Banking Jobs in Bihar (Service Providers) @jobsbanking Channel on Telegram

Banking Jobs in Bihar (Service Providers)


@Job @Patna @Bank Job @Bank Jobs @Banking Job @Banking Jobs @Pvt Bank Job @Naukari @E-commerce @LOGISTICS @Bihar Jobs @Outsourcing Job @timepro @बिहार नौकरी @नौकरी @बैंक @बैंकिंग @ऑल #बैंकिंग #नामांकन #Admission #StudentCreditCard #icicibankjob #Placement

Banking Jobs in Bihar (Service Providers) (English)

Are you looking for a lucrative career in the banking sector in Bihar? Look no further than the 'Banking Jobs in Bihar (Service Providers)' Telegram channel! This channel, with the username @jobsbanking, is your one-stop destination for all the latest job opportunities in the banking industry in Bihar. Whether you are a fresher looking for your first job or an experienced professional seeking new opportunities, this channel has got you covered.

The 'Banking Jobs in Bihar (Service Providers)' channel regularly updates its subscribers with job postings from various banks and financial institutions in Bihar. You can find job openings for positions such as bank clerk, bank officer, loan officer, and many more. Additionally, the channel also features job postings in related fields such as e-commerce, logistics, and outsourcing.

If you are specifically looking for job opportunities in Patna, the capital city of Bihar, this channel is the perfect resource for you. With tags like @Job, @Patna, @Bank Job, and @Bihar Jobs, you can easily filter the job postings based on your preferences.

Apart from job postings, the channel also provides valuable information related to the banking industry, such as admission procedures, student credit card options, and placement assistance. Whether you are a job seeker or someone looking to enhance your knowledge about the banking sector, this channel has something for everyone.

Don't miss out on the opportunity to kickstart your career in the banking industry in Bihar. Join the 'Banking Jobs in Bihar (Service Providers)' Telegram channel today and stay ahead in your job search journey!

Banking Jobs in Bihar (Service Providers)

21 Feb, 15:10

कुछ दिनों के बाद बहुत सारा Govt. Outsourcing नौकरी बहुत सारा पोस्ट करूंगा।

Banking Jobs in Bihar (Service Providers)

21 Feb, 15:06

Registration Link 👇🏼

30 Days 100$ Deposit Chart
7$ Reward

|Day| Amount |
| 1 | 109.68 |
| 2 | 112.42 |
| 3 | 115.23 |
| 4 | 118.11 |
| 5 | 121.06 |
| 6 | 124.09 |
| 7 | 127.19 |
| 8 | 130.37 |
| 9 | 133.63 |
| 10 | 136.97 |
| 11 | 140.39 |
| 12 | 143.90 |
| 13 | 147.50 |
| 14 | 151.19 |
| 15 | 154.97 |
| 16 | 158.84 |
| 17 | 162.81 |
| 18 | 166.88 |
| 19 | 171.05 |
| 20 | 175.33 |
| 21 | 179.71 |
| 22 | 184.20 |
| 23 | 188.81 |
| 24 | 193.53 |
| 25 | 198.37 |
| 26 | 203.33 |
| 27 | 208.41 |
| 28 | 213.62 |
| 29 | 218.96 |
| 30 | 224.43 |

100$ investment k 30 din ke baad, aapka final amount hoga: $224.43

Banking Jobs in Bihar (Service Providers)

17 Feb, 05:42

Registration Link 👆👆

Best Time Investment
New Company Lanch india

Banking Jobs in Bihar (Service Providers)

16 Feb, 14:01

मेरे Friend का id 100$ Deposit और 215$ Withdrawal कर चुका है।
Available 221$ यानी 4.35 गुना हो चुका है।
और कोई Referral नही है

Banking Jobs in Bihar (Service Providers)

15 Feb, 15:28

Apply Now
Here are the program details:

Program Name – SBI General Insurance Achiever’s Program Insurance Program

Salary :Package after Program (CTC) – ₹3.5Lakh+Incentive Per Annum* (Inclusive Of Incentives)

Program USPs –

Campus Training
Work with a fasting growing insurance in the country

Designation After Joining– Assistant Manager

Program Training Type – Campus Based Training Program

Program Duration-1 Months
One Months Campus Training

Selection Process – Application >>
a. L1 assessment test.

b. L2 Telephonic round with client.

c. L2 Virtual interview with client on Microsoft teams

Eligibility - Graduates less than 27 Years with aggregate of 50% in 10th, 12th & Graduation

Program Cost– ₹99,000 (+ GST)
SBI General Insurance has promised to
Batch start from: 10March

Please take advantage of this immense opportunity.

