🌧خیسِِِِِ باران🌧 is a Telegram channel that offers a space for poetry and reflection on rainy days. The channel's description sets the scene of a tired traveler seeking shelter from the rain, finding solace in the words and thoughts that flow with the downpour. The channel invites followers to share their thoughts, suggestions, criticisms, and promotions, creating a community of like-minded individuals who appreciate the beauty and melancholy of rainy days. Whether you are a poet at heart, a lover of literature, or simply someone who finds comfort in the sound of raindrops, 🌧خیسِِِِِ باران🌧 is the perfect channel for you. Join us, share your thoughts, and let the rain inspire your soul. ☔📚☕
11 Jan, 03:37
11 Jan, 03:36
10 Jan, 03:40
01 Jan, 03:25
01 Jan, 03:24
01 Jan, 03:23
31 Dec, 04:11
24 Dec, 03:45
24 Dec, 03:43
23 Dec, 03:40
22 Nov, 03:44
22 Nov, 03:43
22 Nov, 03:42
21 Nov, 04:14
21 Nov, 04:13
21 Nov, 04:12
20 Nov, 02:46
20 Nov, 02:44
19 Nov, 02:50
19 Nov, 02:48
14 Nov, 02:52
14 Nov, 02:51
14 Nov, 02:51
13 Nov, 02:42
11 Nov, 02:21
11 Nov, 02:20
11 Nov, 02:20
10 Nov, 02:24
10 Nov, 02:23
25 Oct, 02:59
25 Oct, 02:58
25 Oct, 02:58
24 Oct, 03:07
24 Oct, 03:06