innovation.

For those looking to connect with like-minded individuals and stay informed about the latest happenings in the world of architecture, NArcHome Architecture is the place to be. Join us today and be a part of a community that is passionate about shaping the future of our built environment.

For more information, you can visit our or contact us directly at @NahomTeklu.

NArcHome Architecture

27 Jan, 14:09


The Association of Ethiopian Architects (#AEA) is pleased to announce openings for the positions of Manager and Administrative Assistant. Please refer to the attached pins for detailed job descriptions, qualifications, and application instructions.

Applicants shall submit their CV with relevant testimonials and credentials to the following address-

[email protected]

Via @AEAChannel

#architecture #ethiopia #opportunity

📌 Design for Humanity.

NArcHome Architecture

25 Jan, 14:56

አካል መልክ ትእምርትና ሥነ-ጥበብ

በሠዓሊ መዝገቡ ተሠማ

ምንጭ: መዝገቡ ተሠማ

📌 ንድፍ ለሰበዓዊነት

NArcHome Architecture

25 Jan, 14:38

Arba Minch University proudly presents a lecture by Rahel Shawl, a leading voice in Ethiopian architecture. Explore her innovative design philosophy of 'Architecture with Care' through an in-depth discussion of her Halala kella (ገበታ ለሃገር) project. This is an opportunity to engage with cutting-edge architectural thinking and its impact on communities.

Date - Jan 27 8:00 Afternoon LT
Venue - New HALL Beside Registrar
Faculity of Architecture & Planning

Via Yonas Assefa

#architecture #ethiopia #event

📌 Design for Humanity.

NArcHome Architecture

19 Jan, 05:40

እንኳን ለጌታችንና ለመድሃኒታችን ለኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ የጥምቀት በዓል አደረሠን። መልካም በዓል።

ምስል: ተስፉ አሰፋ

#event #ethiopia #addisabeba

📌 ንድፍ ለሰበዓዊነት።

NArcHome Architecture

15 Jan, 19:22

#GMJA, is a digital platform dedicated to preserving and showcasing Ethiopian architectural heritage. It serves as a repository for historical designs, HBIMs, and documentation of traditional and cultural Ethiopian architecture, celebrating the country's rich cultural legacy.

Explore their newly updated website via and discover a wealth of articles, HBIM models, and more.

Via Daniel, gmja

#update #architecture #ethiopia #feature #heritage #history

📌 Design for Humanity.

NArcHome Architecture

13 Jan, 12:01

The Design and Construction of The IEC Church
Malcolm McGregor (Lead Architect) and Wick Jackson (Contractor)

A public lecture titled: "A Church and Sanctuary Seen from the Skies"

Event Details

📅 Date: Friday, January, 17 / 2025
🕒 Time: Evening 06:00  PM - 7:30 PM
💰 Experience Fee: 200 ETB 
📍 Location: The Urban Center, front of St. Estifanos Church Main Gate, left of OLA Energies Gas Station, behind Mega Bookstore.

Registration is Mandatory!
With an Experience fee to be made at the gate.

Please complete this form to secure your spot. You will receive a confirmation SMS.

Register here.

Via @theurbancenter

#event #architecture #ethiopia #feature

📌 Design for Humanity.

NArcHome Architecture

10 Jan, 00:38

Ethiopia Volcano Update; Dofen May Have Erupted, Continued Unrest

Significant volcanic unrest is still ongoing between the Fentale and Dofen volcanoes in Ethiopia which is related to a massive 35 kilometer long shallow dike of magma. While this unrest has declined during the last few days, it is still ongoing, and there is a debate as to whether a series of explosions witnessed on the southern flanks of the Dofen volcano represented an actual phreatic volcanic eruption. This video will discuss the ongoing situation, its similarity to ongoing activity in Iceland's Reykjanes peninsula, and how the Fentale volcano experienced nearly the same series of events 215 years ago.

You can watch the complete informative video at the Geology hub channel here.

Chary showing Peak ground acceleration, Ethiopia via Desalegn Kebede (Engineer)

#update #news #ethiopia #feature

📌 Design for Humanity.

NArcHome Architecture

07 Jan, 11:35

Angsila Oyster Scaffolding Pavilion
CHAT Architects

Ang Sila, Thailand
Architects: CHAT Architects
Year: 2023
Photographs: W-Workspace

"The pavilion design draws on and “bastardizes” the widely deployed bamboo scaffolding traditionally used for oyster cultivation. When in use, local fishermen bring small groups of visitors from Angsila to the pavilion, where they can handpick oysters pulled from the ocean below, which are then prepared fresh to eat …a sea-to-table dining experience in a remarkable coastal setting."

You can read more about the project here.

#update #history #ethiopia

📌 Design for Humanity.

NArcHome Architecture

07 Jan, 11:35

In pursuit of a modern capital, Ethiopian leader razes history

"But for the thousands of people across Addis whose houses and businesses have been destroyed, the campaign to build a 21st-century metropolis here often feels more like a vanity project than like an effort to make life better for its inhabitants."

Read the complete article here.

#architecture #addisabeba #city #urbaninsight #feature #update #heritage #history #article

📌 Design for Humanity.

