IT вакансії - Наталі @job_natali Channel on Telegram

IT вакансії - Наталі


Мене звати Наталя, я ІТ Recruiter👩🏻‍💻

Тут розміщую вакансії над якими працюю (Європа/США), та активно шукаю професіоналів🇺🇦

Без спаму, лише актуальні вакансії і трішки гумору🙂

📩Пишіть в будь-який час: @nata_llli

IT вакансії - Наталі (Ukrainian)

Дізнайтеся першим про найактуальніші вакансії в ІТ сфері разом з каналом "IT вакансії - Наталі"! Мене звуть Наталя, я ІТ Recruiter і тут я ділюся із вами вакансіями, над якими працюю в Європі та США. Я також активно шукаю професіоналів з гумором з України. На каналі вас чекають лише актуальні пропозиції роботи без спаму, а також трошки гумору для підняття настрою. Пишіть мені у будь-який час за допомогою @nata_llli, щоб отримати більше інформації про вакансії та можливості працевлаштування в ІТ галузі. Приєднуйтесь до нас сьогодні та будьте в курсі всіх гарячих пропозицій у світі ІТ!

IT вакансії - Наталі

08 Jan, 08:47

Хто так само?😅

IT вакансії - Наталі

07 Jan, 12:29

Вітаю 🫶🏻

IT вакансії - Наталі

06 Jan, 15:18

Вриваємось у новий рік з новою вакансією😉

Lead Developer for iOS Financial App

📜Тип контракту - аутстаф (можливо буде прямий з замовником)
💵Бюджет - до 50$ в годину
🌎Країна замовника - Естонія

📎About the job
We are an innovative technology company based in Tallinn, Estonia and a 100% remote team. We develop pioneering financial technology solutions that help millions of people in their everyday lives.
For our projects, we are now looking for a lead developer (m/f) with experience in Swift and cross-platform (e.g. Flutter) and the management of an international team of developers.

Technical management: Responsibility for the further development of our app on various platforms (iOS, Android, Web).
Backend integration: Setting up and optimizing the AWS Laravel database for user accounts and transaction data.
API connections: Connecting financial APIs to retrieve and process real-time data.
Cross-platform development: Support in the development of Android and web applications in addition to iOS.
Quality assurance: Clean code structures, regular code reviews and performance optimizations.

Professional experience: 3+ years of experience as a developer, ideally with initial team responsibility.

📎Technical skills:
iOS development with Swift and SwiftUI.
Experience with Laravel (or comparable backend solutions).
Knowledge of cross-platform technologies (e.g. Flutter, Kotlin or React).
Experience in API integration (RESTful APIs, ideally financial APIs).
Remote work mentality: Independent and structured way of working.
Team player: You communicate clearly and enjoy working in an international remote team.

Attractive salary: Top annual salary to start with.
100% remote: Work from anywhere.
Flexible working hours: Results count, not your time.
Innovative projects: Build a pioneering financial technology with us.
Personal development: Budget for further training, conferences and new tools.
Flat hierarchies: quick decisions and creative freedom.

IT вакансії - Наталі

31 Dec, 22:05


IT вакансії - Наталі

28 Dec, 14:06

Друзі, вітаю вас з Різдвом та з прийдешнім Новим Роком 🌲
Миру всім і здоров’я, а все інше буде❤️

IT вакансії - Наталі

19 Dec, 13:17


IT вакансії - Наталі

17 Dec, 13:57

Знову актуальна вакансія:

Sеnіоr FuІІ Stасk Engіnееr
wіth ехреrtіsе іn AnguІаr, Pуthоn, аnd GооgІе CІоud PІаtfоrm (GCP)
Fоr frоnt еnd, wе usе AnguІаr wіth TуреSсrірt

📜Тип контракту - Our рrеfеrеnсе іs dіrесt hіrе. But аІІ оur hіrеs stаrt wіth а 3-mоnth рrоbаtіоnаrу реrіоd аs а соntrасtоr bеfоrе trаnsіtіоnіng tо а fuІІ-tіmе еmрІоуее.
💵Бюджет - Wе аrе fІехіbІе wіth соmр fоr thе rіght tаІеnt. Our stаrtіng роіnt іs $50 реr hоur
🌎Країна замовника - Grеаt Brіtаіn
Графік: має бути оверлап з Дубайським часом 4 год
📞Етапи співбесіди:аt Іеаst 2 - іntrоduсtоrу mееtіng аnd а tесhnісаІ оnе

📎At (сІіеnt), wе mаkе соmрІіаnсе еffоrtІеss fоr соmраnіеs, gеttіng thеm аudіt-rеаdу wіthіn dауs аnd hеІріng thеm stау соntіnuоusІу соmрІіаnt. Our mіssіоn іs tо usе AI tо іnсrеаsе ассurасу аnd rеduсе mаnuаІ еffоrt, trаnsfоrmіng thе соmрІіаnсе Іаndsсаре bу mаkіng іt fаstеr, sіmрІеr, аnd mоrе sесurе. As аn іnnоvаtіvе еаrІу-stаgе stаrtuр, wе’rе drіvеn bу а bоІd vіsіоn tо bесоmе thе Іеаdіng рІаtfоrm fоr ISO аnd rеguІаtоrу tесhnоІоgу, sеttіng nеw stаndаrds іn thе іndustrу.

📎Pоsіtіоn Ovеrvіеw:
Wе аrе sееkіng а hіghІу skіІІеd аnd mоtіvаtеd Sеnіоr FuІІ Stасk Engіnееr wіth ехреrtіsе іn AnguІаr, Pуthоn, аnd GооgІе CІоud PІаtfоrm (GCP) tо jоіn оur fоundіng tеаm. Thіs іs а unіquе орроrtunіtу tо tаkе оn а Іеаdеrshір rоІе іn а fаst-grоwіng stаrtuр whеrе уоu’ІІ hаvе thе сhаnсе tо shаре thе tесhnісаІ dіrесtіоn оf оur рrоduсt аnd Іеаd thе gІоbаІІу dіstrіbutеd dеvеІорmеnt tеаm. Yоu'ІІ wоrk сІоsеІу wіth thе fоundіng tеаm tо trаnsІаtе оur vіsіоn іntо а sсаІаbІе, usеr-frіеndІу рrоduсt thаt mееts thе nееds оf оur сustоmеrs.

