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Clinical pearls💡 - Simplified medicine with updates at your fingertips 🧩🧬- towards better practise 💫

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آخرین به‌روزرسانی 17.03.2025 07:13

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Clinical Notes
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AAS Medical Notes
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The Importance of Clinical Pearls in Medicine

In the ever-evolving field of medicine, practitioners are often inundated with an overwhelming amount of information. From new treatment protocols to the latest research findings, the need for accessible and concise medical knowledge is crucial. This is where the concept of 'clinical pearls' comes into play. Clinical pearls are succinct, practical tips or insights that help healthcare professionals make informed decisions in their everyday practice. These nuggets of wisdom can be derived from years of clinical experience, extensive research, or ongoing education. With the advent of digital platforms and social media, clinical pearls have become easier to disseminate, making vital information readily available at the fingertips of practitioners. This accessibility is particularly beneficial in today’s fast-paced healthcare environment, where timely decision-making can greatly impact patient care outcomes. As we delve into the significance of clinical pearls, we will explore their impact on clinical practice, education, and the ongoing quest for improved patient care.

What are clinical pearls?

Clinical pearls are brief, clinically relevant pieces of advice or insights that encapsulate important medical knowledge. They are often based on practical experience and can provide healthcare providers with quick reference points in their decision-making processes. For example, a clinical pearl might note that a certain medication should not be combined with another due to adverse effects, or it may highlight a subtle symptom that indicates a more serious underlying issue.

These pearls are typically shared informally among healthcare professionals, through discussions during rounds, at conferences, or via social media and digital platforms. They serve as a vital resource for both seasoned practitioners and those new to the field, streamlining complex medical information into digestible pieces that enhance overall clinical practice.

How do clinical pearls improve patient care?

Clinical pearls play a significant role in improving patient care by providing healthcare professionals with easy access to crucial knowledge that can influence treatment decisions. For instance, a pearl that emphasizes the importance of screening for certain conditions based on patient demographics can lead to earlier diagnoses and better outcomes. This practical advice often fills the gaps left by traditional medical education, where time constraints can limit in-depth learning.

Moreover, clinical pearls encourage evidence-based practice by promoting the application of the latest research findings in everyday patient care. When practitioners utilize these pearls, they not only enhance their clinical judgment but also contribute to a culture of continuous learning and improvement, ultimately benefiting patients through more informed and timely care.

Where can healthcare professionals find clinical pearls?

Healthcare professionals can find clinical pearls in a variety of sources, including textbooks, medical journals, and online platforms. Online communities and social media networks, like Telegram groups (e.g., KA Medical Notes), have emerged as popular venues for sharing these insights. Such platforms allow for real-time updates and the chance to learn from the experiences of peers across the globe.

Additionally, educational programs, workshops, and continuing medical education (CME) events often include discussions of clinical pearls, providing attendees with the opportunity to gather practical insights from experts in their fields. Utilizing a combination of these resources can help healthcare providers stay updated with the latest clinical pearls that pertain to their specialty.

What role do clinical pearls play in medical education?

In medical education, clinical pearls serve as effective teaching tools that bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application. By incorporating pearls into the curriculum, educators can offer students a glimpse into real-world scenarios and decision-making processes. This practical approach helps students retain critical information that they can apply in clinical settings.

Furthermore, clinical pearls encourage a culture of inquiry and critical thinking among medical trainees. By challenging students to think about how these insights can be integrated into their practice, educators foster an environment where learning is dynamic, collaborative, and directly connected to the challenges of patient care.

How can clinical pearls be utilized in telemedicine?

As telemedicine becomes increasingly prevalent, clinical pearls can be invaluable in guiding healthcare providers during virtual consultations. These pearls can help practitioners quickly recall essential assessments and management strategies, which is particularly important when the physical examination is limited in a telehealth setting. Practitioners can refer to clinical pearls that are relevant to common conditions seen in telemedicine, such as mental health issues, chronic disease management, or pediatric care.

Moreover, in a telemedicine context, the rapid dissemination of clinical pearls through digital channels can help practitioners stay informed about the latest recommendations, treatment guidelines, and diagnostic criteria. This integration of clinical pearls into telemedicine practice not only enhances the quality of care but also equips providers with the confidence needed to address their patients’ concerns effectively.

کانال تلگرام KA Medical Notes

Welcome to KA Medical Notes, your go-to resource for simplified medicine with updates at your fingertips. This Telegram channel, @ka_medical_notes, is dedicated to providing clinical pearls that will enhance your medical knowledge and improve your practice. With regular updates and easy-to-understand information, we aim to make complex medical concepts more accessible and applicable in your day-to-day work. Whether you are a medical student, healthcare professional, or simply interested in learning more about medicine, KA Medical Notes is the perfect channel for you. Join us today and take your medical knowledge to the next level! Click on the link to join: https://t.me/+Tod1h9Jlcog5MWU0

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٨ نصائح لقياس الضغط بدقه ،وقد ايه كل واحده بتفرق ف الضغط بمقدار قد ايه

12 Mar, 19:25
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Random notes 53

1-اكتر joint بيحب يضربه مرض TB؟
طب و sarcoidosis ؟

2-work up patient with MUP

Upper and lower GI endoscopies

Tumor markers :
ca 125
ca 19-9

If female Breast US and mamogram

If bone osteolytic lesions for bone scan

If accessible site for biobsy as liver or breast or LN

3- بالنسبه للtumor markers مش بناخد بنتيجتها كرقم ولكن ك titre بالنسبه للreference
يعني مثلا CEA طالع 5000 والطبيعي لحد 50
فكده تتر العيان ده 100

