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Lakharajo English Academy


An organization that offers a family-like experience and daily vocabulary for UPSC, CDS, NDA, SSC CGL, CHSL, MTS, Steno and Bank Exam.

Admin -: Harshit Raj Lakharajo
For Any Help -: 6200217003

Lakharajo English Academy (English)

Welcome to Lakharajo English Academy! If you are preparing for competitive exams such as UPSC, CDS, NDA, SSC CGL, CHSL, MTS, Steno, or Bank Exams, then this is the perfect Telegram channel for you. Led by the experienced and dedicated admin, Harshit Raj Lakharajo, this organization offers a welcoming and family-like experience to all its members.

One of the key features of Lakharajo English Academy is the daily vocabulary lessons provided to help you enhance your English language skills. Whether you are looking to improve your vocabulary for exams or simply want to enhance your language proficiency, this channel has got you covered.

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Lakharajo English Academy

14 Jan, 12:47

Daily The Hindu Vocabulary

1. INGENIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (आविष्कारशील): inventive
Synonyms: creative imaginative
Antonyms: unimaginative
Example Sentence:He was ingenious enough to overcome the limited budget.

2. DEVASTATING (ADJECTIVE): (विध्वंसकारक): devastating
Synonyms: ruinous, disastrous
Antonyms: non-violent
Example Sentence:The power of weapons is very destructive.

3. RESOLVE (NOUN): (दृढ़ निश्चय): determination
Synonyms: resolution, purpose
Antonyms: indecision
Example Sentence:He received information that strengthened her resolve.

4. EGREGIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (चौंकानेवाला): shocking
Synonyms: appalling, horrific
Antonyms: marvellous
Example Sentence:Egregious errors were caused by the tablet's failure to check spelling.

5. AVOIDABLE (ADJECTIVE): (परिहार्य): preventable
Synonyms: needless, unnecessary
Antonyms: inescapable, inevitable
Example Sentence:Seems like so much death should be avoidable in this day and age.

6 EMBARK (VERB): (प्रारंभ करना): begin
Synonyms: start, commence
Antonyms: end
Example Sentence:She embarked on a new career.

7. RUGGED (ADJECTIVE): (टिकाऊ): durable
Synonyms: robust, sturdy
Antonyms: flimsy
Example Sentence:The binoculars are compact, lightweight, and rugged.

8. FEROCITY (NOUN): (क्रूरता): savagery
Synonyms: brutality, barbarity
Antonyms: gentleness
Example Sentence:The ferocity of the storm caught them by surprise.

9. ARDENT (ADJECTIVE): (उत्कट): passionate
Synonyms: avid, impassioned
Antonyms: half-hearted
Example Sentence:I am an ardent admirer of modern art.

10. ASSENT (VERB): (सहमत होना): accept
Synonyms: approve, bless
Antonyms: refuse
Example Sentence:The Prime Minister assented to the change.

Lakharajo English Academy

04 Jan, 07:48

The Hindu Vocabulary Important Vocabulary (13.12.2024)

1. SCANDALOUS (ADJECTIVE): (अपमानपूर्ण): discreditable 
Synonyms: disreputable, dishonourable 
Antonyms: seemly 
Example Sentence:The magazine published scandalous pictures of the movie star. 

2. ACQUIT (VERB): (बरी करना): absolve 
Synonyms: clear, exonerate 
Antonyms: convict 
Example Sentence: One was brought to trial on a charge of affray and was acquitted. 

3. RETROGADE (ADJECTIVE): (प्रतिगामी): regressive 
Synonyms: negative, downhill 
Antonyms: positive 
Example Sentence:To go back on the progress that has been made would be a retrograde step. 

4. PERSEVERANCE (NOUN): (दृढ़ता): persistence 
Synonyms: tenacity, determination 
Antonyms: irresolution 
Example Sentence:His perseverance with the technique illustrates his single-mindedness. 

5. BANKRUPT (ADJECTIVE): (दिवालिया): insolvent 
Synonyms: bankrupted, failed 
Antonyms: solvent 
Example Sentence: His father went bankrupt and the family had to sell their home. 

6. OUST (VERB): (बाहर निकालना): expel 
Synonyms: force out, remove 
Antonyms: readmit 
Example Sentence: The reformists were ousted from power. 

7. BLIGHT (NOUN): (क्षति): affliction 
Synonyms: scourge, bane 
Antonyms: blessing 
Example Sentence: The vacant properties are a blight on the neighbourhood. 

8. DISPLACE (NOUN): (स्थान से हटाना): depose 
Synonyms: dislodge, unseat 
Antonyms: reinstate 
Example Sentence: His aides were discredited and displaced. 

9. IMPLICATION (NOUN): (निहितार्थ): suggestion 
Synonyms: inference, insinuation 
Antonyms: explicit statement 
Example Sentence: The implication is that no one person at the bank is responsible. 

10. FUNDAMENTAL (NOUN): (मूल): basics 
Synonyms: essentials, rudiments 
Antonyms: advanced principles 
Example Sentence: Two courses cover the fundamentals of microbiology. 

Lakharajo English Academy

04 Jan, 04:16

1. ABRUPT (ADJECTIVE): (आकस्मिक): sudden 
Synonyms: immediate, instantaneous 
Antonyms: gradual 
Example Sentence: 
I was surprised by the abrupt change of subject. 

2. PENURY (NOUN): (दरिद्रता): extreme poverty 
Synonyms: impoverishment, indigence 
Antonyms: wealth 
Example Sentence: 
He soon rose from penury to ease, and married a painter's beautiful daughter. 

3. PALLIATIVE (ADJECTIVE): (पीड़ा हटानेवाला): soothing 
Synonyms: alleviating sedative 
Antonyms: intensifying 
Example Sentence: 
Travel is like a palliative against depression for him. 

4. CONVALESCENT (ADJECTIVE): (अच्छा हो जानेवाला): recuperating 
Synonyms: recovering improving
Antonyms: faltering 
Example Sentence: 
He has always been a convalescent child. 

5. RESUMPTION (NOUN): (पुनरारंभ): restart 
Synonyms: recommencement, reopening 
Antonyms: suspension 
Example Sentence: 
With peace came the resumption of foreign imports. 

6. EXTREMIST (NOUN): (अतिवादी): fanatic 
Synonyms: radical, zealot 
Antonyms: moderate 
Example Sentence: 
Right-wing extremists created trouble. 

7. SCEPTICISM (NOUN): (संदेहवाद): doubt 
Synonyms: disbelief, distrust
Antonyms: conviction 
Example Sentence: 
There was some scepticism in the claims. 

8. CONSENSUS (NOUN): (सहमति): agreement 
Synonyms: harmony, concord 
Antonyms: disagreement 
Example Sentence: 
There is a growing consensus that the current regime has failed. 

9. DISCRIMINATION (NOUN): (भेदभाव): prejudice 
Synonyms: bias, bigotry 
Antonyms: impartiality 
Example Sentence: 
They are victims of racial discrimination. 

10. CURB (VERB): (नियंत्रण करना): restrain 
Synonyms: hold back, keep back 
Antonyms: release 
Example Sentence: 
She promised she would curb her temper.

Lakharajo English Academy

03 Jan, 10:35

Tense .pdf

Lakharajo English Academy

01 Jan, 05:12

नए साल 2025 की हार्दिक बधाई ! 😊

Wishing you a very Happy New Year ahead ever so positive for you, filled with laughter, adventures and blessings to fulfill the greatest ambitions of life. 🙌

Wishing you and your family the prosperity, integrity and healthy progress for the same.....🎉🥳

Harshit Raj Lakharajo

Lakharajo English Academy

31 Dec, 14:13

Daily The Hindu Vocabulary

1. FORBEARANCE (Noun) : सहनशीलता = Patient self-control
Synonyms: Tolerance, Patience
Antonyms: Impatience

2. KUDOS (Noun) : प्रशंसा = Applause
Synonyms: Esteem, Praise
Antonyms: Dishonour, Denunciation

3. APATHY (Noun) : उदासीनता = Indifference
Synonyms: Unconcern, Passivity
Antonyms: Enthusiasm, Interest

4. CONVALESCE (Verb) : अच्छा हो जाना = Recover
Synonyms: Recuperate, Get well
Antonyms: Deteriorate

5. HERETIC (Noun) : नास्तिक = Schismatic
Synonyms: Apostate, Pagan
Antonyms: Believer, Follower

6. JOLT (Verb) : ऐंठना = Convulse
Synonyms: Disturb,Jar
Antonyms: Calm, Comfort

7. EXTRANEOUS (Adj) : अप्रासंगिक = Immaterial
Synonyms: Irrelevant, Beside the point
Antonyms: Material

8. UNCONSTITUTIONAL (Adj) : असंवैधानिक = Illegitimate
Synonyms: Illegal, Unauthorized
Antonyms: Legal

9. VERNACULAR (Noun) : मातृभाषा = Colloquial Speech
Synonyms: Jargon, Dialect
Antonyms: Latin

10. DISHEARTENING (Adj) : बेहद निराशाजनक = Saddening
Synonyms: Disheartening, Dispiriting
Antonyms: Encouraging, Cheering

Lakharajo English Academy

30 Dec, 02:54

Top 50 Golden Preposition for Exams..