📎Kеу RеsроnsіbіІіtіеs:
FuІІ Stасk DеvеІорmеnt: Dеsіgn, dеvеІор, аnd mаіntаіn bоth frоnt-еnd аnd bасk-еnd соmроnеnts usіng AnguІаr аnd Pуthоn.
TесhnісаІ Lеаdеrshір: Mаkе kеу аrсhіtесturаІ dесіsіоns аnd sеt thе tесhnісаІ dіrесtіоn fоr thе рrоduсt. Lеаd bу ехаmрІе іn соdіng bеst рrасtісеs аnd sоftwаrе dеsіgn рrіnсірІеs.
Tеаm Lеаdеrshір: BuіІd, Іеаd, аnd mеntоr а tеаm оf dеvеІореrs. Fоstеr а соІІаbоrаtіvе аnd hіgh-реrfоrmіng еngіnееrіng сuІturе.
DеvеІореr PІаtfоrm: Ovеrsее thе dерІоуmеnt аnd mаnаgеmеnt оf оur рІаtfоrm оn GооgІе CІоud PІаtfоrm. ImрІеmеnt DеvOрs bеst рrасtісеs tо еnsurе соntіnuоus іntеgrаtіоn аnd dеІіvеrу.
Usеr-Cеntrіс: Wоrk сІоsеІу wіth рrоduсt mаnаgеrs аnd dеsіgnеrs tо undеrstаnd usеr nееds аnd еnsurе thаt thе рІаtfоrm dеІіvеrs аn ехсерtіоnаІ usеr ехреrіеnсе.
OреrаtіоnаІ EхсеІІеnсе: EstаbІіsh bеst рrасtісеs fоr sоftwаrе dеvеІорmеnt, quаІіtу аssurаnсе, аnd іnfrаstruсturе mаnаgеmеnt. Oрtіmіzе sуstеm реrfоrmаnсе аnd sсаІаbіІіtу.
StаkеhоІdеr Cоmmunісаtіоn: CоІІаbоrаtе wіth thе ехесutіvе tеаm аnd оthеr stаkеhоІdеrs tо аІіgn tесhnоІоgу іnіtіаtіvеs wіth busіnеss оbjесtіvеs.

8+ уеаrs оf ехреrіеnсе іn fuІІ stасk dеvеІорmеnt, wіth а strоng bасkgrоund іn TуреSсrірt аnd Pуthоn.
Prоvеn ехреrіеnсе wіth GооgІе CІоud PІаtfоrm аnd DеvOрs рrасtісеs, іnсІudіng CI/CD ріреІіnеs, соntаіnеrіzаtіоn, аnd іnfrаstruсturе аs соdе.
Eхреrіеnсе іn buіІdіng sсаІаbІе, sесurе, аnd usеr-frіеndІу sоftwаrе аррІісаtіоns.
Strоng аnаІуtісаІ skіІІs wіth а fосus оn sоІvіng рrоbІеms frоm а usеr реrsресtіvе.
EхсеІІеnt vеrbаІ аnd wrіttеn соmmunісаtіоn skіІІs, wіth thе аbіІіtу tо аrtісuІаtе tесhnісаІ соnсерts tо nоn-tесhnісаІ stаkеhоІdеrs.
EntrерrеnеurіаІ sріrіt wіth а wіІІіngnеss tо tаkе оwnеrshір аnd wоrk іn а fаst-расеd, dуnаmіс, аnd аmbіguоus еnvіrоnmеnt.
(Prеfеrrеd) Eхреrіеnсе wіth соmрІіаnсе sоftwаrе оr wоrkіng wіth rеguІаtоrу tесhnоІоgу.
(Prеfеrrеd) Prіоr ехреrіеnсе іn а Іеаdеrshір rоІе, wіth thе аbіІіtу tо іnsріrе аnd guіdе а dеvеІорmеnt tеаm.

📎Хто буде в команді: Our еngіnееrіng tеаm сurrеntІу hаs 1 еngіnееr, wіth аnоthеr еngіnееr оnbоаrdіng sооn.

IT вакансії - Наталі

16 Dec, 13:51


IT вакансії - Наталі

12 Dec, 14:22


IT вакансії - Наталі

11 Dec, 13:08


IT вакансії - Наталі

10 Dec, 12:09


IT вакансії - Наталі

09 Dec, 17:43


IT вакансії - Наталі

09 Dec, 08:34

Привітик, немає бажаючих?)

IT вакансії - Наталі

04 Dec, 18:58

Хто шукає підробіток, для вас 😉

Short term projects
📜Тип контракту - аутстаф
🌎Країна замовника - Румунія, ремоут, англійська від В2
Графік - part-time, flexible, можна поєднувати з основною роботою

📎Here are the details about the project:
- It’s about creating a variety of custom actions for GPTs (like AI bots).
- Each action takes between 4 to 8 hours to complete.
- Examples include:
- Creating diagrams from prompts in Miro
- Generating Google Slides or Sheets based on templates
- Crawling a website to list the technologies used

The work is short-term and intermittent, usually under a month, with tasks assigned on an as-needed basis.

IT вакансії - Наталі

04 Dec, 18:01

Senior PHP Laravel Developer
📜Тип контракту - прямий з замовником. Тривалість - long-term
💵Бюджет - до 4000$
🌎Країна замовника - США , англійська має бути від В2
Графік - full-time, flexible, дехто з команди в Європі, більшість в США (вони готові на трошки менше, ніж 8 годин в день, десь 6-7 може бути, але ЗП рахується по відпрацьованих годинах і важливо, щоб людина не працювала паралельно на іншій роботі, а цю сприймала, як підробіток)
📞Етапи співбесід - 2-3 етапи (порядок може змінюватися: технічна, тестове може бути, а може і не бути, фінальна з власником)

📎Трекер - є, записує екран і працівники отримують ЗП за відпрацьовані години в місяці
Хто буде в команді - тех.лід Олег, СОО Ліля, можливо, якимось чином будуть ще пересікатися з нашими іншими 3 прогерами з України, але точніше на дзвінку розкажуть за склад команди; в цілому, їм треба людина, яка може працювати незалежно сама
Бенефіти/соц.пакет - немає

📎We are an insurtech software company looking for a skilled Laravel developer well-versed in the TALL stack (Tailwind CSS, Alpine.js, Laravel, and Livewire).
Our platform will change the game in insurance innovation and help Americans get Transparency and care more simply, to make informed retirement decisions.

📎Key Responsibilities:
Develop and maintain our Laravel-based application.
Utilize Alpine.js for client-side interactions.
Implement UI designs with Tailwind CSS and Tailwind UI.
Work with Laravel Livewire for dynamic components.
Collaborate with a team of developers, designers, and product managers.
Ensure code quality, performance, and responsiveness.
Participate in code reviews and provide constructive feedback.

📎Required Skills:
Strong working experience in Laravel.
Familiarity with Laravel Livewire.
Experience with Alpine.js, Tailwind CSS.
Experience in Vue.js is a plus.
Good understanding of version control tools like GIT.
Ability to write clean, readable, and maintainable code.
Strong problem-solving and communication skills.
At least an upper-intermediate level of English language.

IT вакансії - Наталі

30 Nov, 09:23

У кого теж так?

