Kedutaan Besar Federasi Rusia di Republik Indonesia @kedubesrusia Channel on Telegram

Kedutaan Besar Federasi Rusia di Republik Indonesia


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Kedutaan Besar Federasi Rusia di Republik Indonesia, yang dikenal dengan username @kedubesrusia, merupakan saluran resmi yang membagikan informasi terkait kedutaan besar Rusia di Indonesia. Situs resmi Kedutaan Besar dapat diakses melalui, sementara saluran resmi dalam bahasa Rusia dapat ditemukan di Saluran ini juga menyediakan informasi mengenai bagian konsuler Kedutaan Besar melalui alamat email [email protected]. Dengan mengikuti saluran ini, Anda akan mendapatkan informasi terkini mengenai berita, acara, dan layanan yang disediakan oleh Kedutaan Besar Federasi Rusia di Republik Indonesia. Jangan lewatkan kesempatan untuk terhubung langsung dengan kedutaan besar dan mendapatkan informasi penting secara langsung melalui saluran resmi ini.

Kedutaan Besar Federasi Rusia di Republik Indonesia

24 Jan, 12:30

🇷🇺 Pada tanggal 23 Januari 2025, perwakilan dari Kazan Federal University dan Plekhanov Russian University of Economics mengadakan sesi berbagi dengan para mahasiswa Indonesia dalam rangka pameran pendidikan Indonesia International Education Training Expo 2025 (IIETE2025).

👉 Temukan peluang beasiswa dan informasi studi di Rusia dengan mengunjungi paviliun universitas-universitas Rusia berikut:

Kazan Federal University - Pavilion A136
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics - Pavilion A137
HSE Saint Petersburg - Pavilion A137
MEPhI - Pavilion A138b

📅 23–26 Januari 2025
📍 Jakarta International Convention Center

Kedutaan Besar Federasi Rusia di Republik Indonesia

24 Jan, 07:51

🇷🇺🇮🇩 Pada tanggal 24 Januari 2025, Duta Besar Rusia untuk Indonesia Sergei Tolchenov mengadakan acara penghargaan di Kedutaan Besar Rusia di Jakarta untuk memberikan piagam penghargaan kepada para pemenang Lomba Esai dan Pembacaan Puisi Rusia.

🤝 Acara tersebut merayakan kreativitas para peserta serta apresiasi mereka terhadap sastra dan budaya Rusia, sekaligus mempererat hubungan budaya antara Rusia dan Indonesia.

Kedutaan Besar Federasi Rusia di Republik Indonesia

24 Jan, 01:45

🇷🇺🇮🇩 On January 23, 2025, Ambassador of Russia to Indonesia Sergei Tolchenov held an award ceremony to present certificates from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation to the representatives of the National Police of the Republic of Indonesia in recognition of their successful completion of the professional training program "Advanced Training for the Anti-Drug Units’ Officers of the ASEAN Countries" (May 27-31, 2024).

Kedutaan Besar Federasi Rusia di Republik Indonesia

23 Jan, 06:04

🇷🇺 Pada tanggal 23 Januari 2025, Duta Besar Rusia untuk Indonesia Sergei Tolchenov menghadiri acara pembukaan Indonesia International Education Training Expo 2025 (IIETE2025).

👉 Temukan peluang beasiswa dan informasi studi di Rusia dengan mengunjungi paviliun universitas-universitas Rusia berikut ini:

Kazan Federal University - Pavilion A136
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics - Pavilion A137
HSE Saint Petersburg - Pavilion A137
MEPhI - Pavilion A138b

📅 23–26 Januari 2025
📍 Jakarta International Convention Center

Kedutaan Besar Federasi Rusia di Republik Indonesia

23 Jan, 02:44

🇷🇺🇮🇩 Pada tanggal 22 Januari 2025, Duta Besar Rusia untuk Indonesia Sergei Tolchenov bertemu dengan Menteri Agama Indonesia Nasaruddin Umar untuk membahas peluang kerja sama bilateral di bidang keagamaan dan pendidikan agama.

🕌 Sergei Tolchenov menjelaskan bahwa umat Muslim di Rusia berjumlah sekitar 15–20 juta jiwa atau sekitar 7% dari total populasi. Terdapat tujuh wilayah dengan mayoritas penduduk Muslim, seperti Chechnya, Tatarstan, Dagestan, dan Bashkortostan.

🤝 Duta Besar Rusia juga menyampaikan ketertarikan organisasi-organisasi Islam besar di Rusia, seperti Majelis Spiritual Federasi Rusia, Majelis Muslim, dan Dewan Mufti, untuk menjalin kerja sama lebih erat dengan Indonesia.

Pertemuan ini menjadi tonggak penting dalam mempererat hubungan bilateral Indonesia dan Rusia, khususnya di bidang keagamaan dan pendidikan. Kedua pihak sepakat untuk terus menjalin komunikasi intensif guna merealisasikan berbagai potensi kerja sama yang telah dibahas.

📍Kantor Pusat Kementerian Agama Republik Indonesia

Kedutaan Besar Federasi Rusia di Republik Indonesia

22 Jan, 06:43

❗️Pernyataan Juru Bicara Kementerian Luar Negeri Rusia Maria Zakharova tentang bantuan pangan Rusia kepada negara-negara Asia Tenggara melalui Program Pangan Dunia PBB

💬 Program Pangan Dunia PBB (WFP) adalah saluran multilateral utama untuk memberikan bantuan pangan Rusia kepada penduduk yang membutuhkan di negara-negara asing. Di kawasan Asia Tenggara, melalui badan PBB ini, kami memberikan bantuan kepada Kamboja, Laos, dan Myanmar.

Pada tahun 2021, Rusia memberikan kontribusi sukarela sebesar 10,3 juta dolar AS ke dana WFP untuk pelaksanaan proyek penciptaan sistem makan siang sekolah yang berkelanjutan di Kamboja, Laos, dan Sri Lanka.

Sebagai contoh, komponen proyek untuk Kamboja, dengan anggaran sebesar 2,8 juta dolar, difokuskan pada penyediaan menu makanan sehat bagi siswa sekolah Kamboja. Pada tahun 2022-2024, kegiatan dilakukan untuk memasok makanan ke sekolah-sekolah, melengkapi kantin dengan peralatan modern, serta memberikan pelatihan kepada juru masak. Di Laos, anggaran sebesar 2 juta dolar digunakan untuk memperkuat sistem makan siang sekolah yang sudah ada dengan fokus pada pemeliharaan menu yang seimbang dan melibatkan petani lokal untuk memasok kebutuhan sekolah, serta mengembangkan menu sekolah yang optimal dengan mempertimbangkan produk-produk yang dihasilkan oleh petani setempat.

Selain itu, melalui WFP, kami juga melakukan pengiriman langsung bahan pangan ke Laos (pada tahun 2018 sebesar 1 juta dolar, dan pada tahun 2024 sebesar 2 juta dolar), serta melaksanakan proyek dalam format "Pangan untuk Aset" dengan anggaran sebesar 73 ribu dolar. Proyek ini melibatkan pemberian kupon makanan kepada penduduk setempat sebagai imbalan atas pekerjaan konstruksi mendesak seperti pemulihan sistem irigasi, pembangunan lumbung, dan infrastruktur penanggulangan banjir.