Banking Jobs in Bihar (Service Providers)

13 Feb, 04:10

+91 8340469480

Banking Jobs in Bihar (Service Providers)

13 Feb, 04:01

Students Credit card Available
Admission Open.

Banking Jobs in Bihar (Service Providers)

12 Feb, 13:53

Market Analysis ke liye Join karen.☝️☝️

Banking Jobs in Bihar (Service Providers)

12 Feb, 13:51

📊 जैसा कि मैंने पहले बताया था, मार्केट ने हमारे अनालिसिस के अनुसार मूव किया और शानदार रिजल्ट दिया! 🚀
अगर आपको मेरी अनालिसिस सही लगती है, तो लाइक करें और लिंक को शेयर करें ताकि ज्यादा से ज्यादा लोग इस जानकारी से फायदा उठा सकें।

📈 रोज़ाना सटीक अपडेट और गाइडेंस के लिए जुड़े रहें!

Banking Jobs in Bihar (Service Providers)

12 Feb, 10:10

New Company Open
Best time Investment


Registrar Link ☝️☝️

Today My Investment
300$ 12-feb-2025

4 month Withdrawal
1012$ profit

Banking Jobs in Bihar (Service Providers)

11 Feb, 14:21

जल्दी करें ☝️ सीट अब कम बचा है
सोचने से काम नही मिलेगा।

Banking Jobs in Bihar (Service Providers)

11 Feb, 13:52

Urgent need

खनन विभाग
बालू घाट

Company payroll
Post- challan operator
(Computer Operator)
Location- bhojpur
Salary- 12,000+ rahna+ khana
(Side income)
Seat- 28
Inter pass

Male Candidate Only

Bhojpur ka candidate not allowed
First come first join

Same day Joining
15k Service charge
☎️ +91 8340469480

Banking Jobs in Bihar (Service Providers)

09 Feb, 15:25

Video jarur dekhe ☝️☝️

Banking Jobs in Bihar (Service Providers)

07 Feb, 10:31

Call me Any interested Candidate only
☎️ +91 8340469480

Banking Jobs in Bihar (Service Providers)

05 Feb, 01:59

कितने लोग आज-कल राँची में हो।
हम दो दिन राँची में है।
कोई मिलना चाहते है तो मिल सकते है

Banking Jobs in Bihar (Service Providers)

04 Feb, 18:07

Office of This Company

अभी भी आप लोगों को लगता हैं की company भाग जायेगा।

Banking Jobs in Bihar (Service Providers)

04 Feb, 13:37

Registrar kaise karna hai ush ke liye Video Click Link ☝️☝️☝️

Registration Link ☝️☝️

Banking Jobs in Bihar (Service Providers)

04 Feb, 09:49

Today 2nd Profit

Banking Jobs in Bihar (Service Providers)

04 Feb, 05:41

JOIN LINK ☝️☝️☝️

Join karne or Call karen Full Support: +91 8340469480

कब तक सोचोगें। मौका निकलने के बाद।

Banking Jobs in Bihar (Service Providers)

04 Feb, 05:39

2x today Complete
Time : 40 day only
202.5% Return

अब चाहे तो अपना Investment निकाल कर काम करते रहे कोई Risk नही होगा।

आप भी कर सकते है। जल्दी करें।

Banking Jobs in Bihar (Service Providers)

02 Feb, 17:07

Kolkata event

Banking Jobs in Bihar (Service Providers)

02 Feb, 11:44

JOIN LINK ☝️☝️☝️

Banking Jobs in Bihar (Service Providers)

02 Feb, 11:43

हमें जो इस App में Registration किए है उस के हर दिन का इनकम 71.17$ यानी 6600/- (महीने का 2 लाख तक ) का इनकम ले रहे है।

Banking Jobs in Bihar (Service Providers)

02 Feb, 04:55

मेरी ओर से एक ऑफर:
जो भी 150$ से First Deposit करेगा उसे हम 15$ INR में देंगे।

Deposit Reward
50$ 0 RS.
100$ 0 RS.
150$ 1395/- RS.
200$ 1860/- RS.

