واقترَبت أجمَل ثلاثُون ليلَة
اللهُمَّ بلغنَا رمضَان ونحنُ مجبُوريِن مُطمئنِين 🤎
Welcome to رقـيّــّقـة الـقـلـبِ 𑄻𑄾, a Telegram channel created for those who appreciate the beauty of words and the tenderness of the heart. With the username @jmal2001, this channel aims to provide a space for individuals to immerse themselves in poetry, heartfelt messages, and expressions of love and compassion. يا رَقيقة المظهرِ يا حنونة القَلب♥️🦋, this channel is a sanctuary for those who seek solace in the power of emotions and the delicacy of sentiments. Whether you are looking for words to soothe your soul, inspiration to uplift your spirit, or simply a place to connect with like-minded individuals, رقـيّــّقـة الـقـلـبِ 𑄻𑄾 is the perfect place for you. Join us on this journey of love, poetry, and tender-heartedness, and let your heart be touched by the beauty of our shared emotions.
18 Jan, 18:02
15 Jan, 20:11
10 Jan, 06:02
05 Jan, 15:55
04 Jan, 12:32
30 Nov, 16:18
29 Nov, 22:08
27 Nov, 07:32
25 Nov, 11:34
20 Nov, 13:18
21 Oct, 16:00
08 Oct, 16:48
04 Oct, 13:32
27 Sep, 16:17