Michigan Conservatives Take Action @michiganconservatives Channel on Telegram

Michigan Conservatives Take Action


This is an action channel for Michiganders and Michigan-supporting patriots to remain informed and pursue America First policies and restore Election Integrity in the state. #SaveAmerica

Michigan Conservatives Take Action (English)

Are you a proud Michigander or a Michigan-supporting patriot who wants to take action and make a difference? Look no further than the Michigan Conservatives Take Action channel on Telegram! This channel is dedicated to keeping you informed and empowering you to advocate for America First policies and restore Election Integrity in our great state.

Michigan Conservatives Take Action is more than just a channel - it's a community of like-minded individuals who are passionate about making a positive impact. With daily updates, news, and calls to action, you'll always be in the loop about what's happening in Michigan and how you can get involved.

Whether you're interested in attending rallies, contacting legislators, or simply staying informed, Michigan Conservatives Take Action has something for everyone. Join us as we work together to #SaveAmerica and ensure that Michigan remains a stronghold for conservative values.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to be a part of a movement that is dedicated to making a difference. Join Michigan Conservatives Take Action today and be a voice for change in our state!

Michigan Conservatives Take Action

06 Feb, 15:27

Michigan Conservatives Take Action pinned «UNCONSTITUTIONAL PRESIDENTIAL EXECUTIVE ORDERS REMEDIED BY PRESIDENTS WASHINGTON & LINCOLN Being excited about a new unconstitutional E.O. as 'remedy' for existing unconstitutional governing is like being excited about poisoned water to 'remedy' dying of…»

Michigan Conservatives Take Action

04 Feb, 12:34


Being excited about a new unconstitutional E.O. as 'remedy' for existing unconstitutional governing is like being excited about poisoned water to 'remedy' dying of thirst.

[Below is an excerpt from an article found at the below web-link:]

In the performance of his duties, a president can issue executive orders but only among those who serve under him...

In 1793, during his first term in office, George Washington issued an executive order declaring America’s neutrality in the war between France and England. Our first president soon realized that the protests of Madison and Jefferson against his executive mandate were correct. He then asked Congress to issue a law declaring the sought-after neutrality and Congress complied. There were no more presidential misuses of the executive order power for approximately 70 years.

In 1863, President Abraham Lincoln overstepped his authority and issued executive orders that suspended habeas corpus, blockaded southern ports, and emancipated southern slaves. He cited his role as “commander in chief” of the military to do so. Later, following the pattern set by Washington, he asked Congress to amend the Constitution to prohibit all slavery. Which was done. A measure of respect for the limitations on presidential power still existed during that period of history. Then in 1866, the Supreme Court in Ex Parte Milligan explained those limitations as follows: The power to make necessary laws is in Congress; the power to execute in the President…. But neither can the President, in war more than in peace, intrude upon the proper authority of Congress, nor Congress upon the proper authority of the President.

...Congress has caved in and tolerated such completely illicit contempt for the Constitution. This docility of the legislative branch has to stop. No [functional] king or all-powerful ruler should be making laws for our nation.

Congress should declare any executive order aimed at the entire population completely null...

All Americans should become familiar with Article I, Section 1, Clause 1 of the U.S. Constitution where Congress is named as the sole possessor of “All legislative powers.”
[View the entire article at the below web-link.]

James Madison, writing as “Publius,” stated in The Federalist, No. 47:
The accumulation of all powers legislative, executive and judiciary in the same hands, whether of one, a few or many, and whether hereditary, self appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.


Michigan Conservatives Take Action

02 Feb, 16:17

Michigan Conservatives Take Action pinned «COLLECTIVIST-TRIGGERING CRITICALLY INFORMATIVE 12-MIN VIDEO! We cannot avoid lawful and peaceful self-sacrifice necessary to save our families and nation on-track toward tyranny, simply because we voted for a perceived 'political-savior.' Yes, congratulate…»

Michigan Conservatives Take Action

02 Feb, 16:04


We cannot avoid lawful and peaceful self-sacrifice necessary to save our families and nation on-track toward tyranny, simply because we voted for a perceived 'political-savior.'

Yes, congratulate and encourage President Trump when he acts as a public-servant governing constitutionally.

