️MULTILEVEL MENTOR @multilevelmentor Channel on Telegram



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Are you looking to level up your skills and knowledge in the world of multilevel marketing? Look no further than the Multilevel Mentor Telegram channel! This channel is dedicated to providing valuable insights, tips, and strategies for success in the multilevel marketing industry. Whether you are a seasoned network marketer looking to take your business to the next level or a newcomer eager to learn the ropes, Multilevel Mentor has something for everyone. With a team of experienced mentors and experts in the field, you can rest assured that you are getting top-notch advice and guidance. Join the Multilevel Mentor channel today and start your journey towards success in the exciting world of multilevel marketing!


27 Dec, 06:51

27.12.2024 1-smena


You were invited by a friend to go on a holiday together, but you couldn't attend. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter:

• apologize for not being able to join them on the holiday
• explain the reason why you couldn't attend
• suggest another time or activity to meet and spend time together


27 Dec, 06:51

27.12.2024 1-smena


Some people think globalization benefits while some people believe harm local culture

Disscuss both views and give your own opinion


27 Dec, 02:36

Imtihonga kirayotganlar omad!🔥🔥🔥


26 Dec, 12:16

1-smenadagi qaytarilibdi 🔥


26 Dec, 12:16

26.12.2024 | 2-smena

Listening Part 1



26 Dec, 12:13

26.12.2024 | 2-smena

Writing Task 1: Application Letter

You want to join a fitness club. Write a letter to the manager of the club. In your letter:

• mention why you are interested in joining the club
• ask about the facilities available
• inquire about the membership fees and any special offers



26 Dec, 12:12

26.12.2024 2-smena

Task 2  Advantage/Disadvantage

In many workplaces, people now
have the option to work from home
rather than going to an office every

Do you think this is a positive or
negative development?



26 Dec, 08:45

2-smenaga kiradiganlarga ham omad 1-smenadagidek oson savollar tushsin. B2 C1 olish nasib qilsin🔥🔥🔥


26 Dec, 07:15

Letter esa juda zo'r


26 Dec, 07:13

Listening overall oson bo'libdi hammasi lekin🔥🔥🔥


26 Dec, 07:12

Kirib chiqqanlar qanday bo'ldi overall exam?


26 Dec, 02:03

‼️By the way, don't forget to take your passport! 😊


26 Dec, 02:01

Bugun imtihonga kiradigan barchaga omad tilayman. Biladigan oson savollaring tushib o'zlaring xoxlagan B2 C1 larni urib chiqinglar!..🔥🔥🔥


26 Dec, 01:58

Uyg'onamiz imtihonchilaaaar!🔥


25 Dec, 09:59


🗒True, false, not given

Element (word)

➡️True: agar question da berilgan har bir ma’lumot passage bilan bir xil berilgan bo’lsa

➡️False: question da berilgan biror element qarama-qarshi ma’noda berilgan bo’lsa⤵️

Question: All students in class know English

Passage: Most students in class know English

🟣All va most bir-biriga qarma-qarshi

➡️Not given: question da berilgan biror element passage da berilmagan bo’lsa⤵️

Question: Ali ate a red apple

Passage : Ali ate an apple

🟣Question dagi red passage da berilmagan


25 Dec, 09:45

Kimlarni speakingi 2-yanvarda edi?🖐


25 Dec, 09:33

2025-yil 2-yanvardagi gapirish ko‘nikmasini baholash imtihoni boshqa kunga ko‘chirildi

📣 2024-yil 23-dekabr kuni chet tilini bilish darajasini aniqlash bo‘yicha navbatdagi imtihon sanalari e’lon qilingan edi.

🔰 2024-yil 24-dekabrdagi PQ-452-son qarori bilan 2025-yil 2-yanvar dam olish kuni deb e’lon qilinishi munosabati bilan 2-yanvar kuni o‘tkazilishi belgilangan gapirish ko‘nikmasini baholash imtihonlari boshqa kunga ko‘chirildi.


Qoraqalpog‘iston Respublikasi, viloyatlar va Toshkent shahrida — 2025-yil 4-yanvar kuni;

Samarqand viloyatida — 2025-yil 5-yanvar kuni o‘tkazilishi belgilangan.

❗️ Qayd etish kerakki, ushbu o‘zgartirish faqatgina 2025-yil 2-yanvar kuniga rejalashtirilgan gapirish ko‘nikmasini baholash imtihoniga tegishli bo‘lib, boshqa kundagi imtihonlarda hech qanday o‘zgarish mavjud emas.

Agentlikning rasmiy sahifalari:
Telegram | Facebook | Instagram | YouTube


25 Dec, 02:20

Good morning dears! Hava a great day today!.. 😊


24 Dec, 10:04


Ana endi rasman:

⚡️ 2025-yilning 1-yarmida bo‘lib o‘tadigan chet tili imtihonlari

Chet tilini bilish darajasini aniqlash test sinovlari yanvar, fevral, mart, aprel va may oylarida o‘tkaziladi.

👨🏻‍💻 Test sinovi uchun talabgorlar my.gov.uz sayti orqali onlayn tarzda ro‘yxatga olinadi.

📌 Ro‘yxatdan o‘tishda talabgorlar o‘zlariga qulay bo‘lgan hududni tanlagan holda mazkur hududda test sinovlarida ishtirok etishlari mumkin.

📆 Test sinovlari qaysi tillardan o‘tkazilishi, ro‘yxatga olish muddatlari va test sinovi o‘tkaziladigan sanalar yuqoridagi rasmda keltirilgan.