NArcHome Architecture

07 Jan, 11:34

በ1960ዎቹ  የንባብ ባህል፣ የከተማ ኑሮ ትዝታዎች እና ሌሎች ዘመነኛ መልኮች ዙሪያ

ከአቶ አንዳርጋቸው አሰግድ ፣
አቶ ታምራት ከበደ እና
ጴጥሮስ ቶጃ (ፕ/ር) 

ጋራ የትውልዶች ውይይት ይደረጋል።

ቅዳሜ፣ ጥር 03
9፡00 እስከ 11፡30

በር 8፡30 ይከፈታል

የመመዝገቢያ ሊንክ

#ethiopia #event #feature #history #urbaninsight

📌 ንድፍ ለሰበዓዊነት

NArcHome Architecture

06 Jan, 18:56

እንኳን ለጌታችን ለመድሃኒታችን ለኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ በዓለ-ልደት በጤና አደረሰን። መልካም በዓል።

ምስል: ሕሊና ታፈሰ- ላሊበላ

#ethiopia #event #feature

📌 ንድፍ ለሰበዓዊነት

NArcHome Architecture

06 Jan, 05:12

The 'earliest #earthquake recorded in #Ethiopia' dates to 1432, the year Zara Yaqob became king.

"There was an earth tremors & a total solar eclipse..." now identified as Eclipse 6286 in Oppolzer's classification.

A 17th-century manuscript 'Compendium of History; Chronicles of #Ethiopia', Or 821 (page 472-2) now in British Library recorded on 30 June; earth tremors were felt near Gonder Dembia, north of Lake Tana.

Via Eyob Derillo, former Curator: Ethiopian Studies, British Library

#update #history #ethiopia

📌 Design for Humanity.

NArcHome Architecture

04 Jan, 11:13

በኢትዮጵያ ያሉት አብዛኞቹ ህንፃዎች በዲዛይን ወቅት በሚፈጠር ክፍተትና በግንባታ ጥራት ጉድለት የተነሳ ለርዕደ መሬት አደጋ የተጋላጡ እንደሆኑ የአዲስ አበባ ዩኒቨርሲቲ ባለሞያዎች ተናግረዋል፡፡

ኢትዮጵያ ከ1976 ዓ.ም ጀምሮ ህንፃዎች ርዕደ መሬትን እንዲቋቋሙ በሚያስችል መልኩ ዲዛይን እንዲደረጉ አስገዳጅ የህንፃ ኮድ ብታዘጋጅም፣ መስፈርቱን ከመከተል አኳያ ክፍተቶች አሉ ብለዋል፡፡

መንግሥት በበኩሉ፣ “በህንፃዎች ግንባታ ወቅት፣ መስፈርቱ እንዲተገበር ጥብቅ ክትትል እየተደረገ ነው፣ ህንፃዎቹም የተወሰነ የርዕደ መሬት መጠንን የመቋቋም አቅም አላቸው” ይላል፡፡

ሙሉ ዘገባውን እዚህ ያገኙታል።

#addisabeba #city #urbaninsight #ethiopia #architecture #update #feature

📌 ንድፍ ለሰበዓዊነት

NArcHome Architecture

04 Jan, 11:11

መሬት መቀጥቀጥ በኢትዮጵያ
በመሐንዲሶች እይታ

መሬት መንቀጥቀጥ ሊያሥከስታችው የሚችልው ችግሮች እና መደረግ ያለባችው ጥንቃቄዎች ከዶ/ር መሰለ ሀይሌ ጋር የተደረገ ቃለ መጠይቅ።

ሙሉ ቃለ ምልልሱን እዚህ ያገኙታል።

#addisabeba #city #urbaninsight #ethiopia #architecture #update #feature

📌 ንድፍ ለሰበዓዊነት

NArcHome Architecture

03 Jan, 23:23

ሞሪስ ካልካ
ቀራፂ . ነዳፊ . ከታሚ | 1913 - 1991 ዓ.ም

አሁን በአዲስ አበባ ከተማ ከብሔራዊ ቲያትር አጠገብ ያለውንና በዓለም የታወቀዉን ባለ 10 ሜትር ቁመት የአንበሳ (የይሁዳ አንበሳ) ሥነ-ቅርፅ በ1948 ዓ.ም በአፄ ሃይለ-ሥላሴ ትዕዛዝ ከቲያትሩ የሥነ-ኪነ-ሕንፃ ነዳፊዎች ሄነሪ ሾሜና አንቶይን ላጌት ንድፍ ጋር በማናበብ የነደፈና በግሩም መልኩ የቀረፀ ስመ ጥር ፈረንሳዊ (ፖላንዳዊ ተብሎም ይጠቀሳል) የሥነ-ቅርፅና ንድፍ ባለሙያ ነበር።

ሞሪስ ከመኪና ፣ ከሥነ-ሥቅለት ቅርፅ ፣ ከጠረጴዛ ፣ ከወንበር ፣ ከተለያዩ የሠዉና የእንሠሳት ገፅታዎችና ሁለንተናዊ የሥነ-ቅርፅ ስራዎቹ በተጨማሪ ግሩም የመጠንና (Scale) የምጣኔ (Proportion) ዕሳቤዎቹን ጨምሮ ለቅርፅ ከሚጠቀማቸው ቁሶችም አንፃር ልዩና ጥበባዊ የሥነ-ቅርፅ አገላለፅን የተካነ ባለሙያ ነበር።

