
In this channel i will help you to pass the exam for:

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Medical Laboratories Interview



20 Jan, 20:12

للتواصل مباشرة علي الواتس اب:



20 Jan, 14:52

إنضموا لقناتي في الواتس اب
لتتعلموا الكثير 🌹🌹



20 Jan, 06:44

كيف توثر مهارة الإلقاء على حياتك ؟!



20 Jan, 06:32

Dha micro 29


20 Jan, 06:32

إمتحان DHA Microbiology بتاريخ
29/09/2022 👇🏻

Dr. Yasmeen


20 Jan, 06:32

إمتحان DHA تخصص Microbiology بتاريخ 13/09/2022 👇🏻

Dr. Tagreed .

1- by which control can staff know there is contamination in pcr?
a) control -ve
b)control +ve
d)amplification control
2- best diagnosis test for mycobacteria?
3- culture media of tb?
4- stain used for tb?
5- Diagnosis of Gardia?
6 - Germ tube different between other?
a)candida albican
b)candida tropicalis
c)candida krusei
7- patient with tb take treatment physician need to follow which type of test?
a)pcr sensitive
b)pcr specific
8 -16 yers old boy with hypopigmention lesion and sealed when do microscopic oval yeast with thick wall with separate hyphi like spaghetti with meatball?
9 - candida albican is best stain with?
a)gram stain
b)methylen blue
10 -Basic stain of Zn stain?
11 - color of Lj media?
12 -counter stain of Lj media?
13 - pic listria?
14 -pic trichophyton?
15 - csf sample for virus recived in night lab technologist need to processed at next day how can preserved?
16- there is a woman was pregnant get labour 2 twins girl a papule and macule and rash in chest (reactivation infection )was developed what is the cousitive agent?
b)Varicella Zoster
17 - If there is new technique in the lab how you will teach staff?
18-New antibiotics introduce change automated blood culture to manual?
19 - patient in hospital take csf sample the staph release wrong result and patient expired after collection of sample?
a)tell patient doctor
b)telle patient family
c)tellellell major
20 - vesiral leishmania A mastigote found in?
a)blood culture
c)liver biopsy
21 - S.aureus want to preserve for years what to do?
22- the best way for decontamination of liguid hazard?
23- you come to do culturing and found moist media what to do?
b)remove liguids
c)let dry under led
24- midifide Zn stain for which mycobacteria?
25 - Virus cause flue with gaint cell appear?
a) corona virus
b)para infunza virus
26 - Esinophils associate with?
a)attack parasites
27 -Reagent for catalase?
28 -Uses of boric acid in urine sample?
29 - test to diagnosis tb ?
30 -which Ag we detect in infection HBV?
31 - sample process and culture immediately?
32 - Non specific pand?
33- blood culture contamination?
a)add more antibiotics
b)but cotton
34 - case : sputum sample liver transplant (gram stain )other stain for confirm?
a)India ink
b)spore stain
35- parasite that com find larva in stool?
36- Burral shape egg?
37 -what media used for non fastidious organism?
a )minimal media
38- Pcr can be highly sensitive in diagnosis of?
b)Mycobacteria tuberculosis
39 -what is the first step done before identifying fungi microscopy?
40 - the lithathinase used for?
41 -different between staph. Streptococcal?
42- different between salmonella. Proteous
43-different between Niesseria and other
44 - test for trichonosis
45-case patients hiv take csf sample to detect meningitis?
46 - colony taken from culture plate and emulsified with oxidas of reagent and give purple color what is the charactrstic featureof this organism?
b) pyocyanin
47 -questions biosafty
48 -questions of aspergillus


20 Jan, 04:07

DOH Hem Oral exam:
Dated 14/6/2022

1 / new method in the lab what did you do
2/difference between DIC and TTP :
Difference in CBC and Coagulation tests.
3/ CML what you see in cbc and blood film
4/ differentiate between IDA and B_thalassemia cbc and other test
MCHC HIGH what you will do
6/ PTT prolonged patient looks normal what is you doing


20 Jan, 03:24

Oral DOH exam
Clinical Chemistry
AlaEldin Ashmaik
1.Introduce your self and your excepeariance?
2.Instruments which you worked in chemistry lab?
3.Tests in clinical chemistry lab?
4.What is linearity and when we do it and how?
5.What is acceptance ceriteria?
6.If you receive new control form supplier what to do and procedure?
7.If you receive new reagents from supplier what to do and what you check?
8.what is heamolysis and what are parameters increased and decreased?
9.If you analyzed amonia which container and how to storage for delay of test?
10.Preanalytical errors in the lab?


20 Jan, 01:09

مساكم عافية

موعدنا اليوم إن شاء الله في لايف للإجابة ع الأسئلة والإستفسارات .
الساعة 9 مساءا بتوقيت الإمارات ،
الساعة 7 مساءا بتوقيت السودان ،
خليكم قراب 💜.

Eiman Mgeed is inviting you to Join Zoom Meeting :

Topic: عندك سؤال، إستفسار، أو مشكلة بخصوص الداتافلو أو تراخيص الإمارات ؟؟؟؟

Time: Feb 25,
7 مساءا بتوقيت الخرطوم ، 9 مساءا بتوقيت أبوظبي.


Meeting ID: 874 7760 3160
Passcode: 595108


20 Jan, 00:46

إمتحان DHA تخصص مايكرو 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻
بالتوفيق للكل .