IT вакансії - Наталі

29 Nov, 12:18

Всім привіт)

Хто ще не знає, я працюю як байєр в Чехії, зараз знижка -25% на Nike, можливо комусь буде актуально😉

IT вакансії - Наталі

26 Nov, 19:55

Це розрив😄😄😄

IT вакансії - Наталі

26 Nov, 12:42

Тепер мемів буде більше😄
А саме 50\50 з вакансіями😉

IT вакансії - Наталі

22 Nov, 20:55

Всім привіт🤗

Сьогодні мені сказали що мало мемів в каналі😁

Роблю опитування у якому % відношенні публікувати наступні дописи:

IT вакансії - Наталі

21 Nov, 17:45


IT вакансії - Наталі

11 Nov, 16:04


IT вакансії - Наталі

08 Nov, 14:23


IT вакансії - Наталі

07 Nov, 17:39

Побачила на просторах LinkedIn, ділюсь👌🏻

7 things to NEVER say in a job interview.
And, what to say instead.

Don't say:
"I was fired from my last job."
Say instead:
Due to a restructuring, my position was affected. It gave me the opportunity to focus on growth areas, such as learning new skills.

Don't say:
"I didn’t like my last manager."
Say instead:
"My previous role presented challenges, but I learned a lot about (specific skills or lessons) that I’m eager to apply here."

Don't say:
"I don’t have any questions."
Say instead:
"What are the key challenges facing the team right now?" or "What does success look like in this role?"

Don't say:
"I need this job because I’m in a tough spot."
Say instead:
"I'm interested in this position because it aligns with my skills in (specific skill) and my passion for (aspect of the job)."

Don't say:
"I don't have any weaknesses."
Say instead:
"One area I’m working on improving is (specific weakness), and I’ve been taking (steps you're taking) to address it."

Don't say:
"I’m just applying to a lot of places."
Say instead:
"I’m particularly interested in this company because of (reason related to the company’s mission, culture, or role)."

Don't say:
"I'm overqualified for this position."
Say instead:
"I bring a wealth of experience that I believe can add immediate value to this role, and I’m excited about the opportunity to contribute to your team."

IT вакансії - Наталі

07 Nov, 13:41

РНР Software Developer
Це парт-тайм позиція
Англійська - від Upper-Intermediate

📜Тип контракту - прямий з замовником
💵Бюджет - замовник не вказав побажання
🌎Країна замовника - Фінляндія

📎Про компанію і проект (опис, на якій стадії проект) - an internationally fast-growing start-up with industry-leading strategy execution SaaS for large organizations.
Are you a backend developer passionate about creating seamless digital solutions? Customer’s team is looking for a talented part-time backend developer with strong experience in PHP, Lumen Laravel, and PostgreSQL (Google Cloud SQL). If you’re skilled in backend technologies, looking for a hybrid role with flexible working hours.

📎Core Skills: Proficiency in PHP, Lumen Laravel, and PostgreSQL (Google Cloud SQL).
Bonus Points: Prior experience with Microsoft Graph or Jira integrations.
Hybrid Role: Flexibility to work from home.
Start Date: Immediate; we’ll fill this position as soon as we find the right candidate.

IT вакансії - Наталі

07 Nov, 13:32

Senior Backend Developer (Python/Django)
Experience: At least 5 years of backend development experience, specifically with Python, Django and REST APIs.

📜Тип контракту - аутстаф, 2 міс траялу, потім контракт на рік
💵Бюджет - замовник не вказав побажання
🌎Країна замовника - Велика Британія

Clean up and document API endpoints.
Refactor existing backend code for performance.
Implement best practices for security and performance.
Optimize database queries, enhance system architecture.
Establish systems and processes for scalability and security.
Collaborate closely with frontend developers for seamless integration.

Python, Django, RESTful APIs and API documentation standards.
Experience with database management (PostgreSQL, MySQL, etc.).
Understanding of version control systems (Git) and CI/CD pipelines.
Knowledge of cloud services (AWS, GCP) for deployment/scalability.

📎Looking For:
Integrity, loyalty, and a long-term vision aligned with our mission.
A hands-on beast who can quickly address and resolve backend issues.
A proactive communicator who can streamline our development process.

IT вакансії - Наталі

07 Nov, 13:20

Привіт, сьогодні буде 3 нові вакансії:
Python, Python (але локація лише Латинська Америка) і РНР


IT вакансії - Наталі

06 Nov, 16:36

Senior C++ Developer
📜Тип контракту - прямий з замовником
💵Бюджет - до 8000$ (depends on the candidate – but ideally <100k USD (в рік))
🌎Країна замовника - USA
CET hours ( ideally Europe as they are the right timezone)
📞Етапи співбесіди:
Principles You personality test
HR interview
Technical interview

📎(client) markets is a quantitative trading firm focussing on the FX and ETD markets. We leverage cutting-edge machine learning technology to enhance trading strategies and risk management.

📎Role Summary
We are seeking a highly skilled Senior Software Engineer with expertise in C++ and Java, and a solid background in managing production Linux servers. The ideal candidate will have experience in market making. This role involves developing and optimising our proprietary trading system, DeepFlux, which executes FX and futures trades in the financial markets.

📎Key Responsibilities
Design, develop, and maintain high-performance trading systems using C++ and Java
Work on the continuous improvement of our production Linux server environment for optimal efficiency and reliability
Collaborate with the trading and development team to integrate new trading strategies and risk management tools
Participate in the entire software development lifecycle, including ideation, coding, testing, deployment, and post-launch maintenance
Contribute to the development of algorithms and models for market analysis and trading execution
Ensure the highest level of system security and compliance with industry standards

Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Computer Science, Engineering, or a related field
Proven experience in software development with a strong command of C++ and Java
Extensive knowledge of Linux server environments, including configuration, optimisation, and security
Experience in financial markets, trading systems, or market making is advantageous but not a must
Strong analytical and problem-solving skills, with the ability to work independently and in a team
Excellent communication skills and proficiency in English, both written and spoken

Competitive salary (negotiable based on experience)
Flexible working hours and the opportunity to work remotely
A dynamic and inclusive work environment with a focus on innovation and development
Access to cutting-edge technology and tools
Opportunities for professional growth and development in the fintech and trading sectors

IT вакансії - Наталі

04 Nov, 20:15

Backend Engineer (PHP + TDD)
📜Тип контракту - прямий з замовником
💵Бюджет - до $3800 /month (до 21$ в годину)
🌎Країна замовника - Ізраїль

📎Важливо - мати досвід з PHP та TDD

📎About the job:
Join a forward-thinking SaaS company at the forefront of advertising technology for high-risk industries like iGaming, Nutra, Dating, and Finance. We're seeking highly-skilled, fast-moving software engineers who love to dive into the code, solve immediate problems, and produce working solutions quickly. If you thrive in complex environments, are comfortable bypassing conventional structures to reach innovative solutions, and are driven by creating solutions that push the boundaries of what's possible, we want you to shape the future of ad tech with us. This is your chance to build a sophisticated, high-impact platform that meets the unique demands of high-risk advertising.