Specially for SSC CGL, CHSL and Banking

Congratulation - on
Fond - of
Fondness - for
Prevent - from
Endow - with
Marry - to
Assure - of
Assent - to
Submit - to
Insist - on
Annoyed - at(something), with(someone)
Angry - at(something), with(someone)
Agree - to(proposal,plan), with (someone)
Get rid - of
Disappointed - with
Grateful - to
Between -For two person
Among  - three or more person
Surprised - at
Married - to
Teeming - with
Averse - to
Addicted - to
Ignorant - of
Contemporary - of
Died - of (disease), from(some cause), for(purpose)
Dispense - with
Desire- for
Desirous - of
Arrive - at time
A lot-  of
Beset- with
approve - of
Conform-  to
Guilty - of
Atone - for
Avail - of
Chance - of
Refrain-  from
Born-  in
Indifferent - to
Siphoned - off
Reconcile - to
Compliment -  on
Satisfied - with
Wait - for(person)
Liable -to(authority)
Commensurate - with
Bear - with
Beware - of
Exempt - from
Trust - in (person)
Digress - from
Subsist - on

Lakharajo English Academy

28 Dec, 05:00

> *Daily The Hindu Vocabulary | 28.12.2024*

*1. VACILLATE (VERB): (डगमगाना/ लहरना): dither*
Synonyms: waver, teeter
Antonyms: resolute
Example Sentence:I had been vacillating between teaching and journalism for a while now.

*2. SUBSERVIENT (ADJECTIVE): (विनीत): submissive*
Synonyms: deferential, acquiescent
Antonyms: domineering
Example Sentence:She was subservient to her parents.

*3. EGRESS (NOUN): (निकास): departure*
Synonyms: leaving, exit
Antonyms: entry
Example Sentence:There is only one route of egress in the case of an emergency.

*4. PIVOTAL (ADJECTIVE): (केंद्रीय): central*
Synonyms: crucial, vital
Antonyms: trivial
Example Sentence:Japan's role is pivotal in the world economy.

*5. REGRESS (VERB): (लौट आना): revert*
Synonyms: retrogress, relapse
Antonyms: progress
Example Sentence:They would not regress to pre-technological tribalism.

*6. ANNIHILATE (VERB): (मिटा देना): destroy*
Synonyms: wipe out, obliterate
Antonyms: create
Example Sentence:A simple bomb could annihilated them all.

*7. GROSS (ADJECTIVE): (भद्दा): coarse*
Synonyms: vulgar, crude
Antonyms: pure
Example Sentence:He is a man of gross speech.

*8. APPREHENSION (NOUN): (व्यग्रता): anxiety*
Synonyms: angst, alarm
Antonyms: confidence
Example Sentence:He felt sick with apprehension.

*9. ALACRITY (NOUN): (तत्परता): eagerness*
Synonyms: willingness, readiness
Antonyms: apathy
Example Sentence:She accepted the invitation with alacrity.

*10. DUBIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (अस्पष्ट): doubtful*
Synonyms: uncertain, unsure
Antonyms: certain
Example Sentence:I was rather dubious about the whole idea.

Lakharajo English Academy

27 Dec, 14:30

* Daily The Hindu Vocabulary | 27.12.2024*

*1. SUPERVENE (VERB): (पीछे आना): Follow* 
Synonyms: pursue, supersede 
Antonyms: retreat, precede 
Example Sentence: Team members supervene their leaders. 

*2. DRACONIAN (ADJECTIVE): (कठोर): Harsh* 
Synonyms: cruel, oppressive 
Antonyms: easy, gentle 
Example Sentence: Your master is a draconian man. 

*3. DAWDLE (VERB): (समय नष्ट करना) :Waste time* 
Synonyms: loiter, procrastinate 
Antonyms: hasten, hurry 
Example Sentence: The teacher warned the student that he will be punished if he dawdled again. 

*4. PILLAGE (VERB): (लूटना): Plunder, destroy* 
Synonyms: ravage, ransack 
Antonyms: protect, construct 
Example Sentence: The terrorists pillaged the city. 

*5. NOXIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (हानिकारक): Deadly, injurious* 
Synonyms: destructive, harmful 
Antonyms: helpful, kind 
Example Sentence: This is a noxious chemical. 

*6. PERSPICACIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (तीक्ष्ण-बुद्धि) :Observant, perceptive* 
Synonyms: alert, aware 
Antonyms: ignorant, unobservant 
Example Sentence: The CID officers are always perspicacious with their case. 

*7. FERVENT (ADJECTIVE): (उत्साही): Enthusiastic* 
Synonyms: zealous, ardent 
Antonyms: apathetic, dull 
Example Sentence: He is a fervent child. 

*8. FITFUL (ADJECTIVE): (चंचल): Spasmodic* 
Synonyms: intermittent, fluctuating 
Antonyms: continuous, perpetual 
Example Sentence:As long as his breathing is fitful, he will continue to need an oxygen machine. 

*9. FLOUT (VERB): (अवज्ञा करना): Show contempt for* 
Synonyms: defy, disregard 
Antonyms: honour, praise 
Example Sentence: One should not flout the traffic rules. 

*10. FEASIBLE (ADJECTIVE): (व्यवहार्य): Practicable* 
Synonyms: possible, doable 
Antonyms: impossible, implausible 
Example Sentence: This seems to be a feasible solution

Lakharajo English Academy

27 Dec, 09:30

Cambridge Grammar of English.pdf

Lakharajo English Academy

27 Dec, 00:47


Lakharajo English Academy

27 Dec, 00:46


Lakharajo English Academy

27 Dec, 00:45


Lakharajo English Academy

23 Dec, 11:00

👉A Tapestry of Diversity: The Rich Culture of India

India, a land of ancient civilizations and vibrant traditions, boasts a culture that is as diverse as it is profound. It is a kaleidoscope of religions, languages, customs, and art forms, woven together into a tapestry of unparalleled richness.
One of the most striking aspects of Indian culture is its deep-rooted spirituality. Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Jainism, Islam, and Christianity coexist peacefully, each contributing to the nation's spiritual fabric. This religious diversity is reflected in the countless temples, mosques, churches, and gurudwaras that dot the Indian landscape. Festivals like Diwali, Holi, Eid, and Christmas are celebrated with great enthusiasm, showcasing the country's cultural harmony.
India's linguistic diversity is equally impressive. With over 22 official languages and hundreds of dialects, it is a multilingual nation. Each language carries its own unique literature, poetry, and folklore, enriching the country's cultural heritage. Hindi and English are the most widely spoken languages, but regional languages like Bengali, Tamil, Telugu, and Marathi also have significant cultural and literary traditions.
Indian cuisine is a delightful fusion of flavors and spices. From the fiery curries of the south to the delicate kebabs of the north, Indian food is a culinary masterpiece. Each region has its own distinct cuisine, influenced by local ingredients and traditions. The aromatic spices, fragrant herbs, and diverse vegetarian and non-vegetarian dishes make Indian food a global sensation.
Indian art and music are equally captivating. Classical Indian music, with its intricate ragas and talas, has mesmerized audiences for centuries. Classical dance forms like Bharatnatyam, Kathakali, and Kathak are renowned for their graceful movements and expressive storytelling. Indian art, from ancient cave paintings to modern contemporary works, reflects the country's rich history and artistic heritage.
Family values are deeply ingrained in Indian culture. The joint family system, where several generations live together under one roof, is still prevalent in many parts of the country. Respect for elders, strong family bonds, and a sense of community are cherished values.
In conclusion, Indian culture is a vibrant and multifaceted tapestry that has captivated the world. Its rich history, diverse religions, languages, customs, and art forms make it a unique and fascinating civilization. India's cultural heritage continues to evolve and inspire, making it a land of endless possibilities.

