Welcome to Q-Tel - the ultimate forum for digital soldiers. This Telegram channel is run by a Navy Veteran with 22 years of service, who is now retired and dedicated to spreading the truth. The username @q_tel411 is a nod to the channel's mission of providing a platform for like-minded individuals to come together and discuss important issues facing our nation. Whether you are a follower of Jesus Christ, a Trump supporter, or simply a student of history, Q-Tel is the place for you. Join us in our quest to uncover the truth and stand up for what we believe in. Together, we can make a difference and be a force for good in the world. Join Q-Tel today and become a part of our community of digital soldiers.
22 Nov, 02:52
22 Nov, 00:17
22 Nov, 00:03
22 Nov, 00:02
21 Nov, 18:02
21 Nov, 17:59
21 Nov, 16:42
21 Nov, 14:51
21 Nov, 14:49