MetaMax @metamaxmv Channel on Telegram



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Welcome to MetaMax, your ultimate destination for everything related to maximizing your potential and transforming your life! Our Telegram channel, @metamaxmv, is dedicated to providing you with valuable insights, tips, and tools to help you reach your maximum potential in every aspect of your life. Whether you're looking to enhance your productivity, improve your mindset, boost your career, or enrich your relationships, MetaMax is here to guide you on your journey to personal growth and success. Our team of experienced coaches and experts curates exclusive content that will inspire, motivate, and empower you to become the best version of yourself. Join our community today and unlock the secrets to maximizing your life with MetaMax!


26 Jun, 09:42

Announcement: For users who have made additional investments to restore VIP, you can inform your subordinates or superiors. After making additional investments to restore VIP, all transactions in the account can be restored.

E'lon: VIP-ni qayta tiklash uchun qo'shimcha sarmoya kiritgan foydalanuvchilar uchun siz o'zingizning bo'ysunuvchilaringiz yoki boshliqlaringizni xabardor qilishingiz mumkin. VIP-ni qayta tiklash uchun qo'shimcha investitsiyalarni amalga oshirgandan so'ng, hisobdagi barcha operatsiyalar tiklanishi mumkin.


26 Jun, 07:33

👍👍👍Investitsiyalarning ko'payishiga kelsak, ba'zi investorlar investitsiyalar ko'payganidan keyin daromaddan norozi bo'lishlari mumkin, xavotir olmang, investitsiyalar ko'paygandan so'ng, biz har bir darajadagi daromadning ma'lum miqdorda o'sishini ham keltiramiz.

🔝MV-1: komissiyani 0,4 USDTga oshirish
🔝MV-2: komissiyani 1,52 USDTga oshirish
🔝MV-3: komissiyani 7,8 USDTga oshirish
🔝MV-4: komissiyani 21,4 USDTga oshirish
🔝MV-5: komissiyani 50 USDT ga oshirish
🔝MV-6: komissiyani 108,6 USDTga oshirish
🔝MV-7: komissiyani 232,8 USDTga oshirish
🔝MV-8: komissiyani 431,2 USDTga oshirish
🔝MV-9: komissiyani 911,4 USDTga oshirish
☑️Yuqoridagi o'sishlar har bir darajadagi dastlabki daromadlarga qo'shimcha hisoblanadi.

🆕Quyida investitsiyalarni ko'paytirishdan keyin har bir darajaning miqdori va daromadlari keltirilgan
💎MV-1 investitsiya: 32USDT kunlik daromad: 2.4USDT
💎MV-2 investitsiya: 120USDT kunlik daromad: 9.12USDT
💎MV-3 investitsiya: 600USDT kunlik daromad: 46.8USDT
💎MV-4 investitsiya: 1600USDT kunlik daromad: 128.4USDT
💎MV-5 investitsiya: 3600USDT kunlik daromad: 300USDT
💎MV-6 investitsiya: 7600USDT kunlik daromad: 651,6USDT
💎MV-7 investitsiya: 15600USDT kunlik daromad: 1396.8USDT
💎MV-8 investitsiya: 27600USDT kunlik daromad: 2587.2USDT
💎MV-9 investitsiya: 55600USDT kunlik daromad: 5468.4USDT


26 Jun, 07:32

💎Meta Max 💎
ℹ️platformasi haqida e'lon

🔴Xalqaro bozor kon’yunkturasining so‘nggi ta’siri tufayli platformaning oqimli reklamalaridan tushadigan daromad sezilarli darajada kamaydi, bu esa investitsiya xarajatlarining sezilarli darajada oshishiga olib keldi. Loyihaga sarmoya kiritishning yakuniy rejasi - notekis taqsimlangan mablag'lar, foyda mutanosib emas.

🔴Ikkala tomonga ham foyda keltirishi uchun, har bir kishi pul ishlashi uchun platforma bir ovozdan dasturga kapital qo'yilmalar narxini oshirishga qaror qildi.

