Apple 🍏 Mac M1 @macm1 Channel on Telegram

Apple 🍏 Mac M1


Apple 🍏 Mac M1 (English)

Introducing the Apple 🍏 Mac M1 Telegram channel, your go-to source for all things related to the latest Mac model powered by Apple's groundbreaking M1 chip. Whether you're a tech enthusiast, a Mac user, or simply curious about the latest innovations in the world of personal computing, this channel has got you covered. Get exclusive updates, reviews, tips, and tricks on how to make the most of your Mac M1 experience. From performance benchmarks to software compatibility, the Apple 🍏 Mac M1 channel provides in-depth analysis and insights to help you stay ahead of the curve. Join a community of like-minded individuals who share your passion for Apple products and cutting-edge technology. Stay informed, stay connected, and stay inspired with the Apple 🍏 Mac M1 Telegram channel. Don't miss out on the latest news and updates; subscribe now!

Apple 🍏 Mac M1

11 Oct, 07:45

Microsoft Office Standard for Mac 2024 v16.89.2

Apple 🍏 Mac M1

11 Oct, 07:44

Adobe Illustrator 2024 v28.4.1

Apple 🍏 Mac M1

11 Oct, 07:44

Adobe InDesign 2024 v19.3.0

Apple 🍏 Mac M1

11 Oct, 07:43

Adobe After Effects 2024 v24.3.0

Apple 🍏 Mac M1

11 Oct, 07:42

Adobe Photoshop 2024 v25.11.0

Apple 🍏 Mac M1

11 Oct, 07:41

Adobe Premiere Pro 2024 v24.3

Apple 🍏 Mac M1

11 Oct, 07:41

Adobe Lightroom Classic 2024 v13.2

Apple 🍏 Mac M1

28 May, 13:55

فضلاً وليس امراً الانضمام للقناة

Apple 🍏 Mac M1

14 Apr, 21:47

Step to install AutoCAD 2024 for Mac
Install Autodesk Products for Mac 2020-2024
Install nlm11.18.0.0_ipv4_ipv6_mac64.tar
copy from Crack folder the .dilyb and apply it on :/Library/Application Support/Autodesk/AdskLicensing/Current/AdskLicensingAgent/
Disable SIP from Recovery macOS boot (optional if you want only filesystem file use this command :csrutil enable —without fs would disable file protection system Only
Follow steps below for license.dat and run lmgrd:
open terminal and cd /usr/local/flexnetserver/
1. Execute command hostname
For me it response WhiteDeath.local
2. Execute command scutil —get LocalHostName
For me it response whitedeath1s-MacBook-Pro
3. Execute command scutil —get HostName
For me it response something like hostname is not set
4. Then I set it executed command sudo scutil —set HostName whitedeath1s-MacBook-Pro.local (if already set no need do it)
5. Then I add to /etc/hosts this line: whitedeath1s-MacBook-Pro.local whitedeath1s-MacBook-Pro
Then execute ./lmgrd -c license.dat work correctly
There is one step is missing in redme file.
You have to copy license.dat file into /usr/local/flexlm/licenses/ folder.
After editing /etc/hosts file just execute this line in terminal:
sudo /usr/local/flexnetserver/lmgrd -c license.dat
And last thing is when first time launching Maya choose network license and enter 27080@localhost as server address.

Apple 🍏 Mac M1

14 Apr, 21:47

Apple 🍏 Mac M1

14 Apr, 21:46


Apple 🍏 Mac M1

05 Mar, 16:20

Apple 🍏 Mac M1

05 Mar, 16:06

خلل تقني يصيب منصتي فيسبوك و انستغرام لدى اغلب المستخدمين، ويتسبب بتسجيل الخروج من الحساب

Apple 🍏 Mac M1

29 Feb, 11:49

Apple 🍏 Mac M1

29 Feb, 11:48

Apple 🍏 Mac M1

29 Feb, 11:48

Apple 🍏 Mac M1

29 Feb, 11:47

Apple 🍏 Mac M1

19 Dec, 10:57