My Career Doctor @mycareerdoctor Channel on Telegram

My Career Doctor


Most Trusted Spoken English & Career Counseling Clinic of Noida.

My Career Doctor (English)

Are you looking to improve your spoken English skills and receive expert career counseling in Noida? Look no further than 'My Career Doctor' Telegram channel! This channel is your go-to destination for the most trusted spoken English and career counseling services in the area

Who is 'My Career Doctor'? This channel is run by a team of experienced language and career experts who are dedicated to helping individuals like you reach their full potential. Whether you are a student looking to excel in your academic and career goals or a working professional aiming to enhance your communication skills, 'My Career Doctor' is here to guide and support you every step of the way

What is 'My Career Doctor'? This channel offers a wide range of services to help you succeed in your personal and professional life. From interactive spoken English classes to personalized career counseling sessions, 'My Career Doctor' provides the resources and tools you need to achieve your goals. With a focus on building confidence, improving communication skills, and setting achievable career objectives, this channel is your one-stop solution for all your English and career-related needs

Whether you are a beginner looking to learn the basics of English or an advanced learner seeking to refine your language skills, 'My Career Doctor' has something for everyone. Join our channel today and take the first step towards a brighter future! Trust the most trusted spoken English & career counseling clinic in Noida - 'My Career Doctor'.

My Career Doctor

11 Jan, 10:49

My Career Doctor

04 Jan, 02:56

My Career Doctor

31 Dec, 03:14

Admissions are being closed now and those who have paid fee will be added in the group asap. If you want  admission for a premium paid batch hurry up now...

My Career Doctor

26 Dec, 04:23

Admission has started, those who want to join online classes can get admission.
For Any query: Mail it to [email protected]
Helpdesk -9958567745- Monday to Friday from 7 AM to 7 PM

My Career Doctor

25 Dec, 08:54

Merry Christmas 😊❤️🙏🏾

My Career Doctor

24 Dec, 11:07

आइये केवल 90 दिनों में घर बैठे अंग्रेजी बोलना सीखे।
Fee: 1499/ + tax (55) Total: 1555/ only

Yoube Link (अधिक जानकारी के लिए):

Payment Link:

कृपया सुनिश्चित करें कि आपको ऑनलाइन सम्मेलन के माध्यम से 5 दिनों की अभ्यास कक्षाएं और प्रकाश सर के साथ 3 दिनों का Teaching सत्र मिलेगा। हम कक्षा या टेलीग्राम समूह में जोड़ देंगे जहां आपको बोलने, शब्दावली, वार्तालाप, सुनने, पढ़ने, अनुवाद, साक्षात्कार युक्तियों से संबंधित गृहकार्य मिलेगा, हमारे प्रशिक्षक और सलाहकार आपकी शंकाओं का समाधान करेंगे और बेहतर अंग्रेजी बोलने के लिए मार्गदर्शन करेंगे।

Teaching Batch: सप्ताह में 3 दिन रात 7 बजे (सोमवार, बुधवार और शुक्रवार) ।
Speaking Batch: सप्ताह में 5 दिन बोलने के लिए सुबह 7:00 बजे और रात 9 बजे।

ध्यान दें कि आपको बोलने के लिए कोई एक स्लॉट चुनना होगा। आपको टेलीग्राम/कक्षा समूह में URL से जुड़ने वाले सभी स्लॉट मिल जाएंगे।

My Career Doctor
Most Trusted Spoken English Clinic
+ 91-9958567745 (WhatsApp & Telegram)
In Order to Succeed We Must First Believe That We Can.

