My sea,nature and lyrics @lanaturevibes_onlyfornatures Channel on Telegram

My sea,nature and lyrics



My sea, nature and lyrics (Uzbek)

”My sea, nature and lyrics” Telegram kanalimiz sizni tabiatning zamonaviy zavqlari va musiqa sevgililari bilan tanishtiradi. Bu kanal orqali siz tabiatning ajoyib dunyasiga safari qiling va eng yangi va o'zgacha musiqalarni keyingi matbuotlar orqali tezda o'rganishingiz mumkin. "lanaturevibes_onlyfornatures" bo'limimiz tabiat sevganlariga maxsus zarur ma'lumotlarni taqdim etadi va sizni tabiatning o'zgacha so'zlar bilan o'zgacha o'ylayotgan maqsadlariga yo'l oldi. Kanalimizda sizni tabiatning eng chiroyli manzaralari va o'zgacha musiqa qo'llanmalaridan xabardor qilishga harakat qilamiz

"My sea, nature and lyrics" bu kanal sizning istalgan paytingizda xar doim sizga tabiat va musiqa haqida yangiliklar, rasmlar va videolar bilan ta'minlanadi. Bu sizning tabiat sevganlaringiz va musiqa hayratlaringizni oshirish uchun eng yaxshi sayt bo'lib, sizga eng sevimli tabiatning eng chiroyli manzaralari va o'zgacha musiqa to'plamlari bilan birgalikda qoladigan ideal orqali bo'lib keladi. Bu kanal orqali sizning ruhingizni tozalash va yangi fikrlar olish imkoniyatlarini beradi. Sizni "My sea, nature and lyrics" kanaliga obuna bo'lishni unutmang, tabiat va musiqa hamisha siz bilan bo'lishi kerak!

My sea,nature and lyrics

26 Jan, 03:39


My sea,nature and lyrics

25 Jan, 16:24


My sea,nature and lyrics

25 Jan, 04:42

axaxa, good morning)

My sea,nature and lyrics

23 Jan, 04:32


My sea,nature and lyrics

20 Jan, 12:55


My sea,nature and lyrics

20 Jan, 06:12

kechir meni, qadrli va sevimli, taskin topuvchi joyim. oxirgi kunlarda seni e'tiborsiz qoldirdim.

My sea,nature and lyrics

20 Jan, 06:09


My sea,nature and lyrics

17 Jan, 13:12

For those hearts that miss summer❤️

My sea,nature and lyrics

16 Jan, 15:05

I took the picture myself.))

My sea,nature and lyrics

16 Jan, 09:23

ruhing yana dengizni qumsayveradi....

My sea,nature and lyrics

12 Jan, 02:40


My sea,nature and lyrics

12 Jan, 02:40


My sea,nature and lyrics

08 Jan, 02:11


My sea,nature and lyrics

08 Jan, 02:10

Lucerne, Shveytsariya

My sea,nature and lyrics

05 Jan, 02:22

Shimoliy Kaskadlar milliy bog'i

My sea,nature and lyrics

03 Jan, 11:51


My sea,nature and lyrics

01 Jan, 03:16


My sea,nature and lyrics

01 Jan, 03:15


My sea,nature and lyrics

31 Dec, 16:24

Happy New Year! ❤️

My sea,nature and lyrics

30 Dec, 03:54

One of the villages in Uzbekistan

My sea,nature and lyrics

29 Dec, 03:05


My sea,nature and lyrics

28 Dec, 03:48

for those who miss summer❤️

My sea,nature and lyrics

25 Dec, 02:24


My sea,nature and lyrics

23 Dec, 16:27

Bo‘roni bor deya Dengiz sevilmaydimi?!

My sea,nature and lyrics

22 Dec, 02:02


My sea,nature and lyrics

19 Dec, 04:21

for you🌟🌸

My sea,nature and lyrics

17 Dec, 03:34


My sea,nature and lyrics

15 Dec, 04:37

Snowy morning ☃️❄️

My sea,nature and lyrics

14 Dec, 05:03


My sea,nature and lyrics

13 Dec, 04:52

Van Gogh🌃

My sea,nature and lyrics

12 Dec, 03:26

Good morning🌟

My sea,nature and lyrics

08 Dec, 06:32


My sea,nature and lyrics

06 Dec, 02:32


My sea,nature and lyrics

05 Dec, 04:11

Good morning dear friends ⛄️💕

My sea,nature and lyrics

04 Dec, 07:30

Dengizni sog'indim, qachon chiqamiz? 🌊

My sea,nature and lyrics

03 Dec, 17:15

Good night sweet dreams 🌌

My sea,nature and lyrics

02 Dec, 08:49

Have a wonderful winter season ❄️💙

My sea,nature and lyrics

30 Nov, 07:01

The last day of autumn🍁🌟

My sea,nature and lyrics

30 Nov, 06:56

Nerdasan axir, nerda?😂😂

My sea,nature and lyrics

29 Nov, 05:24



My sea,nature and lyrics

29 Nov, 05:21

Lovely sun☀️💕

My sea,nature and lyrics

29 Nov, 05:21


My sea,nature and lyrics

27 Nov, 05:18

Good morning 💐

My sea,nature and lyrics

26 Nov, 03:56


My sea,nature and lyrics

26 Nov, 03:56

Hech bo'lmaganda, biz bir osmon ostidamiz)

My sea,nature and lyrics

11 Nov, 04:32

Bir kun ko‘zlarimga qarab, shu qo‘shiqni kuylab berasiz)


My sea,nature and lyrics

11 Nov, 03:59


My sea,nature and lyrics

11 Nov, 03:58


My sea,nature and lyrics

10 Nov, 05:59

You’ve opened my heart
I was always thinking that love was wrong
But everything was changed when you come along ...


