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(The source of contents is written below each post, mostly X and Instagram accounts)

Let's See more

23 Oct, 19:31

Painting on rocks

[🖌️ youzaijiejie521, 悠哉手绘, Douyin]

- Massimo -



Let's See more

23 Oct, 17:31

Smashed Roasted Potatoes

- Tasty -



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23 Oct, 15:31

Why π ≈ 3.14

- Interesting STEM -


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23 Oct, 13:31

The Dharmarajeshwara temple: an amazing rock-cut shrine located 100 km from Mandsaur in Madhya Pradesh, India.

[📹 inpixdigitalstudio2023]

- Massimo -



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23 Oct, 11:31

Garden drinking bowl for bees, it is designed in such a way that bees cannot drown in water and the water is always clean

- Visual feast -


Let's See more

23 Oct, 09:31

It might seem odd, but these are cicadas peeing.

Cicadas consume copious amounts of watery plant fluid, so nature is constantly calling. But unlike most insects, cicadas spray their pee out in high-speed streams.

[📹 mychinatrip]
[📍 Xiamen University]

- Massimo -


Let's See more

23 Oct, 06:30

Sudan has more pyramids than any country in the world, even more than Egypt.
More than 200 pyramids were built in Sudan, as opposed to the 118 pyramids in all of Egypt, during the ancient reign.

- World's Amazing Things -



Let's See more

22 Oct, 19:31

He turns rocks into tiny worlds

[📹 27crew.z]

- Massimo -



Let's See more

22 Oct, 17:31

How Persian rugs are made by hand, 1952

- Historic Vids -


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22 Oct, 15:31

This sewing-machine-like robot quickly and efficiently performs a hair transplant.

📸: Instagram/ ozgekarahair

- Interesting Engineering -


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22 Oct, 13:31

Garda Lake bike path, one of the most beautiful bike path in the world.


- Massimo -



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22 Oct, 11:31

how to create entry data form

- Tips Excel -



Let's See more

22 Oct, 09:31

The superb lyrebird is an Australian songbird.

It is one of the world's largest songbirds, and is renowned for its elaborate tail, courtship displays, and its excellent mimicry.

- Massimo -


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22 Oct, 06:30

How couples met (1930-2024)

- Andriy Burkov -


Let's See more

21 Oct, 19:31

Spray paint artist in the streets of Rome

- Massimo -



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21 Oct, 17:31

Art Nouveau architecture in Brussels, circa 1900: The home and studio of glass artist Clas Grüner Sterner, features stained glass with floral designs and circular motifs, creating a stunning effect when illuminated at night.

📹 mior. travel

- Science girl -



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21 Oct, 15:31

The potential of Zygote…

- Interesting STEM -


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21 Oct, 13:31

Queen piping is the sound made by a virgin queen while she's still in her cell or the sound she makes once she is roaming about the colony 🔊

[📹 Mr.Mrs.BeeRescue]

- Massimo -


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21 Oct, 11:31

Excel 🤝 OneNote

- Miss Excel -



Let's See more

21 Oct, 09:31

Wasps have a nerve cluster in their heads, but also elsewhere in their bodies.

This can keep them going for a short while before their inevitable demise in case they lose their head.

- Massimo -