4-لو عيانه معاها
Suspected malignant thyroid nodule
Subtotal thyroidectomy
ومشيت بعدها ع L thyroxine والدنيا حلوه
و thyroid بروفايل كويس
استنيت سنه وفجاه العيان بيخس وبيحس بضربات قلبه
بتعمل thyroid profile
TSH قليل
Free t4 عالي

ايه ممكن يكون قلب الدنيا كده؟
Relapse from mass
Or thymoma

هنعمل سونار رقبه و
Anti TRab
thyroglubulins ag +Ab

مفسروش معانا؟ ساعتها

Ct neck- ct chest [ both with contrast ]

5- ااااي مريض سكر لازم يمشي على statin

لو عيان suspected pulmonary embolism
ايه دور الايكو؟
Pulmonary embolism as a cause of shock { not PE itself }

7] apixaban
جرعته ال
Prophylactic: 2.5 mg / 12 H

Therapeutic: 10 mg /12 H for 7 days then 5 mg / 12 H

امته تقلل جرعه apixaban ال
لو حاجتين من ٣ الجايين :>
-more than 80 Y
-weight less than 60 kg
-creatinine more than 1.5 .

8] ليه ضغط ال lower limb اعلى من upper limb ؟

- عشان muscles bulky
فبتحتاج ضغط اكبر عشان تقفل
-عشان vessels more thick عن upper limb

9} في السكر type 2 diabetes
اهم risk factor له هو
Central or visceral obesity

وليس subcutaneous obesity .

دلوقتي عيان hypoglycemic coma
واديتله glucose ورقم السكر اتحسن الحمدلله بس العيان لسه وعيه متحسنش ١٠٠% زي الطبيعي، ايه ممكن يعملنا ده؟
اولا استبعد وجود سبب تاني مأثر على الوعي زي stroke او ان ده يكون post ictal وجاله fits ف البيت والاهل مش كانوا معاه او مش عارفيين يوصفوا ،او حاجه تانيه بتحصل بسبب اننا خدنا وقت على ما صلحنا ويحصل
hypoglycemia فحصل brain insult
ممكن تعمل delayed recovery
وده مصطلح اسمه
Post-hypoglycemic cognitive

هو ينفع عيان يبقا معاه جلوكوز ف تحليل البول ومعندوش DM؟
اه وديه
Benign asymptomatic condition
ديه benign متقلقش عادي

12- ممكن ادويه غير ادويه السكر تعمل hypoglycemia ؟
اه اشهرها

13- دواء سكر metformin
لو اسم تجاري
بيشتغل ٤ ساعات فممكن تدي ٥٠٠ مجم كل ٨ مع الوجبات مثلا
Glucophage XR
ده extended released
تدي ٢٠٠٠مجم once ف اليوم

١٤-لو عيان داخل منظار قولوني وعاوزين نعمل اشعه بعدها سواء
Ct with contrast مثلا
او PET scan
بناجلها اسبوع مثلا طب ليه؟
عشان مكان manipulation المنظار بيخلي المكان inflammed وممكن يدي
Pseudoactive area
فتبان كانها ورم

Don't overuse Vit A as it may cause
Idiopathic Intracranial hypertension

16-دواء eltroxin ف الايام العاديه بيتاخد على غيار الريق
اما رمضان ١٢ بليل
وقبلها بساعتين وبعدها بساعتين مفيش اكل ولا علاج تاني خصوصا PPI

اما PPI كانت بتتاخد قبل الافطار تبقى ف رمضان قبل السحور

17-الانسولين يتاخد بزاويه كم؟
لو قلم ٩٠°
لو سن ٤٥°

18-الrash ده اسمه
Necrolytic migratory erythema
لو شفته فكر ف
ولو انه uncommon
بس هتلاقي كتير جاي ب rash ديه
مع ال 5D
,deep vein thrombosis

وممكن انيميا و
, weight loss
ساعتها تعمل
Fasting blood glucose
Serum glucagon level
Skin biobsy if rash

ولو السكر عالي و serum glucagon عالي
Pancreatic MRI

19-لو عيان معاه sepsis وليكن سامع
Coarse crepitation على صدره
وبيكح وسخن
بس ال Sputum culture
Show no growth
ليها تفسير؟
ممكن fungal infection او lab error

20- covid-19 can raise CRP
,but monitor with titre

21-العيانين اللي عندهم
Lactose intolerance
طبعا ممنوع عليهم اي منتجات البان جبنه زبادي ،فيه ممكن ياخدوا
Ramelact 6000
قرص قبل اي منتج لبن هيقلل كتير تعبهم من منتجات الالبان

٢٣- s.cortisole
بنطلبه AM
او AM,Pm سوا

امته AM?
لو suspected addison

امته AM,PM سوا ؟
لو suspected Cushing
والافضل هنا تعمل
Midnight salivary cortisole ,if⬆️highly suggest Cushing

24-ازاي افرق بين MODY ,type 1 DM
الاتنين هيجولك ف سن صغير مثلا تحت ٢٥ ب سكر ،
Type 1 has +ve antibodies and mandate insulin, MODY -ve ABs and oral Anti-DM enough


01 Mar, 10:05
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شرح مفصل للسكر في رمضان update 2025 شرح استاذنا أ.د محمد شوقي ❤️

27 Jan, 22:52
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رمضان كريم يا جماعه💖💖💖 دلوقتي وفاضل شهر على رمضان اهوه نبدا نظبط ادويه السكر للمرضى بما يناسب ال lifestyle المختلف في رمضان✨️ اللي فوق ريكورد شرحي

27 Jan, 22:49