لینک پیج اینستاگرام👆🐣
Welcome to the 🍴ڪدبــ ایرانے ــانوی🍛 Telegram channel, also known as @kadbanoo_meri. This channel is dedicated to providing a wide range of delicious recipes from Iranian cuisine. All the recipes shared in this channel have been tried and tested, ensuring that they are not only authentic but also reliable. From traditional Persian dishes to modern creations, you will find a variety of dishes to try and enjoy. Whether you are a seasoned chef or a beginner in the kitchen, this channel has something for everyone. Join us in exploring the rich flavors and culinary traditions of Iran. Don't miss out on the opportunity to discover new and exciting recipes that will delight your taste buds. Stay tuned for regular updates and culinary inspiration. 🍔🍛🍳☕🍩🍕🍧🍝🍨🍸🍜🍟
14 Dec, 06:47
14 Dec, 06:22
14 Dec, 06:22
14 Dec, 06:22
14 Dec, 06:22
14 Dec, 06:22
14 Dec, 06:22
14 Dec, 06:22
14 Dec, 06:22
14 Dec, 06:22
27 Nov, 18:23
27 Nov, 18:23
27 Nov, 18:23
27 Nov, 18:23
16 Nov, 23:20
16 Nov, 23:20
16 Nov, 23:20
16 Nov, 23:20
16 Nov, 23:20
16 Nov, 23:20
16 Nov, 23:20
16 Nov, 23:20
16 Nov, 23:20
16 Nov, 23:20
16 Nov, 23:20
16 Nov, 23:20
16 Nov, 23:20
16 Nov, 23:20
18 Jun, 12:52
18 Jun, 12:52
18 Jun, 12:52
18 Jun, 12:52
18 Jun, 12:52
18 Jun, 12:52
18 Jun, 12:52