📎What You'll Do:
You'll play a pivotal role in developing and optimizing our cutting-edge ad tech platform, designed to serve the unique needs of high-risk industries.
You'll be deeply involved in the code, collaborating cross-functionally to tackle complex technical challenges and deliver rapid and effective outcomes.
Your expertise in reverse engineering, penetration testing, problem-solving, and unconventional thinking will allow you to enhance and drive key advancements in our technology, helping us grow and maintain our competitive edge in the industry.

📎What You'll Bring:
Rapid problem-solving with a focus on immediate functionality.
Thrives on innovation and enjoys hacking together solutions that work efficiently in the short term.
Utilize test-driven development (TDD) methodologies to ensure rigorous testing, leading to a reduction in post-production defects.
Experience developing automation and processes to perform reverse engineering and vulnerability analysis.
5+ years of coding experience, often in fast-paced environments like startups.
5+ years of PHP development experience, with a strong focus on Laravel.
Working experience with Facebook APIs, or similar social media APIs, both public and internal.
Varied background with experience across multiple languages and frameworks, though not necessarily in leadership roles.
Proficiency in Burp suite or similar tools for analyzing HTTP requests/responses.
Queue management and know how to work with queues at scale.
Have experience with creating bots and automation by reverse engineering existing systems.
Proficiency in SQL and NoSQL databases, with experience in optimization and scaling.
Knowledge of unit testing and automated testing frameworks to ensure software quality.

📎Your Profile:
Works best in agile teams.
Contributed to open-source projects or can share examples of side projects, showcasing your passion and willingness to experiment.
Ability to quickly adapt, innovate, and solve unique problems with time constraints.
Previous senior developer experience in tech/SaaS/Cyber companies with strong references.
Problem solver who thrives on solving complex challenges.
A can-do attitude who thinks outside the box and only stops once a solution is found.
Fully Committed, ready to dedicate yourself to a single project for the long term.
Strong communicator who communicates effectively in a cross-functional team setting.

IT вакансії - Наталі

04 Nov, 13:04

CRO specialist/funnel builder
📜Тип контракту - прямий з замовником
💵Бюджет - до $1500 / month
🌎Країна замовника - США, але співзасновники з України
📞Графік - 9.00 AM EST - 5.00 PM EST (7 годин різниці з Україною, в нас це буде 16.00-23.00 по Києву), в них щодня є мітинги (зазвичай) о 19.00 по Києву
Важливо: перших 30 днів випробувальних з оплатою 50% від зарплати, після того, якщо проходять випробувальний вже буде 100% зарплати

experience in the beauty niche is a plus. Experience in html custom coding is a plus. - по цьому пункту якщо буде такий досвід, зазначайте, будь ласка
- дуже великим буде плюсом досвід роботи з Checkoutchamp, а якщо його немає, то велике бажання швидко вивчити, бо це одне з основних буде в їх роботі

📎Company Description:
We are a fast-growing ecommerce store from Miami, FL. We sell different solutions for hair growth through such acquisition platforms as Meta ads, Google ads, Klaviyo, Tiktok, Instagram, etc. We work on Shopify, Funnelish and Checkoutchamp.

📎Role Description:
This is a contract remote role for a CRO specialist/funnel builder. The CRO specialist will create comprehensive ecommerce website A/B split-tests, build landing pages, optimise sales pages, offers and checkouts. The CRO specialist will also develop and implement strategies to maximize return on investment and increase overall campaign performance. The knowledge of Shopify, Funnelish, and Checkoutchamp is strongly preferred.

At least 1 year of experience in CRO or funnel building
Good English for communication with the team (at least C1 level)
Availability to work on Eastern Standard Time (EST)
Strong proficiency in Funnelish funnel building and CRO
Proficiency in Checkoutchamp funnel building and CRO
Proficiency in working with Shopify page building - Pagefly, Gempages, Replo
Ability to analyze and optimize landing pages, sales pages, checkout pages to maximize ROI
Demonstrated experience in CR% optimization, AOV optimization, LTV optimization
Qualities we seek: flexibility, responsiveness, eagerness to learn, ambition to take over more important position in future

IT вакансії - Наталі

04 Nov, 13:04

Всім привіт ☺️

IT вакансії - Наталі

30 Oct, 17:42

Потрібно декілька резюме на вакансію: Test Engineer

Role Description
The Test Engineer will be responsible for executing test cases, performing functional testing, and ensuring the quality of software and hardware products through both automation and manual testing. Day-to-day tasks include creating and executing test plans, identifying and documenting defects, and collaborating with the development team to resolve issues.

Test Engineering, Test Execution, and Testing skills
Manual and Automation testing experience
Experience in Robot Framework, Python Jira and Confluence
Ability to work in English
Ability to create and execute test cases
Experience in functional testing
Strong analytical and problem-solving skills
Knowledge of software testing methodologies
Excellent communication and collaboration abilities
Bachelor's degree in Computer Science or related field

Поки це всі деталі

IT вакансії - Наталі

30 Oct, 17:11

eCommerce Website Page Developer
📜Тип контракту - прямий з замовником
💵Бюджет - до $3000 / month
Важливо: перших 30 днів випробувальних з оплатою 50% від зарплати, після того, якщо проходять випробувальний вже буде 100% зарплати

🌎Країна замовника - США, але співзасновники з України, наскільки я зрозуміла
Графік - 9.00 AM EST - 5.00 PM EST (7 годин різниці з Україною, в нас це буде 16.00-23.00 по Києву), в них щодня є мітинги (зазвичай) о 19.00 по Києву
📞Етапи співбесід - 1) trial task до 2 год. по часу, 2) technical/final interview

англійська мінімум С1
досвід роботи з Checkoutchamp, а якщо його немає, то велике бажання швидко вивчити, бо це одне з основних буде в вашій роботі
На якій стадії проект - 1,5 років вебсайт вже працює, вони будуть будувати нову page з нуля, але є references багато різних
Хто буде в команді - розробник буде працювати в команді з 2 людьми: marketing director and copywriter

📎About the job
We are a fast-growing ecommerce store from Miami, FL. We sell different solutions for hair growth through such acquisition platforms as Meta ads, Google ads, Klaviyo, Tiktok, Instagram, etc. We work on Shopify, Funnelish and Checkoutchamp.

We are seeking a talented eCommerce Website Page Developer to join our team on a contract basis. In this remote role, you will be responsible for creating comprehensive A/B split tests for our eCommerce website, building optimized landing pages, enhancing sales pages, managing offers, and refining checkout processes and upsells. Your expertise will be critical in developing and implementing strategies to maximize return on investment (ROI) and improve overall campaign performance. Proficiency in Shopify and Checkoutchamp is required.

Develop and execute A/B split tests to optimize eCommerce website performance.
Build and optimize landing pages, sales pages, offers, and checkout processes.
Create and implement strategies to improve conversion rates (CR%), average order value (AOV), and customer lifetime value (LTV).
Utilize Checkoutchamp for funnel building and conversion rate optimization (CRO).
Leverage Shopify to design and enhance website pages for better user experience and performance.
Collaborate with the marketing and design teams to align website strategies with overall business goals.
Monitor and analyze performance metrics to identify areas for improvement.
Proactively seek and implement efficient solutions to enhance website functionality and user engagement.
Stay updated on industry trends and best practices in eCommerce development and optimization.