But, also fulfill your obligation to publicly and respectfully criticize him when not governing consistent with the original-intent of our constitution. Especially if the globalist agenda is served by deep-state catalyzed national emergencies like COVID & 9/11, used to usher in Trojan Horse type (unconstitutional governing) 'solutions.' Moreover, be aware that globalist managed-threats include strategic use of threats globalists manage like China, Russia, terrorism, mass-shootings, and other globalist staged events (false-flag events) strategically used as pretense to dupe Republicans into accepting anti-constitutional governing -- like globalist agenda advancing (anti-national sovereignty) merging of America with other nations, etc...



Michigan Conservatives Take Action

28 Jan, 13:52

Michigan Conservatives Take Action pinned «01-26-2025 ARTICLE: "5 Super Creepy New Technologies That Should Chill All Of Us To The Core" [Weblink to the article found at the bottom of this post.] QUESTION: Relative to the survival of our families and nation, how will (God-wannabe) illuminist-globalists…»

Michigan Conservatives Take Action

28 Jan, 13:14

01-26-2025 ARTICLE:
"5 Super Creepy New Technologies That Should Chill All Of Us To The Core"

[Weblink to the article found at the bottom of this post.]

Relative to the survival of our families and nation, how will (God-wannabe) illuminist-globalists having infiltrated both mainstream political parties to steer America toward engineered-chaos by managing their staged-opposition, psychopathically use this advanced-tech?

ANSWER: Maybe never, if we lawfully and peacefully eject them from having infiltrated the GOP, return the GOP to being the The Party If The Constitution, thereby ensuring those populating local, county, state, and national governments to act like public-servants (no longer authoritarians) and within the constraints of the constitution.

Globalist aspiring-tyrants are a highly devoted enlightened-humanists cult, networked from the local to the global spheres of power because they're expert at posing as whatever is necessary to infiltrate. Self-anointed 'enlightened' ones (God-wannabes), with roots extending back to the serpent having duped Adam and Eve into defying God in the Garden of Eden:
but God said, You shall not eat of the fruit of the tree that is in the midst of the garden, neither shall you touch it, lest you die.’” But the serpent said to the woman, “You will not surely die. For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”

Common-sense dictates that a proficient enemy of God and the survival of our families would necessarily infiltrate the GOP and Christianity has top-tier priorities. For which there's evidence of them having begun in the 1700s when they were warned about in writings by George Washington. Until the last half of the 1800s, illuminist-globalists were relatively unsuccessful in direct-relationship to the extent christian teachings about the need to self sacrifice to represent God in government and society maintained christianity as the primary influence over society and government -- to the benefit of Christians and non-Christians alike.

Restoration of constitutional governing constraints protects us from globalists blindly-infatuated with attaining life and death level control over other us using advanced technologies.

But saving an committing 'national suicide' requires we have no functional "idols" such as constitutional-deconstructionist 'political-saviors.' Instead, we are to represent God in government to preserve, protect, and defend the U.S. Constitution, our modern day version of the biblical "Cesar" referenced by Christ in the Bible.

Globalists are expert at creating then managing threats (arsonist posing as 'fireman' tactic) used to pressure us into excepting Trojan Horse type 'solutions' advancing their agendas.

ACTION: Learn how easy it is to join fellow constitutionalist Precinct Delegates by clicking HERE.

Then, bind with fellow constitutionalists working to replace constitutional-deconstructionists GOP infiltrators engaging in staged-opposition against their Democrat co-conspirators. Thereby, redirecting the path of our families and nation from globalist-engineered chaos to restoration.

Restoration, requiring we return the GOP to using the constitution (and moral-absolutes from which it flowed) as measures for (1) internal GOP accountability, (2) electability, and (3) governing -- representing the only political-path to saving our families and nation.

Because, the ongoing electing of constitutional-deconstructionists and moral-relativists having infiltrated the GOP simply bringing national-ruin slower than their Democrat accomplices, must be replaced with a GOP that preserves, protects, and defends the Constitution.