ከ50 በላይ የሚሆኑ ስራዎቹ በሙሉ በሁለቱ እጅጉን ዓለም አቀፍ ዝናን ያተረፈ ሲሆን በከተማችን ከእነውበቱና ሞገሱ 'እስካሁን' ዓይንን በቀላሉ በሚይዝ ቅርፃዊ ምስሉ (Silhouette) እየታየ የሚገኘው የአንበሳ ሥነ-ቅርፅ ዋነኛው ነው። ሞሪስ ሁሉንም ሊባል በሚችል መልኩ የሥነ-ቅርፅ ሥራዎቹን በፓሪስ ከተማ ሩ ራፌት በሚገኘው የስራ ቦታው (Studio) የተገበረ ሲሆን 15 የተገነቡ የከተማ ቦታና የሥነ-ኪነ ሕንፃ ሥራዎችም ላይ በተባባሪነት ተሳትፏል።

ምስል ምንጭ: የገፁ ክምችትና ህሊና ታፈሰ

#addisabeba #heritage #history #city #urbaninsight #ethiopia #architecture #update

📌 ንድፍ ለሰበዓዊነት

NArcHome Architecture

01 Jan, 15:12

የስራ ቅጥር ማስታወቂያ

የኢንዱስትሪ ፓርኮች ልማት ኮርፖሬሽን ለኮንስትራክሽን ልማት ቢዝነስ  ዩኒት ከዚህ በታች በተገለጹት ክፍት የስራ መደቦች ላይ መስፈርቶችን የሚያሟሉ አመልካቾችን አወዳድሮ መቅጠር ይፈልጋል፡፡

•  የምዝገባ ሁኔታ፡ 👉 በኦን ላይን ሲሆን ለሥራ መደቡ የሚያስፈልጉ የትምህርት ፤ሥራ ልምድ እና ሌሎች  ማስረጃዎች ወደ ፒዲኤፍ/pdf/ በመቀየር በአንድ ፋይል ማያያዝ ይኖርባቸዋል፡፡
•  የምዝገባ ቀን ፡ ይህ ማስታወቂያ ከወጣበት ቀን ጅምሮ ለ5 ተከታታይ የስራ ቀናት ብቻ(ከታህሳስ 23-30/2017ዓ.ም ይሆናል)፡፡
•  አመልካቾች ከስራ መደቡ ጋር ቀጥተኛ የሆነ የስራ ልምድ ማቅረብ ይኖርባቸዋል፡፡
•  ከግል ድርጅቶች የሚቀርብ ስራ ልምድ ግብር መከፈሉ ማረጋገጫ ማቅረብ ይኖርባቸዋል፡፡
•  ለሁሉም ስራ መደቦች ደመወዝ በኮርፖሬሽኑ ደመወዝ ስኬል መሰረት ይሆናል

ስልክ ቁጥር 0118 72 24 20
የኢንዱስትሪ ፓርኮች ልማት ኮርፖሬሽን

Via @ipdcofficial

#opportunity #ethiopia #architecture

📌 ንድፍ ለሰበዓዊነት

NArcHome Architecture

31 Dec, 20:29

The #silhouette of this globally renowned #monument stands as one of the most iconic symbols of urban #AddisAbeba. It exudes strength and epitomizes elegance; reportedly being one of the two globally celebrated works of Maurice Calka in 1955.

Installing such poorly thought-out lighting has tragically diminished the monument's grandeur by overshadowing its intricate architectural details, visual scenery, and the distinct artistic mastery it embodies.

What justification could there possibly be for spoiling a masterpiece of this caliber? 🤦🏽‍♂️

#architecture #addisabeba #city #urbaninsight #feature #update #heritage #history

📌 Design for Humanity.

NArcHome Architecture

27 Dec, 22:52

አልቦ ርዕስ - Untitled

📷 ሚክያስ ልየው
ታኅሣሥ - ፳፻፲፯ ዓ.ም
#አዲስአበባ, #ኢትዮጵያ

#ethiopia #addisabeba #city #photography

📌 ንድፍ ለሰበዓዊነት

NArcHome Architecture

27 Dec, 22:43

"በአዲስ አበባ ከተማ የሚገኙ ህንፃዎች ለአካል ጉዳተኞች ተደራሽ ባለመሆናቸው አካል ጉዳተኞች በርካታ የመብት ጥሰቶች እየደረሰባቸው ነው።"

የኢትዮጵያ ሰብአዊ መብቶች ኮሚሽን

ሙሉ ዘገባውን እዚህ ያድምጡ።

#architecture #addisabeba #urbaninsight #city

📌 ንድፍ ለሰበዓዊነት

NArcHome Architecture

27 Dec, 22:26

Beyond the Blueprint: Rahel's Vision for Ethiopian Architecture

Rahel, an award-winning Ethiopian architect, shared her 30+ years of experience on Meri Podcast's Season 10, Episode 7, highlighting her journey and insights. Here’s a recap of the article from the episode—read the full version here.

Via Meri Podcast

#architecture #ethiopia #event #feature #africa #update #article

📌 Design for Humanity.