At least 3 years of experience in eCommerce website page development.
Strong proficiency in Checkoutchamp funnel building and conversion rate optimization.
Extensive experience in Shopify page building and optimization strategies.
Excellent command of English for effective communication with the team (C1 level or higher).
Availability to work on Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Demonstrated ability to perform quickly and efficiently, with a proactive approach to problem-solving.
Proven track record of optimizing conversion rates, average order value, and customer lifetime value.
Qualities we seek: flexibility, responsiveness, eagerness to learn, and ambition to take on more significant roles in the future.

If you are passionate about eCommerce development and are ready to work and improve in a dynamic environment, we would love to hear from you. Apply to join our team!

IT вакансії - Наталі

30 Oct, 13:10

Mobile App Developer
We looking for a developer who can built mobile apps on his own in react native, with knowledge in Backend and Frontend development
📜Тип контракту - прямий з замовником
💵Бюджет - до 5000$
🌎Країна замовника - Естонія, Португалія
📞Етапи відбору: We have a paid task , which is finishing one mobile app from scratch we provide figma file

📎Про компанію і проект (опис, на якій стадії проект) - we understand the value of freedom and autonomy in fostering innovation and efficiency. We operate on a simple yet powerful principle: deliver results and enjoy unparalleled freedom. Our work culture is built around trust and responsibility, allowing our team members to manage their work in the way that suits them best. Since 2019 we´ve released 20+ apps and reached more than 30 million users with our products.

📎As a Senior Mobile App Developer, you will be at the forefront of creating innovative mobile applications using React Native and Python (sometimes). Your role involves not just coding, but bringing ideas to life. With your experience, especially in integrating AI functionalities, you’ll have the freedom to shape the future of our mobile apps that already have thousands of users, as well as those still in the ideation stage. We looking for a developer who can built mobile apps on his own in react native, with knowledge in Backend and Frontend development we´re mostly developing api wrappers, mvp development cycle is around 2 weeks

Minimum 5 years of experience in mobile app development.
Proficient in React Native and Python.
Experience in integrating AI functionalities into apps.
Ability to work independently and efficiently without constant supervision.
Strong understanding of the full mobile development life cycle.
Excellent problem-solving skills and attention to detail.
Strong communication skills and team collaboration.

📎Що потрібно робити:
Develop and maintain mobile applications using React Native.
Backend development using Python.
Build new mobile apps from scratch and enhance existing ones.
Integrate AI features into mobile applications.
Work independently, with minimal need for micromanagement.
Collaborate with teams to design, develop, and launch new features.
Ensure high performance and responsiveness of applications.
Identify and fix bugs, and optimize application for maximum speed and scalability.

📎Додаткова інформація:
Autonomy in Your Role: You know your job better than anyone else. We provide the freedom to approach your projects in the way you deem most effective. As long as the results meet our high standards, how you get there is up to you.
Flexible Work Environment: Whether you choose to work remotely or prefer the buzz of the office, our flexible work environment is designed to suit your needs. For those seeking a change of scenery, we offer the option to relocate to Lisbon, Portugal.
Result-Oriented Culture: We measure success by results, not hours spent at a desk. You’ll be encouraged to set your own goals, manage your time, and prioritize tasks in a way that maximizes your productivity.
Supportive Team Structure: While we value independence, you’re not alone. Our team is here to provide support, collaboration, and expertise when needed.

IT вакансії - Наталі

30 Oct, 11:08


IT вакансії - Наталі

30 Oct, 10:44

Всім привіт, звертаюсь до представників компаній, маємо замовника з запитом проекту під ключ
ми аутсорсом не займаємось, тому готові клієнта передати за 10%

Клієнт хоче розробити сайт, сфера - trash recycling, а на основі сайту розробити моб додаток
Технології - react native, typescript, node.js або java (sprig boot)
Замовник з Польщі

Бюджет у них обмежений - 25 000$

IT вакансії - Наталі

29 Oct, 10:52

Middle AWS DevOps Engineer (Java exp!)
📜Тип контракту - аутстаф, далі може бути прямий з замовником
💵Бюджет - до 20$ в годину (3500$ в місяць)
🌎Країна замовника - Польша
Старт, тривалість: асап, 6 міс будуть оцінювати, потім продовження контракту
📞Етапи співбесіди: 2 технічні, + 2 культурний фіт

📎Про компанію і проект (опис, на якій стадії проект):
We are a cutting-edge, fintech startup backed by a leading US bank. The team is all self-driven, highly motivated innovators who are all building the business from the ground up. We are looking for like-minded people, who are passionate about computers and technology and revolutionizing the financial industry!

As a AWS DevOps Engineer, you will lead the design, deployment, and management of our AWS infrastructure, ensuring efficient, secure, and scalable operations. Your role will involve automating processes, building CI/CD pipelines, and optimizing cloud performance, with some Java development to support application needs.

Architect, deploy, and manage AWS environments with a focus on scalability and security.
Automate infrastructure provisioning and management using tools like AWS CloudFormation or Terraform.
Develop and maintain CI/CD pipelines using AWS DevOps tools (CodePipeline, CodeBuild, CodeDeploy).
Monitor, troubleshoot, and optimize cloud performance using AWS CloudWatch, X-Ray, and related tools.
Implement AWS security best practices, including IAM roles and VPC configurations.
Collaborate with development teams to integrate DevOps practices and support Java-based applications.

Extensive experience in AWS services (EC2, S3, EKS, SES, Secret Manager etc.).
Proven expertise in DevOps practices, including CI/CD, automation, and infrastructure as code.
Strong understanding of containerization (Docker) and orchestration (Kubernetes).
Solid experience in Java development, particularly in cloud-based environments.
Excellent problem-solving and communication skills.

AWS certifications (DevOps Engineer, Solutions Architect).
Experience with micro-services.

📎Трекер: Hubstaff
Хто буде в команді: 6 людей, вже є 1 девопс в Києві (джун)
Бенефіти\соц.пакет:тільки ставка по контракту

IT вакансії - Наталі

29 Oct, 10:41

кому знайомо?)