Michigan Conservatives Take Action

25 Jan, 18:48

Michigan Conservatives Take Action pinned «[Excerpt from above article:] But the most immediate threats are mass surveillance coupled with psychological and behavioral manipulation; unchecked AI-dependency leading to human atrophy... To keep China from taking the lead, we’re told, America must build…»

Michigan Conservatives Take Action

25 Jan, 18:40

[Excerpt from above article:]
But the most immediate threats are mass surveillance coupled with psychological and behavioral manipulation; unchecked AI-dependency leading to human atrophy... To keep China from taking the lead, we’re told, America must build better digital gods than China. It’s like your preacher insisting that for Christians to inherit the earth, they’ve gotta become more satanic than the Devil.
[End article excerpt.]

Why did God-wannabe globalists infiltrated both main-stream political parties over a century ago?
To use ongoing election-cycles of dialectically staged-opposition to steer America toward their desired outcomes.

A political zig-right then zag-left pattern of election-cycle outcomes, with the overall trajectory toward globalist priorities like merging nations regionally under pretense of 'saving us' from threats globalists manage, like China/Russia/terrorism/debt/plandemics/etc.

Staged then managed threats pressuring us into accepting Trojan Horse 'solutions' - dictated by deep-state popularized 'political-messiahs' protected by collectivism poisoning the GOP.

All the while, unwitting GOP members are relieved when globalists allow them an election-cycle of perceiving "We threw-out the Dems this cycle!" When we mostly replaced globalist-Dem Party infiltrators with globalist-GOP-infiltrators.

Until constitutionalism is returned to the GOP, globalist infiltrators will distract us onto "Only focus on beating Dems!" While deceitfully-detouring around constitutional candidate credentials required to save our families a nation. Continuing decades of beating Dems with GOP-infiltrator constitutional-deconstructionists bringing tyranny slower than their Dem co-conspirators.


The globalist deep-state is expert at cultivating charismatic-personalities then empowering them with synthetically-fabricated populism to infiltrate the GOP. A tactic to create collectivist blind-loyalty to a perceived 'political-savior' at the expense of constitutional and moral principles required to save our families and nation.

Additionally, there's the threat creation then management often referred to as the "arsonist posing as 'fireman' strategy." Whereby, managed-threats pressure us to excepting Trojan Horse containing 'solutions,' like nations merging, vaccines, global debt collecting schemes, etc.

A globalist synergy: Combines threat creation then management, with deep-state synthesized 'political-saviors' distracting patriots from upholding constitutional and moral principles required of us by our One true God Who makes and brakes nations.


Anchor yourself to constitutional and moral principles, not charismatic-personalities augmented by deep-state synthesized populism.

Become a GOP Precinct Delegate (PD) which is easily done. Because, it gives you the power to vote on who becomes a GOP leader. Then, lawfully ensure ONLY constitutionalists make it into GOP leadership.

When GOP-infiltrators & unwitting-pawns find you're a constitutionalist (in the way of their sabotaging the GOP using constitutional-deconstructionism & moral-relativism) they will bully & demonize you to pressure into quitting leaving them in control. Because, globalist GOP-infiltrators strategically sabotage constitution & moral-absolutes once used as internal GOP measures for internal accountability, to sabotage America's survival.

Remember, being right before God and the survival of your family and nation are at stake.

Instead of leaving due to GOP leadership corruption, team-up with fellow constitutionalists returning the GOP to using the constitution and the moral-absolutes from which it flowed, as GOP measures for internal GOP accountability, electability, and governing, ultimately manifesting in constitutionalists being elected -- representing the only political-path to saving our families and nation.

Michigan Conservatives Take Action

25 Jan, 18:38

JAN 23, 2025

The Stargate is Open
Enter the sand gods

by Joe Allen


Michigan Conservatives Take Action

24 Jan, 21:14

J6 Hostage Release

Michigan Conservatives Take Action

24 Jan, 15:41


Take advantage of how easy it is to become a GOP precinct delegate in your locality.

Then, don't get duped by globalist infiltrator constitutional-deconstructionists and moral-relativists and their unwitting-pawns, treating you 'like gold' while manipulating you away from electing GOP leaders who would use the constitution and the moral-absolutes from which it flowed as measures for (1) internal party accountability, (2) electability, and (3) governing.

Use the historical evidence for what you already know as your guide, along with constitutional measures.