विविधता की गाथा: भारत की समृद्ध संस्कृति
भारत, प्राचीन सभ्यताओं और जीवंत परंपराओं की भूमि, एक ऐसी संस्कृति का धनी है जो जितनी विविध है उतनी ही गहरी भी। यह धर्मों, भाषाओं, रीति-रिवाजों और कला रूपों का एक ऐसा जटिल ताना-बाना है जो अनुपम समृद्धि का प्रतीक है।

भारतीय संस्कृति का सबसे प्रभावशाली पहलू इसकी गहराई से जुड़ी आध्यात्मिकता है। हिंदू धर्म, बौद्ध धर्म, सिख धर्म, जैन धर्म, इस्लाम और ईसाई धर्म यहां शांति से सह-अस्तित्व में हैं और राष्ट्र की आध्यात्मिक संरचना में योगदान देते हैं। यह धार्मिक विविधता देशभर में फैले असंख्य मंदिरों, मस्जिदों, चर्चों और गुरुद्वारों में दिखाई देती है। दिवाली, होली, ईद और क्रिसमस जैसे त्योहार बड़े उत्साह के साथ मनाए जाते हैं, जो भारत की सांस्कृतिक एकता को दर्शाते हैं।

भारत की भाषाई विविधता भी उतनी ही प्रभावशाली है। 22 से अधिक आधिकारिक भाषाओं और सैकड़ों बोलियों के साथ, यह एक बहुभाषी राष्ट्र है। हर भाषा का अपना अनूठा साहित्य, कविता और लोककथाएं हैं, जो देश की सांस्कृतिक धरोहर को समृद्ध बनाती हैं। हिंदी और अंग्रेजी सबसे अधिक बोली जाने वाली भाषाएं हैं, लेकिन बंगाली, तमिल, तेलुगु और मराठी जैसी क्षेत्रीय भाषाओं की भी महत्वपूर्ण सांस्कृतिक और साहित्यिक परंपराएं हैं।

भारतीय भोजन स्वादों और मसालों का अद्भुत मिश्रण है। दक्षिण के तीखे करी से लेकर उत्तर के लजीज कबाब तक, भारतीय भोजन एक पाक-कला का अद्भुत नमूना है। हर क्षेत्र की अपनी विशिष्ट रसोई है, जो स्थानीय सामग्रियों और परंपराओं से प्रभावित है। सुगंधित मसाले, खुशबूदार जड़ी-बूटियां, और विविध शाकाहारी व मांसाहारी व्यंजन भारतीय भोजन को वैश्विक स्तर पर लोकप्रिय बनाते हैं।

Lakharajo English Academy

23 Dec, 11:00

भारतीय कला और संगीत भी उतने ही आकर्षक हैं। शास्त्रीय भारतीय संगीत, अपनी जटिल रागों और तालों के साथ, सदियों से दर्शकों को मोहित करता आ रहा है। भरतनाट्यम, कथकली और कथक जैसी शास्त्रीय नृत्य शैलियां अपने सुंदर आंदोलनों और भावपूर्ण कहानी कहने के लिए प्रसिद्ध हैं। प्राचीन गुफा चित्रों से लेकर आधुनिक समकालीन कलाकृतियों तक, भारतीय कला देश के समृद्ध इतिहास और कलात्मक विरासत को दर्शाती है।

भारतीय संस्कृति में पारिवारिक मूल्यों का गहरा महत्व है। संयुक्त परिवार प्रणाली, जहां कई पीढ़ियां एक ही छत के नीचे रहती हैं, अभी भी देश के कई हिस्सों में प्रचलित है। बुजुर्गों का सम्मान, मजबूत पारिवारिक संबंध और सामुदायिक भावना यहां के प्रिय मूल्य हैं।

अंत में, भारतीय संस्कृति एक जीवंत और बहुआयामी गाथा है जिसने पूरे विश्व को मंत्रमुग्ध किया है। इसका समृद्ध इतिहास, विविध धर्म, भाषाएं, रीति-रिवाज और कला रूप इसे एक अनोखी और आकर्षक सभ्यता बनाते हैं। भारत की सांस्कृतिक विरासत निरंतर विकसित होती जा रही है और प्रेरणा देती है, जो इसे असीम संभावनाओं की भूमि बनाती है।

Lakharajo English Academy

11 Dec, 11:36

Daily The Hindu Vocabulary

1. DISCLOSURE (Noun) : प्रकटीकरण = Revelation
Synonyms: Divulgence, Declaration
Antonyms: Concealment

2. ADHERE (Verb) : पालन करना = Abide by
Synonyms: Stick to, Hold to
Antonyms: Flout, Ignore

3. FIAT (Noun) : व्यवस्थापत्र = Edict
Synonyms: Order, Command
Antonyms: Denial,Disapproval

4. CONTEMPORARY (Adj) : समकालीन = Present
Synonyms: Modern, Present-day
Antonyms: Old-fashioned, Out of date

5. PROPONENT (Noun) : समर्थक = Supporter
Synonyms:Upholder, Exponent
Antonyms: Opponent

6. ELUDE (Verb) : बचना = Evade
Synonyms: Avoid, Dodge
Antonyms: Be caught by

7. OUTLAY (Noun) : व्यय = Expenditure
Synonyms: Expenses, Spending
Antonyms: Income

8. PINNACLE (Noun) : शिखर = Peak
Synonyms: Height, Summit
Antonyms: Nadir, Trough

9. DELINEATE (Verb) : चित्रित करना = Set out
Synonyms: Describe, Set forth
Antonyms: Confuse, Twist

10. COERCIVE (Adj) : बलपूर्वक = Persistent
Synonyms: Insistent, Pressing
Antonyms: Powerless

Lakharajo English Academy

11 Dec, 11:36

🔴 One Word Substitution

1. A Place Where Animals Are Slaughtered For The Market
= Abattoir (कसाईखाना)

2. Shortening Something By Omitting Parts Of It
= Abbreviation (संक्षिप्त)

3. To Give Up A Throne Voluntarily
= Abdicate( त्यागना)

4. Voluntary Giving Up Of Throne In Favour Of Someone
= Abdication (त्याग)

5. Do Away With
= Abolish (समाप्त करना)

6. The Original Inhabitants Of A Country
= Aborigines (मुलनिवासी)

7. An Edition A Book In Which It Has Been Condensed
= Abridged( संगृहीत)

8. To Do Away With Rules
= Abrogate (अभिनिषेध करना)

9. Move Faster
= Accelerate (में तेजी लाने के)

10. Which Can Be Approached
= Accessible( सुलभ)

11. To Accustom Oneself In New Climate
= Acclimatize (जलवायु का अभ्यस्त

12. A Partner In Crime
= Accomplice (साथी)

13. Responsible For One's Actions
= Accountable (उत्तरदायी)

14. Make Oneself Familiar With A Person Or A Thing
= Acquaint (परिचित)

15. The Act Of Freeing A Person From A Charge By Verdict
= Acquittal (दोषमुक्ति)

16. Someone Versed In The Interpretation Of Numerical Data
= Actuary (मुंशी)

17. A Substance That Can Stick Or Cause Sticking
= Adhesive (गोंद)

18. The Period Between The Beginning Of Puberty And Adulthood
= Adolescence (किशोरावस्था)

19. To Falsify A Thing By Admixture Or Baser Ingredients
= Adulteration (मिलावट)

20. Person Who Pilots Or Travels In A Balloon Airship Or Other Aircraft
= Aeronaut (वायु-यान चलानेवाला)

21. Science Of Flight Of Aeroplanes
= Aeronautics (एयरोनॉटिक्स)

22. Fear Of Height
= Aerophobia (ऊंचाई का डर)

23. Person Who Claims To Have Great Love For Understanding Of What Is Beautiful In Nature , Art Etc
= Aesthete

24. A List Of Headings Of The Business To Be Transacted At A Meeting
= Agenda (कार्यसूची)

25. To Increase The Gravity Of An Offence Or The Intensity Of A Disease
= Aggravate (छेड़ना)

Lakharajo English Academy

10 Dec, 12:37

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Lakharajo English Academy

09 Dec, 16:29

UPSC Preliminary Book review GS Paper1 👍

Lakharajo English Academy

09 Dec, 16:00

Lakharajo English Academy

07 Dec, 15:40

Previous Year Vocabulary

1. TRIBUNAL [ N ] = न्यायाधिकरण = a court of justice

2. ACCEDE [ V ] = मान लेना = assent or agree to a demand, request, or treaty.

3. SOLICIT [ V ] = मांगना = ask for or try to obtain (something) from someone.

4. ENTITLE [ V ] = समर्थ बनाना = give (someone) a legal right or a just claim to receive or do something.

5. UNANIMOUS [ Adj ] = एकमत = (of two or more people) fully in agreement.

6. DISCOURSE [ N ] = बातचीत = written or spoken communication or debate.

7. TRANSACT [ V ] = चलाना = conduct or carry out (business).

8. EXCLUDE [ V ] = निकालना = deny (someone) access to or bar (someone) from a place, group, or privilege.

9. APPARENT [ Adj ] = स्पष्ट = clearly visible or understood; obvious.

10. QUASI JUDICIAL = अर्ध न्यायिक

11. ABSOLVE [ V ] = दोषमुक्त करना = set or declare (someone) free from blame, guilt, or responsibility.

12. INFER [ V ] = अनुमान करना , निष्कर्ष करना = deduce or conclude (information) from evidence and reasoning rather than from explicit statements.

13. DISCLOSURE [ N ] = भेद खोलना = the action of making new or secret information known.

14. DISSENT [ N ] = मतभेद = the expression or holding of opinions at variance with those previously, commonly, or officially held.