Pada tahun 2023, Rusia mengalokasikan 2 juta dolar ke dana WFP untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pangan Republik Persatuan Myanmar. Sebagian dari dana ini telah digunakan untuk mengirimkan minyak bunga matahari yang diperkaya vitamin dengan total volume 680 ton ke Myanmar pada September 2024 melalui pemasok Rusia.

Pada akhir tahun lalu, tambahan 1,5 juta dolar dialokasikan untuk operasi pangan WFP di Myanmar.

👉 Bantuan yang diberikan Federasi Rusia kepada negara-negara Asia Tenggara yang membutuhkan melalui organisasi kemanusiaan internasional merupakan pelengkap dari bantuan yang kami salurkan melalui saluran bilateral.

Kedutaan Besar Federasi Rusia di Republik Indonesia

21 Jan, 06:30

🗓 Pada tanggal 20 Januari, Krimea merayakan Hari Republik Krimea. Hari itu memperingati referendum tahun 1991, ketika mayoritas mutlak penduduk Krimea memilih untuk membentuk kembali Republik Otonom Krimea.

👉 Krimea dalam sejarah Rusia

Fakta-fakta menarik:

▫️Krimea telah memiliki hubungan dekat dengan Rusia selama berabad-abad. Pada tahun 988–989, Pangeran Agung Vladimir memeluk agama Kristen di Khersonesos Taurike saat itu. Berabad-abad kemudian, pada 19 April 1783, Permaisuri Yekaterina yang Agung menandatangani manifesto tentang penggabungan Krimea ke Kekaisaran Rusia.

▫️Republik Sosialis Soviet Otonom Krimea (RSSOK) awalnya didirikan sebagai bagian dari Republik Sosialis Federasi Soviet Rusia pada tahun 1921. Pada tahun 1945, RSSOK menjadi Wilayah Krimea. Pada tahun 1954, Krimea dipindahkan ke Republik Sosialis Soviet Ukraina.

▫️Referendum kedaulatan, yang diadakan pada 20 Januari 1991 untuk memutuskan pembentukan kembali RSSOK, adalah plebisit pertama dalam sejarah Uni Soviet. Para pemilih ditanya apakah mereka mendukung pembentukan kembali RSSOK sebagai entitas Uni Soviet dan peserta dalam Perjanjian Persatuan. Sebanyak 93% penduduk memilih otonomi. Pada tahun yang sama, undang-undang untuk membentuk kembali RSSOK disahkan.

▫️Referendum Krimea tahun 1991 adalah upaya pertama untuk menentukan masa depan Krimea berdasarkan kehendak penduduknya. Dalam banyak hal, plebisit ini menjadi titik awal bagi reunifikasi semenanjung ini dengan Rusia pada tahun 2014.

▫️Hari Republik Krimea ditetapkan pada tahun 2009. Pada tahun 2014, setelah reunifikasi Krimea dengan Rusia, hari libur ini dimasukkan dalam undang-undang regional tentang hari libur.

▫️Pada 18 Maret 2014, Presiden Rusia Vladimir Putin dan para pejabat tinggi dari Krimea serta kota Sevastopol menandatangani Perjanjian Penggabungan Republik Krimea ke Rusia, sesuai dengan hasil referendum yang diadakan pada 16 Maret 2014, di mana 96% penduduk Krimea memilih UNTUK reunifikasi semenanjung ini dengan Rusia.

Kedutaan Besar Federasi Rusia di Republik Indonesia

20 Jan, 04:29

📹 Who Fights Holy Crosses — a documentary by Rodion Miroshnik, Russian Foreign Ministry's Ambassador-at-Large on the Kiev regime's war crimes

☦️ Russian Orthodox churches and monasteries have long become a shelling target for Ukrainian neo-Nazis, as part of the Kiev regime’s ongoing campaign to eradicate all things Russian or anything allegedly tied to our country (including the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church) by any means necessary.

One of the glaring examples of the impact of the military crimes committed by the Kiev terrorist regime is the destruction of the Holy Dormition Nikolo-Vasilevsky Monastery in the settlement of Nikolskoe (Russia's Donetsk People's Republic), which has been subjected to relentless bombardment by Zelensky's cronies, including with the use of Western-supplied HIMARS MLRS.

These terrorist attacks left the monastery laced with bullet holes, and with damaged domes. Many of the surrounding buildings at the religious site were ripped apart, and several novices were murdered as a result of the shelling.

#See4Yourself #Think4Yourself

Kedutaan Besar Federasi Rusia di Republik Indonesia

17 Jan, 12:00

✍️ Terima kasih kepada semua peserta lomba esai atas antusiasme dan karya luar biasa yang telah dikirimkan!

🏆 Para pemenang lomba pembacaan puisi Rusia akan segera dikabari.

Kedutaan Besar Federasi Rusia di Republik Indonesia

16 Jan, 04:45

⚡️ Excerpt from the Ministry's of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation 2024 Report 'On Violations of the Rights of Russian Citizens and Fellow Citizens in Foreign Countries'

❗️ Rights violations in the US

The Russophobia spread by the US government has had a negative impact on of persons of Russian origin <...> After the beginning of Russia's special military operation to denazify and demilitarize Ukraine and protect civilians in the Donbass region on February 24, 2024, Washington stepped up the efforts to sow Russophobia that is actively promoted by the media and official rhetoric.

The US authorities orchestrated a campaign to "cancel" everything Russian, which has now exceeded the fanatical anti-Communist campaign of the McCarthy years.

🔻 Owners of shops and restaurants who used in the names of their businesses the word "Russian", or included Russian specialties in the menu, were one of the first to face everyday aggression.

🔻 Russian research centres, universities and academics have been excluded from American projects, and in many cases the local scientific communities are concerned about the situation (especially in joint research projects in the Arctic region).

🔻 Russian compatriots, activists of the Russian diaspora face persecution. Loyal Russian compatriots are being threatened with criminal prosecution on the pretext of violating the law on foreign agents, which dates back to 1938.

🔻 The attempts to substitute the Russian culture with Ukrainian are ongoing, such cases were recorded.

🔻 The US government is continually imposing new restrictions on the participation of Russian athletes, coaches and referees in international competitions.

🔻 The US authorities are working to erase the historical memory of the combat brotherhood of the peoples of our countries during the World War II.

🔻 Washington continues its attempts to put pressure on Russia by blatantly "hunting" its citizens. It is increasingly using as a pretext accusations of circumventing illegitimate anti-Russian restrictions.

🔻 In recent years, Russian journalists sent to the United States have repeatedly been victims of brutal and unjustified actions by law enforcement officials, faced bans on broadcasting on American territory, restrictions on access to official events, and blocked bank accounts. The process of issuing work visas is complicated.

☝️ Protecting the rights and legitimate interests of Russian prisoners has always been a priority of the Russian Embassy in the US. Special attention is paid to the health and living conditions of Russian citizens in prisons.