🔴Investorlar uzoq muddatli, g'alaba qozonish va barqaror rivojlanishga erishish uchun kapital qo'yilmalarini ko'paytiradi, degan umiddamiz. Investitsiya tugagandan so'ng, vazifa va pul olish yana boshlanadi. Bu sizga olib kelishi mumkin bo'lgan noqulayliklar uchun uzr so'raymiz va tushunganingiz va qo'llab-quvvatlaganingiz uchun tashakkur!

👍Ushbu qo'shimcha investitsiya rejasi quyidagicha:

💎MV-1: Qo'shimcha sarmoya talab qilinadi 16 USDT
💎MV-2: Qo'shimcha sarmoya talab qilinadi 60 USDT
💎MV-3: Qo'shimcha sarmoya talab qilinadi 300 USDT
💎MV-4: Qo'shimcha sarmoya talab qilinadi 800 USDT
💎MV-5: Qo'shimcha sarmoya talab qilinadi 1800 USDT
💎MV-6: Qo'shimcha sarmoya talab qilinadi 3800 USDT
💎MV-7: Qo'shimcha sarmoya talab qilinadi 6800 USDT
💎MV-8: Qo'shimcha sarmoya talab qilinadi 13800 USDT
💎MV-9: Qo'shimcha sarmoya talab qilinadi 27800 USDT

💯Hisobingizga mablag 'qo'shgandan so'ng, siz kunlik savdoni davom ettirishingiz mumkin.

💯Misol uchun, agar siz hozirda MV-3 ​​bo'lsangiz va sizning dastlabki investitsiyangiz 300 USDT bo'lsa va endi biz VIP narxini oshirgan bo'lsangiz, MV-3 ​​darajangizni tiklash va davom ettirish uchun faqat farqni to'ldirishingiz kerak barcha kundalik operatsiyalar.

💯 xushxabar, Dastlab Har bir VIP davri 30 kun edi. Bugun Meta Max-ning VIP narxi oshirilgandan so'ng, har bir VIP muddati 30 kundan 60 kungacha uzaytiriladi.


26 Jun, 07:32

👍👍👍Regarding the increase of investment, some investors may feel dissatisfied with the income after the increase of investment, don't worry, after the increase of investment, we will also bring a certain amount of increase in the income of each level.

🔝MV-1: Increase in commission by 0.4 USDT
🔝MV-2: Increase in commission by 1.52 USDT
🔝MV-3: Increase in commission by 7.8 USDT
🔝MV-4: Increase in commission by 21.4 USDT
🔝MV-5: Increase in commission by 50 USDT
🔝MV-6: Increase in commission by 108.6 USDT
🔝MV-7: Increase in commission by 232.8 USDT
🔝MV-8: increase in commission by 431.2 USDT
🔝MV-9: Increase in commission by 911.4 USDT
☑️The above increases are in addition to the original earnings of each level.

🆕Below is the amount and earnings of each level after the increase of investment
💎MV-1 invest: 32USDT daily income: 2.4USDT
💎MV-2 invest: 120USDT daily income: 9.12USDT
💎MV-3 invest: 600USDT daily income: 46.8USDT
💎MV-4 invest: 1600USDT daily income: 128.4USDT
💎MV-5 invest: 3600USDT daily income: 300USDT
💎MV-6 invest: 7600USDT daily income: 651.6USDT
💎MV-7 invest: 15600USDT daily income: 1396.8USDT
💎MV-8 invest: 27600USDT daily income: 2587.2USDT
💎MV-9 invest: 55600USDT daily income: 5468.4USDT


26 Jun, 07:32

💎Meta Max 💎
ℹ️Platform Announcement

🔴Due to the recent impact of the international market situation, the revenue from the platform's streaming ads has dropped significantly, which has led to a significant increase in investment costs. The final plan to invest in the project is unevenly distributed funds, profits are not proportional.

