Chairman - ME Department (KFUPM) Telegram Posts

Major announcements and chairman contact
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Last Updated 06.03.2025 09:32
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The latest content shared by Chairman - ME Department (KFUPM) on Telegram
The activity is organized by ME club (female section), ME club (male section) and ASME Chapter
Chapter President, Vice president and members are coming to present what the council can offer for fresh engineer and students too.
Tomorrow, Wednesday 5th of February, we are receiving a delegation of about 10 members from Mechanical Engineering Chapter of the Saudi Council of Engineers at 5 pm in 63-331
Good morning all
1. About 55% of the energy produced in the Kingdom is consumed in Air conditioning. This is a substantial amount.
2. Additive manufacturing us the latest technology that is expanding in various applications from plastics to metallic products and lately in cement to print houses.
- now I wonder why the selection of elective courses is very traditional such that there is low enrollment in ME430 and ME408
1. About 55% of the energy produced in the Kingdom is consumed in Air conditioning. This is a substantial amount.
2. Additive manufacturing us the latest technology that is expanding in various applications from plastics to metallic products and lately in cement to print houses.
- now I wonder why the selection of elective courses is very traditional such that there is low enrollment in ME430 and ME408
If an elective course is closed, please look for another course.
A section of ME322 in UTR is to be opened at 0800-0850 AM
Hi all
Sections for ME216 are being opened for female and male students. A lab of ME217 for female students is being added too.
Sections for ME216 are being opened for female and male students. A lab of ME217 for female students is being added too.