Do you ever come across something that makes you pause and think 'Huh, that's mildly interesting'? Well, we have the perfect platform for you to share those moments with the world - the Mildly Interesting channel on Telegram! Our channel, @mildlyinteresting, is a place where you can send us photos of things that catch your eye and pique your curiosity. If our team finds them to be mildly interesting enough, we'll publish them for all our subscribers to see. From quirky street signs to unusual cloud formations, we welcome all kinds of submissions that make us stop and take a second look. But that's not all! We also encourage interaction within our community. Chat with the authors of the photos and other participants of our channel by joining our group at Share your thoughts, discuss the photos, and connect with fellow enthusiasts of the mildly interesting. So, whether you're a casual observer or a keen explorer of the odd and unusual, Mildly Interesting is the place for you. Join us today and let's celebrate the little things that make life a bit more intriguing! 📢
13 Jan, 03:44
12 Jan, 21:44
12 Jan, 19:44
12 Jan, 13:44
12 Jan, 11:44
12 Jan, 08:44
12 Jan, 05:44
11 Jan, 14:44
11 Jan, 13:44
11 Jan, 03:44
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10 Jan, 22:44
09 Jan, 11:44
09 Jan, 09:44
09 Jan, 05:44
09 Jan, 04:44
09 Jan, 04:44
09 Jan, 04:44
08 Jan, 23:44
07 Dec, 20:44
07 Dec, 13:44
07 Dec, 04:44
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28 Nov, 07:44
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28 Nov, 02:44
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21 Nov, 01:44
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29 Oct, 14:44
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29 Oct, 00:44
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28 Oct, 22:44
26 Oct, 17:44
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26 Oct, 09:44
26 Oct, 04:44
25 Oct, 22:44
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25 Oct, 18:44
25 Oct, 15:44
22 Oct, 20:44
22 Oct, 15:44
22 Oct, 04:44
22 Oct, 03:44
21 Oct, 19:44
21 Oct, 16:44