NArcHome Architecture

25 Dec, 23:06

Photos showing the undergoing renovation works of Al Najash Mosque in Tigray, Ethiopia.

Via TİKA Addis Ababa

#history #heritage #architecture #update #ethiopia #update

📌 Design for Humanity.

NArcHome Architecture

23 Dec, 12:23

Are you an ambitious graduate in architecture or engineering looking to enhance your skills?

This is your chance to:
🔹 Gain hands-on experience working on live Building Information Modeling (BIM) projects.
🔹 Earn a competitive stipend while learning.
🔹 Receive an industry-recognized certification upon successful completion.

🚀 Start your career with real-world expertise in one of the most in-demand fields today!

📌 Eligibility:
🎓Recent graduates and students in
✔️Civil Engineering
✔️Electrical Engineering and Structural Engineering

📅 Duration: Limited spots available—apply now to secure your place!

📩 Apply here.

#architecture #addisabeba #ethiopia #opportunity

📌 Design for Humanity.

NArcHome Architecture

22 Dec, 12:12

Congratulations! 🎉🎉🎉

Ethiopian architectural trio Biniyam Bewketu, Daniel Waju and Frezer Abrha stood 2nd on an internationally renowned #ArcStorming architectural competition for designing a mobile school in #Palestine!

The jury constituted famous architectural figures including but not limited to the 2016 Pritzker awardee Alejandro Aravena and 2024 RIBA Royal Gold Medal recipient Lesly Lokko.

Read the complete story here.

#architecture #event #ethiopia #update #feature #article

📌 Design for Humanity

NArcHome Architecture

21 Dec, 17:08

Yoga for architects 😅

Via Leewardists

#feature #architecture

📌 Design for Humanity.

NArcHome Architecture

08 Dec, 05:41

"የባለሙያውን ሚና ላይ አሉታዊ ተፅዕኖ ሊያሳድሩ የሚችሉ እና እንደ ስጋት የጠቀስናቸውን ጉዳዮች ተመልሰውልናል" -የኢትዮጵያ አርክቴክቶች ማህበር

ሙሉ ዘገባውን እዚህ ያገኙታል።

#ethiopia #news #update #architecture

📌 ንድፍ ለሰበዓዊነት

NArcHome Architecture

04 Dec, 13:49

"በሀገራችን የተከሰተውን የህዳር በሽታ (ስፓኒሽ ፍሉ) ወረርሺኝ ለመከላከል የአዲስ አበባ ከተማ ማዘጋጃ ቤት ያወጣው ማስታወቂያ"

ሕዳር ፳ ፲፱፻፲፩ ፡ ዓመተ ምሕረት አዲስ አበባ።
የአዲስ አበባ ከተማ ማዘጋጃ ቤት ዲረክተር

ኅሩይ ፡ ወ ፡ ሥ ።

#ethiopia #city #addisabeba #urbaninsight #heritage #history

📌 ንድፍ ለሰበዓዊነት

NArcHome Architecture

04 Dec, 09:52

Notre Dame restoration revealed ahead of reopening.

"It marks a major milestone in the extensive restoration of the medieval cathedral, which has been underway since it was ravaged by a huge blaze in 2019. While scaffolding is expected to remain around the landmark until 2028, the reopening on 7 December will allow the public to enter the building for the first time in five-and-a-half years."

Find the full story at Dezeen here.

#article #architecture #feature #news #update

📌 Design for Humanity.

NArcHome Architecture

02 Dec, 16:22

አዲስ አበባ ከተማ አስተዳደር

መሬት ለህዝብ ጥቅም ሲለቀቅ ካሳ እና ምትክ መሬት የሚሰጥበት እና የልማት ተነሺዎች መልሰው የሚቋቋሙበት መመሪያ 79/2014.

Via @tebekasamuel

#ethiopia #architecture #city #addisabeba #urbaninsight #update

📌 ንድፍ ለሰበዓዊነት

NArcHome Architecture

02 Dec, 12:16

In this episode of MERI Podcast, Meri chat with Dereje Assefa, Principal at #ZIAS #Architecture + #Engineering. Dereje shares his journey as an engineer and becoming an entrepreneur after coming to Ethiopia. ZIAS is known for projects like Mohammedia Village, Abrehot Library, the Federal Police Bureau, and much more. Join Meri as they discuss on:

- The construction sector
- Past and Current Projects

Find the complete podcast episode here.

#ethiopia #architecture #feature #news

📌 Design for Humanity.

NArcHome Architecture

02 Dec, 10:25

The @AEAChannel issued a statement and outlined three issues regarding the Ethiopian draft Building Proclamation 02/2017. More info is available on the above-posted posters.

#ethiopia #architecture #feature #news

📌 Design for Humanity.

NArcHome Architecture

02 Dec, 10:08

#Harar: A city where history, culture, and tradition blend seamlessly. Known as the City of Saints, Harar boasts ancient #walls, vibrant markets, and the unique tradition of hyena feeding. Step into a world where every alley tells a story.

Drone footage and caption via Ethiopian Wildlife (Aziz Ahmed)

#ethiopia #architecture #city #urbaninsight #feature #photography

📌 Design for Humanity.

