He says the reason they haven't been released yet is because of something no one is considering.
The leading theory is that he was killed by the US government. So, it's probably not about that.
Could it be about Jackie's involvement? Maybe.
Or maybe it's about something that would be considered even stranger to the general public.
Pleiadians have already told us the reason Marilyn Monroe was killed was because she was about to go public about Pleiadians.
JFK was a Pleiadian contactee and he told her everything while they were having an affair. She was very excited to tell the world.
The greatest threat to a demon-controlled cabal would be the public finding out the truth about the 'angels of light'.
Trump admits he hasn't read all of the files yet, but he already knows what's in them.
It would make sense that he knows about JFK and his Pleiadian contact because of his own Pleiadian contact.
Releasing these files might be how Trump begins UFO disclosure.