Discover the magical world of Malioboro at night with the Telegram channel 'malioboro at night' created by user @naarenndra. This channel is dedicated to showcasing the beauty and charm of Malioboro, a famous street in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, after the sun sets. From the bustling night markets to the stunning historical buildings illuminated by colorful lights, 'malioboro at night' offers a glimpse into the vibrant nightlife of this iconic destination.
But that's not all! In addition to breathtaking photos and videos of Malioboro at night, users can also interact with the 'maliobf' bot (@m4liobor00o_bot) to receive recommendations on where to eat, shop, and explore in the area. The bot provides real-time updates on events, deals, and special promotions happening along Malioboro, ensuring that users never miss out on the excitement.
Whether you're a local looking for new hangout spots or a traveler wanting to experience the magic of Malioboro after dark, 'malioboro at night' is the perfect channel for you. Join us today and immerse yourself in the enchanting world of Malioboro at night!
21 Aug, 22:59
20 Aug, 02:46
18 Aug, 17:06
18 Aug, 17:06
18 Aug, 17:06
18 Aug, 17:06
18 Aug, 17:00
18 Aug, 16:59
18 Aug, 16:58
16 Aug, 16:00
13 Aug, 13:22
04 Aug, 07:58
04 Aug, 07:57
04 Aug, 07:57