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أحدث المحتوى الذي تم مشاركته بواسطة English From Zero to Hero على Telegram

English From Zero to Hero

23 Feb, 19:52



🔘Make a better door than a window🔘

The phrase "make a better door than a window" is often used humorously to suggest that someone is blocking the view or access to something, typically when they are standing in front of a doorway or an opening. It implies that the person is not being very helpful in that moment and might be more suited to being a door (which provides access) rather than a window (which offers a view but does not allow passage).


1. Literal Interpretation: Someone is physically obstructing an entrance or view, making it difficult for others to pass through or see what's behind them.

2. Figurative Interpretation: It can also refer to someone's inability to provide insight or help in a situation, suggesting that they should take a step back to allow others to engage more fully.


1. In a Social Setting:

   • During a party, if someone stands in front of the fridge while others are trying to get drinks, someone might say, "Could you move? You're making a better door than a window!"

2. In a Meeting:

   • If a colleague is standing in front of a projector screen while presenting, another might quip, "Hey, you're making a better door than a window! We can't see the slides!"

3. In Everyday Life:

   • At home, if a family member is blocking the entrance to a room while talking, someone else might say, "Step aside! You're making a better door than a window; I can't get through!"

Overall, it's a light-hearted way to point out that someone is inadvertently obstructing others' ability to see or access something
English From Zero to Hero

22 Feb, 08:10


AI generated Audio
English From Zero to Hero

21 Feb, 13:15


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English From Zero to Hero

20 Feb, 12:07


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English From Zero to Hero

19 Feb, 18:47



Go a bundle on

🔆to be extremely fond of

▪️She decided to go a bundle on the new marketing campaign, believing it would significantly boost sales.
English From Zero to Hero

17 Feb, 17:16



Go berserk

▪️ To enter a wild and uncontrollable state

▫️If someone sneaks my lunch again, I'm actually going to go berserk.
▫️The fans immediately went berserk as the singer walked onstage.
English From Zero to Hero

17 Feb, 17:05


English From Zero to Hero

17 Feb, 17:04



Amount / number / quantity

▪️Use amount with uncountable nouns – things that cannot be separated or counted.
◐There’s a significant amount of traffic in the late afternoon.
◐ She inherited a large amount of money from her grandfather.
◐This recipe requires a small amount of wine.
◐ I have a huge amount of work to do this week.

▪️Use number with countable nouns – words that can be counted and made plural:

◐A number of my friends are teachers.
◐ A large number of people complained about the restaurant’s terrible service.
◐This recipe has a small number of ingredients.
◐ I have a huge number of tasks to do this week.

▪️The word quantity is a more technical/formal word for number or amount, and it 
is used for things you can measure (usually objects, not people)

◐ We have a limited quantity of special-edition hats for sale.
(or: a limited number of special-edition hats)
hats = countable .

◐They need a large quantity of cement for the construction.
(or: a large amount of cement)
cement = uncountable.
English From Zero to Hero

17 Feb, 17:03



Bill / invoice / receipt

▪️Bill and invoice both refer to a document that is requiring money to be paid for 
goods or services provided.
In everyday conversation, we usually talk about bills:

◐The electrical company sends you an electrical bill.
◐ The phone company sends you a phone bill.
◐After you get treated in a hospital, if you don't have health insurance, you'll have a lot of medical bills to pay.

▪️When talking about a business or professional relationship, then we usually use the word invoice:

◐A consultant who gave advice to a company would then send the company an 
invoice (requiring payment for his time).

▪️When a factory sends products to a store, it will also send the store an invoice requiring payment for those products.

▪️Both bills and invoices are sent BEFORE payment. They are requiring the payment 
to be made. A receipt, on the other hand, is sent AFTER payment.

◐It is the 
confirmation and proof that the payment was made.
◐After you buy something in a supermarket, you get a receipt.
◐ After the store pays the factory for the products, the factory will provide a 
English From Zero to Hero

17 Feb, 17:02