IT вакансії - Наталі

26 Oct, 06:45

Sеnіоr FuІІ Stасk Engіnееr
wіth ехреrtіsе іn AnguІаr, Pуthоn, аnd GооgІе CІоud PІаtfоrm (GCP)
Fоr frоnt еnd, wе usе AnguІаr wіth TуреSсrірt

📜Тип контракту - Our рrеfеrеnсе іs dіrесt hіrе. But аІІ оur hіrеs stаrt wіth а 3-mоnth рrоbаtіоnаrу реrіоd аs а соntrасtоr bеfоrе trаnsіtіоnіng tо а fuІІ-tіmе еmрІоуее.
💵Бюджет - Wе аrе fІехіbІе wіth соmр fоr thе rіght tаІеnt. Our stаrtіng роіnt іs $50 реr hоur
🌎Країна замовника - Grеаt Brіtаіn
Графік:CET hоurs
📞Етапи співбесіди:аt Іеаst 2 - іntrоduсtоrу mееtіng аnd а tесhnісаІ оnе

📎At (сІіеnt), wе mаkе соmрІіаnсе еffоrtІеss fоr соmраnіеs, gеttіng thеm аudіt-rеаdу wіthіn dауs аnd hеІріng thеm stау соntіnuоusІу соmрІіаnt. Our mіssіоn іs tо usе AI tо іnсrеаsе ассurасу аnd rеduсе mаnuаІ еffоrt, trаnsfоrmіng thе соmрІіаnсе Іаndsсаре bу mаkіng іt fаstеr, sіmрІеr, аnd mоrе sесurе. As аn іnnоvаtіvе еаrІу-stаgе stаrtuр, wе’rе drіvеn bу а bоІd vіsіоn tо bесоmе thе Іеаdіng рІаtfоrm fоr ISO аnd rеguІаtоrу tесhnоІоgу, sеttіng nеw stаndаrds іn thе іndustrу.

📎Pоsіtіоn Ovеrvіеw:
Wе аrе sееkіng а hіghІу skіІІеd аnd mоtіvаtеd Sеnіоr FuІІ Stасk Engіnееr wіth ехреrtіsе іn AnguІаr, Pуthоn, аnd GооgІе CІоud PІаtfоrm (GCP) tо jоіn оur fоundіng tеаm. Thіs іs а unіquе орроrtunіtу tо tаkе оn а Іеаdеrshір rоІе іn а fаst-grоwіng stаrtuр whеrе уоu’ІІ hаvе thе сhаnсе tо shаре thе tесhnісаІ dіrесtіоn оf оur рrоduсt аnd Іеаd thе gІоbаІІу dіstrіbutеd dеvеІорmеnt tеаm. Yоu'ІІ wоrk сІоsеІу wіth thе fоundіng tеаm tо trаnsІаtе оur vіsіоn іntо а sсаІаbІе, usеr-frіеndІу рrоduсt thаt mееts thе nееds оf оur сustоmеrs.

📎Kеу RеsроnsіbіІіtіеs:
FuІІ Stасk DеvеІорmеnt: Dеsіgn, dеvеІор, аnd mаіntаіn bоth frоnt-еnd аnd bасk-еnd соmроnеnts usіng AnguІаr аnd Pуthоn.
TесhnісаІ Lеаdеrshір: Mаkе kеу аrсhіtесturаІ dесіsіоns аnd sеt thе tесhnісаІ dіrесtіоn fоr thе рrоduсt. Lеаd bу ехаmрІе іn соdіng bеst рrасtісеs аnd sоftwаrе dеsіgn рrіnсірІеs.
Tеаm Lеаdеrshір: BuіІd, Іеаd, аnd mеntоr а tеаm оf dеvеІореrs. Fоstеr а соІІаbоrаtіvе аnd hіgh-реrfоrmіng еngіnееrіng сuІturе.
DеvеІореr PІаtfоrm: Ovеrsее thе dерІоуmеnt аnd mаnаgеmеnt оf оur рІаtfоrm оn GооgІе CІоud PІаtfоrm. ImрІеmеnt DеvOрs bеst рrасtісеs tо еnsurе соntіnuоus іntеgrаtіоn аnd dеІіvеrу.
Usеr-Cеntrіс: Wоrk сІоsеІу wіth рrоduсt mаnаgеrs аnd dеsіgnеrs tо undеrstаnd usеr nееds аnd еnsurе thаt thе рІаtfоrm dеІіvеrs аn ехсерtіоnаІ usеr ехреrіеnсе.
OреrаtіоnаІ EхсеІІеnсе: EstаbІіsh bеst рrасtісеs fоr sоftwаrе dеvеІорmеnt, quаІіtу аssurаnсе, аnd іnfrаstruсturе mаnаgеmеnt. Oрtіmіzе sуstеm реrfоrmаnсе аnd sсаІаbіІіtу.
StаkеhоІdеr Cоmmunісаtіоn: CоІІаbоrаtе wіth thе ехесutіvе tеаm аnd оthеr stаkеhоІdеrs tо аІіgn tесhnоІоgу іnіtіаtіvеs wіth busіnеss оbjесtіvеs.

8+ уеаrs оf ехреrіеnсе іn fuІІ stасk dеvеІорmеnt, wіth а strоng bасkgrоund іn TуреSсrірt аnd Pуthоn.
Prоvеn ехреrіеnсе wіth GооgІе CІоud PІаtfоrm аnd DеvOрs рrасtісеs, іnсІudіng CI/CD ріреІіnеs, соntаіnеrіzаtіоn, аnd іnfrаstruсturе аs соdе.
Eхреrіеnсе іn buіІdіng sсаІаbІе, sесurе, аnd usеr-frіеndІу sоftwаrе аррІісаtіоns.
Strоng аnаІуtісаІ skіІІs wіth а fосus оn sоІvіng рrоbІеms frоm а usеr реrsресtіvе.
EхсеІІеnt vеrbаІ аnd wrіttеn соmmunісаtіоn skіІІs, wіth thе аbіІіtу tо аrtісuІаtе tесhnісаІ соnсерts tо nоn-tесhnісаІ stаkеhоІdеrs.
EntrерrеnеurіаІ sріrіt wіth а wіІІіngnеss tо tаkе оwnеrshір аnd wоrk іn а fаst-расеd, dуnаmіс, аnd аmbіguоus еnvіrоnmеnt.
(Prеfеrrеd) Eхреrіеnсе wіth соmрІіаnсе sоftwаrе оr wоrkіng wіth rеguІаtоrу tесhnоІоgу.
(Prеfеrrеd) Prіоr ехреrіеnсе іn а Іеаdеrshір rоІе, wіth thе аbіІіtу tо іnsріrе аnd guіdе а dеvеІорmеnt tеаm.

📎Хто буде в команді: Our еngіnееrіng tеаm сurrеntІу hаs 1 еngіnееr, wіth аnоthеr еngіnееr оnbоаrdіng sооn.

IT вакансії - Наталі

25 Oct, 11:45

Flutter & Node.js Developer for Mobile Application Completion (Urgent)
📜Тип контракту - аутстаф
💵Бюджет +-35$+
🌎Країна замовника - клієнт з Саудівської Аравії
Графік: СЕТ

📎We are seeking a skilled Flutter and Node.js developer to take over and complete our in-progress mobile application. The ideal candidate should have a strong grasp of mobile app architecture, with expertise in both frontend and backend development.

📎Key Responsibilities:
Continue the development of our mobile app using Flutter for the frontend.
Build and optimize backend services using Node.js and Strapi (Node.js-based CMS).
Ensure seamless integration between the mobile app frontend and backend services.
Follow best practices in coding, design patterns, and app architecture.
Collaborate with our team, communicate progress, and adapt to evolving project requirements.