NArcHome Architecture

28 Nov, 23:37

የአቶ ምናሴ አይተንፍሱ (አርክቴክት) ማስታወሻ!

ሙሉውን ፕሮግራም እዚህ ያገኙታል።

አዘጋጅ: ከቤት እስከ ከተማ

#event #update

📌 ንድፍ ለሰበዓዊነት

NArcHome Architecture

27 Nov, 20:07

Visit Addis Abeba’s First Miyawaki Forest

You are warmly invited to experience the remarkable transformation of Addis Ababa’s first Miyawaki Forest—a revolutionary reforestation effort inspired by the techniques of Japanese botanist Dr. Akira Miyawaki. This unique forest, established two years ago on the premises of Roha Medical Campus, was made possible through the dedication of Rotarians and Rotaractors from Green Rotaract Concept Ethiopia.

Saturday, November 30,
9:00 AM, to walk through and bask in the glow of this lush, thriving ecosystem.
Please reserve your spot: by calling Rotarian Milha Desta +251 91 130 9900

Organised by: Rotary Fellowship of Urban Gardening, Green Rotaract Concept Ethiopia, Rotary Club Of Addis Ababa Central Mella and UDET

Via Green Rotaract Concept Ethiopia

#ethiopia #architecture #event #feature #news

Design for Humanity.

NArcHome Architecture

26 Nov, 16:19

"ማስታወሻ፤ ምናሴ አይተንፍሱ"
በሚል ርዕስ
መስከረም 16፣2017 ዓ.ም በሞት የተለዩንን የአቶ ምናሴ አይተንፍሱ (አርክቴክት) ሕይወት እና ሥራዎቻቸውን እናስታውሳለን።

ማክሰኞ፣ ሕዳር 17፣ 2017 በሸገር 102.1 ላይ እንዲከታተሉ እንጋብዛለን፡፡

ከቤት እስከ ከተማ
ለተሻለ ከተሜነት በኢትዮጵያ

Under the title "Remembering: Minassie Aytenfisu"
we will commemorate the life and works of Ato Minassie Aytenfisu, an architect who passed away on September 26, 2024.

Tune in on Sheger FM 102.1 on November 26, 2024, from 8 to 9 pm.

Via Kebet Eske Ketema
For Better Urbanity in Ethiopia

#event #update

📌 ንድፍ ለሰበዓዊነት

NArcHome Architecture

26 Nov, 13:03

ቅስም ይሰብራል!

"ሰፈሩ መፍረሱ እና መልሶ መልማቱ ላይ ተቃውሞ የሌለውን ኮሚኒቲ በ2 እና በ3 ሰአት እያዋከቡ ማስወጣት መውደቂያውን ሳያውቅ ማሳቀቅ መጨረሻው ይሄ ነው። አቶ ዱላ ለ20 አመት በሊቀመንበርነት ያገለገሉትን ከ70 አመት በላይ በአንድ ቦታ የቆየውን ለፍቶ አዳሪ ማህበረሰብ 'ፌይል አደርጌያቸዋለሁ' ብለው እራሳቸውን አጥፍተዋል።እኔም ያንን ኮሚኒቲ ፌይል አድርጌዋለሁ።ትላንት አቤቱታውን ባስገባ ምናልባት ሊቀመንበሩ ከውሳኔው ይቆጠብ ይሆን?!ከጠዋት ጀምሮ በሰቀቀን ውስጥ ነኝ! ቀብራቸው ነገ ይፈጸማል! ነብሳቸውን ፈጣሪ ይቀበላት !!"

ተፃፈ በአንዱአለም ቡከቶ ገዳ
ተያያዥ ዋቢ

#addisabeba #architecture #event #urbaninsight #city #feature #history #heritage #update

📌 ንድፍ ለሰብዓዊነት

NArcHome Architecture

26 Nov, 12:57

BDU-Architecture Students Association Hosts Fresh Welcome Program

The Architecture Students Association at Bahir Dar University recently hosted a fresh welcome program to welcome new students to the department. The event was held at the Bahir Dar University Institute of Land Administration and Law School compound (Gish Abay Campus).
The program included a variety of activities, such as crafted art works, painting, and other works of student creativity. The students were also given the opportunity to learn more about the Architecture Department and the university.

The event was a great success, and the students enjoyed the opportunity to meet and interact with each other. The Architecture Students Association hopes to host more events like this in the future.

Via Bahirdar University

#ethiopia #architecture #event #feature #news

📌 Design for Humanity.

NArcHome Architecture

25 Nov, 20:28

Join the Ethiopian Association of Civil Engineers on November 29, 2024, from 3:00 PM to 4:30 PM (EAT) for an inspiring discussion on "Empowering Women in Engineering: Shaping the Future of Leadership", organized by the Ethiopian Association of Civil Engineers (#EACE).

Don't miss this chance to be part of the conversation, network, and be inspired by their experiences and insights!

Register here or using the QR code on the poster or the following link.

Via Ethiopian Association of Civil Engineers

#ethiopia #architecture #event #feature #news

📌Design for Humanity.