Historical evidence proving that America has been co-opted by globalists steering America for decades as it zig-zagged politically left-then-right cyclically, as globalist steered America toward their predetermined outcomes. Zigged-right then zagged-left to keep America on an overall trajectory transitioning it from its pre-1900s trajectory toward prosperity to today's trajectory toward globalist-engineered national chaos as they pretend to 'remedy' the very threats they create and manage.

Globalist self-anointed 'lightened-ones' who can be lawfully and peacefully defeated if two things are accomplished:

(1) Our church leaders return to the pre-1900s producing of ambassadors for God (lawfully) displacing evildoers in society and government with representation of God, instead of producing 'happy sheep in denial on their way to slaughter,' with children and grandchildren in-tow.
(2) Return GOP leadership at the Congressional District, County, State, and National levels to managing the GOP compliant the phrase (removed from the GOP national platform a month ago) that stated "we are the party of the constitution."

Yes, over a month ago at the 43RD REPUBLICAN NATIONAL CONVENTION, GOP-infiltrators, advanced their sabotaging of the GOP from inside-out by removing from the National Party Platform, protections for unborn human-life, the 2nd Amendment, and other protections, along with the phrase "we are the party of the constitution."

In the end, transitioning our families and nation off their existing path toward globalist-engineered national chaos to a path toward restoration, requires combined change in behavior by our church leaders and in GOP members.

Because only when enough church leaders return to what they did pre-1900s, by producing fearless ambassadors for Christ representing the primary influence over society and government to the benefit of Christians and non-Christians alike, and when the GOP is returned to being "The Party Of The Constitution" will our families and nation transition to a path toward restoration.

Only then will the GOP become true-opposition against globalists with a cult-level devotion to creating than managing threats used to pressure and distract us away from preserving, protecting, and defending the constitution -- required for our families and nation to survive.

Michigan Conservatives Take Action

24 Jan, 14:49



Our families and nation surviving requires we prioritize CONSTITUTIONAL & MORAL PRINCIPALS OVER CHARISMATIC POLITICAL-SAVIORS empowered by deep-state synthesized populism.

Lawfully resist dialectically-managed threat creation then management. Whereby, globalists create threats then deploy Trojan Horse type 'solutions' advancing their agenda.

Created then managed threats, like attempting to dupe America into allowing the globalist strategy of regional-governing, deceptively sold as a (Trojan Horse) 'solution' to 'Canada being under 'threat' from military ships sent by globalist-cult controlled China, etc...

Michigan Conservatives Take Action

24 Jan, 11:56

2 Corinthians 11:14-15

Michigan Conservatives Take Action

23 Jan, 01:52

The Biden Administration threw the J6ers into the Gulag to break them but they are coming out of there filled with the Holy Spirit… Warriors for Christ!!!

Michigan Conservatives Take Action

22 Jan, 20:28

The Stargate Project:
MAGA Packaging, Globalist Core

by Sean Patrick Tario

[Excerpt from the article:]
Let's talk about dangerous illusions. Two days into the new administration, and I fear we’re already selling our digital future to the highest bidder.

The Stargate Project – a $500 billion AI infrastructure initiative announced yesterday – is being marketed as America's bold step into the AI future....Let's call this what it is: Three tech giants – Oracle, OpenAI, and SoftBank – presented as guardians of America's AI future....Here's one of the many things that should raise red flags: About a year ago, Microsoft and OpenAI were already planning this $100 billion "Stargate" infrastructure...Despite Elon Musk claiming the project only has $10B secured for this project, follow the money....What you'll find isn't American independence – it's digital colonization wearing a MAGA hat...
[Read the rest using the link below.]


Michigan Conservatives Take Action

22 Jan, 20:02


MJTruthUltra [on X]:

This is wild…
Something very interesting is going on…

• Elon Musk co-founded OpenAI
• Elon breaks with OpenAI
• Elon goes on Joe Rogan and says he’s worried about OpenAI doing unethical things. Names Sam Altman by name.
• Tucker interviews the mother of an OpenAI whistleblower who was suicided. Implicates Sam Altman as someone involved.
• Days later, Trump launches the “Stargate” Program in collaboration with OpenAi and brings Sam Altman to speak about it.
• Today, Elon Musk criticizes OpenAI, stating they don’t have enough money for “Stargate” and basically openly criticizes the deal.