My sea,nature and lyrics

10 Nov, 04:47

Rainy day 💕

My sea,nature and lyrics

10 Nov, 04:47

Love is sea,sea,and only sea...💙🌌

My sea,nature and lyrics

09 Nov, 05:13


My sea,nature and lyrics

09 Nov, 03:05

the weather is rainy🌦🩶

My sea,nature and lyrics

09 Nov, 03:04

Autumn in Germany💕

My sea,nature and lyrics

08 Nov, 04:53


My sea,nature and lyrics

08 Nov, 04:09

new friend and the clear sky💕

My sea,nature and lyrics

08 Nov, 04:09


My sea,nature and lyrics

06 Nov, 05:04

Good day 🍁💕

My sea,nature and lyrics

06 Nov, 05:04

I love the sea and the sky,
because there is infinity in them..

My sea,nature and lyrics

05 Nov, 05:49

Moon, tell me if I could
Send up my heart to you?
So, when I die, which I must do
Could it shine down here with you?


My sea,nature and lyrics

04 Nov, 02:04

Osmonda velosiped uchish, Boliviya.🩶

Cycling in the sky, Bolivia.🩶

My sea,nature and lyrics

04 Nov, 02:04

Barcha umidlarni jamlagan osmon))

My sea,nature and lyrics

03 Nov, 05:27


My sea,nature and lyrics

03 Nov, 05:27

Torres del Peyn milliy bog'i, Chili.

Torres del Paine National Park, Chile.

My sea,nature and lyrics

02 Nov, 04:04

Qush boʻlib qolganimda edi,birinchi qiladigan ishim dengiz tomon uchish boʻlar edi 🌌💙

If I were a bird, the first thing I would do would be to fly to the sea 🌌💙

My sea,nature and lyrics

02 Nov, 04:04

Good morning dear friends 🩶

My sea,nature and lyrics

01 Nov, 06:30

- vauu osmonni qaren chiroyliligini oyi
- shuniyam rasmga omagin iltimos

My sea,nature and lyrics

31 Oct, 01:56

Lake Eybsee is on the border between Germany and Austria

Good morning dear friends 🩶

My sea,nature and lyrics

30 Oct, 01:42


Good morning 🩶

My sea,nature and lyrics

29 Oct, 03:36

German Ocean 🌌
Special for our channel 💕

My sea,nature and lyrics

28 Oct, 01:43

Kırgızistan 💕

My sea,nature and lyrics

27 Oct, 04:08

My favorite whale💕

My sea,nature and lyrics

26 Oct, 05:36

Good day 💕

My sea,nature and lyrics

25 Oct, 04:53

Kuz haqiqiy rassom 🍁❤️‍🔥

Autumn is a real artist 🍁❤️‍🔥

My sea,nature and lyrics

24 Oct, 03:09

Salom, dengizim!
Yana senga keldim..

Hello, my sea!
I came to you again..

My sea,nature and lyrics

24 Oct, 03:05


My sea,nature and lyrics

22 Oct, 03:34

Pra Gra, Switzerland💕

My sea,nature and lyrics

21 Oct, 05:00


My sea,nature and lyrics

20 Oct, 05:26


My sea,nature and lyrics

19 Oct, 02:10

Edinburg 💕

Good morninge💚

My sea,nature and lyrics

17 Oct, 02:18

Good morning dear friends 💕

My sea,nature and lyrics

16 Oct, 04:06

Yaxshi kayfiyat kun davomida hamrohingiz boʻlsin 💕

May good mood accompany you throughout the day 💕

My sea,nature and lyrics

15 Oct, 04:52

Qorni sogʻinganlar uchun ❄️❄️

For those who miss snow ❄️❄️

My sea,nature and lyrics

14 Oct, 03:07

Rainy day🌧❤️

My sea,nature and lyrics

12 Oct, 05:23


My sea,nature and lyrics

11 Oct, 05:49

Good day dear friends 💕

My sea,nature and lyrics

10 Oct, 05:56


My sea,nature and lyrics

09 Oct, 05:48

Good day 💕

My sea,nature and lyrics

08 Oct, 05:14

Good day ❤️‍🔥

My sea,nature and lyrics

07 Oct, 02:54

Good morning 💕

My sea,nature and lyrics

06 Oct, 14:13

Good evening💫

My sea,nature and lyrics

05 Oct, 17:03

Sea 🌌🌌

My sea,nature and lyrics

05 Oct, 03:40

Good morning dear friends ☀️💕

My sea,nature and lyrics

04 Oct, 03:36


My sea,nature and lyrics

03 Oct, 01:19

Good morning ❤️

My sea,nature and lyrics

02 Oct, 02:27

Good morning time to wake up⛅️💕





