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Jahonabegim’s World
University of Missouri '26🇺🇸
Inspiration and study vibes only🪄
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Последний контент, опубликованный в Jahonabegim’s World на Telegram

Juma + Ramazon + Bahor = 3x happiness

I was today years old when I found out:

- disinformation - intentional misinformation.
- Misinformation - false or inaccurate info.

Movie Review: No One Would Tell

This semester, I’m taking a class on domestic violence, and while I’m usually very sensitive to this topic, I often avoid films about it. But assignment required me to watch No One Would Tell. I didn’t regret watching it. The film left me thinking about how important it is for young people, especially girls, to be educated about abusive relationships early on.

The film is based on a true story. The thing that makes the film so heartbreaking is how many people saw the warning signs; her friends, teachers, and even her mother but either didn’t recognize its seriousness.

The film’s message is clear: abuse often starts small, and if it isn’t addressed, it escalates.

Girls, don’t get trapped into apologies and promises that it would never happen again. People never change. If you someone going through something like that, don’t stay silent, don’t normalize abuse.

Schools often teach about bullying and peer pressure, but discussions about unhealthy relationships are just as critical.

•Controlling you – isn’t love.
•Isolating you from your friends – isn’t love.
•Making you feel guilty for their anger – isn’t love.
•Threatening to leave if you don’t obey – isn’t love.
•Constantly criticizing you – isn’t love.
•Blaming you for their actions – isn’t love.
•Apologizing but never changing – isn’t love.

Bu yerda chiqishgayam ulgurib qoldim😅

Prezidentimizning yoshlar bilan bòlib òtgan muloqotini yaqindan kuzatdim. Yangi òzgarishlar va imkoniyatlar barchamizga birdek foydali bòladi degan umiddaman.

Prezident bilan shu kuni uchrashgan yoshlarga chindan havas qildim. Chunki ularning oldida turib yangiliklarni eshitish odamga boshqacha ta’sir qiladi.

First ever fundraising event of UzSO🇺🇿

We are beyond grateful for the amazing turnout! So many wonderful people stopped by to know more about our culture and support our mission by purchasing beautiful souvenirs for their loved ones.

To be honest, we were overwhelmed by the enthusiasm and generosity shown by everyone. The donations we received exceeded our expectations and will go a long way in helping us plan future events that celebrate our heritage.

A huge shoutout to our dedicated volunteers and executive board members whose hard work and passion made this event possible.

We can't wait to share piece of our home in exciting events in the future!

🇺🇿⚡️Ular bunga qanday erishdi?

Kimlarga havas qildingiz? Kimlarni bu davrada ko'rishni xohlar edingiz?

#prezident #yoshlar #uzbekpower


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Do you guys know what to do?🫠

Bugun vanihayat qon guruhimni bildim! B negative ekanman. To‘g‘risi, qon guruhlari haqida umuman ma’lumotim yo‘q edi. Oktabr oyida donor bo‘lganligim bunga sababchi bo‘ldi. Qonim kerakli odamga yetib boribdi, bundan behad xursandman!

Xatda esa B negative juda kam uchrashi va special ekanligimni yozishibdi. Boshida rosa quvondim rare ekanligimdan. Ammo, o‘rganib chiqqanimdan keyin anchagina salbiy tomonlari borligini bildim.

Masalan, B- qon guruhi egalari faqat B- va O- qon guruhidan qon qabul qila olarkan. Bu esa favqulodda holatlarda qonni topish qiyinlashishi mumkinligini anglatadi. Shuningdek, homiladorlik vaqtida Rh muvofiqsizlik xavfi borligi haqida ham bilib oldim. Agar ona Rh manfiy, bola esa Rh musbat bo‘lsa, bu muammo tug‘dirishi mumkin ekan.

Shunga qaramay, o‘zimni noyob his qilyapman. Endi esa bitta maqsadim bor: muntazam ravishda donor bo‘lib turish! Balki kimningdir hayotini saqlab qolarman.

Siz ham qon guruhingizni bilasizmi? Òzbekistonda qanchalik kòp ekan B negativelar (III)- ?

Uzbek Reception 2025 🇺🇿🇺🇸

Universitetimiz deyarli har yili yangi kelgan òzbek scholarlari va studentlarini kutib olish marosimini òtkazadi.

Shu fursatdan foydalanib "Uzbek Students Organization"ni ham universitet tomonidan recognized bòlganini nishonladik va kelgusi eventlarimiz uchun campus partnerlar bilan aloqalarimizni yangi bosqichga olib chiqdik.

Bu yangilikni kanalda bòlishish esimdan chiqqan shekilli. Missuri Universitetining tarixida birinchi marta òzbeklar organizatsiyasi ochildi va uning Prezidenti sifatida bòynimga katta ma’suliyat yuklandi. Yòlimiz ancha uzoq ammo birgalikda barchasini uddalaganmiz, bundan keyin shunday bòladi deb umid qilaman.

Hozirda 6ta officerlarimiz bor - Vice President, Treasurer, Social Media Manager, Secretary, Education Chair, Public Relations Chair va Event Manager. Executive boardimiz bilan yaqinda tanishtiraman.