As the experience of the Special Military Operation has shown, Washington actively engages controlled media and IT companies, which in every possible way prevent the international community from conveying Russian approaches and objective viewpoints on the events around Ukraine. Thus, US "digital giants" censor any information, including statements by current politicians and heads of state, that they deem "undesirable," up to and including the complete exclusion of the Russian position from the media space.

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Kedutaan Besar Federasi Rusia di Republik Indonesia

15 Jan, 05:05

🇷🇺 On January 14, 2025, Ambassador of Russia to Indonesia Sergei Tolchenov and Russian diplomats met with Special Representative, Envoy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Steven Seagal.



🇷🇺 Pada tanggal 14 Januari 2025, Duta Besar Rusia untuk Indonesia Sergei Tolchenov dan para diplomat Rusia bertemu dengan Perwakilan Khusus, Utusan Kementerian Luar Negeri Rusia Steven Seagal.


Kedutaan Besar Federasi Rusia di Republik Indonesia

15 Jan, 01:52

✉️ Letter by Ambassador of Russia to Indonesia Sergei Tolchenov to the Editor-in-Chief of The Jakarta Post (January 15, 2025)

Key points:

Despite the fact that BRICS does not include Western countries, it is not directed against the West.

The BRICS Summit in Kazan in October 2024 has shown common views of the group’s member-states on key international issues and its intention to amplify the role of emerging markets and the voices of developing countries regarding global problems.

• It [BRICS] is about ensuring strategic stability and building up an architecture of equal and indivisible security, strengthening multipolarity, implementing its own substantial agenda, including economic and investment cooperation, space exploration, technologies and innovation (in the framework of BRICS Global Research Advanced Infrastructure Network, GRAIN), health care, cultural and sport exchanges.

• Russia started the special military operation in order to end the war which the Kiev regime was conducting against its own people in Donbass.

• Moreover, despite all the promises, NATO has been expanding eastward for many years, bringing its military infrastructure closer to Russian borders, which has become one of the primary causes of the Ukraine crisis.

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Kedutaan Besar Federasi Rusia di Republik Indonesia

14 Jan, 07:31

⚡️Comment of the Embassy of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Indonesia

✍️ The Embassy has noticed the article «Europe needs a defense production act» by former Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration of Moldova Nicu Popescu published in the Jakarta Post on January 13, 2025.

👉 Concerning the author’s theses about “keeping the Russian military far from NATO borders” and “prevent Russia from getting even closer to the EU and NATO borders”, we would like to remind that it was NATO that despite numerous promises accepted Central and Eastern European state into its ranks, advancing its military infrastructure to Russian borders. All the promises of non-expansion to the East given to the Soviet Union and later to Russia in the end 1980s – in the beginning 1990s were completely ignored. Implementing the strategic course on suppressing Russia, NATO began absorbing and exploiting countries closer and closer to us. In total, this process encompassed 9 waves with Finland and Sweden joining the organization in 2023 and 2024 respectively.

Moreover, nowadays we witness the West trying to project its military power onto countries that possess nuclear arsenals. It creates preconditions for a situation with a high degree of uncontrollability.

❗️Most specifically, this policy is being pursued by NATO and the EU against Russia in a view to inflict a “strategic defeat” during the Ukrainian crisis. Being blinded by such unfounded hopes, the US and its NATO allies have actually shifted their policy from waging a “proxy war” to some forms of direct participation in inflicting military damage on Russia. It refers primarily to helping the Ukrainians to launch strikes by Western long-range missiles deep into Russian territory and providing intelligence and data support for the Ukrainian invasion and terror in the Kursk region.

⛔️ Assertive attempts of the “collective West”, including NATO, to increase the pressure on Russia and other sovereign actors of the multipolar world lead to further degradation of the situation in the sphere of strategic stability, increase in conflict and escalation risks. Under these circumstances, the Russian Federation has to demonstrate unwavering determination to defend core security interests by all available means, as well as readiness to deal with any scenario.

We assume that NATO member countries will understand these signals and avoid playing dangerous games.

Kedutaan Besar Federasi Rusia di Republik Indonesia

10 Jan, 05:26

🇷🇺 The Russian Federation welcomes the accession of the Republic of Indonesia to #BRICS as a full-fledged participant from January 1, 2025.

The candidacy of Indonesia was submitted and approved in advance during the first phase of BRICS’ expansion at the Summit in Johannesburg, the Republic of South Africa, in 2023. However, in the context of the 2024 presidential elections, Indonesian partners decided to postpone Jakarta’s official request pending the inauguration of the new head of state and the appointment of the government.

During Russia’s BRICS chairship in 2024, the Republic of Indonesia submitted an official request for joining BRICS. The document was examined in accordance with the guiding principles, standards, criteria and procedures for BRICS membership expansion. All BRICS states agreed, by consensus, to support the Indonesian bid.

🇮🇩 #Indonesia, the largest economy and most populous nation in Southeast Asia, shares BRICS values, advocates multilateral cooperation based on the principles of mutual respect, openness, pragmatism, solidarity and consensus.

Indonesia’s accession to BRICS will help enhance the group’s authority and prestige still further and will also facilitate the consistent consolidation of the Global South and East for forging a more equitable and well-balanced multipolar world order.

Kedutaan Besar Federasi Rusia di Republik Indonesia

03 Jan, 08:48

🎬 Para diplomat Kedubes Rusia menghadiri pemutaran perdana film "Utusan Iblis", diselenggarakan atas dukungan Ketua DPD RI Bapak Sultan Najamudin.

🇷🇺🇮🇩 Kami terus-menerus menikmati film-film Indonesia!

Kedutaan Besar Federasi Rusia di Republik Indonesia

31 Dec, 06:04


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In the outgoing year, Russian diplomacy made energetic efforts to implement the Concept of the Foreign Policy of the Russian Federation approved by President Vladimir Putin in March 2023.

While the collective West made attempts to preserve the rudiments of its global dominance and impose a “rules-based international order,” Russia proposed a constructive alternative by advocating for the unconditional adherence to the principles of the UN Charter in all their completeness and interconnectedness, including in relation to settling the crisis in Ukraine and other conflicts <...>.

By putting forth new initiatives for Eurasian security and against neocolonialism, Russia provided a new ideological framework for its policy course to enhance its standing on the international arena as one of the leading centres in a multipolar world.

The implementation of the strategic initiative for creating an architecture of indivisible security in Eurasia, presented by the President of Russia in June, has begun. <...>

Bilateral agreements on security guarantees were signed with Belarus and the DPRK, regulating the response in the event of armed aggression against either party. Moscow and Minsk also took practical steps in the field of nuclear weapons as a measure to deter a potential aggressor. <...>

The economic potential of Greater Eurasia was strengthened this year through the promotion of the project to develop the North-South International Transport Corridor. <...>

Russia launched the implementation of the foreign policy initiative on international cooperation in countering neocolonialism.

🤝 President Vladimir Putin’s state visits to Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan confirmed the proximity of our foreign policy approaches, and consolidated promising areas of cooperation, including joint production and logistics projects, in the bilateral agenda.

