Kraven the Hunter
Kraven the Hunter is a 2024 American superhero film featuring the Marvel Comics character of the same name. Directed by J. C. Chandor from a screenplay by Richard Wenk, Art Marcum and Matt Holloway, the film stars Aaron Taylor-Johnson in the title role, alongside Ariana DeBose, Fred Hechinger, Alessandro Nivola, Christopher Abbott, and Russell Crowe. Produced by Columbia Pictures in association with Marvel Entertainment, it is the sixth film in Sony's Spider-Man Universe (SSU). The film explores Kraven's relationship with his father and his path to becoming the greatest hunter.
Following the death of his mother, Sergei Kravinoff and his half-brother Dmitri are taken by their father Nikolai to prepare to take over his drug trafficking operations. During a hunting trip in Ghana, Sergei is heavily injured protecting his brother from a lion. A girl named Calypso heals him with a serum and calls for rescue, leaving a tarot card