📎Required Skills & Experience:
Proven experience developing mobile applications using Flutter.
Strong proficiency in Node.js backend development and experience with Strapi.
Ability to work independently and deliver high-quality, maintainable code.
Experience with RESTful APIs and integrating mobile applications with backend systems.
Knowledge of coding best practices and design patterns (e.g., MVC, Singleton, etc.).
Familiarity with mobile app deployment on iOS and Android.

📎Additional Qualities:
Detail-oriented with a commitment to producing clean, well-documented code.
Excellent communication skills and the ability to collaborate with a remote team.
Previous experience with rush projects or tight deadlines is a plus.

IT вакансії - Наталі

25 Oct, 04:12

Backend Scala Engineer
📜Тип контракту - прямий з замовником\аутстаф
💵Бюджет до 35$
🌎Країна замовника - Швеція
📞Етапи співбесіди:
* initial interview with HR
* Technical interview with technical questions together with my server lead.

📎Про компанію і проект: (client) is the leader and innovator when it comes to brand placements in the gaming industry. We connect worlds’ leading game developers and premium advertising platforms, enabling game developers to monetize their content with interactive, programmatic brand placements. With the aim to be non-intrusive, tailored, and auctioned in real-time, (client) has kickstarted the next revolution in advertising.
Founded in 2016, we’ve experienced exciting growth and are looking for talented people to join our team who can provide value and help (client) enter into its next stages of success. The culture is welcoming and every member of the tech team is expected to contribute to improve our product.

📎Вимоги та що потрібно робити на проекті:Design, develop, and maintain applications, adhering to programming best practices.
Work on SQL-based database solutions while integrating best practices in database design and optimization.
Participate in code reviews, and architecture discussions, and contribute to the continuous improvement of the development process.
Ensure code quality, performance, and security across all application layers.
Provide production support, monitoring, troubleshooting, and resolving issues to maintain system stability and performance.

3+ years of professional experience
Working knowledge of Scala or any other JVM language (e.g., Java).
Experience with PostgreSQL, Redis
Good communication skills in English
Hands-on experience with Docker, Kubernetes.
Knowledge of Ansible and Terraform for infrastructure automation.
Expertise of AWS cloud

📎Nice to have :
Knowledge of Rust
Experience with Python for scripting and automation.
Experience in developing high-performance systems.

📎Хто буде в команді: up to 6 people

IT вакансії - Наталі

23 Oct, 12:39

Є термінова вакансія:
Flutter & Node.js Developer for Mobile Application Completion

за деталями пишіть в пп - @nata_llli

IT вакансії - Наталі

23 Oct, 12:00


IT вакансії - Наталі

22 Oct, 11:26

Senior DevOps Engineer (Azure)
🌎Локація кандидата: Candidate must be located in Poland (or other EU country)

📜Тип контракту - аутстаф, шукають в команду для свого проекту і клієнта
💵Бюджет - до 37$ в годину
Англійська: Advanced, Країна замовника: Швеція

📞Етапи співбесіди: 1. Ейчар інтервю 2. Технічне інтерв’ю 3. Інтерв’ю з їхнім клієнтом
Старт проекту: Candidate should be available from middle/end of November
Тривалість: довгострокова співпраця

📎Про сам проект: Swedish-based company, that produces first-rate products in the areas of heat transfer, separation and fluid handling.
Стадія проекту: it’s an ongoing project, and the client is looking to replace some consultants due to high costs.

You might be the perfect match, if you have experience in the following areas together with min 4 years of previous experience in DevOps:
Azure infrastructure management for AI workloads (VMs, GPU instances, Virtual Networks,
Azure AI Search, OpenAI, Azure ML)
CI/CD pipelines creation for deploying AI models and services (Azure DevOps)
Proficiency in scripting for automation (PowerShell, Python)
Containerization and orchestration for AI applications (Docker, Kubernetes, AKS with GPU
Infrastructure as Code (Bicep, Terraform)
Monitoring and logging (Azure Monitor, Application Insights, Log Analytics for AI model
Previous AI experience (e.g. RAG application development) is a plus

📎Що потрібно робити на проекті: As a DevOps Engineer, you will manage and optimize Azure infrastructure for AI workloads, including
virtual machines, GPU instances, and networks. You&#39;ll build and maintain CI/CD pipelines for deploying
AI models and services, and automate tasks using scripting languages like PowerShell or Python.
Containerizing and orchestrating AI applications with Docker and Kubernetes (AKS), along with
leveraging Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tools such as Bicep or Terraform, will be key responsibilities.
Additionally, you&#39;ll monitor system and model performance using Azure Monitor and related tools,
ensuring scalable and reliable AI deployments.

IT вакансії - Наталі

16 Oct, 12:17


IT вакансії - Наталі

12 Oct, 08:15

Мемчик від підписника😁

IT вакансії - Наталі

07 Oct, 05:34

Було таке? 😁

IT вакансії - Наталі

04 Oct, 14:20


IT вакансії - Наталі

28 Sep, 11:28

Senior Front-End Developer (Next.js)
📜Тип контракту - буде або прямий з замовником, або аутстаф через нашу компанію
💵Бюджет - depends on level
Графік: Normal Business Hours with some overlap with CST or EST

We are seeking a skilled and experienced Next.js Frontend Developer to join our team. As a front-end developer, you will play a crucial role in developing and maintaining web applications using Next.js, a powerful and popular React framework. You will be responsible for the full software development life cycle, from concept and design to testing and deployment. Your role will involve both front-end and back-end development, including integrating server-side code with user interfaces to ensure excellent user experiences. The ideal candidate should have a strong understanding of JavaScript, React, and Next.js, and be proficient in developing user interface components and implementing them following well-known React.js workflows. Additionally, the candidate should be able to collaborate effectively with cross-functional teams, including designers, product managers, and other developers, to ensure the performance, quality, and responsiveness of the applications.

If you are a highly motivated developer with a passion for building robust and scalable systems, we invite you to apply for this exciting opportunity. Join our team and contribute to the success of our innovative projects.