🤝 President Vladimir Putin’s first-ever state visit to Azerbaijan in August served as evidence of the intensive development of Russia-Azerbaijan bilateral relations.

🤝 The overarching partnership and strategic interaction with China reached a new level following the state visit by President Vladimir Putin to China in May. The People’s Republic of China consolidated its role as Russia’s largest foreign trade partner, as mutual trade reached the equivalent of $240 billion, with 95 percent of payments made in national currencies.

🤝 The special privileged strategic partnership with India received a serious boost thanks to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s official visit to Russia in July, which paved the way for expanding cooperation in finance, investment, transport, energy, science and technology.

🤝 President Vladimir Putin’s state visit to Pyongyang in June opened a new chapter in the cooperation with the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, during which the parties signed the Treaty on Comprehensive Strategic Partnership that set guidelines for deepening mutually beneficial cooperation between the two countries on a broad range of issues.

🤝 President Vladimir Putin’s official visits to Vietnam and Mongolia improved the dynamics of the relations with these countries, mainly in energy, transport and industrial production, as well as in large investment projects.

🤩🤩🤩 The Kazan Summit of BRICS became the flagship international event, which, under Russia’s chairmanship, convened for the first time in an expanded format and definitively dispelled the myth of Russia’s international isolation.

Under Russia’s Chairship in the CIS, the development of cooperation in energy, chemical industry, and several other sectors was given a serious boost. The Agreement on Free Trade in Services, Establishment, Operation, and Investment in the CIS entered into effect.

🌍 The First Ministerial Conference of the Russia-Africa Partnership Forum was held in November, where the participating countries detailed plans for the implementation of agreements on advancing Russia’s cooperation with African states across the board


Kedutaan Besar Federasi Rusia di Republik Indonesia

25 Dec, 06:10

⚡️ Briefing by Deputy Chief of the Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological Protection Troops of the Russian Armed Forces Major General Aleksei Rtishchev (December 24, 2024)

💬 The U.S. Administration sees Africa as an unlimited natural reservoir of dangerous infections' agents and a test ground for experimental medications.

The deployment of the American system of biological control in Africa goes according to a well-established script:

• Concerns are primarily raised about regular outbreaks [of diseases]. <...> American counterparts note that such outbreaks undermine the development of the region's economic potential. They question the training level of leadership and specialists, when it comes to neutralising biological threats;

• Against this background, it is proposed to establish a centre for disease diagnostics and testing of medical products within one or two years;

• The integration of regional information systems into the US electronic disease surveillance system is discussed;

• $5 to $10 million dollars are allocated to achieve these goals with a possible increase in funding up to $20 million taking into account the implementation of the first phase of the project;

• The U.S. government authorities and private contracting companies, including the so-called Big Pharma enterprises are involved to organise cooperation with the local relevant ministries;

• The result of this selective support is the transition to American personnel training standards, transfer and generalisation of the information on the biological situation, degradation of national health care systems, imposition of suppliers of medical equipment and medications.

👉 The participating countries involved in this system lose their national sovereignty in the sphere of biosecurity and become fully dependent from the United States.


The U.S. biological warfare presence on the African continent is growing at a rapid pace. Research organisations of the U.S. Department of Defence actively work in the region.

🔻 Branches of the National Naval Military Medical Center are stationed in Ghana and Djibouti, where active work is carried out in natural disease foci, isolation, and sequencing of pathogens.

🔻 The U.S. Army Military Medical Center in Kenya has deployed a network of field stations to monitor the spread of infectious diseases in Equatorial Africa.

🔻 In Nigeria, a joint medical research centre and a military medical laboratory of the armed forces of the republic have been established in 2024, with 10 U.S. DoD experts as permanent staff.

🔻 A new $35 million laboratory facility is being completed in Senegal. The project involves the same Pentagon contractors.

While the stated goals are to monitor infectious disease and assist developing countries, in reality we see a buildup of U.S. biological-military capabilities that circumvent BWC commitments.


Against the backdrop of Russia's progressive strengthening of its position in Africa, including in the field of biosecurity, the United States seeks to prevent the weakening of its influence in the region. I would like to recall once again Washington's non-transparent working methods and caution our African partners against cooperating with the United States in the military biological field.

❗️ As evidenced, such interaction results in the loss of national sovereignty in biosafety and a worsening of the disease situation.

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Kedutaan Besar Federasi Rusia di Republik Indonesia

24 Dec, 06:02


⚡️ Human Rights Violations and Killings of Civilians by Ukraine's Troops and Nationalist Organisations in July-August 2024 report was prepared and published recently for public.

It includes facts of crimes committed by the Kiev regime in the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics, Kherson and Bryansk regions recorded between July 1 and August 31, 2024:

• The armed forces and nationalist formations of Ukraine continued to destroy civilian infrastructure in settlements of the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics and commit war crimes against civilians. Peaceful inhabitants died under strikes of heavy NATO-supplied weapons. Many of civilians sustained serious injuries and were maimed. Targeted drone attacks on peaceful people and civilian objects have become the new normal for the Ukrainian military.

• In Kherson region Ukraine’s army mounted more than 25 massive attacks, firing over 1,500 artillery shells at civilian infrastructure facilities. As a result, 50 people sustained varying degrees of injuries.

• The Ukrainian nationalists mounted 69 targeted attacks against civilian infrastructure and peaceful inhabitants of the Bryansk region. Unlike to previous months, their attacks have become systematic. As a result, significant damage was inflicted to the housing stock, vehicles and peaceful energy facilities of the region. The most egregious crimes were onslaughts against populated areas, which injured and maimed local residents.


☝️ The situation regarding the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate was emphasized separately: in August, the Verkhovna Rada (Ukrainian parliament) adopted a law banning the canonical church in the country, after which the Presidential Council appealed to the world leaders of traditional religious denominations to protect the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, its clergy and flock from persecution.


👉 Read the report in full to learn about human rights violations and killings of civilians by Ukraine's troops and nationalist organisations in July-August 2024.

Kedutaan Besar Federasi Rusia di Republik Indonesia

23 Dec, 08:16

🇷🇺🇧🇾 Embassy of Russia in Indonesia together with Embassy of Belarus in Indonesia present an online exhibition on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of signing the Treaty on the Creation of the Union State between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus (December 8, 1999).

📄 The Treaty is aimed at strengthening our friendship and enhancing the prosperity and living standards of fraternal peoples of both countries.

The establishment of the Union State marked a new stage in the bonding of our nations while both member states have preserved their sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity and state systems.

🇮🇩 We invite our Indonesian friends to look at the online gallery and get to know more about history of the Union State!

Kedutaan Besar Federasi Rusia di Republik Indonesia

20 Dec, 01:23

🇷🇺 Pada tanggal 18 Desember, para diplomat Kedutaan Besar Rusia di Indonesia dan Misi Tetap Rusia untuk ASEAN mengunjungi Panti Asuhan Al-Arif Kasemen di Provinsi Banten.

Dalam rangka aksi amal ini, barang-barang kebutuhan pokok, obat-obatan, bahan makanan, pakaian, mainan, serta hadiah manis untuk Tahun Baru telah diberikan kepada anak-anak.