My Career Doctor

24 Dec, 03:03

जो रास्ते से नहीं डरे, वही मंजिल तक पहुँचे. आत्मविश्वास ही सफलता की पहली सीढ़ी है।❤️
Speak English fluently in 90 days.
Follow for
#darbhanga #spokenenglish #english #bihar #spoken #learn #learnenglish #motivation #speaking #india #digitalart #balbhadrapur #spokenenglish #lnmu #cmcollegedarbhanga #darbhanganga #techsavvy #india #instagood #vocab #word #laherasaraitower #englishspeaking #englishgrammar #interview #englishwords

My Career Doctor

23 Dec, 06:09

Thanks to HTB ~ Darbhanga (Mayank Kukreja Sir) for inviting Prakash Singh Azad Sir as the chief guest. It was an amazing experience interacting with the home tutors of Darbhanga. Glimpses of the seminar…

My Career Doctor

21 Dec, 03:15

Admission has started, those who want to join online classes can get admission.
For Any query: Mail it to [email protected]
Helpdesk -9958567745- Monday to Friday from 7 AM to 7 PM

My Career Doctor

16 Nov, 04:30

Monsoon Mega Special Offer @2499/- Only
🎯 मात्र 90 दिनों में अंग्रेजी बोलना सीखें, Smart & Confident बनें |
💸Fee for Offline Course:
₹ 4999 (90 Days)
Diwali Offer:
@50% Discount now 2499/ Only
📚 New Batch Starts on: 19th November, Time: 8:00-10:00 AM Or 3:00 PM To 5:00PM
👉 Must Take 2 Days Free Demo on19th November
⭐️ With: Public Speaking ⭐️ Personality Development ⭐️ & Interview Training.
👉 प्रकाश सर है तो संभव है Spoken English के साथ Yoga, Fitness & Career Guidance फ्री है |

MY CAREER DOCTOR (Most Trusted Spoken English & PD Clinic)
🏠 Union Bank Complex, VIP Road, Opposite Hotel Prince (Vishal Mega Mart) Balbhadrapur, L. Sarai, Darbhanga. + 91-9958567745/ 06272796306 |

My Career Doctor

16 Oct, 13:03

My Career Doctor

16 Oct, 13:03

My Career Doctor

10 Oct, 13:49

A man who always stood by Bharat, a philanthropist, a true businessman, a wonderful human being, always took initiative for our country. He didn't get Bharat Ratan but he is a Ratan (gem) for us...Om Shanti Om Sir🙏💔...

My Career Doctor

09 Oct, 13:43

Samajhdar Bitiya | Father & Daughter Bonding | Inspirational Short Film ...

My Career Doctor

05 Oct, 06:37

Leading CEO Amitabh Prasad Shares His Struggle & Successful Journey | My...

My Career Doctor

27 Sep, 06:34

"हमर बेटा" With English Subtitles
एक प्रेरणादायक मैथिलि लधु सिनेमा, पहला प्रयास है। प्यार और आशीर्वाद जरूर दीजियेगा। गलती के लिए पहले ही क्षमा प्रार्थी 🙏 You tube Channel: @MyCareerDoctor & FB Page: My Career Doctor Darbhanga पर जल्द ही |

My Career Doctor

05 Sep, 04:36

A wholehearted thank to all the teachers who spend their time, energy and love to transform the students. Wish them all the best...
#DrRadhaKrishnanSir🙏 #MyCareerDoctor #DarbhangaBihar #ShikshitBharatShreshthaBharat

My Career Doctor

24 Aug, 12:31

One of FB users talk positive about Prakash Sir....

My Career Doctor

24 Aug, 05:38

My Career Doctor

24 Aug, 05:19

My Career Doctor

20 Aug, 13:47

My Career Doctor

19 Aug, 10:35


My Career Doctor

17 Aug, 10:38

My Career Doctor

15 Aug, 03:14

Wishing you all a very happy and prosperous Independence Day. Stay Blessed🙏😊❤️

My Career Doctor

11 Aug, 15:32

My Career Doctor

11 Aug, 14:53

📢 Great News: Independence Day Offer! Offer Starts on 12th August at 6:00 AM and continues till 15th August......

My Career Doctor

11 Aug, 13:27

📢 Great News: Independence Day Offer !
Offer Starts on 12th August at 6:00 AM and continues till 15th August......

My Career Doctor

10 Aug, 12:20

Please watch the video for your reference...