Developing and maintaining web applications using Next.js
Full software development life cycle, from concept and design to testing and deployment
Front-End and back-end development, including integrating server-side code with user interfaces
Collaborating with cross-functional teams to ensure application performance, quality, and responsiveness

📎Required Qualifications & Skills:
Proficiency in JavaScript, React, and Next.js
Experience in developing user interface components and implementing them following well-known React.js workflows.
Strong understanding of the full software development life cycle
Ability to collaborate effectively with cross-functional teams

📎Preferred Qualifications:
Experience in developing business-facing SaaS products and applications

IT вакансії - Наталі

26 Sep, 11:41


IT вакансії - Наталі

24 Sep, 15:58

Мемчик від підписника😄

IT вакансії - Наталі

24 Sep, 13:44


IT вакансії - Наталі

24 Sep, 12:15

Всім привітик, приїхала в Україну, кайфую вдома, тому трошки пропала🥰

IT вакансії - Наталі

19 Sep, 09:46

Мемчик від підписника😃

IT вакансії - Наталі

13 Sep, 09:03

AWS DevOps Engineer (Java exp)
📜Тип контракту - аутстаф, далі може бути прямий з замовником
💵Бюджет - до 5000$
🌎Країна замовника - Польша
Старт, тривалість: асап, 6 міс будуть оцінювати, потім продовження контракту
📞Етапи співбесіди: 2 технічні, + 2 культурний фіт

📎Про компанію і проект (опис, на якій стадії проект):
We are a cutting-edge, fintech startup backed by a leading US bank. The team is all self-driven, highly motivated innovators who are all building the business from the ground up. We are looking for like-minded people, who are passionate about computers and technology and revolutionizing the financial industry!

As a Senior AWS DevOps Engineer, you will lead the design, deployment, and management of our AWS infrastructure, ensuring efficient, secure, and scalable operations. Your role will involve automating processes, building CI/CD pipelines, and optimizing cloud performance, with some Java development to support application needs.

Architect, deploy, and manage AWS environments with a focus on scalability and security.
Automate infrastructure provisioning and management using tools like AWS CloudFormation or Terraform.
Develop and maintain CI/CD pipelines using AWS DevOps tools (CodePipeline, CodeBuild, CodeDeploy).
Monitor, troubleshoot, and optimize cloud performance using AWS CloudWatch, X-Ray, and related tools.
Implement AWS security best practices, including IAM roles and VPC configurations.
Collaborate with development teams to integrate DevOps practices and support Java-based applications.

Extensive experience in AWS services (EC2, S3, EKS, SES, Secret Manager etc.).
Proven expertise in DevOps practices, including CI/CD, automation, and infrastructure as code.
Strong understanding of containerization (Docker) and orchestration (Kubernetes).
Solid experience in Java development, particularly in cloud-based environments.
Excellent problem-solving and communication skills.

AWS certifications (DevOps Engineer, Solutions Architect).
Experience with micro-services.

📎Трекер: Hubstaff
Хто буде в команді: 6 людей, вже є 1 девопс в Києві (джун)
Бенефіти\соц.пакет:тільки ставка по контракту

IT вакансії - Наталі

13 Sep, 08:47

Full Stack Developer
📜Тип контракту - аутстаф, далі може бути прямий з замовником
💵Бюджет - до 20$ за годину (фулл-тайм)
🌎Країна замовника - Німеччина

📎Досвід мінімум 2-3 роки (як будете надсилати резюме, вказуйте, будь ласка, скільки років комерційного досвіду є)

📎Company Description
Welcome to ***, where we provide services in M365, Power BI, Azure, Data Analytics, and VBA to help businesses thrive in the digital landscape. Our experts offer seamless migration, implementation, and training services to ensure organizations maximize efficiency and make data-driven decisions with confidence. Client success is our top priority, and we aim to keep organizations at the forefront of technology.

📎Role Description
This is a full-time remote role for a Full Stack Developer at ***. The developer will be responsible for back-end and front-end web development, software development, and utilizing CSS. Day-to-day tasks involve creating and maintaining websites, applications, and ensuring seamless user experiences.

Back-End Web Development and Software Development skills
Front-End Development and CSS proficiency
Full-Stack Development experience
Strong problem-solving and analytical skills
Excellent teamwork and communication abilities
Bachelor's degree in Computer Science or related field
Experience with agile methodologies is a plus
Ability to adapt to new technologies and frameworks quickly

IT вакансії - Наталі

13 Sep, 08:40


IT вакансії - Наталі

12 Sep, 10:00

Всім привіт 🙋🏻‍♀️
Кажуть що сьогодні День програміста🧑🏻‍💻

Вітаю всіх хто до цього причетний😍

IT вакансії - Наталі

03 Sep, 11:58


IT вакансії - Наталі

02 Sep, 20:51

Senior .NET developer
📜Тип контракту - прямий з замовником
CоІІаbоrаtіоn fоrm wіІІ bе B2B wіth уеаrІу соntrасt rеnеwаІ (wе аіm fоr Іоng tеrm соІІаbоrаtіоn)
💵Бюджет - до 5500$

📞Етапи співбесіди: іf саndіdаtе rеsumе іs оk, wе аrе mоrе іntеrеstеd іn рrоbІеm sоІvіng сараbіІіtіеs оf thе саndіdаtеs, bеsіdе thе knоwІеdgе аnd еxреrіеnсе іn оur tесh stасk. Thеrе wіІІ bе 2, mаx 3 stаgеs, whеrе wе ореnІу dіsсuss еxреrіеnсе оf thе саndіdаtе аs sеnіоr dеvеІореr.

📎Cоmраnу Dеsсrірtіоn
***іs раrt оf CеІеgеnсе LLC grоuр, а рrіvаtеІу оwnеd busіnеss bаsеd іn Chісаgо, IL, USA, wіth оffісеs іn thе UK, EU, аnd Indіа. Wе рrоvіdе сІіеnts wіth соnsuІtіng sеrvісеs аnd sоІutіоns tо suрроrt thеіr rеguІаtоrу аffаіrs ореrаtіоns аnd strаtеgу. Our fuІІу trаіnеd rеsоurсеs suрроrt соmраnіеs іn thеіr dау-tо-dау ореrаtіоns bу еnsurіng gІоbаІ rеguІаtоrу соmрІіаnсе, Іеvеrаgіng thеіr еxреrt knоwІеdgе, аnd оur tесhnоІоgу аnd аutоmаtіоn tо іmрrоvе соmрІіаnсе.
Thе vіsіоn оf *** іs tо bе thе рrеmіеr nісhе рrоvіdеr оf rеguІаtоrу sеrvісеs аnd sоІutіоns, tо іmрrоvе оutсоmеs fоr thе Ііfе sсіеnсеs іndustrу. Our рrіmаrу оbjесtіvе іs tо рrоvіdе еnd-tо-еnd rеguІаtоrу sоІutіоns еnаbІіng Ііfе sсіеnсе оrgаnіzаtіоns tо dеІіvеr еxсерtіоnаІ раtіеnt vаІuе.

Dеgrее іn еngіnееrіng (оr соmbіnаtіоn оf еduсаtіоn аnd wоrkіng еxреrіеnсе tо аn еquаІ ІеvеІ)
6+ уеаrs оf еxреrіеnсе аs а соdе dеvеІореr (fuІІ stасk)

📎TесhnісаІ skіІІs
.NET Frаmеwоrk
Prоfісіеnсу wіth соmрutеr skіІІs, suсh аs MS Offісе
Strоng аnаІуtісаІ skіІІs

Більше деталей відправлю по запиту👌🏻

IT вакансії - Наталі

02 Sep, 11:56

Мемчик від підписника🤭