Offer Limit Time
कुछ समय तक

Banking Jobs in Bihar (Service Providers)

02 Feb, 04:06

हर दिन का 15$ नही आयेगा तब-तक हम रुकेंगे नही।
मेहनत तो करेंगे- हम Negative होंगें।

आप लोगों का साथ चाहिए, बस यही उम्मीद है आप लोगो से-

Banking Jobs in Bihar (Service Providers)

02 Feb, 03:58


Banking Jobs in Bihar (Service Providers)

01 Feb, 13:48

Dollar Deposit ya Buy mein koi Problem ho to Call jarur karen-
Full Help

Banking Jobs in Bihar (Service Providers)

01 Feb, 07:20


Banking Jobs in Bihar (Service Providers)

31 Jan, 11:24

आप के पास खोने के लिये 100$ हो सकता है लेकिन पाने का कोई उचाई नही।

चला गया तो 100 जायेगा लेकिन आयेगा तो हर दिन 100 आयेगा।

Banking Jobs in Bihar (Service Providers)

17 Jan, 15:29


Banking Jobs in Bihar (Service Providers)

17 Jan, 15:28

Patna Highcourt
Post - MTS
10 th pass minimum
Ctc - 21000
8 seat
20-21 jan ko joining
Outsourcing job central govt bejes ladka niklega nahi


Banking Jobs in Bihar (Service Providers)

17 Jan, 13:02

Today Join 9200/-
1). 45 day :- 2x 18,400/-
2). 90 day :- 4x 36,800/-
3). 135 day :- 8x 73,600/-
4). 180 day :- 16x 1,47,200/-
5). 225 day :- 32x 2,94,400/-
6). 270 day :- 64x 5,88,800/-

Banking Jobs in Bihar (Service Providers)

17 Jan, 12:33

___श्री राधा-राधा_____

Banking Jobs in Bihar (Service Providers)

17 Jan, 06:55

हर दिन 2% प्रॉफिट

Banking Jobs in Bihar (Service Providers)

17 Jan, 06:55

अगर किसी को 4 माह में अपने पैसा को 4x (गुना) करना हो तो समपर्क करें।

Banking Jobs in Bihar (Service Providers)

17 Jan, 06:52

27 को हम ने पोस्ट किया था। आज तक 40+% प्रॉफिट 22 दिन में हो चुका है।

Banking Jobs in Bihar (Service Providers)

15 Jan, 16:06

Training Niche Likh diye hai
Upgrade Training Partner hai

Banking Jobs in Bihar (Service Providers)

15 Jan, 08:18

Gold Loan Department

Office में रह कर काम करना है।

+91 8340469480

Banking Jobs in Bihar (Service Providers)

14 Jan, 08:55

Sponsor Code : 8BC4D3EC13

Banking Jobs in Bihar (Service Providers)

14 Jan, 08:52

App Install

Banking Jobs in Bihar (Service Providers)

14 Jan, 08:51

Video Step by Step Guide👆

Banking Jobs in Bihar (Service Providers)

14 Jan, 08:49

Document from NCS GROUP

Banking Jobs in Bihar (Service Providers)

14 Jan, 08:48

Sponsor Code : - 8BC4D3EC13

Per Refferal: $100 Dollar

Per Day income : 0.3-0.5%

Investment : '0' Amount

(Note :- New Project hai, Agar Sahi raha to Per Day Free Mein Income kar sakenge sab log, But Minimum 3 Log ko Refferal karna hoga to id Activate ho jayega.)

Esh Type ka Project Kuchh Sahi bhi hota hai, esh liye aap sab App Install jarur karen.