NArcHome Architecture

20 Nov, 03:20

አርክቴክቷ የግድግዳ ላይ ሠዓሊ እና መምህርት

ሳሮን ቦጋለ ትባላለች። ከሐዋሳ ዩኒቨርሲቲ በአርክቴክቸር ተመርቃለች። ነገር ግን ከተመረቀችበት ሙያ ይልቅ የግድግዳ ላይ ሥዕልን መተዳደሪያዋ አድርጋለች።
በአዲስ አበባ የተለያዩ ቦታዎች ላይ የግድግዳ ሥዕሎችን ሠርታለች። ከዚህም ባለፈ ለሕጻናት እና አዋቂዎች የሥዕል ማስተማሪያ ሱቱዲዮ አላት።

The complete feature is available here.

#ethiopia #addisabeba #architecture #urbaninsight #city #feature

📌 Design for Humanity.

NArcHome Architecture

18 Nov, 10:28

The historic residence of the Fitawrari Atnaf Seged Yelma, which served as the Yelebe Fana School, was demolished in less than two hours. This destruction has left #Kasainchis (Kaza Incis) short of historical landmarks.

Caption and image via Theodora Berhanu

#addisabeba #architecture #event #urbaninsight #city #feature #history #heritage

📌 Design for Humanity.

NArcHome Architecture

18 Nov, 10:09

የአዲስ አበባ “የኮሪደር ልማት” በዚህ ወቅት አስፈላጊ ነው ወይስ አንገብጋቢ?

የአዲስ አበባ ችግሮች መፍትሔ እንደሚሹ የኢትዮጵያ ባለሥልጣናትም ይሁኑ ዋና ከተማዋን በጥልቀት ያጠኑ ባለሙያዎች ይስማማሉ። በከፍተኛ ወጪ ተግባራዊ እየተደረገ የሚገኘው የኮሪደር ልማት በዚህ ወቅት አስፈላጊ ነው ወይስ አንገብጋቢ? ፒያሳ እና ካዛንቺስን ለመሳሰሉ ነባር ሠፈሮች ነዋሪዎችስ ምን ይዞ መጣ? በዚህ ውይይት ሦስት እንግዶች ተሳትፈዋል- የአዲስ አበባ ከተማ አስተዳደር የኮምዩንኬሽን ቢሮ ኃላፊ ወይዘሮ እናትዓለም መለሰ፣ በበርሚንግሐም ዩኒቨርሲቲ የሶሻል ሳይንስ ኮሌጅ ሥር በሚገኘው የዓለም አቀፍ ልማት ክፍል (International Development Department) ተመራማሪ ዶክተር ኤዛና ሐዲስ እና በፊንላንድ ራምቦል በተባለ ተቋም የከተማ መሠረተ-ልማት የንድፍ (Design) ባለሙያ ሆነው በመሥራት ላይ የሚገኙት አቶ ቴዎድሮስ ዱጋሳ ተሳትፈዋል።

ምስል: Solomon Muche/DW
Complete debate is available here.

#addisabeba #architecture #event #urbaninsight #city #feature

📌 Design for Humanity.

NArcHome Architecture

18 Nov, 10:07

Desperate Times See Addis Abeba’s Residents Move into Semi-Finished Condominiums

At first, most homeowners were just looking for someone to occupy the apartments. However, persistent demand for the semi-finished condominiums has pushed rent prices up.

Complete read is available here.

#addisabeba #architecture #event #urbaninsight #city #feature #article

📌 Design for Humanity.

NArcHome Architecture

13 Nov, 16:35

#Storytelling on the vocational journey of the multidisciplinary artist, curator, interpreter, #ASNIgallery founder Konjit Seyoum in conversation with the visual artist Elizabeth Habtewold
At Modern Art Museum: Gebrekirstos Desta Center on November 14, 2024 at 4PM.

#addisabeba #architecture #event #urbaninsight #city #feature

📌 Design for Humanity.

NArcHome Architecture

13 Nov, 14:26

Game 07
* * *
እስኪ አሁን ደሞ ወደ ኪነ ህንፃዎቻችን እንመለስ - ከጥንታውያኑ እስከ አሁኖቹ - ሀሳብ አስተያየት እንስጥባቸው - ከተሞቻችንም በዛው በደንብ እንወቅ እንማማር። ቦታዎቹን መጥቀስ አንርሳ።
I hope this is an awesome game.
Game on!
* * *
1ኛ አሸናፊ ፎቶ 3500ብር የሚያወጣ 40*60cm የሆነ ቤቱ የሚሰቅለው የBCAA ፎቶግራፍ ይሸለማል።
* * * *
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#architecture #event #addisabeba #city #urbaninsight #feature

📌 ንድፍ ለሰበዓዊነት

NArcHome Architecture

13 Nov, 14:06

የባለሙያዎች ተሳትፎ

ለ፡ ሪል ስቴት፣ ቋሚ ንብረት ግመታ፣ የሕንጻ ዲዛይን እና ግንባታ ባለሙያዎች በሙሉ

የሪል ስቴት ልማት እና የማይንቀሳቀስ ንብረት ግብይትና ግመታ አዋጅ

የሰነዱ ሊንክ + የሀሳብ መስጫ ሊንክ, 2017 ዓ.ም

Via @Theurbancenter

#architecture #event 

📌 ንድፍ ለሰበዓዊነት

NArcHome Architecture

11 Nov, 20:56

3D renders of The Hakim Workineh Eshete’s house.