15. INVASIVE [ Adj ] = तेजी से फैलने वाला = invading

Lakharajo English Academy

07 Dec, 15:40

Previous Year Vocabulary

1. PENURY (Noun) : दरिद्रता = Extreme Poverty
Synonyms: Impoverishment, Indigence
Antonyms: Wealth

2. ABRUPT (Adj) : आकस्मिक = Sudden
Synonyms: Immediate, Instantaneous
Antonyms: Gradual

3. FEASIBLE (Adj) : संभव = Practicable
Synonyms: Practical Workable
Antonyms: Impractical

4. DISMISS (Verb) : ख़ारिज करना = Banish
Synonyms: Set aside, Abandon
Antonyms: Entertain

5. NORM (Noun) : मानक = Standard
Synonyms: Usual, Normal
Antonyms: The exception.

6. JUDICIAL (Adj) : न्यायिक = Legal
Synonyms: Judiciary, Juridical
Antonyms: Illegal

7. SUMMON (Verb) : बुला भेजना = Send for
Synonyms: Call for, Ask for
Antonyms: Discharge

8. INDUCE (Verb) : मनाना = Persuade
Synonyms: Convince, Prompt
Antonyms: Dissuade

9. MANIFOLD (Adj) : अनेक = Many
Synonyms: Numerous, Multiple
Antonyms: Few

10. PERILOUS (Adj) : जोखिम का = Dangerous
Synonyms:Hazardous, Risky
Antonyms: Safe

Lakharajo English Academy

05 Dec, 00:09

● Meaning ➩ Deprived of strength or vitality, poor

● Synonyms ➩ beggared, beggarly, broke, destitute, dirt-poor, down-and-out

● Meaning ➩ The quality of being kind and generous (उदारता)

● Synonyms ➩ bigheartedness, bountifulness, bounty, generousness

● Meaning ➩ escape from or avoid (a danger, enemy, or pursuer), typically in a skilful or cunning way. (टलना)

● Synonyms ➩ avoid, evade, dodge, duck, circumvent

● Meaning ➩ say no to; deny or oppose. (इनकार करना)

● Synonyms ➩ deny, gainsay, contradict, refute

● Meaning ➩ able or likely to make mistakes. (त्रुटि करने वाला)

● Synonyms ➩ error-prone. erring, imperfect, flawed

● Meaning ➩ to do something or go somewhere very slowly, taking more time than is necessary. (सुस्ती में वक़्त गंवाना)

● Synonyms ➩ linger, dally, loiter, plod

● Meaning ➩ A general agreement, harmony (आम सहमति)

● Synonyms ➩ accord, agreement, concurrence, concurrency, unanimity, unison

● Meaning ➩ The area near or surrounding a particular place (आस-पास) 

● Synonyms ➩ backyard, environs, neighborhood, purlieus, vicinage

● Meaning ➩ Very large, massive (भारी)

● Synonyms ➩ astronomical, elephantine, enormous, bumper, colossal, cosmic

● Meaning ➩ Necessary for (someone) as a duty or responsibility 

● Synonyms ➩ compulsory, forced, imperative, involuntary, mandatory

Lakharajo English Academy

05 Dec, 00:09

Daily The Hindu Vocabulary

1. HUDDLE (Verb) : भीड़ लगाना = crowd
Synonyms: gather, throng
Antonyms: disperse

2. SPLENDOUR (Noun) : वैभव = magnificence
Synonyms: grandeur, opulence
Antonyms: modesty

3. INDICT (Verb) : अभियोग लगाना = charge with
Synonyms: summon, cite
Antonyms: acquit

4. INSURGENT (Noun) : विद्रोही = rebel
Synonyms: revolutionary, mutineer
Antonyms: loyalist

5. CONSENSUS (Noun) : आम सहमति = agreement
Synonyms: harmony, concord
Antonyms: disagreement

6. AMBITIOUS (Adj) : महत्वाकांक्षी = aspiring
Synonyms: determined, forceful
Antonyms: unambitious

7. COMBAT (Verb) : सामना करना = fight
Synonyms: tackle, attack
Antonyms: give in to

8. ULTIMATE (Adj) : अंतिम = eventual
Synonyms: last, final
Antonyms: immediate

9. UNDERMINE (Verb) : दुर्बल करना = subvert
Synonyms: sabotage, threaten
Antonyms: enhance

10. UNFETTERED (Adj) : निरंकुश = unrestrained
Synonyms: unrestricted, unconstrained
Antonyms: restrained

Lakharajo English Academy

27 Nov, 09:29

Daily The Hindu Vocabulary

1. DISENGAGE [ V ] = छुड़ाना = separate or release (someone or something) from something to which they are attached or connected.

2. FORECAST [ N ] = पूर्वानुमान = a prediction or estimate of future events, especially coming weather or a financial trend.

3. DEFICIT [ N ] = कमी = the amount by which something, especially a sum of money, is too small.

4. BOUNTY [ N ] = इनाम = a monetary gift or reward, typically given by a government, in particular.

5. ERRATIC [ Adj ] = अनियमित = not even or regular in pattern or movement; unpredictable.

6. CRUCIAL [ Adj ] = महत्वपूर्ण = decisive or critical, especially in the success or failure of something.

7. INSIGHTS [ N ] = अंतर्दृष्टि = the capacity to gain an accurate and deep intuitive understanding of a person or thing.

8. SUSTAINED [ Adj ] = निरंतर = continuing for an extended period or without interruption.

9. PURSUE [ V ] = पीछा करना = follow (someone or something) in order to catch or attack them.

10. EFFICIENCY [ N ] = क्षमता = the state or quality of being efficient.

11. IMPERATIVE [ Adj ] = अनिवार्य = of vital importance; crucial.

12. INTERVENTION [ N ] = हस्तक्षेप = the action or process of intervening.

13. SUPPRESS [ V ] = दबाना = forcibly put an end to.

14. DISPERSE [ V ] = फैलाना = distribute or spread over a wide area.

15. BIOMASS [ N ] = the total mass of organisms in a given area or volume.

16. PRESERVE [ V ] = रक्षा करना = maintain (something) in its original or existing state.

17. MANDATORY [ Adj ] = अनिवार्य = required by law or rules; compulsory.

18. COMMODITY [ N ] = वस्तु = a raw material or primary agricultural product that can be bought and sold, such as copper or coffee.

19. DEPLORABLE [ Adj ] = खेदजनक = deserving strong condemnation.

20. INDIFFERENCE [ N ] =उदासीनता = lack of interest, concern, or sympathy.

21. VITAL [ Adj ] = महत्वपूर्ण = absolutely necessary or important; essential.

22. DEVOID [ Adj ] = वंचित = entirely lacking or free from.

Lakharajo English Academy

27 Nov, 04:35

📙 Ways to describe taste:

◾️ Watery (पानी जैसा): disapproving (of food or drink) containing too much water and therefore weak in taste
"watery soup/coffee"

◾️ Hot (तीखा): containing or consisting of pungent spices or peppers which produce a burning sensation when tasted.
"a very hot dish cooked with green chilli"

◾️ Acidic (खट्टा): sharp-tasting or sour.
"acidic wine"

◾️ Astringent (खट्टा, कसैला): sharp or bitter
"an astringent smell of rotting apples"

◾️ Bitter (कड़वा): having a sharp, pungent taste or smell; not sweet.
"raw berries have an intensely bitter flavour"

◾️ Bittersweet (मीठापन जिसके अंत में कटूता हो): sweet with a bitter aftertaste.
"she sipped the bittersweet mocktail"

◾️ Brackish (नमक का): slightly salty, as in river estuaries.
"a cup of brackish water"

◾️ Mature (पका हुआ, बना हुआ): ready for consumption.
"mature Cheddar cheese"

◾️ Mild (हल्का): not sharp, hot, or strong in flavour.
"a mild Italian cheese"

◾️ Ripe (पका हुआ): developed to the point of readiness for harvesting and eating.
"a ripe tomato"

◾️ Robust (तीव्र): strong and rich in flavour or smell.
"a robust mixture of fish, onions, capers and tomatoes"

◾️ Savory (नमकीन): belonging to the category which is salty or spicy rather than sweet.
"fresh pineapple is useful in savoury as well as in sweet dishes"

◾️ Seasoned (मसालेदार): having had salt, pepper, herbs, or spices added.
"seasoned flour"

◾️ Sharp (तीखा): acidic and intense.
"fresh goats' milk cheese has a slightly sharper flavour than fromage frais"

◾️ Sour (कड़वा): having gone bad because of fermentation.
"the kitchen smelled of sour milk"

◾️ Spicy (मसालेदार): flavoured with or fragrant with spice.
"pasta in a spicy tomato sauce"

◾️ Sweet and sour (खट्‌टा मीठा): (especially of Chinese-style food) cooked in a sauce containing sugar and either vinegar or lemon.
"sweet-and-sour pork"

◾️ Syrupy (सिरप जैसा मीठा): having the consistency or sweetness of syrup.
"syrupy puddings"

◾️ Tart (कसैला): sharp in taste.
"a tart apple"

◾️ Unsalted (बिना नमक का): not salted.
"unsalted butter"