🏠 Selain itu, juga telah diberikan dana untuk kebutuhan gedung panti asuhan.

Aksi amal ini terlaksana berkat kontribusi para diplomat Rusia, dukungan dari sekolah Kedubes Rusia, serta hasil partisipasi pada WIC Annual Charity Bazaar 2024 dengan dana yang terkumpul digunakan untuk tujuan kemanusiaan.

Kedutaan Besar Federasi Rusia di Republik Indonesia

30 Nov, 05:57

🇷🇺 Pesawat Il-76 milik Kementerian Situasi Darurat Rusia membawakan 28 ton bantuan kemanusiaan dari Rusia untuk penduduk Jalur Gaza.

Bantuan tersebut akan diserahkan kepada perwakilan Bulan Sabit Merah Mesir untuk kemudian didistribusikan kepada penduduk Jalur Gaza.

👉 Rusia sudah menyalurkan lebih dari 827 ton bantuan ke Jalur Gaza sejak dimulainya misi kemanusiaan.


Kedutaan Besar Federasi Rusia di Republik Indonesia

29 Nov, 10:01


⚡️ Amidst growing futile attempts of the 'collective West' and their Ukrainian puppets to reignite the anti-Russian sentiment by fabricating hoaxes and fakes, one should pay close attention to the well-documented evidence meticulously gathered by the Russian MFA and Investigative Committee of the Kiev regime's cruel and barbaric crimes against its own citizens, civilians, journalists, ethnic and linguistic groups.

Reports by the Russian MFA and White Books for one's perusal & research 👇

📖 The Truth Behind Events in Ukraine and Donbass (2014-2022)
📖 The Tragedy of Southeastern Ukraine. The White Book of Crimes (2015)
📖 White Book on violations of human rights and the rule of law in Ukraine (2013-2014)

👉 Terrorist Crimes Committed by the Kiev Regime (2024)
👉 Human Rights Situation in Certain Countries (The Joint Report of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus) (2024)
👉 The Human Rights Situation in Ukraine (2024)
👉 Regarding the Situation with the Glorification of Nazism and the Spread of Neo-Nazism and Other Practices That Contribute to Fuelling Contemporary Forms of Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance (2024)
👉 Foreign reprisals against Russian journalists and media (as of November 2024)
👉 The Human Rights Situation in Ukraine (2023)
👉 Human rights situation in certain countries (2021)


Kedutaan Besar Federasi Rusia di Republik Indonesia

29 Nov, 04:20

✉️ Letter by Ambassador of Russia to Indonesia Sergei Tolchenov sent to the Editor-in-Chief of The Jakarta Post (November 29, 2024)

Key points:

• NATO countries have become increasingly involved in armed confrontation with Russia. The attacks in the Bryansk region with the American and British operational-tactical missiles <...> are confirmation of this dangerous line.

• We would like to note that Russia does not threaten anyone with nuclear weapons, and any statements to the contrary are nothing more than anti-Russian propaganda.We always treat our nuclear deterrence policy with the utmost seriousness and responsibility.

• In view of belligerent statements and aggressive adventures of the West, we have to directly and openly warn about the consequences that further demonstrative disregard for risks may lead to. Their attempts to sow chaos and discord in Eurasia only strengthen the determination of Russia and its partners to restore order in the region.

• We hope that NATO capitals will begin to think seriously about ways to reduce the level of conflict on the basis of equality, as well as mutual recognition and respect for the interests of the parties in the field of security.

• Such an approach, currently rejected by Western countries, is the key to the effective and long-term minimization of strategic risks, including the danger of nuclear war, which, as follows from the classical postulate, should never be unleashed.

👉 Read in full

Kedutaan Besar Federasi Rusia di Republik Indonesia

24 Nov, 09:13

📄 Excerpts from the Basic Principles of State Policy of the Russian Federation on Nuclear Deterrence, approved on November 19, 2024 by Russia's President Vladimir Putin

General Provisions

1. The present Basic Principles are a strategic planning document in the defence sphere and reflect the official views on the essence of nuclear deterrence; they define military dangers and threats, whose neutralisation is the aim of nuclear deterrence, as well as the principles of nuclear deterrence and the conditions under which the Russian Federation will transition to using nuclear weapons.

2. The assured deterrence of a potential adversary from launching an aggression against the Russian Federation and/or its allies ranks among the top state priorities. Deterring an aggression shall be ensured by the entire combined military power of the Russian Federation, including its nuclear weapons.


The essence of nuclear deterrence

9. The Russian Federation exercises nuclear deterrence with regard to a potential adversary understood as individual states and military coalitions (blocs, alliances), which regard the Russian Federation as a potential adversary and possess nuclear and/or other types of mass destruction weapons, or a considerable combat potential in the shape of general-purpose forces.

Nuclear deterrence is also exercised with regard to states which provide the territory, airspace and/or maritime space under their control, as well as resources, for preparing and carrying out an aggression against the Russian Federation.

10. An aggression by any state member of a military coalition (bloc, alliance) against the Russian Federation and/or its allies shall be considered as an aggression by this coalition (bloc, alliance) as a whole.

11. An aggression against the Russian Federation and/or its allies by any non-nuclear state with the participation of or support from a nuclear state shall be considered as their joint assault.


Conditions for the Russian Federation’s transition to the employment of nuclear weapons

18. The Russian Federation reserves the right to use nuclear weapons in response to nuclear and/or other types of mass destruction weapons being used against it and/or its allies, as well as in the case of an aggression with the use of conventional weapons against the Russian Federation and/or the Republic of Belarus as a member of the Union State, an aggression creating a critical threat to their sovereignty and/or territorial integrity.

19. The conditions determining the possibility of nuclear employment by the Russian Federation are as follows:

a) arrival of reliable information on the launch of ballistic missiles attacking the territories of the Russian Federation and/or its allies;
b) an adversary’s use of nuclear or other types of mass destruction weapons against the territories of the Russian Federation and/or its allies, military units and/or facilities of the Russian Federation, located outside of its territory;
c) an adversary’s attack on critically important state or military facilities of the Russian Federation, whose incapacitation will lead to the disruption of retaliatory actions by the nuclear forces;
d) aggression against the Russian Federation and/or the Republic of Belarus as a member of the Union State with the use of conventional weapons, which creates a critical threat to their sovereignty and/or territorial integrity;
e) arrival of reliable information about a massed launch (takeoff) of aerospace assault weapons (strategic and tactical aircraft, cruise missiles, and unpiloted, hypersonic or other air vehicles) and their crossing of the state border of the Russian Federation.

20. The decision on using nuclear weapons shall be taken by the President of the Russian Federation. <...>

Kedutaan Besar Federasi Rusia di Republik Indonesia

22 Nov, 08:40

🇷🇺🇱🇧 Pesawat milik Kementerian Situasi Darurat Rusia membawakan 24 ton bantuan kemanusiaan dari Rusia untuk penduduk Lebanon.

👉 Rusia sudah menyalurkan lebih dari 100 ton bantuan ke Lebanon sejak dimulainya misi kemanusiaan.