It appears those most trusted around Trump are the most critical at spotlighting...while Trump himself remains neutral...
[Read the rest at the below link:]


Michigan Conservatives Take Action

22 Jan, 15:47

J6 Hostage Jake Lang’s message to President Trump

Michigan Conservatives Take Action

29 Oct, 11:44

Gripping Tale of (1704) Colonial America

[Also found on TheNewAmerican website.]

11-min audio version of article:


Michigan Conservatives Take Action

23 Oct, 22:17


See below 10/23/2024 Article by S.A. McCarthy

From the article:
"A military veteran is facing up to 20 years in prison after defending his fellow Americans from a madman on a subway train. On Monday, jury selection began in the trial of 25-year-old US Marine Corps veteran Daniel Penny, who is accused of having murdered Jordan Neely, a 30-year-old homeless man who boarded a subway train in New York City and began threatening passengers, including women and children."


Michigan Conservatives Take Action

16 Oct, 17:42

Past Battalion Commander Brad Miller

Michigan Conservatives Take Action

16 Oct, 16:32


[The below is copied/posted from the social media post found at the below web-link]

by Brad Miller
Christ, Truth, Courage, Freedom...
Happily resigned former Army officer.

3 yrs ago on June 10, 2021, I assumed battalion command fully knowing I'd be fired soon after. I was relieved of command Oct 28, 2021 for not complying with the covid shot mandate implemented in Aug 2021.

The first 10 days of June 2021 were the hardest of my 19+ years in the Army. Even harder than the "10 toughest days in the Army" (Air Assault School). I arrived at Fort Campbell, KY on June 1 juggling a variety of emotions - excitement & nerves for command mixed with the sickening feeling that I'd soon endure the ignominy of being relieved of command & losing my career.

There was no way I was going to take the covid shot & didn't want to order others to take it against their wishes. I didn't personally trust the shot & beyond that, I had assumed since Day 1 we were being lied to in some way with the covid narrative (though I didn't necessarily know how back then) and I always assumed it was an op. (I've been distrustful of the govt a very long time, which is difficult as an Army officer). There was no way I was going to go along with something I believed was ultimately intended to be destructive, even if it was difficult to exactly articulate how/why I thought that at that relatively early stage to others who would have found that idea preposterous.

During those 10 days prior to taking command, I couldn't sleep. I wasn't even sure taking command was the right thing to do. I considered approaching the division commander (then Major General J.P. McGee) and telling him "Sir, I can't take command & it's better if I don't. You don't even want me in command. I'm clearly "not on the team" & it will be less disruptive to you, me, and most importantly the battalion if I don't take command just to be fired shortly thereafter."

I decided against that though. I told myself "No, I'm not going to back down. I'm not the one wrong here. I'll make them fire a battalion commander." Then I tried to view it as the moral challenge it was. It was incredibly difficult. Perhaps it sounds arrogant (so be it), but to steel myself psychologically, I had to often remind myself that I was in the right even if that meant that virtually everyone around me (particularly at my peer level & above) was in the wrong. I don't care how that sounds. It is what it is. I've said many times that it's clear our senior military leaders obviously can't recognize the true strategic threats since they all went along with the covid op.

I had to accept that in the grand scheme my entire command, which should have lasted 24 months but only lasted 4, would be reduced down to my decision on the covid jab. No one would care about the readiness levels of my battalion, my tactical acumen, the ways in which I adjudicated military justice, or any other way in which commanders are typically measured.

I look back on that period from June - Oct 2021 as the defining period of my entire military career, to include my time at West Point. I've never tried to paint myself up as something I'm not. I've never said I was a great officer who always got everything right. But I do think I was a reasonably good officer who had a successful career (well, except for that whole "getting fired" part).

I do take my oath to the Constitution seriously. I do love my country & care for my countrymen. And I do believe in doing the right thing because it's the right thing, consequences be damned.

If you actually read this whole thing, let me know below.


Michigan Conservatives Take Action

27 Mar, 19:13

Channel created