میتونی با نشون دادن مامانت به ادمین بصورت تصویری پنج ثانیه پای ادمینو زیارت کنی 🤭 فقط تا ده دقیقه 🍓 دیگه یعنی تا ۱۲ و ۳۲ دقیقه میتونی انجامش بدی🤣 لوزر عاریایی بدبخت
Welcome to the 🍓زنجندگیعـــــاریایی🍓 Telegram channel, brought to you by @jehadnekah! This channel is dedicated to exploring the various aspects of womanhood, empowerment, and self-care. Whether you're looking for inspirational quotes, tips on self-improvement, or discussions on important issues facing women today, you'll find it all here. Join our community of like-minded individuals who are passionate about supporting and uplifting women from all walks of life. Stay updated on the latest news, trends, and resources that can help you navigate the complexities of being a woman in today's world. Embrace your femininity, celebrate your strength, and empower yourself with the valuable content shared on this channel. Don't miss out on the opportunity to connect with other women who are on their own journeys of self-discovery and personal growth. Together, we can create a safe space where women can learn, grow, and thrive. Join us today and be part of a movement that celebrates the power and resilience of women everywhere!
09 May, 20:52
09 May, 20:38
09 May, 20:20
09 May, 20:15
09 May, 20:12
09 May, 20:07
08 May, 08:12
08 May, 06:28
08 May, 06:27
08 May, 06:26
08 May, 06:24
08 May, 06:22