Kedutaan Besar Federasi Rusia di Republik Indonesia

21 Nov, 10:23

✍️ The International Competition for Young Artists is a unique opportunity for young talents to express themselves and contribute to the cultural dialog. The project will bring together artists from different countries and will help to conceptualize and convey the values of their people through art.

Theme of the Competition 2024-2025 – "The Values of my Nation as part of the Global Human Culture".

The Competition shall be held in three categories:
• Painting
• Graphics
• Digital Art, Computer Graphics, and Animation

🗓️ Deadline for application submission is March 1, 2025.

👉 Apply here
📄 Regulations

Kedutaan Besar Federasi Rusia di Republik Indonesia

21 Nov, 06:35

🎙️Briefing oleh Juru Bicara Kementerian Luar Negeri Rusia Maria Zakharova

🗓️ 21 November, 2024
🕡 13.00 WIB
👉 Live streaming

Kedutaan Besar Federasi Rusia di Republik Indonesia

19 Nov, 06:34

🇷🇺🇮🇩 Pada tanggal 18 November 2024, delegasi Rusia dipimpin oleh Duta Besar Rusia untuk Indonesia Sergei Tolchenov bersama Perwakilan Perdagangan Rusia Alexander Masaltsev dan Perwakilan Rosatom Anna Belokoneva bergabung dalam Rapat Koordinasi mengenai isu-isu perkembangan energi nuklir di provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara.

🤝 Duta Besar Rusia Sergei Tolchenov mengapresiasi penyelenggaraan Rakor ini sebagai bagian dari penguatan kerja sama bilateral Indonesia-Rusia yang telah berlangsung lebih dari 70 tahun.

💬 Kerja sama ini tidak hanya penting dalam sektor energi, tetapi juga pendidikan dan pengembangan sumber daya manusia.

📍kota Kendari

Kedutaan Besar Federasi Rusia di Republik Indonesia

19 Nov, 01:12

🌐 G20 Rio de Janeiro Leaders’ Declaration

1. We, the Leaders of the G20, met in Rio de Janeiro on 18-19 November 2024 to address major global challenges and crises and promote strong, sustainable, balanced, and inclusive growth. We gather in the birthplace of the Sustainable Development Agenda to reaffirm our commitment to building a just world and a sustainable planet, while leaving no one behind <...>

4. We recognize that inequality within and among countries is at the root of most global challenges that we face and is aggravated by them.

8. While expressing our deep concern about the catastrophic humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip and the escalation in Lebanon, we emphasize the urgent need to expand the flow of humanitarian assistance and to reinforce the protection of civilians and demand the lifting of all barriers to the provision of humanitarian assistance at scale. <...>

9. <...> We welcome all relevant and constructive initiatives that support a comprehensive, just, and durable peace [regarding Ukraine], upholding all the Purposes and Principles of the UN Charter for the promotion of peaceful, friendly, and good neighborly relations among nations. <...>

11. We condemn terrorism in all its forms and manifestations. <...>

15. The world produces more than enough food to eradicate hunger. Collectively, we do not lack knowledge nor resources to fight poverty and defeat hunger. What we need is political will to create the conditions to expand access to food. In light of this, we have launched the Global Alliance against Hunger and Poverty and welcome its innovative approach to mobilizing finance and knowledge sharing to support the implementation of country-led, country-owned, large-scale and evidence-based programs aiming at reducing hunger and poverty worldwide. <...>

35. We emphasize the role of sustainable development in its three dimensions – economic, social, and environmental – as a guiding principle for cooperation for people, planet and prosperity, with the ultimate goal of overcoming our collective challenges. We reaffirm our respective commitments to scale up urgent action to address the crises and challenges posed by climate change, biodiversity loss, desertification, ocean and land degradation, drought and pollution. <...>

62. The challenges the global community faces today can only be addressed through multilateral solutions for a better tomorrow and the strengthening of global governance for both present and future generations. <...>

64. We pledge to reform the Security Council through a transformative reform that aligns it with the realities and demands of the 21st century, makes it more representative, inclusive, efficient, effective, democratic and accountable, and more transparent to the whole of the UN membership, allowing for better responsibility sharing among all its members, while improving the effectiveness and transparency of its working methods. We call for an enlarged Security Council composition that improves the representation of the underrepresented and unrepresented regions and groups, such as Africa, Asia-Pacific and Latin America and the Caribbean. <...>

85. We remain resolute in our commitment to fighting hunger, poverty, and inequality, promoting sustainable development in its economic, social, and environmental dimensions, and reforming global governance. We welcome Saudi Arabia’s ambition to advance its turn for hosting the G20 Presidency in the next cycle. We thank Brazil for its leadership this year and look forward to working together in 2025 under South Africa’s Presidency and meeting again in the United States in 2026.

📄 Full text of the Declaration

Kedutaan Besar Federasi Rusia di Republik Indonesia

16 Nov, 10:25

📹 Wawancara Ketua Komite Dewan Federasi Bidang Pertahanan dan Keamanan Federasi Rusia Vladimir Bulavin kepada Russia Today.

Kedutaan Besar Federasi Rusia di Republik Indonesia

16 Nov, 07:03

🎙 Briefing by Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova (November 13, 2024)

🔹 FM Sergey Lavrov's schedule
🔹 Kiev regime crimes
🔹 West's hybrid war against Russia
🔹 Hostile rhetoric of NATO's Secretary General
🔹 Anniversary of the White Helmets in Syria
🔹 Biased approach of the UNESCO Director-General
🔹 Situation in Moldova

📰 Read
📺 Watch

#NATO #Ukraine

We have noted that the British press is reporting on the intentions of British Prime Minister Keir Starmer and French President Emmanuel Macron to persuade the incumbent US President Joe Biden to allow Kiev to launch Storm Shadow cruise missiles deep inside Russia's territory before Donald Trump’s inauguration. According to the media, London hopes that the White House will finally approve this step.

We would like to remind Washington, London, Paris and Brussels that they continue to play with fire. President of Russia Vladimir Putin has clearly outlined our response: if Ukraine receives permission to launch such strikes, it would indicate that NATO countries have effectively entered into a direct armed conflict with Russia. This would fundamentally alter the nature and essence of the conflict, with all the ensuing consequences.

❗️ If they use long-range Western systems against the territory of our country, they will face an inevitable and devastating response.


On October 25, 2024, the UK’s Foreign Office marked the tenth anniversary of the White Helmets NGO by issuing a lengthy statement commending this entity, which is still viewed as a humanitarian organisation in the West. Apart from London, several other sponsors signed this paper: Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Qatar and the United States.

And this is happening after everything the White Helmets did in Syria. They used the suffering of the people of Syria as a cheap, albeit bloody, publicity stunt and made working with terrorists their hallmark. London is not even trying to conceal its support for these undercover fighters and has commended the “tremendous efforts and courage” of this “humanitarian organisation.”

The White Helmets remain a major destabilising factor in Syria. Their removal from the territory of the Syrian Arab Republic, termination of their activities and exposure of their past crimes are essential for achieving stability in Syria, a country which has suffered so much, and across the region.

