لَـِ وجَعـيِ is a Telegram channel that serves as a space for individuals to express their emotions and share their feelings. The channel's title translates to 'My Pain' in English, indicating that it is a platform where people can vent, seek support, and connect with others who may be going through similar experiences. Whether it's heartbreak, loss, or any other form of emotional distress, members of this channel can find understanding and compassion from the community. Users are encouraged to share their stories, poems, or simply engage in discussions about mental health and well-being. The channel username, @kdjdje, provides a direct link for individuals to join and participate in the community. With a growing number of members since its establishment on March 27, 2020, لَـِ وجَعـيِ offers a supportive and non-judgmental space for individuals to open up and connect with others. For those looking for a listening ear or a place to share their innermost thoughts, this channel provides a safe and welcoming environment. For communication and exchange purposes, individuals can reach out to @a_h_med20, who is involved in facilitating interactions and ensuring a respectful and positive atmosphere within the channel. Overall, لَـِ وجَعـيِ is a community-driven platform that aims to promote empathy, understanding, and solidarity among its members. Join today to be part of this empowering and supportive community dedicated to sharing and healing.
15 Jan, 08:09
12 Oct, 22:48
09 May, 18:17
25 Mar, 22:22