#addisabeba #architecture #history #heritage #urbaninsight #city #feature

📌 Design for Humanity.

NArcHome Architecture

11 Nov, 18:36


#event #update

📌 ንድፍ ለሰበዓዊነት

NArcHome Architecture

10 Nov, 17:14

The foundation (Shoring) of a skyscraper.

Via Social Media


📌 Design for Humanity!

NArcHome Architecture

10 Nov, 01:05

Zeleke Belay, an architect and founder of the Zeleke Belay Architects in Ethiopia, will take part on #Kazaynsh forum in #Russia.

Zeleke's practice is implementing major projects throughout Ethiopia, including office buildings, health and educational facilities, stadiums and shopping malls.

In his work, the Zeleke pays great attention to #contextual architecture. His notable projects include Awash International bank branches in Addis Abeba and the Stairs office building project, which explores the impact of #climate on architectural imagery.

"Each building should be a reflection of the local culture and climate, making it unique and important to the community. In Ethiopia, every room, every space would like to open up to the outside to be able to breathe."

Translated version (Russian) via @kazanush‌‌

#Kazaynsh is an international Architecture and Construction Forum initiated by Kazan’s Mayor Ilsur.

#news #architecture #event #ethiopia #update

📌 Design for Humanity!

NArcHome Architecture

06 Nov, 14:19

Situated in the eastern highlands of Ethiopia, Harar is a vibrant town woven from ancient history, colorful alleyways, and the warm smiles of its locals. Known as the "City of Saints," “Madinat ul Awlia”, Harar boasts a rich Islamic heritage, having been a center of trade and culture for centuries. Its fortified walls, built in the 16th century, enclose a network of narrow streets, each echoing stories of a vibrant past.

Photo by Michael Metaferia
Click the link below to read more.

#architecture #city #urbaninsight #article #ethiopia #history #heritage

📌 Design for Humanity.

NArcHome Architecture

06 Nov, 11:04

Beautiful artworks by Dawit Tamrat showing urban features of #AddisAbeba with a latest focus through his art on 'changes in #time and #place causing instant #instability.'

Dawit, an Ethiopian artist trained at Teferi Mekonen and Alle School of Fine Arts, works in drawing, painting and animation. His art, exploring themes of knowledge and enlightenment, has been exhibited at the GOETHE Institute, National Palaces of Ethiopia and other venues.

#feature #architecture #addisabeba #city #urbaninsight

📌 Design for Humanity.

NArcHome Architecture

06 Nov, 10:44

From December 5 to 7, the new Galiasgar Kamal Theater in #Kazan will host the architecture and construction forum “Kazanysh,” featuring over 250 experts in architecture and urban planning from #Russia, #China, #Japan, #Brazil, #India, #SouthAfrica, #SaudiArabia, the #UAE, #Iran, #Egypt, #Ethiopia, and other countries. This year, the forum will continue the legacy of the BRICS+ summit.

The Kazanysh forum initiated by Kazan’s Mayor Ilsur would take place in #Kazan December 5 to 7, marking the largest #urbandevelopment event involving international participants, #Metshin. During these three days, the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan will welcome over 5,000 guests and experts from more than 20 countries, including mayors and chief architects from #BRICS nations.

Via Capital

#news #architecture #event #ethiopia

📌 Design for Humanity.

NArcHome Architecture

04 Nov, 10:05

Happy Monday!
Happy start to the week!

Presenting you nostalgic one by Rahel Yohannes - Arada | አራዳ

#addisabeba #city #history #urbaninsight #ethiopia

📌 Design for Humanity.

NArcHome Architecture

29 Oct, 16:06

Smart use of #drone

Via Engineering & Innovation

#technology #architecture #ethiopia #feature

📌 Design for Humanity.

NArcHome Architecture

25 Oct, 10:00

Jumma Mubarak!

Courtesy of #Harar, the 4th Islamic holy city in the globe 🌎, after Mecca, Medina, and Jerusalem.

📷 Harar Tourism Guides Association

#architecture #ethiopia #feature

📌 Design for Humanity.

NArcHome Architecture

24 Oct, 06:56

የአፍሪካ አዳራሽ በአዲስ አበባ ዘመናዊ ከተሜነት ታሪክ ያለው ሥፍራ - በኪነ-ሕንጻ ባለሙያዎች አንደበት

"... የአፍሪካ አዳራሽ በፈረንጆቹ አቆጣጠር 1961 የኮሚሽኑን ስብሰባ ለማስተናገድ በልዑል ራስ መንገሻ ሥዩም መሰል ብርቱ ሰዎች ትጋት ለ24 ሰዓት እየተሰራ በ18 ወራት ብቻ ተገንብቶ ተጠናቋል።"

ሙሉ ፅሁፉን እዚህ ያንብቡት።

#architecture #addisabeba #city #urbaninsight #feature #ethiopia #heritage #history #africa

📌 ንድፍ ለሰበዓዊነት

NArcHome Architecture

23 Oct, 17:25

Historical spaces are always contested - The renovation of #AfricaHall is a great example of how to upgrade and replace materials while preserving its intangible qualities.

The extensive research & documentation undertaken as part of the renovation of Africa Hall shows us the power of drawings and the professional commitment of architects, designers and restorers.