#UNESCO #KievRegimeCrimes

The UNESCO Secretariat and in particular Director-General Audrey Azoulay herself continue to openly disregard the Kiev regime’s crimes committed against Russian journalists, including premeditated murders, terrorist attacks and assassination attempts.

We are outraged by the draft report of the UNESCO Director-General, which will be submitted to the Intergovernmental Council of the International Programme for the Development of Communication (IPDC), which will convene in Paris on November 21-22 <...>.

The report is based on “information” provided by politically biased pro-Western NGOs and does not mention the murder of Russian journalists.

Kedutaan Besar Federasi Rusia di Republik Indonesia

15 Nov, 12:10

❗️The Embassy has noticed the article «School meals in Finland: Investment for a happier future» by Ambassador of Finland to Indonesia Pekka Kaihilahti published in The Jakarta Post on November 14, 2024.

👉 Despite the article being devoted solely to the meals and education in Finland, somehow Finnish Ambassador decided to incorporate regular narrative full of cave-age hostility towards Russia as well as diminish Russia's contribution to the fight against colonialism and neocolonialism. The author also claims that Russia «invaded and occupied us [Finland] several times over the centuries». First of all, we would like to remind Mr Kaihilahti that Finland together with Adolf Hitler's Nazi regime invaded the USSR in 1941 and imposed the siege of Leningrad that claimed around one million lives of Soviet citizens.

🇷🇺 On the other side, Russia has never been a colonial power. At one time, our country was the leader in promoting the decolonization processes. Its victory in the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945), which was achieved at an enormous cost, made it possible to halt the West's global expansion for several decades. Under the difficult Cold War conditions, the Soviet Union laid the foundation for industries in the friendly countries of the Global South and East, and helped them ensure their security and implement their right to sovereign development. In addition, the USSR's inspiring example encouraged national liberation movements all over the world.

📄 Indeed colonialism is not "history" yet. According to the list, approved by the United Nations Special Committee on Decolonisation, which includes 10 Non-Self-Governing Territories that continue to be administered by the United Kingdom; three administered by the United States; two by France and one by New Zealand.

In this regards, the countries of the Global South need to combine efforts to ensure that those "fragments" of the Western empires' former greatness, artificially preserved after the collapse of the colonial system in the 1960s and 1970s, achieve true independence. On June 17-18, 2024, the first meeting of the Permanent Committee of the anti-neocolonial Movement for the Freedom of Nations was held in Vladivostok. By joining the Final Declaration, Russia and more than 150 representatives of leading political parties and public organizations from 32 countries, including Indonesia, emphasized their commitment to build a just and multipolar world based on the purposes and principles enshrined in the UN Charter.

💬 In 2023, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov said that Finland was taking giant strides as it moved toward the forefront of the West's anti-Russian and Russophobic campaign. Today by witnessing such hypocritical statements like Mr Kaihilahti's one we can clearly see another manifestation of this process.

Kedutaan Besar Federasi Rusia di Republik Indonesia

15 Nov, 10:07

🎙Wawancara Menteri Luar Negeri Rusia Sergey Lavrov kepada "Dunia Baru" (14/11/2024)

Poin-poin utama:

Arsitektur Keamanan di Kawasan Eurasia

Benua ini memiliki sumber daya alam yang sangat besar, sementara beberapa peradaban berusia ribuan tahun menghuninya. Gagal memanfaatkan keunggulan kompetitif ini akan menjadi sebuah kesalahan.

Inilah inti dari konsep Arsitektur Keamanan dan Kerja Sama Eurasia, sementara EAEU, SCO, dan ASEAN sudah mulai bergerak ke arah ini. Kita membangun hubungan dan mempromosikan dialog. Jika kita berhasil memenuhi rencana itu, Kemitraan Besar Eurasia akan memberikan fondasi yang kuat dan menjadi tulang punggung ekonomi dan transportasi untuknya.


BRICS berfokus kepada tatanan dunia baru yang didasarkan pada prinsip utama Piagam PBB - kedaulatan negara-negara. Selama KTT BRICS di kota Kazan (22-24 Oktober), kita mengusulkan dibentuknya Bursa Gandum BRICS. Kami berusaha agar dapat berdagang dengan tenang dan normal, menggunakan berbagai rute dan koneksi bank yang terlindung dari dikte dan kemungkinan kerusakan oleh mereka yang mengendalikan institusi klasik ekonomi global.


Kolonialisme bukanlah “sejarah”, belum. Sayangnya, belum semua wilayah jajahan negara-negara Barat dibebaskan. Pada tahun 1960, Majelis Umum PBB menuntut agar mereka dibebaskan. Namun, Prancis, Inggris, dan sejumlah negara Barat lainnya melanggar resolusi tersebut dan menolak untuk membebaskan wilayah yang direbut melalui perang kolonial.

Baca selengkapnya

Kedutaan Besar Federasi Rusia di Republik Indonesia

15 Nov, 06:10

🇷🇺 On November 15, 2024, a stand by the Moscow City Health Department was opened at the Medical Wellness World Tourism Expo with the participation of Ambassador of Russia to Indonesia Sergei Tolchenov.


Kedutaan Besar Federasi Rusia di Republik Indonesia

14 Nov, 10:31

🗓 On November 13-14, 2024, Embassy of Russia in Indonesia together with Russian Mission to ASEAN and Trade Representation of Russia in Indonesia exhibited a Russian booth at the WIC Annual Charity Bazaar 2024.

🇷🇺 Among the products presented at the stand were traditional Russian craft, including Khokhloma wooden tableware, jewellery made of Kaliningrad amber, as well as famous Tula pryanik and biscuits with condensed milk.

🇮🇩 The booth was visited by the Second Lady of Indonesia Selvi Ananda.

📍Jakarta Convention Center

Kedutaan Besar Federasi Rusia di Republik Indonesia

14 Nov, 04:45

📷 Photo of the meeting of Vladimir Bulavin, Chair of the Committee on Defense and Security of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, and Ahmad Muzani, Speaker of People's Consultative Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia.

🗓️ November 13, 2024

Kedutaan Besar Federasi Rusia di Republik Indonesia

13 Nov, 09:40

🇷🇺🇮🇩 Pada tanggal 12 November, Ketua Komite Dewan Federasi Bidang Pertahanan dan Keamanan Federasi Rusia Vladimir Bulavin bertemu dengan Deputi Bidang Penindakan dan Pembinaan Kemampuan Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Terorisme Republik Indonesia Ibnu Suhendra untuk membahas prospek perkembangan kerja sama Rusia-Indonesia.

📍kota Jakarta

Kedutaan Besar Federasi Rusia di Republik Indonesia

13 Nov, 05:48

🇷🇺🇮🇩 On November 12, a meeting between Vladimir Bulavin, Chair of the Committee on Defense and Security of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, and Utut Adianto, Chairman of the Commission I of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia, was held in Jakarta.

🤝 The discussion focused on a range of current issues concerning the further strengthening of the traditionally friendly relations between Russia and Indonesia.