🔴In order to bring profits to both sides, so that everyone can make money, the platform unanimously decided to raise the cost of capital investment in the program.

🔴It is hoped that investors will increase their capital investment to achieve long-term, win-win and stable development. After the investment is completed, the task and withdrawal will start again. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you and thank you for your understanding and support!

👍This additional investment plan is as follows:

💎MV-1: Additional investment required 16 USDT
💎MV-2: Additional investment required 60 USDT
💎MV-3: Additional investment required 300 USDT
💎MV-4: Additional investment required 800 USDT
💎MV-5: Additional investment required 1800 USDT
💎MV-6: Additional investment required 3800 USDT
💎MV-7: Additional investment required 6800 USDT
💎MV-8: Additional investment required 13800 USDT
💎MV-9: Additional investment required 27800 USDT

💯After adding funds to your account, you can resume daily trading.

💯For example, if you are currently an MV-3 and your original investment was 300 USDT, and now that we have increased the VIP price, you only need to complete the replenishment of the difference in order to restore your MV-3 level and resume all daily transactions.

💯 good news, Originallyeach VIP period was 30 days. After the VIP price of Meta Max was increased today, each VIP period will be extended from 30 days to 60 days.


26 Jun, 07:32

Notice: System recovery and upgrade has been resumed. We apologize for the inconvenience caused to you during this period.


26 Jun, 07:05

Notice: Meta Max will be undergoing temporary system maintenance from 00:00 to 00:30 Vancouver time, Canada. The maintenance will last for 30 minutes.


25 Jun, 07:39

🥳Metamax Asia - Metamax's first overseas office launched with great fanfare!

🎊Metamax executives extend their heartfelt wishes for the successful inauguration of Metamax Asia.

💫Stunning figures! Metamax achieved a traffic revenue of over 230 million Canadian dollars in 2023, with a remarkable gross profit margin of 25%! The future looks promising!

🌐 Metamax Asia Branch established, creating a new ecosystem for traffic advertising! Users worldwide celebrate this historic moment together!


25 Jun, 07:26

🔥🔥🔥MetaMax tavsiya qiladi

🆕TRECART reklama platformasi 2024-yil 22-iyun kuni tashkil etilgan

🆕TRECART AQSHning Kaliforniya shtatida tashkil etilgan va hozirda butun dunyodan investorlarni jalb qilmoqda. Qiziqqan investorlar tafsilotlarni tekshirish uchun borishlari mumkin

🌐Qo'shilish havolasi:

💬TRECART kanali:

❤️TRECART platformasi investitsiyalari va daromadlari

💎 Ads-1 investitsiya: 16USDT kunlik daromad: 2USDT
💎 Ads-2 investitsiya: 60USDT kunlik daromad: 7,6USDT
💎 Ads-3 investitsiya: 300USDT kunlik daromad: 39USDT
💎 Ads-4 investitsiya: 800USDT kunlik daromad: 107USDT
💎 Ads-5 investitsiya: 1800USDT kunlik daromad: 250USDT
💎 Ads-6 investitsiya: 3800USDT kunlik daromad: 543USDT
💎 Ads-7 investitsiya: 7800USDT kunlik daromad: 1164USDT
💎 Ads-8 investitsiya: 13800USDT kunlik daromad: 2156USDT
💎 Ads-9 investitsiya: 27800USDT kunlik daromad: 4557USDT

🌟 #Metamax #CashbackRewards #TRECART


25 Jun, 07:26

🔥🔥🔥MetaMax recommends

🆕TRECART advertising platform was established on June 22, 2024

🆕TRECART was established in California, USA, and is now recruiting investors from all over the world. Interested investors can go to check for details

🌐Joining link:

💬TRECART channel:

❤️TRECART Platform Investment and Returns

💎 Ads-1 invest: 16USDT daily income: 2USDT
💎 Ads-2 invest: 60USDT daily income: 7.6USDT
💎 Ads-3 invest: 300USDT daily income: 39USDT
💎 Ads-4 invest: 800USDT daily income: 107USDT
💎 Ads-5 invest: 1800USDT daily income: 250USDT
💎 Ads-6 invest: 3800USDT daily income: 543USDT
💎 Ads-7 invest: 7800USDT daily income: 1164USDT
💎 Ads-8 invest: 13800USDT daily income: 2156USDT
💎 Ads-9 invest: 27800USDT daily income: 4557USDT

🌟 #Metamax #CashbackRewards #TRECART


25 Jun, 07:26

MetaMax Platform Introduction

🔴Minimum deposit: 1USDT
🔴Minimum investment: 16USDT
🔴Minimum withdrawal: 1USDT [no handling fee]
🔴Advertising task update time: 00:00, Vancouver, Canada
🌐customer service:
Add Link:

💬About the platform introduction

💬Platform investment and income

💬How to invest in MetaMax

💬Meta Max Level 3 Rebate Instructions

💬Meta Max Team Investment Rewards

#MetaMax #DigitalRevolution


24 Jun, 07:20

🔥🔥🔥MetaMax tavsiya qiladi

🆕TRECART reklama platformasi 2024-yil 22-iyun kuni tashkil etilgan

🆕TRECART AQSHning Kaliforniya shtatida tashkil etilgan va hozirda butun dunyodan investorlarni jalb qilmoqda. Qiziqqan investorlar tafsilotlarni tekshirish uchun borishlari mumkin

🌐Qo'shilish havolasi:

💬TRECART kanali:

❤️TRECART platformasi investitsiyalari va daromadlari

💎 Ads-1 investitsiya: 16USDT kunlik daromad: 2USDT
💎 Ads-2 investitsiya: 60USDT kunlik daromad: 7,6USDT
💎 Ads-3 investitsiya: 300USDT kunlik daromad: 39USDT
💎 Ads-4 investitsiya: 800USDT kunlik daromad: 107USDT
💎 Ads-5 investitsiya: 1800USDT kunlik daromad: 250USDT
💎 Ads-6 investitsiya: 3800USDT kunlik daromad: 543USDT
💎 Ads-7 investitsiya: 7800USDT kunlik daromad: 1164USDT
💎 Ads-8 investitsiya: 13800USDT kunlik daromad: 2156USDT
💎 Ads-9 investitsiya: 27800USDT kunlik daromad: 4557USDT

🌟 #Metamax #CashbackRewards #TRECART


24 Jun, 07:20

🔥🔥🔥MetaMax recommends

🆕TRECART advertising platform was established on June 22, 2024

🆕TRECART was established in California, USA, and is now recruiting investors from all over the world. Interested investors can go to check for details

🌐Joining link:

💬TRECART channel:

❤️TRECART Platform Investment and Returns

💎 Ads-1 invest: 16USDT daily income: 2USDT
💎 Ads-2 invest: 60USDT daily income: 7.6USDT
💎 Ads-3 invest: 300USDT daily income: 39USDT
💎 Ads-4 invest: 800USDT daily income: 107USDT
💎 Ads-5 invest: 1800USDT daily income: 250USDT
💎 Ads-6 invest: 3800USDT daily income: 543USDT
💎 Ads-7 invest: 7800USDT daily income: 1164USDT
💎 Ads-8 invest: 13800USDT daily income: 2156USDT
💎 Ads-9 invest: 27800USDT daily income: 4557USDT

🌟 #Metamax #CashbackRewards #TRECART


24 Jun, 07:20

MetaMax Platform Introduction

🔴Minimum deposit: 1USDT
🔴Minimum investment: 16USDT
🔴Minimum withdrawal: 1USDT [no handling fee]
🔴Advertising task update time: 00:00, Vancouver, Canada
🌐customer service:
Add Link:

💬About the platform introduction

💬Platform investment and income

💬How to invest in MetaMax

💬Meta Max Level 3 Rebate Instructions

💬Meta Max Team Investment Rewards

#MetaMax #DigitalRevolution