#architecture #addisabeba #city #urbaninsight #feature #ethiopia #heritage #history #africa

📌 Design for Humanity.

NArcHome Architecture

23 Oct, 15:17

The majestic stained-glass mural greeting visitors by Honorable Laureate Maitre Artiste Afewerk Tekle (1932-2012) inside the recently renovated #AfricanHall. Whats an afrofuturist beauty!

📷 Natnael Firew and Archive

#architecture #addisabeba #city #urbaninsight #feature #ethiopia #heritage #history #africa

📌 Design for Humanity.

NArcHome Architecture

23 Oct, 14:28

What a historic moment today held at #UNECA celebrating the successful completion of the renovation (2017-24) of the #Africanhall that was realised between 1959-61 in #AddisAbeba. It's always great to see a proper appreciation & celebration of the incredible efforts HIM Emperor Haile Selassie & his favourite architect, Arturo Mezzedimi, put on one of the most important buildings in #Africa. Prominent figures including Ras Mengesha Seyoum, great-grandson of Arturo, Marcelo Mezzedimi, & academicians from different parts of the globe attended the event followed by the launch of a state-of-the-art book on the building!

Photos: A.Mezzedimi showing a plan for the Emperor (1), An autograph statement written in 1970 by the Emperor, reading 'What architect Mezzedimi accomplished on so many occasions is to be cherished.' (2), Collage of a hand-drawn plan for the African Hall & A.Mezzedimi (3), Original Sketch proposal of the African Hall building by A.Mezzedimi, 1959 (4)

📌 Design for Humanity.

NArcHome Architecture

23 Oct, 13:55

ተፃፈ በበዕውቀቱ ስዩም

ከጥቂት ሳምንታት በፊት እኔና ወዳጄ አበረ አያሌው , ኢዮብ ምህረተ አብ መታመሙን ሰምተን ልንጠይቀው ተቀጣጠርን፤ ተገናኝተን ከመሄዳችን በፊት ግን በጣም ለሚቀርበው ጉዋደኛው ኢንጂነር ምናሴ አይተንፍሱ ደወልን፤

“ምናሴ ፤ ኢዮብ ጋ አትወስደንም?”

“ኢዮብ ! እንደ ኮቪድ አይነት ጉንፋን ስላመመው ፤ ዛሬ ሰው ማግኘት አይችልም፤ ግን ትንሽ ሲሻለው ሆስፒታል እወስዳችሁዋለሁ “ አለን

ከአቤ ጋር ምሳ በልተን፥ አወግተን ተለያየን፤

ምናሴ ኢዮብ እሚታከምበት ሆስፒታል ሳይወስደን ድንገት አረፈ፤

ከጥቂት ቀናት በሁዋላ እኔና ደቻሳ መጽሀፍና ውሀ ይዘን ታዝማ ሆስፒታል ጎራ አልን፤ ኢዮብ ማገገም ጀምሩዋል፤ ሀመሙን እንዳያገረሽበት ተብሎ የወዳጁ የምናሴ ማለፍ መርዶ አልተነገረውም፤ ፍቅረኛውና ዶክተሮችና ነርሶች በደንብ እየተንከባከቡት ነበር፤ ከጥቂት ቀናት በሁዋላ ከሆስፒታል እንደሚወጣ ነግሮን፥ ስናወጋ ውለን ተለያየን፤

ከታች ያለውን ፎቶ ፥ ለማስታወሻ የተነሳነው የዛሬ አመት ገደማ ነው፤ ሁለቱ ወዳጆች ሁለት ወር ባልሞላ ጊዜ ውስጥ ተከታትለው አለፉ፤
"መወለድና መሞት ሰማይ የሚያክል ቀልድ ነው?" ይል ነበር ጸጋየ ገብረመድህን ፤

የሰላም እረፍት ይሁንላችሁ ወንደሞች! ፤ለቤተሰብ እና ለወዳጅ መጸናናት ይሁን!


📌 ንድፍ ለሰበዓዊነት

NArcHome Architecture

22 Oct, 11:45

Project: African Hall Redevelopment

Client: United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA)

Client collaborators: UNESCO, the African Union, and the Ethiopian Government

Original building design: Arturo Mezzèdimi, 1959-61

Renovation Architects: Conrad Gargett Architectus

Principal Consultant: BE Collective (Built Environment Collective)

Project duration: 2017-2024

Historic Importance: Africa Hall was gifted by Emperor Haile Selassie I as a meeting place for African nations and headquarters for the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA). It was here, in 1963, that the Organisation of African Unity (OAU) was established, a key step in the formation of today’s African Union (AU).

A detailed description of the project and more visuals are available here. Historic footage.

#architecture #addisabeba #city #urbaninsight #feature #Africa #ethiopia #history #heritage #news

📌 Design for Humanity.

NArcHome Architecture

22 Oct, 08:26

Ethiopian Pavilion at Expo 67, Montreal, Canada- 1967

#addisabeba #news #urbaninsight

Via Zuret Addis

📌 Design for Humanity

NArcHome Architecture

21 Oct, 23:47

The devastating fire outbreak in #Mercato, one of the largest market centres in Africa.

Joses Beg Via BCAA

#addisabeba #news

📌 Design for Humanity