Lakharajo English Academy

27 Nov, 04:34

📘Phrasal Verbs : Hindi Meaning

1. Call in : किसी को बुलवाना
2. Call off : समाप्त करना, वापस लेना
3. Call up : याद करना, टेलीफोन करना
4. Call for : माँग करना, आवशयकता होना
5. Call on : थोड़ी देर के लिए जाना या रुकना
6. Call out : बुलाना
7. Call at : किसी के घर या स्थान आदि पर थोड़ी देर के लिए जाना
8. Call back : वापस बुलाना
9. Call down : प्रार्थना करना
10. Care about : चिंतित होना
11. Care for : पसंद करना
12. Carry away : आपे से बाहर करना, उत्तेजित करना
13. Carry off : जीतना
14. Carry on : जारी रखना, चलना, निभाना
15. Carry out : आज्ञा का पालन करना
16. Cast aside : छोड़ देना, त्याग करना
17. Catch up with : आगे निकलना
18. Catch out : गेंद को लपककर आउट करना
19. Cheer up : ढांढस बँधाना, बढ़ावा देना
20. Cheer up : अधिक प्रसन्न होना या करना
21. Clear away : छँट जाना
22. Clear off : छुटकारा पाना
23. Clear out : प्रस्थान करना, चला जाना
24. Climb down : निचे की ओर आना, उतरना
25. Climb up : बढ़ना
26. Close down : स्थायी रूप से बंद करना
27. Close in on/upon : ढक देना
28. Close with : स्वीकार करना
29. Cloud over : अस्पष्ट करना, ढकना
30. Come about : होना
31. Come across : संयोग से मिलना
32. Come after : पीछा करना
33. Come along : जल्दी करना
34. Come at : पहुँचना, प्राप्त करना
35. Come at : हमला करना
36. Come away from : से अलग होना, जुदा होना
37. Come back : लौटना, वापस आना
38. Come between : सम्बन्ध में हस्तक्षेप करना
39. Come by : प्रयास से प्राप्त करना
40. Come down : उतरना, गिरना, नीचे आना
41. Come forward : अपने आपको प्रस्तुत करना
42. Come in : अन्दर आना
43. Come in for : हासिल करना
44. Come in on : भाग लेना
45. Come of : संतान होना, से आना
46. Come off : होना, हटाये जाने योग्य होना
47. Come off : से अलग होना
48. Come on : पीछे आना
49. Come out : बाहर निकलना, प्रकाशित होना
50. Come out with : कहना
51. Come over : दूर से आना
52. Come round : चक्कर काटकर आना
53. Come through : गंभीर बिमारी, घाव आदि से चंगा होना
54. Come to : होश में आना
55. Come under : के अधीन होना
56. Come up : प्रस्तुत होना, उठना
57. Come up with : सामना करना
58. Come up to : पहुँचना
59. Come upon : आक्रमण करना
60. Come down : शांत होना
61. Count on/upon : भरोसा करना
62. Crop with : बोना
63. Crop up : आशा के विपरीत दिखाई पड़ना
64. Crowd round : गोलबंद होना
65. Cry down : निंदा करना
66. Cry for : माँग करना
67. Cry off : मुकर जाना
68. Cry out : चिल्लाना
69. Cry up : प्रयास करना, बढ़ा-चढ़ा कर कहना
70. Cut across : ज्यादा छोटे मार्ग से गुजरना
71. Cut away : काट कर हटा देना
72. Cut back : घटाना
73. Cut down : काटकर गिराना, छोटा करना
74. Cut down on : खपत में कमी करना
75. Cut into : हस्तक्षेप करना
76. Cut in : हस्तक्षेप करना
77. Cut off : काटकर अलग करना
78. Cut out : कार्य करना बंद कर देना
79. Cut out : काटकर हटाना
80. Cut up : बर्बाद कर देना

Lakharajo English Academy

25 Nov, 06:07

Daily The Hindu Vocabulary | 04.11.2024

1. DISCRETIONARY (ADJECTIVE): (विवेकाधीन): optional 
Synonyms: non-compulsory, voluntary 
Antonyms: compulsory 
Example Sentence: There has been an increase in year-end discretionary bonuses. 

2. ALOOF (ADJECTIVE): (पृथक): distant 
Synonyms: detached unresponsive 
Antonyms: familiar 
Example Sentence: They were courteous but faintly aloof. 

3. GRATIFICATION (NOUN): (संतुष्टि): satisfaction 
Synonyms: fulfilment, indulgence 
Antonyms: dissatisfaction 
Example Sentence: My son's success was a great gratification. 

4. PRODIGIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (बहुत बड़ा): enormous 
Synonyms: huge colossal 
Antonyms: small 
Example Sentence: The stove consumed a prodigious amount of fuel. 

5. STIGMATIZE (VERB): (गाली देना): condemn 
Synonyms: denounce, brand 
Antonyms: eulogize 
Example Sentence: He was stigmatized in fashion by the people. 

6. ABROGATE (VERB): (अभिनिषेध करना): repudiate 
Synonyms: revoke, repeal 
Antonyms: institute 
Example Sentence: The ministry proposed to abrogate the electoral law of 1850. 

7. INSULAR (ADJECTIVE): (संकुचित विचार का): narrow-minded 
Synonyms: limited, blinkered 
Antonyms: broad-minded 
Example Sentence: They are a group of stubbornly insular farming people. 

8. DISPENSATION (NOUN): (छूट): exemption 
Synonyms: immunity, exception 
Antonyms: restriction 
Example Sentence: Although she was too young, she was given special dispensation to sing. 

9. DE FACTO (ADJECTIVE): (वास्तव में): in practice 
Synonyms: in effect, in fact 
Antonyms: alleged
Example Sentence: The country was de facto divided between two states. 

10. FRAUGHT (ADJECTIVE): (व्यग्र): anxious 
Synonyms: worried, upset 
Antonyms: calm 
Example Sentence: There was a fraught silence. 

Lakharajo English Academy

24 Nov, 14:33

Daily The Hindu Vocabulary

1. FORBEARANCE (Noun) : सहनशीलता = Patient self-control
Synonyms: Tolerance, Patience
Antonyms: Impatience

2. KUDOS (Noun) : प्रशंसा = Applause
Synonyms: Esteem, Praise
Antonyms: Dishonour, Denunciation

3. APATHY (Noun) : उदासीनता = Indifference
Synonyms: Unconcern, Passivity
Antonyms: Enthusiasm, Interest

4. CONVALESCE (Verb) : अच्छा हो जाना = Recover
Synonyms: Recuperate, Get well
Antonyms: Deteriorate

5. HERETIC (Noun) : नास्तिक = Schismatic
Synonyms: Apostate, Pagan
Antonyms: Believer, Follower

6. JOLT (Verb) : ऐंठना = Convulse
Synonyms: Disturb,Jar
Antonyms: Calm, Comfort

7. EXTRANEOUS (Adj) : अप्रासंगिक = Immaterial
Synonyms: Irrelevant, Beside the point
Antonyms: Material

8. UNCONSTITUTIONAL (Adj) : असंवैधानिक = Illegitimate
Synonyms: Illegal, Unauthorized
Antonyms: Legal

9. VERNACULAR (Noun) : मातृभाषा = Colloquial Speech
Synonyms: Jargon, Dialect
Antonyms: Latin

10. DISHEARTENING (Adj) : बेहद निराशाजनक = Saddening
Synonyms: Disheartening, Dispiriting
Antonyms: Encouraging, Cheering

Lakharajo English Academy

18 Nov, 09:57

◾️12 Types of doctors:

1. Dermatologist yani skin specialist - त्वचा विशेषज्ञ

2. Cardiologist yani heart specialist - हृदय रोग विशेषज्ञ

3. Gynecologist yani female disease specialist - स्त्री रोग विशेषज्ञ

4. Dentist yani teeth & jaw bones specialist - दांत और जबड़े की हड्डियों के डॉक्टर

5. Ophthalmologist yani eye specialist - नेत्र-विशेषज्ञ

6. Orthopedist yani Muscle and bones specialist - मांसपेशियों और हड्डियों का विशेषज्ञ

7. Gastroenterologist is a doctor who treats diseases of the digestive system. - पेट का डॉक्टर

8. Neonatologist is a doctor who treats premature and ill newborns - नवजात शिशुओं का डॉक्टर

9. Neurologist - मस्तिष्क रोग विशेषज्ञ

10. Pediatrician treats children - बाल रोग चिकित्सक

11. Oncologist is a doctor who treats cancer - कैंसर का डॉक्टर

12. ENT specialist yani ear nose and throat specialist - कान, नाक, गले का डॉक्टर

Lakharajo English Academy

18 Nov, 09:56

Previous Year Vocabulary

1. FUTILE (Adj) : निष्फल = Fruitless
Synonyms: Vain, Pointless
Antonyms: Useful

2. CURB (Verb) : अंकुश लगाना = Restrain
Synonyms: Hold back, Keep back
Antonyms: Release

3. LONE (Adj) : एकाकी = Deserted
Synonyms: Uninhabited, Unfrequented
Antonyms: Populous

4. COMPLEX (Adj) : जटिल = Complicated
Synonyms: Involved, Intricate
Antonyms: Simple

5. OBSCURE (Adj) : अस्पष्ट = Obscure
Synonyms: Unclear, Dense
Antonyms: Limpid

6. ALARMING (Adj) : भयप्रद = Worrying
Synonyms: Disturbing, Frightening
Antonyms: Reassuring

7. DEFECTION (Noun) : परित्याग = Desertion
Synonyms: Absconding, Decamping
Antonyms: Joining

8. EMACIATION (Noun) : दुर्बलता = Thinness
Synonyms: Starvation, Underfeeding
Antonyms: Obesity

9. COMPREHENSIVE (Adj) : व्यापक = Inclusive
Synonyms: All-inclusive, Complete
Antonyms: Partial

10. PAINSTAKING (Adj) : श्रमसाध्य = Careful
Synonyms: Meticulous, Thorough
Antonyms: Careless

Lakharajo English Academy

18 Nov, 09:56

Daily The Hindu Vocabulary

1. APPARENT [ Adj ] = स्पष्ट = clearly visible or understood; obvious.

2. DEFINITIVE [ Adj ] = निर्णायक = (of a conclusion or agreement) done or reached decisively and with authority.

3. INFLECTION [ N ] = मोड़

4. HEGEMON [ N ] = a supreme leader.

5. ENDORSEMENT [ N ] = समर्थन = an act of giving one's public approval or support to someone or something.

6. IMPRINT [ V ] = छाप = impress or stamp (a mark or outline) on a surface or body.

7. FOLLY [ N ] = मूर्खता = lack of good sense; foolishness.

8. OUTLIVE [ V ] = जीवित रहना = (of a person) live longer than (another person).

9. FOREBEARS [ N ] = पूर्वजों = an ancestor.

10. RECESS [ N ] = अवकाश = a period of time when the proceedings of a parliament, committee, court of law, or other official body are temporarily suspended.

11. TEMPER [ N ] = स्वभाव = a person's state of mind seen in terms of their being angry or calm.

12. DERISION [ N ] = उपहास = contemptuous ridicule or mockery.

13. PROPONENT [ N ] = समर्थक = a person who advocates a theory, proposal, or project.

14. VERDICT [ N ] = निर्णय = a decision on a disputed issue in a civil or criminal case or an inquest.

15. DISMANTLE [ V ] = take (a machine or structure) to pieces.

16. ELITE [ N ] = a select part of a group that is superior to the rest in terms of ability or qualities

17. SCEPTICISM [ N ] = संदेहवाद = doubt as to the truth of something.

18. GOBBLE [ V ] = हडप जाना = eat (something) hurriedly and noisily.

19. UPEND [ V ] = समाप्त कर देना = set or turn (something) on its end or upside down.

20. USURP [ V ] = हड़पना = take (a position of power or importance) illegally or by force.

21. FIEFDOMS [ N ] = जागीर

22. SWEAR [ V ] = सौगंध खाना = make a solemn statement or promise undertaking to do something or affirming that something is the case.

23. UNANIMOUS [ Adj ] = एकमत = (of two or more people) fully in agreement.

Lakharajo English Academy

18 Nov, 01:05

Mobile: A Boon or a Curse

Mobile phones have become an essential tool in today's era. It is hard to imagine life without them. While mobiles have simplified communication and provided various conveniences, their misuse has also given rise to numerous problems. It is difficult to conclude whether mobiles are a boon or a curse, as their impact depends on how they are used.

Mobile: A Boon

Mobiles have brought the world into our hands. Through them, we can connect with people anywhere in the world. The availability of the internet has brought knowledge, education, and entertainment closer to us.

1. Revolution in Communication: Mobile phones have made communication faster and easier by providing facilities like phone calls, video calls, and instant messaging.

2. Educational Tool: The availability of online classes, educational apps, and e-books has made education accessible to everyone.

3. Source of Entertainment: Mobiles have simplified and made entertainment more accessible through music, movies, games, and social media platforms.

4. Business and Employment: Mobiles have created opportunities for digital marketing, online businesses, and work-from-home setups.

Mobile: A Curse

While mobiles have made life convenient, their excessive and improper use has led to several negative consequences.

1. Impact on Health: Excessive mobile use negatively affects eyesight, brain functions, and sleep. Radiation exposure can lead to long-term health issues.

2. Wastage of Time: Spending too much time on social media, games, and other apps reduces productivity.

3. Decline in Social Relationships: Overuse of mobiles has decreased face-to-face interactions, reducing the time spent with family and friends.

4. Cyber Crime: Mobiles have become a medium for fraud, hacking, and other online crimes.


Mobiles can be both a boon and a curse. It depends entirely on how the user chooses to utilize them. When used within limits and for the right purposes, mobiles are a boon. However, excessive and improper use turns them into a curse. We must use mobiles wisely and in a balanced way to enjoy their benefits while avoiding their adverse effects.
Thus, it can be said that whether mobiles become a boon or a curse depends entirely on how we use them.

Lakharajo English Academy

18 Nov, 01:02

मोबाइल: वरदान या अभिशाप

मोबाइल फोन आज के युग में एक अनिवार्य उपकरण बन गया है। इसके बिना जीवन की कल्पना करना मुश्किल हो गया है। मोबाइल ने जहां संचार और सुविधाओं को सरल बना दिया है, वहीं इसके दुरुपयोग ने कई समस्याओं को जन्म दिया है। यह कहना मुश्किल है कि यह वरदान है या अभिशाप, क्योंकि इसका प्रभाव व्यक्ति के उपयोग पर निर्भर करता है।

मोबाइल: एक वरदान

मोबाइल ने दुनिया को हमारी मुट्ठी में समेट दिया है। इसके माध्यम से हम दुनिया के किसी भी कोने में बैठे व्यक्ति से संपर्क कर सकते हैं। इंटरनेट की सुविधा ने ज्ञान, शिक्षा, और मनोरंजन को हमारे करीब ला दिया है।

1. संचार में क्रांति: मोबाइल ने फोन कॉल, वीडियो कॉल और संदेश भेजने की सुविधा देकर संचार को तेज और आसान बना दिया है।

2. शिक्षा का साधन: ऑनलाइन कक्षाओं, शैक्षणिक ऐप्स, और ई-बुक्स की उपलब्धता ने शिक्षा को हर व्यक्ति तक पहुंचाया है।

3. मनोरंजन का स्रोत: गाने, फिल्में, गेम्स, और सोशल मीडिया प्लेटफॉर्म के जरिए मोबाइल ने मनोरंजन के साधनों को सरल और सुलभ बना दिया है।

4. व्यापार और रोजगार: मोबाइल ने डिजिटल मार्केटिंग, ऑनलाइन बिजनेस, और वर्क फ्रॉम होम के अवसर प्रदान किए हैं।

मोबाइल: एक अभिशाप

जहां मोबाइल ने जीवन को सुविधाजनक बनाया है, वहीं इसके अत्यधिक और अनुचित उपयोग ने कई नकारात्मक प्रभाव डाले हैं।

1. स्वास्थ्य पर प्रभाव: मोबाइल का अत्यधिक उपयोग आंखों, मस्तिष्क, और नींद पर नकारात्मक प्रभाव डालता है। रेडिएशन का असर दीर्घकालिक स्वास्थ्य समस्याओं को जन्म दे सकता है।

2. समय की बर्बादी: सोशल मीडिया, गेम्स, और अन्य ऐप्स पर समय बर्बाद करने से उत्पादकता कम होती है।

3. सामाजिक संबंधों में गिरावट: मोबाइल के अत्यधिक उपयोग ने व्यक्तिगत बातचीत को कम कर दिया है, जिससे परिवार और मित्रों के साथ समय बिताने की प्रवृत्ति घट गई है।

4. साइबर क्राइम: मोबाइल के माध्यम से धोखाधड़ी, हैकिंग, और ऑनलाइन अपराध तेजी से बढ़ रहे हैं।


मोबाइल वरदान भी है और अभिशाप भी। यह उपयोगकर्ता के ऊपर निर्भर करता है कि वह इसे किस प्रकार उपयोग करता है। अगर इसे सीमित समय और सही उद्देश्य के लिए इस्तेमाल किया जाए, तो यह एक वरदान है। लेकिन इसका अत्यधिक और गलत उपयोग इसे अभिशाप बना देता है। हमें मोबाइल का विवेकपूर्ण और संतुलित उपयोग करना चाहिए ताकि हम इसके लाभों का आनंद ले सकें और नकारात्मक प्रभावों से बच सकें।
इसलिए, यह कहा जा सकता है कि मोबाइल को वरदान बनाना या अभिशाप, यह पूरी तरह से हमारे उपयोग पर निर्भर करता है।

Lakharajo English Academy

17 Nov, 13:43

Daily The Hindu Vocabulary

1. APPARENT [ Adj ] = स्पष्ट = clearly visible or understood; obvious.

2. DEFINITIVE [ Adj ] = निर्णायक = (of a conclusion or agreement) done or reached decisively and with authority.

3. INFLECTION [ N ] = मोड़

4. HEGEMON [ N ] = a supreme leader.

5. ENDORSEMENT [ N ] = समर्थन = an act of giving one's public approval or support to someone or something.

6. IMPRINT [ V ] = छाप = impress or stamp (a mark or outline) on a surface or body.

7. FOLLY [ N ] = मूर्खता = lack of good sense; foolishness.

8. OUTLIVE [ V ] = जीवित रहना = (of a person) live longer than (another person).

9. FOREBEARS [ N ] = पूर्वजों = an ancestor.

10. RECESS [ N ] = अवकाश = a period of time when the proceedings of a parliament, committee, court of law, or other official body are temporarily suspended.

