SGB Virtual Assistant @sgbva Channel on Telegram

SGB Virtual Assistant


Discover how to work remotely as a virtual assistant even if now you have no experience.

VAs help business owners with admin, social media, email marketing tasks, and more

Join our FREE workshop:

SGB Virtual Assistant (English)

Are you looking to start working remotely as a virtual assistant but don't have any experience? Look no further than SGB Virtual Assistant! Our Telegram channel, @sgbva, is dedicated to helping individuals like you learn how to become successful virtual assistants.

Virtual assistants, or VAs, are individuals who provide various administrative, social media, email marketing, and other tasks to business owners to help them run their businesses more efficiently. Whether you're a stay-at-home mom looking to earn some extra income or a college student wanting to gain valuable work experience, becoming a virtual assistant can be a rewarding career path.

At SGB Virtual Assistant, we offer a range of resources, tips, and training to help you kickstart your journey as a virtual assistant. Join our FREE workshop today to discover the ins and outs of working as a virtual assistant and learn how you can excel in this field. Don't let your lack of experience hold you back - with the right guidance and support, you can become a successful virtual assistant in no time!

Join our Telegram channel @sgbva and start your journey towards becoming a virtual assistant today. Click on the following link to sign up for our FREE workshop:

SGB Virtual Assistant

21 Nov, 07:24

💸 Cuma 5 menit, kamu bisa memenangkan uang total Rp 1,000,000! 

Caranya dengan isi survei ini* 🤩👇🏼


+++ BONUS HADIAH di akhir survei:
Template Bangun Personal Branding & Content Strategy

Feedback-mu sangat berarti! Yuk, isi sekarang ❤️

*10 orang beruntung akan dipilih dengan randomizer bot & mendapatkan Rp100,000.

SGB Virtual Assistant

20 Nov, 03:26

🎙️ Podcast - effective time management tips. How to find the time to do what you always wanted?

As adults, we are always extremely busy - managing our kids and family, or having a full-time job, or working overtime. How to carve the time for your other priorities?

In this podcast, I am sharing my story which happened recently which will really change your mindset about time management and give you practical tips on how to find time for any of your goals!

Tell me in the comments what was your biggest insight from this podcast?

SGB Virtual Assistant

16 Nov, 06:00

Spoiler: CAPCUT merupakan skill nomor satu buat remote worker saat ini!

Di episode youtube kali ini, kamu bakal dapet step-by-step, dari a sampai z, gimana bikin video yang bayarannya bisa dollar.💸

Mulai dari cara memotong” video, cara mengganti background video, cara cepat masukkan teks di capcut free, cara masukin efek-efek lucu, dan lain-lain. Semua tips dijamin bikin video kamu makin kece dan profesional! 🔥

Yuk, klik link di bawah dan langsung tonton videonya!

SGB Virtual Assistant

15 Nov, 08:58

Gak sempet nonton talkshow kemarin? Santai aja! Kami seneng banget kasih tau kalau rekamannya udah tersedia. Jihan bakal spill strateginya buat dapetin 27 klien di UPWORK.

Jangan sampai kelewatan kesempatan untuk belajar dari pengalamannya dan terapkan di perjalanan kamu. Ingat, rekamannya cuma tersedia selama 24 jam!

SGB Virtual Assistant

15 Nov, 06:57

💰 Dapetin total Rp 1,000,000 cuma dengan isi survei ini* 🤩👇🏼


+++ BONUS di akhir pengisian form:
Template Bangun Personal Branding & Content Strategy

Yuk, bantu SGB VA jadi lebih baik lagi ke depannya ❤️

Salam hangat,

*10 orang beruntung akan dipilih dengan randomizer bot & mendapatkan Rp100,000.

SGB Virtual Assistant

15 Nov, 01:30

Guys, I will do an IG Live on my IG broadcast channel today 3pm SGD/2pm JKT about fears: fear of failure, fear of rejection, fear of going outside of our comfort zone and how to deal with all that.

Join my broadcast channel HERE and put ❤️ if you are joining!

SGB Virtual Assistant

13 Nov, 06:43

Upwork is a great platform for finding remote jobs and projects, because thousands of entrepreneurs are constantly looking for virtual assistants. If used well, it can be a source of many opportunities.

Of course, there are important rules to follow—like choosing clients who are verified, have good feedback scores, and a hiring history on Upwork. This way, it’s easier to pick only legitimate clients.

Are you curious to learn the steps to be successful on Upwork and avoid scam jobs?
Join our free talk show, “UPWORK Scam? Jihan dapat 27 Klien LEGIT dari UPWORK, yuk Berguru Dulu”, TOMORROW!
Register now by clicking this link! 👇

SGB Virtual Assistant

10 Nov, 08:21

Family weekend! We went to Science Center Singapore and saw the real tornado show! 🌪️ How are you spending your day today, guys?

SGB Virtual Assistant

09 Nov, 06:03

Banyak yang suka serba instan, misalnya mie instan. Kamu juga nggak? 👀

🔹 Pengen cepat dapat klien, cepat dapat dollar, dan traveling bersama keluarga?
🔹 Tapi, bisa nggak sih itu semua tercapai dengan instan?⚡️

Cari tahu jawabannya di Kita Bicara Ep. 4: Realita Kerja Remote: Ada Pahitnya, Banyak Manisnya! Buruan klik link di bawah dan nonton videonya 🎥