Kedutaan Besar Federasi Rusia di Republik Indonesia

13 Nov, 01:25

🇷🇺🇮🇩 On November 12, 2024, Vladimir Bulavin, Chair of the Committee on Defense and Security of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation met with Sultan Baktiar Najamudin, Speaker of the House of Regional Representative of the Republic of Indonesia.

🤝 The parties discussed the prospects for developing Russia-Indonesia interparliamentary relations.


Kedutaan Besar Federasi Rusia di Republik Indonesia

12 Nov, 06:23

🇷🇺🇮🇩 Latihan bersama Orruda 2024 antara Angkatan Laut Rusia dan TNI Angkatan Laut Indonesia di perairan Laut Jawa.

🗓️ 4-8 November 2024

Kedutaan Besar Federasi Rusia di Republik Indonesia

11 Nov, 07:26

📑 The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation has compiled and issued a Report regarding the Situation with the Glorification of Nazism and the Spread of Neo-Nazism and Other Practices That Contribute to Fuelling Contemporary Forms of Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance

Read in full (pdf)

The report continues the efforts of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation to draw attention to the manifestations of various forms of glorification of the Nazi movement, neo-Nazism, racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance in foreign countries.

The document reflects the line of Western countries aimed at fomenting rabid Russophobia. which has become one of the "manifestations" of their support for Ukraine against the background <...> Considerable attention is also paid to the actions of certain States, primarily the Baltic States, Poland and Ukraine, which <...> actively continue to destroy on their territory the entire array of Soviet and Russian, and often their own, memorial heritage and step up their activities to falsify the history of World War II.

🔻 The West is openly and unceremoniously changing historical concepts – from equating the Nazi regime with the "totalitarian" Soviet one to attempting to place all responsibility for the war on the Soviet Union and declare it "a criminal worse than the Third Reich".

🔻 The meaning and, most importantly, the essence of the verdict of the International Military Tribunal for the trial and punishment of major war criminals of the European Axis countries (the Nuremberg Tribunal) is being deliberately blurred.

🔻 The political elites of the overwhelming majority of European and North American "democratic" states are trying their best to conceal from the international community, including their own citizens, the Nazi essence of the policy of the Kiev and similar regimes.

The absolute majority of members of the international community share Russia's approaches to the glorification of Nazism and the justification of racism.

In 2023, the Russian resolution was supported by the majority of the world's countries1️⃣1️⃣8️⃣. 49 delegations voted against it, including the United States and Ukraine, as well as EU member states.

The manifestations of racial discrimination and glorification of Nazism pose a direct threat to the fundamental values of true democracy and human rights and a serious challenge to international and regional security and stability. <...>

☝️ Russia, together with like-minded countries, does not intend to tolerate such racist and neo-colonial approaches and will oppose them in every possible way.

Kedutaan Besar Federasi Rusia di Republik Indonesia

09 Nov, 04:12

🎙 Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov's interview to the TV BRICS international media network (Moscow, November 2, 2024)

📖 Read in full
📺 Watch in full

Key talking points

The XVI BRICS Summit underscored the rapidly growing influence of #BRICS and the eagerness of numerous countries to engage with its initiatives.

• Several countries have applied to become full members, while others have expressed interest in joining as partner states – a new category established at the Summit in Kazan.

• The Kazan Declaration that was adopted was based on what we call the balance of interests. Unlike at some Western forums, there was no attempt to exert pressure on anyone. Instead, we sought mutually acceptable language, which we successfully identified on all matters.

👉 The highlight of this declaration is the urgent need to substantially increase the representation of countries from the Global South and Global East in global governance mechanisms, including the UN Security Council, the IMF, the World Bank, and the WTO.

• Reform of existing institutions remains on the agenda, but concurrently – and this is a shared perspective and one of the most significant conclusions of the BRICS efforts at this stage – leading up to the final phase of the Russian chairmanship, there is a collective desire to establish alternative payment mechanisms. <...> A parallel system is deemed necessary, given the dollar's increasing use as an aggressive tool in the global economy.

• Support was also given to sector-specific initiatives, including our proposal to begin preparations for establishing a BRICS grain exchange, as well as investment and geological platforms. This initiative primarily originated from the African countries within BRICS.

• Additionally, we proposed two projects – the formation of working groups on transport and nuclear medicine – which received backing both at the BRICS meeting itself and in the adopted Declaration.

🇺🇳 A more equitable representation of the Global South and East in global governance mechanisms implies reforming the UN and its Security Council.

• We have clearly reaffirmed our stance: we support only the increased representation of Asia, Africa, and Latin America. The West is already disproportionately represented there. <...> Specifically, we support India, Brazil, and the collective initiative promoted by the African Union to reform the Security Council.

• Particular attention was paid to the crisis in the Middle East and the catastrophe facing the Palestinian people, which is now spilling over into neighbouring countries such as Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, and Yemen. The Declaration contains a robust paragraph on the urgent need to halt this bloodshed.

• We have not shied away from discussing the Ukrainian crisis. Quite the opposite, during the preparations and throughout the summit, we engaged in proactive discussions, with Russian President Vladimir Putin addressing this issue. We reached a fundamentally important agreement on the wording in the Declaration <...> emphasising that the primary objective now is to seek solutions based on the principles of the UN Charter in their entirety and in interrelation.

The Nazi regime in Kiev flagrantly violates the key principles of the Charter, while the West praises it, claiming they are defending "European values." These issues must be brought to light.


Kedutaan Besar Federasi Rusia di Republik Indonesia

08 Nov, 04:13

🎙Poin-poin utama dari pidato Presiden Rusia Vladimir Putin pada sesi pleno pertemuan ke-21 Klub Diskusi Valdai.

Negara-negara merdeka dan kuat semakin banyak bermunculan. Bangsa-bangsa menjadi semakin sadar akan kepentingan mereka, nilai diri mereka, identitas dan jati diri mereka, dan mereka semakin bersikeras untuk mencapai tujuan pembangunan dan keadilan.

• Sementara itu, para mantan hegemoni, yang terbiasa memerintah dunia sejak zaman kolonial, semakin terkejut mendapati bahwa mereka tidak lagi dipatuhi. Upaya untuk mempertahankan kekuasaan mereka yang tergelincir dengan paksaan hanya akan menimbulkan ketidakstabilan dan meningkatnya ketegangan, serta jatuhnya korban dan kehancuran.

• Bukannya menyadari sia-sianya aspirasi mereka dan perubahan tertentu, sebagian elit Barat tampaknya bersedia melakukan apa saja untuk mencegah munculnya sistem internasional baru yang memenuhi kepentingan mayoritas dunia.

• Uni Soviet pernah membantu negara-negara yang melepaskan diri dari ketergantungan kolonial atau neo-kolonial, baik di Afrika, Asia Tenggara, Timur Tengah, maupun Amerika Latin.

• Di dunia multipolar yang sedang berkembang, tidak boleh ada negara dan masyarakat yang kalah, tidak boleh ada yang merasa dirugikan dan dipermalukan. Hanya dengan begitu kita dapat memastikan pembangunan yang benar-benar berjangka panjang, universal, adil, dan aman.

7 November 2024

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