11. TEMPER [ N ] = स्वभाव = a person's state of mind seen in terms of their being angry or calm.

12. DERISION [ N ] = उपहास = contemptuous ridicule or mockery.

13. PROPONENT [ N ] = समर्थक = a person who advocates a theory, proposal, or project.

14. VERDICT [ N ] = निर्णय = a decision on a disputed issue in a civil or criminal case or an inquest.

15. DISMANTLE [ V ] = take (a machine or structure) to pieces.

16. ELITE [ N ] = a select part of a group that is superior to the rest in terms of ability or qualities

17. SCEPTICISM [ N ] = संदेहवाद = doubt as to the truth of something.

18. GOBBLE [ V ] = हडप जाना = eat (something) hurriedly and noisily.

19. UPEND [ V ] = समाप्त कर देना = set or turn (something) on its end or upside down.

20. USURP [ V ] = हड़पना = take (a position of power or importance) illegally or by force.

21. FIEFDOMS [ N ] = जागीर

22. SWEAR [ V ] = सौगंध खाना = make a solemn statement or promise undertaking to do something or affirming that something is the case.

23. UNANIMOUS [ Adj ] = एकमत = (of two or more people) fully in agreement.

Lakharajo English Academy

15 Nov, 10:06

Letter Writing Notes in English

Letter writing is a fundamental form of communication that allows individuals to convey messages, share thoughts, or provide information to someone else. Letters can be formal or informal depending on the purpose and audience.


Types of Letters

1. Formal Letter
Used for official purposes, such as applications, complaints, or business correspondence. Examples include:

Application for a job.

Letter to a government authority.

Complaint letter to a company.

2. Informal Letter
Written to friends, family, or acquaintances in a casual tone. Examples include:

A letter to a friend about a recent trip.

A letter to a family member expressing gratitude.


Format of a Letter

1. Heading/Address

Sender's Address: Mentioned at the top left or right.

Date: Write the date directly below the address.

2. Recipient's Address (Only for formal letters)

Mention the designation and address of the recipient.

3. Salutation

Formal: "Dear Sir/Madam" or "Respected Sir/Madam."

Informal: "Dear [Name]" or "Hi [Name]."

4. Body of the Letter

Introduction: State the purpose of the letter.

Main Content: Provide details or explain the matter.

Conclusion: Summarize or provide a closing statement.

5. Closing Line

Formal: "Yours sincerely," "Yours faithfully."

Informal: "With love," "Best wishes," or "Take care."

6. Signature

Formal: Full name and designation (if applicable).

Informal: First name.


Tips for Effective Letter Writing

Be clear and concise.

Use appropriate language and tone based on the recipient.

Proofread for grammar and spelling errors.

Maintain a logical structure.



Formal Letter (Complaint Letter)
Sender's Address
12 Green Street,
New York City, NY.
15th November 2024.

The Manager,
XYZ Electronics,
456 Blue Avenue,
New York City, NY.

Subject: Complaint Regarding Defective Product

Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing to inform you about a defective laptop I purchased from your store on 10th November 2024. Despite following all the instructions, the device fails to operate.

I request a replacement or refund at the earliest. Please find the receipt attached for reference.

Yours faithfully,
John Doe


Informal Letter (To a Friend)
Sender's Address
12 Green Street,
New York City, NY.
15th November 2024.

Dear Alex,
I hope this letter finds you in great health. I wanted to share an amazing experience I had on my recent trip to the mountains. The breathtaking views and serene atmosphere were unforgettable!

Let me know when we can meet; I have so many stories to share.

With love,

All the best 👍

Lakharajo English Academy

01 Nov, 04:16

Important Book for CTET 👍

Lakharajo English Academy

01 Nov, 04:16

Lakharajo English Academy

27 Oct, 04:56

Daily The Hindu Vocabulary |

1. GARGANTUAN (ADJECTIVE): (विशाल): enormous
Synonyms: massive, huge 
Antonyms: tiny 
Example Sentence: Tigers and lions have a gargantuan appetite. 

2. RELATIVE (ADJECTIVE): (तुलनात्मक): comparative 
Synonyms: respective, comparable 
Antonyms: absolute 
Example Sentence: The relative effectiveness of the various mechanisms is not known. 

3. SUBSTANTIAL (ADJECTIVE): (प्रबल): sturdy 
Synonyms: solid, stout 
Antonyms: insubstantial 
Example Sentence: He lives near the row of substantial Victorian villas. 

4. EFFICACY (NOUN): (प्रभावोत्पादकता): effectiveness 
Synonyms: success, potency 
Antonyms: inefficacy 
Example Sentence: There is little information on the efficacy of this treatment. 

5. INTRIGUE (VERB): (दिलचस्प बनाना): interest 
Synonyms: fascinate, attract 
Antonyms: bore 
Example Sentence: The whole class was intrigued by his unique question. 

6. ESCALATION (NOUN): (वृद्धि): rise 
Synonyms: hike, advance 
Antonyms: plunge 
Example Sentence: A further escalation of the crisis now seems inevitable. 

7. UNACCEPTABLE (ADJECTIVE): (अस्वीकार्य): intolerable 
Synonyms: insufferable, unsatisfactory 
Antonyms: acceptable 
Example Sentence: His behaviour was unacceptable. 

8. CONSIDERABLE (ADJECTIVE): (ध्यान देने लायक़): distinguished 
Synonyms: noteworthy, noted 
Antonyms: insignificant 
Example Sentence: Snow was a limited, but still considerable, novelist. 

9. MENACE (VERB): (खतरे में डालना): threaten 
Synonyms: jeopardize, imperil 
Antonyms: friendly 
Example Sentence: Africa's elephants are still menaced by poaching. 

10. VACANT (ADJECTIVE): (भावशून्य): blank 
Synonyms: expressionless, deadpan 
Antonyms: expressive 
Example Sentence: I came across a vacant stare.

Lakharajo English Academy

21 Oct, 06:20

Daily The Hindu Vocabulary

1. HUDDLE (Verb) : भीड़ लगाना = crowd
Synonyms: gather, throng
Antonyms: disperse

2. SPLENDOUR (Noun) : वैभव = magnificence
Synonyms: grandeur, opulence
Antonyms: modesty

3. INDICT (Verb) : अभियोग लगाना = charge with
Synonyms: summon, cite
Antonyms: acquit

4. INSURGENT (Noun) : विद्रोही = rebel
Synonyms: revolutionary, mutineer
Antonyms: loyalist

5. CONSENSUS (Noun) : आम सहमति = agreement
Synonyms: harmony, concord
Antonyms: disagreement

6. AMBITIOUS (Adj) : महत्वाकांक्षी = aspiring
Synonyms: determined, forceful
Antonyms: unambitious

7. COMBAT (Verb) : सामना करना = fight
Synonyms: tackle, attack
Antonyms: give in to

8. ULTIMATE (Adj) : अंतिम = eventual
Synonyms: last, final
Antonyms: immediate

9. UNDERMINE (Verb) : दुर्बल करना = subvert
Synonyms: sabotage, threaten
Antonyms: enhance

10. UNFETTERED (Adj) : निरंकुश = unrestrained
Synonyms: unrestricted, unconstrained
Antonyms: restrained

Lakharajo English Academy

21 Oct, 04:18

Previous Year Vocabulary

1. THRIVE (Verb): फलना-फूलना = Flourish
Synonyms: Prosper, Burgeon
Antonyms: Decline

2. ACCOUNTABILITY (Noun): जवाबदेही = Responsibility
Synonyms: Liability, Answerability
Antonyms: Unaccountability

3. BLISTERING (Adj): बर्बर = Savage
Synonyms: Vicious, Fierce
Antonyms: Mild

4. PROTRACT (Verb): बढ़ाना = Prolong
Synonyms: Extend, Draw out
Antonyms: Curtail

5. EXPERIMENTAL (Adj): परिवर्तनात्‍मक = Innovative
Synonyms: New, Original
Antonyms: Stale

6. FACTION (Noun): विरोध = Infighting
Synonyms: Dissension, Dissent
Antonyms: Harmony

7. ACADEMIC (Adj): सैद्धांतिक = Theoretical
Synonyms: Conceptual, Notional
Antonyms: Practical

8. RESOLVE (Noun): दृढ़ निश्चय = Determination
Synonyms: Resolution, Purpose
Antonyms: Indecision

9. INFREQUENT (Adj): असामान्य = Rare
Synonyms: Uncommon Unusual
Antonyms: Frequent

10. EARMARK (Verb): चिह्नित करना = Set aside
Synonyms: Reserve, Appropriate
Antonyms: Use up

Lakharajo English Academy

20 Oct, 16:33


conducted – आयोजन किया
examines – जाँच
preliminary – प्रारंभिक
qualitative – गुणवत्ता
heartfelt – हार्दिक
Embrace – आलिंगन
efficient – कुशल
coefficients – गुणांक
whim – भावना
whim – रंग
arbitrary – मनमाने ढंग से
heuristic – अनुमानी
comply – पालन करना
solicit – मांगना
domineering – तानाशाही
gullible – भोला, आसानी से धोखा खानेवाला
chatty – बातूनी
nosy – सुगंधित
cynical – सनकी
conservative – रूढ़िवादी
oblivious – बेखबर
ignorant – अनजान
obsessed – ग्रस्त, पागल, जुनून सवार
bossy – शासक
Immature – अपरिपक्व
Mature – परिपक्व
authoritative – आधिकारिक
Naive – अनुभवहीन
naivete – भोलेपन
narrative – वर्णनात्मक
orphan – अनाथ
isolate – अलग-थलग
realm – क्षेत्र
preoccupation – अति व्यस्तता
affluent – धनी
redundancy – फालतूपन
in lieu, lieu – एवज में
initiative – पहल
nimble – तेज़
impedance – विरोध
Phrase – वाक्यांश
Phrasebook – शब्दकोश
persuade – राज़ी करना
underlay – बुनियाद
cause – कारण
extended – विस्तृत
exhaustive – संपूर्ण
thorough – संपूर्ण
rigorous – कठिन
unto – तक
global – वैश्विक
suicidal – आत्मघात
despondent – हताश
reservoir – जलाशय
convey – सूचित करना
demise – मृत्यु
insanity – पागलपन
Irony – व्यंग्य
prejudice – पक्षपात
Typically – आमतौर पर
determine – निर्धारित
Etiquette – शिष्टाचार
aggression – आक्रमण
unceasing – अटूट
heartless – बेरहम
heartlessness – निर्दयता
truculence – निर्दयता
provocation – उत्तेजना
violent – हिंसा करनेवाला
confront – सामना करना
readiness – तत्परता
hostile – शत्रुतापूर्ण
antipathy – घृणा
interpretation – व्याख्या
contented – संतुष्ट
Nevertheless – फिर भी
gem – मणि
profound – गहन
alchemy – रसायन विज्ञान
chaotic – अराजक
reverence – श्रद्धा
stupor – अचेतनता
Enrollment – नामांकन
rave – बड़बड़ाना
raving – पागल
Intent – इरादा
wit – बुद्धि
wits – दिमाग
oblivion – विस्मृति
lad, laddie – बालक
Barley – जौ
Oat – जई
muffin – टिकिया
Bran – भूसी, चोकर
Flakes – लच्छे
lurk – घात में रहना
sinister – भयावह
feverish – डांवांडोल
retract – वापस लेना
skeptical – उलझन में
abbreviation – संक्षिप्त नाम
stringent – कड़ी से कड़ी
peregrine – परदेशी
foreigner – विदेशी
expatriate – परदेशी
expat – प्रवासी
exile – निर्वासन
assertive – दृढ़ निश्चय वाला
empathize – सहानुभूति
gratify – कृतार्थ करना
tardy – धीमी
funky – कायरता
sedentary – गतिहीन जीवन
Proprietor – मालिक
competent – सक्षम
contingent – आकस्मिक
superfluous – ज़रूरत से ज़्यादा
closeout – नीलाम
bring into notice – ध्यान में लाना
Take cognizance of – ध्यान में लाना
rejig – बदलाव
retort – करारा जवाब
pass the buck – उत्तरदायित्व मढ़ना
precarious – अनिश्चित
defer – टालना
disseminate – प्रसारित करना
provocation – उकसावा
iconic – प्रतिष्ठित
lunatic – पागल मनुष्य
placard – दीवार पर विज्ञापन चिपकाना
placard – इश्तहार
humanitarian – मानवीय
hypertension – उच्च रक्तचाप
vigorous – जोरदार
epilepsy – मिरगी
belly – पेट
taut – तना हुआ
adores – प्यार करते हैं
adoration – आराधना
PRECISE – सटीक
vital – महत्वपूर्ण
grasp – समझ
reimbursement – भरपाई
coveted – प्रतिष्ठित
squeeze – निचोड़
feasible – संभव
liaise – संबंध स्थापित करना
pertaining – संबंधित
Fistula – नासूर
Infertility – बांझपन
Naturopathy – प्राकृतिक चिकित्सा
Venereal – कामी
convalescence – स्वास्थ लाभ
anomaly – विसंगति
genital – यौन
Congenital – जन्मजात
Circumcision – खतना
attributable – कारण
exclusion – बहिष्कार
Indemnity – हानि से सुरक्षा
admissible – स्वीकार्य
Prudent – विवेकी
transcends – अतिक्रमण
transcend – पार
Wobble – लडखडाना
condemnation – निंदा
prevalent – प्रचलित
immense – अत्यधिक
certain – निश्चित
certain – कुछ
Redeemed – छुड़ाया
whiskers – मूंछ
tentacle – मूंछ
mustache – मूंछ
miser – कंजूस
commencement – प्रारंभ
serene – निर्मल
perseverance – दृढ़ता
toxin – विष
stale – बासी
abundant – प्रचुर
strained – तनावपूर्ण
erratic – अनियमित
vanish – गायब
diminishes – घटता
rung – छड़
veil – परदा
prerequisite – शर्त
criterion – मापदंड
satiated – तृप्त
lineage – वंशावली
Plunk – खनखनाहट
rapport – घनिष्ठता
enshrined – प्रतिष्ठापित
persuaded – राजी
estranged – पराया
spacious – विशाल
confectionery – हलवाई की दुकान
riddle – पहेली
conscientious – ईमानदार
dedication – निष्ठा
introspection – आत्मनिरीक्षण

Lakharajo English Academy

20 Oct, 16:33

Important Vocabularies from English newspapers 👇

Lakharajo English Academy

20 Oct, 10:11

Vocab threw root words.pdf

Lakharajo English Academy

15 Oct, 05:20

@Lakharajo English Academy

अंग्रेजी भाषा लिखने, समझने एवं बोलने में प्रवीणता हासिल करने के लिए सबसे महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका होती है Vocabularyकी । बिना वोकैबलरी के ना आप अंग्रेजी लिख सकते हैं, न समझ सकते हैं, नहीं बोल सकते हैं।

Vocabulary plays the most important role to gain proficiency in writing, understanding and speaking English language. Without Vocabulary you cannot write, understand, or speak English.

So Please Note words in your Notebook and Revise Everyday..


All the best👍

Lakharajo English Academy

05 Oct, 15:46

Perfect English Grammar Book for Beginners and New Aspirants 👆👆👍

Lakharajo English Academy

05 Oct, 15:45

Lakharajo English Academy

03 Oct, 13:21

Previous Year Vocabulary

1. TRIBUNAL [ N ] = न्यायाधिकरण = a court of justice

2. ACCEDE [ V ] = मान लेना = assent or agree to a demand, request, or treaty.

3. SOLICIT [ V ] = मांगना = ask for or try to obtain (something) from someone.

4. ENTITLE [ V ] = समर्थ बनाना = give (someone) a legal right or a just claim to receive or do something.

5. UNANIMOUS [ Adj ] = एकमत = (of two or more people) fully in agreement.

6. DISCOURSE [ N ] = बातचीत = written or spoken communication or debate.

7. TRANSACT [ V ] = चलाना = conduct or carry out (business).

8. EXCLUDE [ V ] = निकालना = deny (someone) access to or bar (someone) from a place, group, or privilege.

9. APPARENT [ Adj ] = स्पष्ट = clearly visible or understood; obvious.

10. QUASI JUDICIAL = अर्ध न्यायिक

11. ABSOLVE [ V ] = दोषमुक्त करना = set or declare (someone) free from blame, guilt, or responsibility.

12. INFER [ V ] = अनुमान करना , निष्कर्ष करना = deduce or conclude (information) from evidence and reasoning rather than from explicit statements.

13. DISCLOSURE [ N ] = भेद खोलना = the action of making new or secret information known.

14. DISSENT [ N ] = मतभेद = the expression or holding of opinions at variance with those previously, commonly, or officially held.

15. INVASIVE [ Adj ] = तेजी से फैलने वाला = invading